Why Islam and Christianity failed to convert India ??
Hare Krishna
2007-06-14 23:07:18 UTC
Despite Ruling India for 700years after its brutal invasion on india, The Muslims simply failed in its attempt to convert the Hindus. Pakistan and other Islamic stronghold are results of forced conversion not by mutual acceptance. It seems the The Vedas,Upanisads,Gita are simply too mind blowing for the muslims to handle, infact one of the Mugal Ruler Akbar the Great accepted Hindu ideas, and Muslim rulers like Chand Kazi of West bengal became Hindus.

The Brahmins(the intelligent head of Hindusim) mananged to witstand the islamic onslaught and aggressive Christian missionary work. Only in the most tribal areas of India, the Christians manage to get some converts, among the most down trodden families.

Anyway why didn't India became islamic or Christian despite 700years of islamic and 200 years of aggressive Christian missionary work ??

It infact the only nation with its ancient wisdom have managed to survived. Maybe there must be some truth in it.
27 answers:
2007-06-14 23:14:13 UTC
Probably because they are closer to the truth than any of the others.
dean g
2007-06-14 23:28:14 UTC
To put it simply there are 2 reasons.

1. Hindu is a pluralistic religion and "absorbs" other faiths as just another facet of its' own. Therefore Christianity and Islam are just two of thousands of (g)ods to them.

2. India has a strict political/social caste system, partially as a result of Hindu's take on reincarnation, and will not tolerate the notion that equality exists between ALL people.

Examples of this clash can be seen today in India between Hindus and Christians.

Also this equality in the eyes of the Christian God attracts many members of the lowers castes to faith in Christ.

With regards to "ancient wisdom" the concept of polytheism, Hindu being EXTREME polytheism, is simply only one step above the most basic form of religion, that being animism, the belief that there are spirits in all aspects of creation, E.G. rocks, trees, mountains, animals etc.
2007-06-14 23:24:00 UTC
By no means have there been a "brutal muslim invasion" of India. In fact the muslims who came saved India from the tyranny of Hindu rule, which was at those times more brutal than any other. There were no forced conversions: It was the realization of a 'fair' religion that brought the hindus to Islam.(esp. in Pakistan, Kashmir, Bangladesh, Afghanistan). Islam did not have any caste system and attracted a lot of Hinus to convert. Christianity did not gain much of converts because of the hatred of the colonial British, who were in fact cruel.

About 60% of Hindus remained Hindus, but too many of them were more atheists or agnostics than hindus. And Hinduism is fastest declining in India as more people have left it for Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. If you need to know Islam is the fastest growing religion in terms of converts in India.
2007-06-15 00:27:33 UTC
Hinduism has survived not because it is a religion but because it is an essential part of Indian ethnic and cultural identity. if you look at other cases where a religion has formed the core of a people's identity, such as the Jews and Armenians, you will find that they tenaciously hold fast to that religion no matter what level of persecution they are subjected to. as far as i know about 10% of the population converted to islam during the time of the moghuls. some i suppose were aristocratic land owners who wished to retain their holdings, some wished to avoid the poll tax and some dalits wished to escape the oppression of the caste system, (which is ironic as the caste system seems to be alive and well amongst both indian and pakistani muslims). hinduism is not pristine and has not escaped the influence of foreign religions. it has taken on many of the aspects of abrahamic religions in regard to sexual morality, the atire and behavior of women. you only need to look at the old temple carvings to see the pre-islamic nature of hindu society. another ironic thing is that it is not religion directly causing conversions to christianity and neo-buddhism but the humanism that is part and package of capitalism which india has so entheusiastically embraced. the sense of unfairness and discrimination felt by the lower castes at their exclusion from a share in india's new found wealth will propel them into the arms of other religions as inequality will sunder the sense of shared identity that the indians have managed to hold on to for many millennia.

p.s. the portugeuse may have been aggressive proselytisers, but the british didn't give a damn as long as the taxes were paid.
2007-06-18 07:38:13 UTC
yh this is a great question. its amazing a miracle how many hindus there are in india even though the rulers of the past were muslims.

look at afghanistan, most people were hindus and buddhists and then islam conquered all the people and now most are muslim.

What does this tell u abt india, well india is truley gods country and the truth will never die. hinduism will never die and god will protect india and hinduism.

If u look at islam. islam is dieing ever so slowly. with the shia's and sunni's killing each other. the people of balochistan fighting for their territory.
2007-06-14 23:21:16 UTC
They are both alien religions -- Outsiders, with no tolerance for the beliefs of others, who were and are trying to force their religion on them. My guess is that aspects of xtianity and Islam may be adopted, but the give and take will never be enough! My guess is that Indians prefer their own Hindu and Sikh religions to those that are trying to force them to believe in theirs.

The British East India Company's occupation of India as a colony didn't help xtianity's cause there at all.
lim l
2007-06-15 10:13:34 UTC
The Most misunderstood Rel is Hinduism

!st mis conception-- Hindus Have many Gods.

Yes and no! Hindus believe in the different MENIFESTATIONS of the same entity. (CAll it God, Allah, Nature, Energy or whatever)

2nd Idols-- Idols are just representation of the Final,

It is like supposing X= so and so in Algebra. Once the value of X is understood, the X is no longer needed!

Hindus also have many names of God. One of them is NIRAKAR= without form. God can assume a form to please a devotee but in finality has no particular form., which is the islamic belief

Sanathan is another name for Hindu religion which means without begining and without end.

In the womb of Time (KAL- another menifestation of God) many a religions have appeared and disappeared .

can go on but need time and most people do not have this luxury unless their desire to really know is strong enough.
2007-06-14 23:30:18 UTC
Most people in India worship many many gods. There is a mixture of religion. Many Christian missionaries go there and come back to say that most of those in India who accept Jesus, accept Him as one of many gods and put him on the shelf with all of their other idols. There is such a strong spiritual oppression in that country, they have accepted so many false gods, bringing confusion and chaos. Unfortunately, it is not much different in the US, it is just the numerous false gods here are not the kind oyu pray to.
2007-06-14 23:23:07 UTC
so what u are saying is if someone murder a man and nobody is able to convince him how wicked he was does that mean what the man has done is good.Nope by all it means.

A day will come when the light will shine that day not even the gross darkness will be able to stop it. please here the testimony of Bro shanta ram.

JESUS loves you.Have u recieved JESUS for the forgiveness of your sins?

John 3:16[kjv] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

so when we believe in JESUS we have eternal life.JESUS lived a sinless life and gave up his life as a sacrifice so we can be sin free. Ask JESUS to come into your heart and forgive ur sins and cleanse ur past with the blood JESUS shed on the cross.

With a simple prayer like above u can be saved.JESUS loves u and wants u to be saved.
2007-06-14 23:19:40 UTC
The fact that humans hang onto a particular mythology doesn't make it true. While I think it's good that others have not been able to force their mythology onto some of the people of India, and elsewhere, it's disappointing that so many humans are still so intellectually primitive.
2016-11-25 01:45:58 UTC
The Indian rebels (ex. valiant King Shivaji) were in a position to insurrection effectively hostile to the Islamic rulers (Aurangzeb). Their successor, Bajirao Peshwa higher the Hindu kingdom by conquering the territories misplaced to the Muslims. His successors (later Peshwas) created the Maratha empire (Hindu empire), to that end halting the conversions to Islam. that's in ordinary words one celebration, inspite of the indisputable fact that the Rajputs of Rajasthan, king of Nepal, Hindu king of Kashmir, all resisted the assaults by the Muslims. Persians on the different hand had became mushy and complacent, relative to the barefooted, lizard eating Arabs. besides, the Persians were unable to overthrow the Arab rule.
2007-06-14 23:13:44 UTC
There were no restrictions on reiligion so the majority were hindu and it is usually that the type of religion doesn't change in families unless they are forced to. Such as my friend who is Indian, his Grandfather was forced into Christianity in return he was granted his own land but required to attend meetings and such.
2007-06-14 23:38:37 UTC
actually islam converted about half of india and it caused many problems which is when in 1947 the country split into india and pakistan, one side being muslim, one hindu
2007-06-14 23:16:16 UTC
Does anyone actually know what a Hindu is? They do not even know! I have close Hindu friends and I have saw in their prayer room they have Jesus, Mohammad. They have it all and they celebrate every religion. Even when I studied Hinduism they say it is not one thing, it is several things all mixed up!

Their are a lot of other religions in India do not forget its nickname is mother of religion seeing how so many religions come from this country. (Their are a lot of Muslims, Hindus, Sheiks, Christan's, etc.) It just has a lot of Hindus bc this is their home land like Saudi has a lot of Muslims and America Christan's.
2007-06-14 23:16:09 UTC
"... its ancient wisdom have managed to survived. Maybe there must be some truth in it."

Or maybe Hindus are even harder headed than Muslims and Christians.... They have a greater number of gods to defend after all, don't they? Perhaps there's a proportional correlation hidden here.... LOL... One imaginary god = hard head : Many imaginary gods = very, very hard head.

[][][] r u randy? [][][]

2007-06-14 23:17:06 UTC
Hinduism encourages questioning your spiritual teachings, and teaches that....Love is the path of spirituality.

Christianity however discourages asking questions.

If I were to pick a religion I'd have to opt for the one that allows room for my spiritual development at my pace,(exercising free will), and the one that most reflects love.
2007-06-14 23:13:44 UTC
I have not done very much research into Hinduism, but it would seem that it must have a firm attachment to their beliefs. I can not say that it is that strong of a religion though because it is not nearly as spread out as other religions are. Good question.
2007-06-14 23:28:16 UTC
It's a wonder for me too.

It's the same thing with Japan. Despite American culture bombarding the Japanese, they still have their own traditions until these days.
2007-06-15 06:52:16 UTC
It's very hard to convince polytheists of a monotheistic God-figure. They tend to simply incorporate more belief systems into their own instead of jumping from one to another.
Juliu C
2007-06-16 08:23:47 UTC
Any stubborn religion is bound to get doomed one day!

(You kill me, I'll kill you kind of attitude will destroy them)

Hinduism is a flexible religion. Largely peaceful in history except for a very few incidents.
2007-06-14 23:19:17 UTC
Because Judaism evolved from Hinduism. Judaism evolved into Christianity, Mohammadism attempts to replace both Judaism and Christianity. Not even the youngest religion can kill the oldest
2007-06-14 23:20:54 UTC
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
2007-06-14 23:18:19 UTC
because the natives outsmart the missionaries
2007-06-14 23:20:16 UTC
Because one encourage you to ask question about your faith, the other discourage you to ask question about your faith.
2007-06-14 23:14:41 UTC
maybe they were hard-wired with their history.
2007-06-14 23:10:20 UTC
"Why Islam and Christianity failed to convert India?"

It ain't over till it's over.
2007-06-14 23:11:49 UTC
in fact, there are stil lots of christian missonaries in there, working every day.

and many indians are coming to know our Loving Lord. praise Him!

we pray for India to come to Christ quickly.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.