Atheists... You claim that believing in God is the greatest hoax of all time?
2008-02-23 05:32:04 UTC
Honestly, is not the greatest hoax thinking that this universe came about by..chance??

Is not the greatest hoax thinking that humans came from monkeys?

Or Is not the greatest hoax thinking that the universe came about by an explosion... the order of this universe coming out of disorder..

It's like me saying i broke this big glass and expecting a thousand glasses to form.

Have these theories not destroyed the concept of human logic??
35 answers:
2008-02-23 09:31:48 UTC
atheists you are not in logic. think
2008-02-23 05:43:04 UTC
"Honestly, is not the greatest hoax thinking that this universe came about by..chance??

Is not the greatest hoax thinking that humans came from monkeys?"

Both of those are things that believers say, not atheists. I've never met an atheist who believes that the Universe came about by chance, or that humans came from monkeys.

"It's like me saying i broke this big glass and expecting a thousand glasses to form. "

I suppose that is. But that has nothing whatsoever to do with scientific evolutionary theories of the origin of species.

You should stop reading creationists' comic-book notions of science. It's causing you to make a fool of yourself in public.
2008-02-23 06:31:26 UTC
All theories in science are based on a "preponderance of evidence". A hypothesis will fail to become an accepted theory unless it is supported by a large body of evidence. A theory must be "falsifiable" ie able to be proved false if some event occurs: e.g. evolution would be proved false if God was (objectively) observed creating a new animal.

Whereas in religion, there are just beliefs without evidence which have the "authority" of some old book. The book is accepted as the "word of God", because the book itself says so!! Belief without evidence, or "faith" as it is known , is seen to be a great virtue, although why God would prize such an unthinking thing is not clear.
2008-02-23 07:50:27 UTC
I wasn't aware I ever had

as opposed to thinking it was an inivsible magic man who just happens to exist and created an entire infinitely sized universe just for one tiny little planet? That's more logical to you?

Well thats not what evolution say. Evolution says we share the same ancestor as monkeys. There's actually evidence for it. Lots and lots and lots and lots of evidence. Thousands of people work in field of evolutionary biology and universities has departments dedicated to it. Are there many hoaxes which involve the knowning participation of hundreds of thousands of people over many many decades all over the world?

and i say again thinking it was an inivsible magic man who just happens to exist and created an entire infinitely sized universe just for one tiny little planet is more logical to you? There's scientific evidence for the big bang theory and none for the existance of an invisible magic man.

It is not logical to believe in extraordinary things when there is no evidence to back it up in the first place. You don't understand that the both evolution and the big bang have evidence. Especially in the case of evolution.

Even if neither of these were true it still doesn't it make it logical to claim that an invisible magic man dun it
2008-02-23 11:32:18 UTC

Normally, when I meet an atheist, the first thing I like to do is to congratulate him and say, " My special congratulations to you", because most of the people who believe in God are doing blind belief - he is a Christian, because his father is a Christian; he is a Hindu, because his father is a Hindu; the majority of the people in the world are blindly following the religion of their fathers. An atheist, on the other hand, even though he may belong to a religious family, uses his intellect to deny the existence of God; what ever concept or qualities of God he may have learnt in his religion may not seem to be logical to him.

My Muslim brothers may question me, "Christ_Islamm, why are you congratulating an atheist?" The reason that I am congratulating an atheist is because he agrees with the first part of the Shahada i.e. the Islamic Creed, ‘La ilaaha’ - meaning ‘there is no God’. So half my job is already done; now the only part left is ‘il lallah’ i.e. ‘BUT ALLAH’ which I shall do Insha Allah. With others (who are not atheists) I have to first remove from their minds the wrong concept of God they may have and then put the correct concept of one true God.
2008-02-23 05:41:27 UTC
*** "Atheists... You claim that believing in God is the greatest hoax of all time?"

Yes, it's a hoax, invented by believers

*** "Honestly, is not the greatest hoax thinking that this universe came about by..chance??"

Not a hoax, but a strawman invented by believers. Educate yourself.

*** "Is not the greatest hoax thinking that humans came from monkeys?"

Yes, it's a hoax, invented by believers. Evolution does not say we came from monkeys.

*** "Or Is not the greatest hoax thinking that the universe came about by an explosion... the order of this universe coming out of disorder..

It's like me saying i broke this big glass and expecting a thousand glasses to form."


Not a hoax, but a strawman invented by believers. Educate yourself.

*** "Have these theories not destroyed the concept of human logic??"

Yes, all those concepts have. Because they're all either false, or strawman arguments.

If you come back after having educated yourself, maybe you can come up with a real intelligent critique of atheism. That would be nice.
2008-02-23 05:42:33 UTC
I don't recall any atheist claiming "God" was a HOAX, the idea of "god" or "gods" is just the product of intellectual laziness on the part of otherwise intelligent humans who cannot be bothered to further investigate the evidence around them, or who are unwilling to pursue a mystery for which they may NEVER find the answer!

To deny evolution is to believe in a God who "hides fossil evidence" as some kind of sick cosmic joke, and to believe in an all-powerful God who could cure your child's cancer if He wanted to, but has decided He can't be bothered!
2008-02-23 05:42:54 UTC
the truth is that god used the forces of nature, the big bang,

and etc to create the universe. Instead of being trapped in a false dillemma because your church wants you to be stupid, try reading up on the qaballah and learn how the genesis story actually fits and complements known science.

its ironic that a person spouting a propaganda programmed false dillemma would do so trying to talk about logic.

look up logical fallacies. Look up false dillemma, or false duality. There you have the whole creationism VS evolution

propaganda war in a nutshell. Its not either/ or. Its BOTH.

Both science and religion have some truth in them.

If you knew anything about the origins of biblical symbology, you'd know that the modern propaganda and noise is just silly

2008-02-23 05:49:28 UTC
So this God came about by .....




Also, note that using the word "mokeys" will throw any credibility you have out the window.

Btw, I'm not exaclty sure what Muslims believe, but I was going to say, in reference to Genesis, that believing humans came from dirt is a pretty big hoax, too.
2008-02-23 05:44:45 UTC
So the Universe can't come about by chance, but a sentient all-powerful all-knowing being can? How the hell does that work?

If a being larger, more complex, and more powerful than the Universe itself can "just happen to exist," why can't the Universe "just happen to exist"?

If everything needs to be deliberately and willfully designed and created, who created God? And if God doesn't need a creator, why does anything else?
2008-02-23 05:48:54 UTC
The issue that atheists should really confront is which of these two possibilities are more probable: In the beginning, there existed a self-creating God or in the beginning there existed a self-creating Big Bang (not created by a pre-existing, self-creating God.)
2008-02-23 14:59:31 UTC
Evolution is not chance.

Evolution is natural selection.

Go look at MRSA and you'll see.

They say that only about a dozen people understand Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. Why? Because it doesn't make sense.

It sure works, though.
2008-02-23 07:13:20 UTC
Logic and belief in god shouldn't be used in the same sentence. So, no the theories haven't destroyed logic.
2008-02-23 06:29:04 UTC
I am not an atheist but i can beleive that the universe came about by an explosion, the really incredible part is thinking that someone did not start the whole thing.

The other points you make i totally agree with, thanks.
2008-02-23 05:41:52 UTC
we are born from nothing

an egg and a sperm is not us, its not a human, its not a baby,

it is formed into one by the ajoining of the two

2 seperate things join to make something completely different

so why is it so unbelievable that happens elsewhere??

and in theory, if you left the glass broken ont he floor for about 89 billion years, somethng could very well eventually more than likely form

not necesarily hunderds of new little glasses, but something else, other things

which is how life came about in the first place
2008-02-23 05:37:53 UTC
If you looked at a book other than the Quran you'd start to understand these things a little better.

Chance is a fine thing you know, don't reject it.

Who said Humans evolved from Monkeys? We are officially Great Apes, we evolved from the same common ancestor as Gorillas, Chimpanzees and Orangutans. Not Monkeys!

Etc' etc'.
2008-02-23 05:37:52 UTC
Actually the atheist view of the universe is more like saying if you throw a bunch of magnets on the floor wouldn't some of them stick together

The universe is merely small pockets of order in a bunch of disorder.
2008-02-23 05:43:46 UTC
Unfortunately someone already beat me to what I wanted to say but let me repeat it, maybe it will make you listen, LMAO (I made myself laught by assuming you would actually listen to this)

Religion destroyed the concept of human logic, don't come here trying to blame 'theories'
2008-02-23 05:58:46 UTC
Now im christain but i still think we came from monkyes and who nowes maybe God is up there eating some KFC lisning to some Slip Knot on his i-pod looking at Earth like a little ant farm. And youre just yelling at people because they dont have the same religon but how would you like it if I yelled at you to belive in a hippo for god because I did.
2008-02-23 05:42:50 UTC
If God did exist and he created you with your five senses and he gave you a brain with which to interpret existence through itself and your senses, and it subsequently that brain led you to absolutely believe that it was not a god that created you, for that concept is a fairy tale, then how could you be wrong?

Why would god give you a brain and the ability to reason, then make it wrong to do so???????
2008-02-23 05:36:50 UTC
There is no scientific theory that says humans came from monkeys (evolution doesn't say that).

There is also no scientific theory that says things came from an explosion, or that order came from disorder (that is not what the Big Bang theory says.)

If science did say those things, it would be illogical. However, science doesn't say those things.
2008-02-23 05:45:22 UTC
Why can't you believe the miracles of Sai Baba, the man who magically produces dust like material? Do you believe he is a real living god or is he a hoax?
2008-02-23 05:39:51 UTC
I never said it was a hoax, I said I do not believe it, I support your right to believe as you choose
2008-02-23 05:41:57 UTC
"Is not the greatest hoax thinking that humans came from monkeys?"

No the greatest hoax thinking that humans came from Mud, Clay like adam and eve.
2008-02-23 05:37:17 UTC
Of course god is the greatest hoax of all time, since time immemorial.
2008-02-23 05:36:56 UTC
No, believing is more like waiting around on god to fix your broken glass.

Your first question is correct however.
2008-02-23 05:41:25 UTC
God never showing up is fodder for atheism. Can God solve this predicament?
2008-02-23 05:38:06 UTC
Tell you what, provide me with ONE single solitary shred of credible evidence supporting god, that cannot be applied to EVERY other deity worshipped in history, and I might give your ideas some thought.

Until then though...
2008-02-23 05:44:21 UTC
you have got to be joking.

so whats your theory?

'god' magiked everything !!

thats believable

2008-02-23 05:36:18 UTC
No, sweetie, RELIGION has destroyed the concept of human logic.
2008-02-23 05:41:10 UTC
You better believe in the Bible God or else he will kill you...!!! The Muslim Allah is not much different except that he has a lot of Jihadists doing the killing for him!


Deuteronomy 21:18-21 (NIV) If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." THEN ALL THE MEN OF HIS TOWN SHALL STONE HIM TO DEATH* (*the old perverts were just waiting there for the next child to be stoned to death!). You must purge the evil from among you. ALL ISRAEL WILL HEAR OF IT AND BE AFRAID.* (*It works all the time! Have your unruly child stoned to death in full public view and everybody else will learn to stay in line!)


Revelation 2:23 (NIV) (Jesus says) I WILL STRIKE HER CHILDREN DEAD* (*Jesus Christ himself is the one having the pleasure of doing the killing of children so he can teach everybody a lesson!). Then ALL THE CHURCHES WILL KNOW that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.

Luke 19:27 (NIV) (Jesus is very excited telling this story!) But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them–bring them here and kill them in front of me.

Control by fear is deeply rooted in God’s “Plan of Salvation”… So if you got saved GOOD FOR YOU!!! Make sure that you pay your FULL tithes and offering on time or God the Holy Ghost will zap you on the spot and the church people will give you a decent Christian burial without telling anybody in your family. This is New Testament killing of Christians “after Jesus did away with the LAW of the Old Testament! You can’t test God the Holy Ghost a.k.a. “The Comforter” he is very touchy… Saint Paul says that many Christians get sick because of it.


Act 5:9-11 (NIV) Peter said to her, “How could you agree to test the Spirit of the Lord?* (*by not paying the full tithe and offering) Look! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door* (*in a Christian burial nobody notifies the death event to any spouse or relative!) and they will carry you out also.” At that moment SHE FELL DOWN AT HIS FEET AND DIED. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. GREAT FEAR SEIZED THE WHOLE CHURCH AND ALL WHO HEARD ABOUT THESE EVENTS* (*yeah… it works all the time! Too bad CNN was not there to report!).

Any member of God the Holy Trinity team puts to shame any mobster intimidating and killing anybody without mercy! And lastly, but not the least different…


Deuteronomy 17:12-13 (NIV) The man who shows contempt for the judge or for the PRIEST who stands ministering there to the Lord your God must BE PUT TO DEATH. You must purge the evil from Israel. ALL THE PEOPLE WILL HEAR AND BE AFRAID, AND WILL NOT BE CONTEMPTUOUS AGAIN.

NOTHING PROMOTES RELIGION BETTER THAN THE STORY OF A FEW KILLINGS AND SOME COERCION TO KEEP THE CHRISTIAN POPULATION UNDER A SMILEY CLERGY CONTROL! Believe it or not, most Christians honestly believe that because they are still alive God must love them! So that is why they don’t pay much attention to all of the above. Today we have Christians promoting the Bible as the Law of the Land! Not even the NAZIS were that bad!
2008-02-23 05:45:04 UTC
you,ve answered to your self by your question.
2008-02-23 05:35:25 UTC
No, your first question was correct.
2008-02-23 05:42:23 UTC
Atheists are simply ignorent. It's not even worth it asking them these questions.
2008-02-23 05:35:54 UTC
Atheists would not believe in anything if they dont see/feel and touch it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.