2012-02-23 11:26:42 UTC
Charles Darwin first published his "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. For the sixth edition of 1872, the short title was changed to "The Origin of Species".
In the Scientific community, Evolution is agreed as ongoing, though hard to spot. We can't see an hour hand move around a clock face, but it surely does. We don't notice the slow rise of the Moon in the sky, but it happens. Such is Evolution. I often see Creationists say "Ahh but Evolution is ONLY A THEORY" - but it is the Way of scientists to log a Theory as opposed to a Law - leaving room for others to find confirmation OR OPPOSITION to their work.
Now consider the recent OPERA physicts in Italy, who THOUGHT that they had observed a number of neutrinos arriving A TINY FRACTION of a second earlier than they SHOULD be able to, in travelling over 450 miles. They threw their data out to the world, asking for others to check their working, since what they had found SEEMED to be in conflict with Albert Einsteins' work. After an investigation, it seems that an equipment flaw may be to blame.
Now, at length, my point is this. If THIS is the open-door spirit in which Science conducts itself, in relation to a TINY apparent violation of an accepted law, THEN don't you think it odd, that NO-ONE in Science posits an alternative to Evolution? As soon as someone does, they will rock the Natural Sciences to their very core, and certainly take the Nobel Prize for discovering the Great Truth of Life. Ask yourself, why isn't this happenning? You trust Science, for the electricity coming out of your wall socket, for the science that led a Geologist to go find crude oil under the ground, to power your car, to place satellites in orbit around the Earth to run your GPS system... Yet you believe that there is some HUGE conspiracy in the Scientific community, that Evolution is a LIE, but we somehow MUST sell it, just to discredit Christianity?
Just ask yourself, is that really likely? We value Evolution, because we have much evidence for it, and none to the contrary. Fame and huge wealth awaits those who prove otherwise.