when will people understand the truth? not religion or government but enlightenment?
Don't assume I'm a satanist
2009-08-06 21:58:54 UTC
WE control our fate. WE control the worlds fate. WE are divine gods.

Here are some facts to help you realize the truth.
1. Aliens EXISTS
2. the bible SAYS aliens exists. Its ABOUT aliens. I mean Ezekeil rode on a spaceship for gosh sakes.
3. If you replace god or jesus or lord with extraterrestrial in the bible it makes alot more sense.
4. Everything is made of vibrations.
5. There are multiple dimensions. we are in the 3rd. The more intelligent beings in the universe are in the 4th.
6. Earth was populate and is visited by aliens. (read chariots of the gods for proof). The savage peoples did not know what to call these men from the sky so they called them gods.
7. The bible not is a twisted version of the truth.
8. All religion is lies.
9. Earth is surrounded by a negative energy force. We can make the world better by being positive and enlightened.
10. There is no heaven and hell. If you are enlightened your soul moves to the next dimension . If not we are reincarnated.
11. People will laugh in your face once youre enlightened because they are brainwashed and afraid of the truth.
12. We are our own gods but people cant accept it cause we cant do miracles and such. But only 10% of human potential has been discovered.
13. The extraterrestrials who seeded earth are on our side so that we can be enlightened and join them in the 4th dimention when you die.

Reject you government and your religion. All they do is lie to you. I do not want people or the world to suffer anymore. But I cant hold your hand and lead you to enlightenment. You must do that yourself. I hope these facts will help you start on your journey to truth. Open your mind and your third eye. become divine. become enlightened. Good luck

(For more help try reading 'and the truth shall set you free' by David Icke.)

I realize that most people are scared of truth and that jokes to this are made of fear. If you wanna go through this life again go ahead.
21 answers:
2009-08-06 22:03:34 UTC
Scientology and it's b/s at it's finest.
2016-05-27 12:37:11 UTC
Hello Pagan Lotus! You already have such great answers, especially from brother Ibrahim, masha'allah. I can't think of much else to add except I have read the two books that brother Ibrahim mentions and they are VERY good! -Especially for westerners to read as they were written by ppl that understand the west (one a non-Muslim, the other a Muslim) as opposed to some books that were written by people who never set foot in the west and can be hard for a westerner to understand at first (no offense). So these two books are a good place to start. (Obviously the Quran too). I also want so say that Islam (peace through submission to God) is not out to conquer ppl. The only way Islam "conquers" anyone is through their hearts when they learn to let go of their ego and submit themselves to God and find inner (and eventually outer) peace. Peace starts from within. If everyone had inner peace, outer peace in the world would come.
Bill K Atheist Goodfella
2009-08-06 22:26:26 UTC
I'm going to put this very clearly: David Icke is nuttier than squirrel shite. This isn't made out of fear, but a logical conclusion drawn from actually trying to read this guy's crap.

In order...

1. Likely, but no evidence to actually back up the claim.

2. The bible says lots of things that have no basis in reality. This is on the list (as is the interpretation of it).

3. No, it doesn't. It's just slightly more entertaining.

4. Wrong. All things are made of matter.

5. We exist in 4 dimensions (length, width, depth, and time).

6. Instead of a book that has been debunked (even the author disavowed one of his so called artifacts), why not offer up some type of scientific evidence to back this absurd claim up?

7&8. Opinion, not fact.

9. Metaphysical hippie crap.

10. Agree with the first sentence; the rest is nonsense.

11. A fail safe device, also used by many religions. If you tell a person that they will be mocked/persecuted/insulted for having correct beliefs, you give them false superiority in spite of the ludicrous crap they spew. Hell, this is one of the primary tools a cult leader uses.

12. Depends on your definition of "gods".

13. This one alone almost made me laugh vodka out of my nose.

The summary paragraph is a nice collection of cult mentality nonsense as well.

The fact is, every time one of the intellectual mouth-breathers buys one of Icke's books, he makes money. He has no regard for the welfare of the world. He preys on the mentally inept, and fears anyone who will take even 5 seconds to do any research into his claims, independent of the sources that he gives. Hell, the quoted crap is contradictory to some of his other crap...namely that the aliens aren't our friends, rather they are giant lizard people who, posing as Jewish leaders, are out to enslave the world.
The Bible (gives Hope)
2009-08-06 22:10:27 UTC
You say you are enlightened, but where does your enlightenment come from? It comes from the minds of other men like you? True enlightenment cannot come from within man, because we are created by God. God gives us the enlightenment through the Bible. Otherwise how could we agree on the truth? We could not because there is no authority. David Icke has no authority he's just one man's opinion. When his books stop selling, another guy will come along with new ideas, and more people will buy those books, and the cycle goes on. Never finding the truth, just gaining knowledge here and there from men, and not from God.
Think before following
2009-08-06 22:08:07 UTC
This is interesting...I would need proof and evidence of your claims, but aliens to me are much more possible that a God of the Bible.

Being positive is definitely better than being negative. I also agree that government and religion are both things that need to be at least questioned if not rejected. Actually I agree with a lot of your comments, and the other statements I do not have enough information to either agree or disagree at this point.
2009-08-06 22:08:45 UTC
some of what you say is true. But,,, we don't ultimately control our fate,, nor the fate of the world. There is a heaven and a hell. and there is another dimension. But that one will be eliminated at the 2nd advent. There is no reincarnation as you think of it, Just Resurrections. I think that you are the one that is scared. Ergo the need to be in control because you rightly think that you can't make it spiritually.
2009-08-06 22:12:10 UTC
Is this scientology? You know LRon Hubbard left a letter saying the whole thing was a big hoax? His second in command in scientology burned the letter.

My advice to you is, give up arrogance. It is the humble and contrite heart that God loves. Arrogance is folly. Please consider this, because you have chosen a very difficult path.
Darcy G
2009-08-06 22:10:55 UTC
The problem is that you are replacing Jesus with the Devils tricks.

And read EZ chapters 9 and 10 for your ch 1 problem.
2009-08-06 22:20:51 UTC
I completely agree with you

i somehow just feel that this is all true

i try to help people wake up but most of them simply make fun of me

i feel excited reading your question
2009-08-06 22:14:46 UTC
You are in need of a reality check,so you are your own God but if you do not know that you have to reincarnate yourself ? I have read every Eric Von Daniken book, " fun read "He believes in God,He is a religious man.
2009-08-06 22:04:33 UTC
dude, i like to think there is other life out there as well, but you just went waaay past where the sidewalk ends.

welcome to the religion of tomorrow, when christianity is mythology, this is the crap atheists will be logicaly and rationaly disproving until the next nut job comes up with some other crap.
2009-08-06 22:07:00 UTC
The door for revolutionary crackpots is down the corridor, to your left.

Thanks for visiting! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Stationary Transient
2009-08-06 22:03:34 UTC
lol. Pseudoscience.

I stopped reading when my eye caught the words "negative energy".
2009-08-06 22:06:18 UTC
Be thankful for the first amendment.
2009-08-06 22:06:25 UTC
we suffer because we have attachments to material things, ie people/places/things

oh yeah...

"the bible SAYS aliens exists"

the bible also says the earth is flat. you feel me?
2009-08-06 22:20:00 UTC
Hahahaha... Wait, was this a joke?
2009-08-06 22:06:42 UTC
Those are facts? Where is your proof?
2009-08-06 22:04:12 UTC
Got any REAL evidence of this?
2009-08-06 22:05:51 UTC
someday you WILL see the truth
2009-08-06 22:04:20 UTC
I'm scared that you believe this, that's about it
Amethyst Moon
2009-08-06 22:07:35 UTC
Well said!

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