God nor Lucifer is a mirror. There is no greater or lesser light here. There is the Greatest Light, and a created being of His, Lucifer.
God hasn't sent Lucifer to hell yet. That's a misnomer. God cast Satan to earth.
Satan was always Satan. Lucifer was his angelic name. Satan is his earthly name. Same guy.
Satan has influence where he can get it. Don't give it to him -- he's dead in the water.
"Fear is of the devil." True saying. Perfect love casts out fear. Should we still fear Satan in that Light? You want to live in terror, go ahead. Personally, I refuse to.
The earth was made for Paradise. Not for Satan to rule. Humans were not originally meant for hell.
God doesn't need a mirror to see anything, let alone Himself. God is not human, therefore not weak in any form.
I don't need to think about it. The Word of God states you are wrong on all points. God is the Ruler of All, including Satan, a created being. The earth is God's footstool. Satan is no creator, except of chaos.
You may or may not be crazy. You may just be overtired. But I know you are giving Satan way more elevation than he ever deserves. And he will let you because that's what he does.
Think again.