Different companies make different vaccines. It's not that people should avoid vaccines altogether, but research and be aware of those companies that put bad ingredients in their vaccines. And they do this with animal and human vaccinations.
Manufacturer Brand Name Ingredients in rabies vaccinations:
Boehinger Ingelheim Rabvac Rabies virus (killed), proprietary adjuvant
Zoetis Defensor Rabies virus (killed), Aluminum hydroxide, Gentamicin, Merthiolate (as mercury)
Merial Imrab Rabies virus (inactivated), +/- Thimerosal
Merck Nobivac Rabies virus (inactivated), Aluminum phosphate, Thiomersal
Merial makes another rabies vaccine specifically for cats, Purevax. Unlike other vaccines, its ingredients are specifically listed: sterile water, recombinant rabies vaccine in a Canarypox vector.
The majority of rabies vaccines contain mercury additives. These additives go by different names –Thimerosal, Thiomersal, Merthiolate, and others. Merthiolate tincture, used by our parents (or grandparents), was used as a topical disinfectant or antibacterial for wounds, scrapes, and cuts. In the late 1990s, Merthiolate and Mercurochrome were removed from the market in the US because they contained mercury. Mercury can be dangerous – it is a poison.
Ingredients in certain human vaccines:
Aluminum, mercury (thimerosal), formaldehyde, ethanol, phenol, sodium borate, Polysorbate, Triton x-,Hydrocortisone, MSG, squalene, antibiotics (like Neomycin), calf serum, human - animal and insect DNA (see human diploid tissue), acetone, aluminum phosphate
Vaccination is important - but also being informed as to what you are putting into your body - as different companies put different ingredients into their vaccines.
They say that the ingredients which are considered to be dangerous are minuscule, which should be fine, except for the fact that when young children are getting vaccines, they are typically given several inoculations at once (which increases the amount of negative ingredients that a child receives).
Even a three-year rabies vaccination on cats has been known to be cancer-causing. And there are certain veterinarians that don't give the three-year vaccination, being aware of this fact.
A number of parents believe that their children became autistic after receiving vaccines. It is also documented that they have used human diploid tissue from aborted fetal cells in certain vaccines. If a doctor gives your child autism, the doctor won't fess up. Same goes with errors regarding cerebral palsy, when doctors accidentally break the necks of infants who are exiting the womb. Also, most doctors won't say if you got MRSA from their hospital.
Most doctors cover their butts (whether they be dermatologists, surgeons, dentists....etc...), it's a common practice. Sometimes doctors merely experiment with drugs, not really knowing what effect it will have on you. I'm not saying that doctors are evil, or that people shouldn't go to doctors, but the ultimate responsibility of your health is in your own lap. If something goes wrong, you will be the one left with the consequences, not the doctor.
Even though these ingredients in vaccines may be in small amounts, not every ingredient has been adequately tested for negative effects on the brain and immune system. Due to the fact that every person is unique, with a different genetic and epigenetic heritage, a different microbiome, and a different health history, not every person reacts the same way to vaccine ingredients.
According to the CDC, all vaccines carry a risk of a life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) in about one per million children. [49] The rotavirus vaccination can cause intussusception, a type of bowel blockage that may require hospitalization, in about one per 20,000 babies in the United States. [49] Long-term seizures, coma, lowered consciousness, and permanent brain damage may be associated with the DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) and MMR vaccines, though the CDC notes the rarity of the reaction makes it difficult to determine causation. [49] The CDC reports that pneumonia can be caused by the chickenpox vaccine, and a "small possibility" exists that the flu vaccine could be associated with Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a disorder in which the person’s immune system attacks parts of the peripheral nervous system, in about one or two per million people vaccinated. [49]. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) says that vaccines may be linked to learning disabilities, asthma, autism, diabetes, chronic inflammation, and other disabilities. [82][83]
Vaccines contain harmful ingredients. Some physicians believe thimerosal, an organic mercury compound found in trace amounts in one flu vaccine for children and other vaccines for adults, is linked to autism. [84] Aluminum is used in some vaccines and excess aluminum in human bodies can cause neurological harm. [85] Formaldehyde, also found in some vaccines, is a carcinogen, and, according to VaxTruth.org, exposure can cause side effects such as cardiac impairment, central nervous system depression, "changes in higher cognitive functions," coma, convulsions, and death. [86] Glutaraldehyde, a compound used to disinfect medical and dental equipment, is used in some DTaP vaccinations and exposure can cause asthma and other respiratory issues. [86] Some flu vaccines contain cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTMB), a compound used as an antiseptic, which can be a skin, eye, and respiratory irritant. Some polio, TD, and DTaP vaccines contain 2-phenoxyethanol, an antibacterial that is a skin and eye irritant that can cause headache, shock, convulsions, kidney damage, cardiac and kidney failure, and death. [86] Some vaccines for the flu contain chicken egg protein, which can be harmful to children who are allergic to eggs. [87] Some vaccines for PCV, HPV, DTaP, Hep A, Hep B, and Hib contain yeast proteins which, according to VaxTruth and Joseph Mercola, MD, an alternative medicine proponent, contain MSG that can cause migraines, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), asthma, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease, ADD, seizure, and stroke. [86][88]
The government should not intervene in personal medical choices. Medical decisions for children should be left to the parents or caregivers. Barbara Low Fisher, Co-founder of National Vaccine Information Center, stated, "If the State can tag, track down and force citizens against their will to be injected with biological products of known and unknown toxicity today, there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the State can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow." [89] Ron Paul, MD, former US Representative (R-TX), in an Oct. 19, 2011 article, "Government Vaccines – Bad Policy, Bad Medicine," stated, "intimately personal medical decisions should not be made by government… Freedom over one’s physical person is the most basic freedom of all, and people in a free society should be sovereign over their own bodies. When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we in essence accept that the state owns our bodies." [90]
Vaccines can contain ingredients some people consider immoral or otherwise objectionable. Some DTaP/IPV/Hib combination, Hep A/Hep B combination, HepA, MMR, and chicken pox vaccines are cultivated in cells from two fetuses aborted in the 1960s (listed as MRC-5 and WI-38 on package inserts). The Catholic Church, in a June 9, 2005 report about using vaccines made using cells from aborted fetuses, indicated that "there is a grave responsibility to use alternative vaccines" to avoid the "evil" of actively or passively participating in anything that involves voluntary abortion. [97] Some vaccines for DTaP, Hep A, RV, Hib, HPV, IPV, flu, MMR, and chicken pox are made using animal products like chicken eggs, bovine casein, insect cells, Cocker Spaniel cells, pig gelatin, and cells from African Green monkeys, making those vaccines conflict with some vegetarian and vegan philosophies. Others consider it problematic that some vaccines are produced using human albumin, a blood plasma protein.
The pharmaceutical companies, FDA, and CDC should not be trusted to make and regulate safe vaccines. The primary goal of pharmaceutical companies is to sell drugs and make a profit. William Posey, Congressman (R-FL), stated in an Apr. 8, 2014 interview, "The incestuous relationship between the public health community and the vaccine makers and government officials should not be allowed to continue. I mean, you know, too many top CDC personnel go to work for the vaccine makers when they leave. That's a revolving door that creates a serious conflict of interest and perverts incentives that compromise integrity." [101] Julie Gerberding, President of Merck Vaccines, was the CDC director from 2002-2009. [102] A vaccine for Lyme disease, LYMErix, was licensed by the FDA and marketed for almost four years before being pulled from the market after several class action lawsuits were filed due to a potential causal relationship to autoimmune arthritis. [103] Rotashield, a vaccine for rotavirus (RV), was pulled from the market by the manufacturer nine months after it was introduced after it was discovered that the vaccine might have contributed to higher instances of intussusception (bowel obstruction). [104]