how can anyone believe a book with so many errors?
2011-09-10 17:33:48 UTC
Science -- must be a rectangle or square to have four corners i.e. Flat Earth

Revelation 7:1 -- angels standing on FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH (KJV)
Science -- must be a rectangle or square to have four corners i.e. Flat Earth

Job 38:13 -- ENDS OF THE EARTH
Science -- the earth is implied to be flat i.e. it had ends but sphere can have no ends

Jeremiah 16:19 -- ENDS OF THE EARTH
Science -- the earth is implied to be flat i.e. it had ends but sphere can have no ends

Daniel 4:11 -- ENDS OF ALL THE EARTH:
Science -- the earth is implied to be flat i.e. it had ends but sphere can have no ends

Daniel 4:10-11 -- The king "saw a tree of great height at the centre of the earth...reaching with its top to the sky and visible to the earth's farthest bounds."
Science -- this is impossible on a spherical earth, yet again they imply a flat earth

Matthew 4:8 -- Once again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their glory.
Science -- Obviously, this would be impossible unless the earth were flat.

Revelation 1:7: -- Behold, he is coming with the clouds! Every eye shall see him
Science -- Obviously, this would be impossible unless the earth were flat.

Chronicles 16:30: -- He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.
Psalm 93:1: -- Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm
Psalm 96:10: -- Thou has fixed the earth firm, immovable
Psalm 104:5: -- Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken.
Isaiah 45:18: -- who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast
Samuel 2:8, 10 -- The foundations of the earth are the LORD's; upon them he has set the world...the LORD will judge the ends of the earth.

Science -- earth's rotation is 1000+ miles per hour and is rotating around the sun at just over 67,000 miles per hour. Approximately
Science -- earth quakes the earth can be shaken!! the earth is not fixed and not immovable!!!! ;-)

This is just a few of the hundreds of errors
22 answers:
001port Girl
2011-09-10 17:34:31 UTC
Yes Sir! you are so correct and along with that there is issues with the immorality of incest in the bible with Adam and Eve and then again with Noah's family YUK!

Let's take the issue of Noah Ark


1 - The bible said the mountain tops would be covered by 20 feet of water. Everest is 29,000 feet tall so the flood would have to be 5.5 miles deep. There isn't even close to enough water in the entire world.

2 - If the ark had been floating at that altitude, the temperature would have been around -50C. Noah and the animals would have frozen to death.

3 - If everything was covered over by so much water there would be evidence of it everywhere in the world. There isn't.

4 - How big would the ark have to have been to house *millions* of species and enough food and fresh water to sustain them?

5 - How did Noah create the required arctic, tropical, desert, maritime, freshwater, saltwater etc environments needed by the different species?

6 - If there were only 8 humans on the ark why do we have such a diversity of races in the world?

- Noah and his family had to commit incest in order to populate the earth.

7 - How could the 8 humans on the ark prepare and put out food for *millions* of creatures every day?

Why does the San Diego Zoo need hundreds of employees for 4000 animals, when Noah showed us eight is enough.

8 - According to that story god killed very nearly every living thing on earth including almost the entire human population. Does that sound like a loving, forgiving god to you or someone who is worthy of worship?

9 - The story is based on earlier Babylonian and Sumerian myths so it isn't even Judeo-Christian in origin (see Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh or the Akkadian story of Atrahasis).

10 - All the vegetation in the world would have been submerged under miles of water, cut off from light, oxygen and carbon dioxide, so it would all have died and the carbon cycle would have been disrupted and the production of oxygen ceased, suffocating those left on the ark.

11 - After the flood there would only have been two of each species. So what did all the predators eat?

12 - Rainbows are not a sign from god that he won't flood the earth again. They are simply light being refracted through moisture in the atmosphere, a common phenomenon that can also be seen at waterfalls, at the sea and so on.

13 - Various groups have claimed to have found the ark at *different* sites around the middle-east. Not one of them has provided evidence or been verified.

14 - Noah is supposed to have been 600 years old when he built the ark. Humans don't live that long.
2011-09-11 15:15:23 UTC
Wow - how can someone be so...incorrect about rather simple facts of science?

1) must be a rectangle or square to have four corners

Ridiculous claim. Bizarre statement. Innumerable shapes can have 4 corners, including (very obviously) innumerable 3-dimensional shapes. The number of shapes that can have such a characteristic (4 corners) is literally infinite.

2) the earth is implied to be flat i.e. it had ends but sphere can have no ends

a) The Earth is not a sphere

b) Logically, the Earth can be said to have very many ends (for example, where the land ends and the ocean begins). Neither science nor logic teach what you claim here.

3) this is impossible on a spherical earth, yet again they imply a flat earth

a) Science does not teach that such a thing is **impossible**. I can imagine several ways in which such a thing might be possible.

b) The Biblical passage describes a **vision** - not reality. Do you think the author believed an actual tree of such a description exists? How can you overlook the (glaringly evident) imaginary tree and at the same time claim that the author intended the king's view to be descriptive of literal and physical reality? Science and logic would say, "the entire passage is obviously not descriptive of reality or intended to be so".

4) Mat 4:8 - Obviously, this would be impossible unless the earth were flat.

Obviously incorrect. I can see "all the kingdoms of the world" from where I reside, in a river valley. Science teaches not only that it is possible, but that such an experience is readily available to many people.

5) Rev 1:7 - Obviously, this would be impossible unless the earth were flat.

Again: science teaches that it is very possible. Consider something else that "comes with the clouds" - say, John Glenn's famous orbital craft. Is it possible for all of the people of the world to see that? Another example: is it possible for all of the people of the world to see the ISS? How, then, would this be **impossible** unless the Earth were flat? Obviously it is possible despite the Earth's non-flat shape.

6) earth's rotation is 1000+ miles per hour and is rotating around the sun at just over 67,000 miles per hour. Approximately

Ignoring your obvious, sophomoric misinterpretation of the Biblical passages listed, this statement is accurate **only if** the theory of relativity is not accurate. If the theory of relativity **is** accurate, the Earth is **in fact** (for the people who reside on it) motionless and all the Universe orbits the Earth.

This is just a few of the hundreds of errors that you have made? Wow.

- Jim,
2011-09-11 00:45:26 UTC
four corners---symbolic

ends of the earth also symbolic meaning from everywhere on earth

Daniel 4:10 "These are the visions I saw while lying in bed: I looked, and there before me stood a tree in the middle of the land." I don't know hebrew but I do know that different translations say things in a slightly different way so that the meaning is more clear. There are no errors in the Bible. There are only errors in how people have interpreted the Bible.

2 Timothy 2:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
2011-09-11 00:51:01 UTC
Allegory is not meant to be taken literal.

It's all "allegory" in both "covenants": Galatians 4.

It's also "mystery" to solve by seek and find.

Plural and contrary scriptures are not the script-u-are.

Only the script-u-are is given by inspiration of God.

It's all about Law/Grace, a Before/After Old/New shew,

whereby you play a part, either their part or your part,

until you grow up & put away part-iality for perfect-ion,

like putting away child-ish things when man-kind.

So stop being a part of children vs children,

and start being man-kind is neither of such.
2011-09-11 00:41:09 UTC
Wow, you have no spiritual imagination at all let alone being void of the Spirit of God.

But, don't worry, most are in the same boat you are in.

The Bible is usually LITERAL but when the LITERAL sees a figurative or should be taken as an allegory in a spiritual sense we can do that. You need to expand your reading comprehension a tad more. Can I suggest a bible study with Born Again Christians

JESUS IS LORD ............

Isa. 11:12 expresses the totality of the earth in figurative language.

REV. 7:1 expresses the magnitute and range of angelic service in figurative expression.

Job 38:13 expresses the fulness of the power and range of God in that no man can hide from him.

sorry, this is getting boring ... you really need to study "literary phrases that go beyond literal statements" ............. Poets, writers and all kinds of persons express and state things using these forms of exageration to get the point across.
True Truthseeker
2011-09-11 00:47:33 UTC
Surely you jest. It is obvious that CONTEXT is important in understanding anything, the ancient Writings [that we call the Bible], is no exception, and actually advises:

"word upon word, precept upon precept.." in how it is to be interpreted.

We need to make the distinction of literal v.s. figurative/ symbolic, as in the case of "all eyes seeing the Christ". Clearly those who pierced Him, have long died, therefore this is figurative or symbolic speech.

Rather, these are more accurate depictions of what the Bible says:

Universe had a beginning.

Genesis 1:1 NW

1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Energy creates matter.

Isaiah 40

26 “Raise YOUR eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one [of them] is missing.

Universe is geometrically flat, is EXPANDING, earth is spherical/ circular.

Isaiah 40

22 There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell

Near to the END of this way of life, the earth is in danger of being ruined.

Revelation 11

18 But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time for the dead to be judged, and to give [their] reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”

Earth hangs on nothing.

Job 26

7 He is stretching out the north over the empty place,

Hanging the earth upon nothing;
2011-09-11 00:46:10 UTC
The major error concerning the Holy Bible was that it was written by God. That's crazy. The Bible was written by men who were motivated by their belief in God and a belief that humans could be more like him. The errors you mentioned are mostly there because the bible was written way before science and technology. Because of this I'll go out on a limb and say that the authors were wise before their time. The facts are shady, but the wisdom is overflowing.

Everybody thinks they can write a good book. This is a human error. I don't think God needs a book to speak to any of us.
Roman Glass
2011-09-11 00:45:30 UTC
you don't have to believe in the inerrant of the bible to be a christian. christianity is based wholly upon the resurrection of Jesus. If Jesus really rose from the dead, then the cat is out of the bag. now, firstly, the bible is not a science book, the bible is a revelation of the will and nature of God to man. this is the essential purpose of the bible. the reason why I as a christian believe that the bible is inspired by God is because of the historical claim of the resurrection of Jesus.
2011-09-11 00:41:17 UTC
The reason you see a discrepancy is because you fail to understand that the Bible doesn't only speak in the literal sense. There are parables, poems, exaggerated speech to put emphasis on a point, etc. The list goes on and on. It's not a failure in the Bible, but a failure on your part to interpret it correctly by understanding basic literary analysis.

Btw you probably wont pick my answer as best even though it's correct. People shouldn't get to vote on their own answers, especially when you don't ask honest questions, but are just using the question to spit in peoples faces.

And just so you don't interpret this incorrectly, I don't mean actually spit in your face because you're right, you're looking at a computer screen and I'm looking at mine and you couldn't spit in our faces from where you are.


Chaarzar-- Reading the whole Bible is a task not many do, but it seems like you didn't understand what you read because those aren't errors in the book, but errors in understanding.
2011-09-11 00:41:07 UTC
dont forget the enormous lack of any evidence. A world-wide flood that wiped out the human race would have definitely left some geological evidence. pluse theres no historical proof that Jesus ever existed
2011-09-11 00:45:18 UTC
The four corners of the earth is an expression and the ends of the earth is also an expression.
2011-09-11 00:44:14 UTC
If you don't want to believe then don't.

Darwin and Dawkins have many errors in their writings and you believe.

What I don't get is why someone as enlightened and educated as you would come to a place you know will have many believers although you don't believe yourself?

What purpose do you have coming down as low as us believers when you are so clearly Superior to us?
2011-09-11 01:14:13 UTC
I believe In God.. and Jesus, because?.. I just DO♥
2011-09-11 00:36:26 UTC
Wait wait wait.... You forget that the

bible is magic!

This is like asking How much energy in Watts

is the light from a carebear's tummy?
2011-09-11 00:38:27 UTC
How can anybody idol-worship a book OF ANY KIND???
2011-09-11 00:37:47 UTC
Yeah, I'm an atheist... The whole religion **** is for gullible bastardss.
2011-09-11 00:35:43 UTC
Because religions have been carefully engineered to hijack human mind.
jade c
2011-09-11 00:40:47 UTC
Ever though that your finite mind was taking that out of context? ;) yeah the Bible is true, don't think any different!

~God Bless
2011-09-11 00:39:15 UTC
Sure you dont believe. Ok do you need more people in hell with you.
Classical Saxophonist
2011-09-11 00:36:34 UTC
Those are not errors. Those are meant to be metaphors.
Colfer Melfofo
2011-09-11 00:35:44 UTC
An yet you believe Origin of the spices i bet LOLOLOLOL?
2011-09-11 00:37:10 UTC
In your opinion!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.