Annette Leigh Haynes
2010-12-18 13:39:53 UTC
And lie and say they are Atheists Please Christian’s do not use big words you do not understand. According to the Dictionary an Atheist is a person or persons who denies the existence of God not even Buddha ever denied the existence of God and it is not Buddha you hate of course you will lie and say it is But we Buddhist know the truth it is his teaching you hate you can’t even tell the truth about that which you Christian’s know nothing, really nothing about. Now before you Christian’s throw another Dart I will show you how corrupt all your Christian Churches are.
Christian’s are famous for spreading lies and getting their wallets padded real good for doing it, even Judas betrayed Jesus for 10 pieces of Silver it’s even in their Bible. Your Religion is supposed to be about what God and Jesus commanded you to do. However that is a big smoke screen in your churches or should I say a big deception far from the truth there were many cases back in the 60’s and 70’s with false healings so thy could fill the collection plate to the brim. Sit back and hold onto your Chair I am just getting warmed up. It get’s worse as it goes. Let’s start with the fourth Commandment remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy do the Christians do that commanded by their God No following the Anti Christ know as the Roman Empire they decided to make up their own worship days Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Christmas these events not found in their Bible
in their churches they don’t follow their God. In Ex.12v14,15 God commanded you ( This day shall memorial feast for you, which all your generations shall celebrate for 7 days with no work oh I guess your Christians Churches don’t believe in following you God’s instructions. Let’s not Forget about Lev.Ch 11 unclean foods well your Christian’s made up lies so now you can eat what you wish you Christian’s Churches could care less what God or Jesus said. Now I have heard many Christian’s and read many post make this false Statement (You have to believe in the Trinity to be a Christian) do you Christian’s enjoy telling people lies there is not one Bible verse to support that lie and the word Trinity comes not from God and is not found in you Bible so how do you explain your false statement? If we believe in a trinity and 3 person instead of (The Father and I are One) then you are Heathens and your Trinity Baptism under Titles Father, Son and Holy Ghost is their something lacking in your Education that you do not understand he said in the name of don’t believe that lie no it is not the same thing at all there is not on place in your Bible where anyone was ever Baptized using the Titles Father, Son and Holy Ghost in the Bible they were all Baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ do you Christian Churches Baptize like God ask them to no they give them the Baptism of the Anti Christ.
The origin of the Trinity
(KJV) 2 Thessalonians 2v10,11,12 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Now before you Christians come throwing any more Darts at Buddhist look at you own religion first. But you never see you own faults only the faults of others you are so deceived.