Don't assume I'm a satanist
2009-08-06 21:58:54 UTC
Here are some facts to help you realize the truth.
1. Aliens EXISTS
2. the bible SAYS aliens exists. Its ABOUT aliens. I mean Ezekeil rode on a spaceship for gosh sakes.
3. If you replace god or jesus or lord with extraterrestrial in the bible it makes alot more sense.
4. Everything is made of vibrations.
5. There are multiple dimensions. we are in the 3rd. The more intelligent beings in the universe are in the 4th.
6. Earth was populate and is visited by aliens. (read chariots of the gods for proof). The savage peoples did not know what to call these men from the sky so they called them gods.
7. The bible not is a twisted version of the truth.
8. All religion is lies.
9. Earth is surrounded by a negative energy force. We can make the world better by being positive and enlightened.
10. There is no heaven and hell. If you are enlightened your soul moves to the next dimension . If not we are reincarnated.
11. People will laugh in your face once youre enlightened because they are brainwashed and afraid of the truth.
12. We are our own gods but people cant accept it cause we cant do miracles and such. But only 10% of human potential has been discovered.
13. The extraterrestrials who seeded earth are on our side so that we can be enlightened and join them in the 4th dimention when you die.
Reject you government and your religion. All they do is lie to you. I do not want people or the world to suffer anymore. But I cant hold your hand and lead you to enlightenment. You must do that yourself. I hope these facts will help you start on your journey to truth. Open your mind and your third eye. become divine. become enlightened. Good luck
(For more help try reading 'and the truth shall set you free' by David Icke.)
I realize that most people are scared of truth and that jokes to this are made of fear. If you wanna go through this life again go ahead.