Atheists are you aware that the "FOSSIL RECORDS" clearly favors the Biblical Flood not Evolution?
2011-06-08 05:57:16 UTC
The real key is that Evolution is neither testable nor observable. Evolution demands long periods of time that proves absolutely nothing. Nothing is verifiable. It's all conjectures.

Scientists cannot go back in time and observe past processes. Their conclusions are not based on evidence but on their faith.

The key to the fossil record is in the biblical flood as the Bible clearly states. The Biblical flood caused the erosion of materials and deposited from one location to another. All those muddy sediments would be animals and plants which had died in that flood.

Over tme, those sediments would have hardened into sedimentary rock, and the dead things would have hardened into fossils. Looking at the fossils from a flood geology perspective, the rocks and fossils are the results of the flood of Noah's day.

Genesis 8: 1-5


37 answers:
2011-06-08 06:47:15 UTC
The entry of water in the deluge is equivalent to a hypothetical column of 1055 meters of water. This volume of water would increase the diameter of the planet in 2110 meters and continents and seas waters occupied the surface in proportion to the density of the elements. To have isostatic equilibrium between continents and seas, there should be a ratio of three parts water and one of the continent, or 25% continents and 75% of seas. If one consider that the continents are on average 838 meters above sea level, then the proportion of land should be below 25%, something around 20% and not 29.2% (or 34.6% with the continental shelves) as it’s today. It’s concluded that the continents are 70% (34.6 / 20) above that physics allows on an overall balance, considering the average surface density 3.0 g / cm ³. If you consider that the density at the bottom of the sea is greater than 3.0 g / cm ³, then it can be stated that the continents are more than 70% above that physics allows an global balance.

The continents are sinking. Assuming that the continents after the deluge had an average height of 972 meters and due to the displacement and accommodation of the continental masses have lost 60 meters height, causing the sea level rises 85 meters (25 meters of water displacement). In addition to melting glaciers, a volume equivalent to the Antarctic continent, less the isostasy, sea level rose by more than 49 meters. The sea level rose 134 meters, the average height of the continents down to 838 meters. In absolute term the continents lost 60 meters height and the sea rose 74 meters (49 +25).

● Genesis 8:1 » And God remembered Noah, and all the beasts, and all the cattle that were with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged;

The secrets hidden in the Bible

This is not theory, see what the Bible says:
Luft Waffle
2011-06-08 13:46:14 UTC
This is so laughably pathetic, it doesnt even warrant a response. But im stuck in a work meeting so I will humor you.

If the bible were true then there would be only ONE layer of fossils around the world. This would have been caused by all the dinosaurs (if u think they lived along with adam and eve) all the other land and marine animals as well as all the humans except for Noah and his family and animals. All other living things on the planet including millions of trees, animals and humans would have all died within a 40 day period. This layer of fossils would be uniform across the world and be like no other fossil layer ever.

Guess what? No such fossil layer exists.

We find fossils in the earths crust which indicates life over 100's of millions of years ago. noahs flood is bed time story. grow up.
Doubting Like Thomas
2011-06-08 06:17:05 UTC
Have you considered the possibility that Noah and Davy Crockett were both real people, BUT that, over the years, real events were exaggerated, and some items were just plain made up, for the sake of a better story?

Davy Crockett probably did NOT kill him a bear, "when he was only three", despite what the song says.

Now, look at the size of the ark, the fact that the Bible says it had one door. Run the math. If, as the Bible says, Noah and all the animals entered "on that selfsame day", how many animals PER SECOND had to zip on through?

Koalas only eat relatively fresh eucalyptus. Three days old is about as stale as they'll tolerate. And the Bible says that everybody was on board for about a year.

Where'd he get the fresh eucalyptus?

And the dove returned with a leafy olive branch.

Ask anybody who knows about trees. After a year underwater, would an olive tree be able to bear leaves?

Bible says it did, but that part of the story was also made up.

Have a rational day
2011-06-08 06:00:50 UTC
"The real key is that Evolution is neither testable nor observable."

Yes it is.

"Evolution demands long periods of time that proves absolutely nothing."

4 Billion Years is a long period of time.

"Scientists cannot go back in time and observe past processes."

Yes they can, studying fossils and carbon dating.

"Over tme, those sediments would have hardened into sedimentary rock, and the dead things would have hardened into fossils. Looking at the fossils from a flood geology perspective, the rocks and fossils are the results of the flood of Noah's day."

Over billions of years they would turn into fossils like we see today. Not over 6000 years.

"Genesis 8: 1-5"

Don't believe everything you read in a book.
2011-06-08 06:07:50 UTC
Gee wrong again. Even you quoted scripture doesn't support your argumetn - it says nothing about erosion or sedimentation, etc. That is a man made extenstion of the supposed event to refute evidence that contradicts events as outline in this old, multi authored, heavily edited book. But if you believe this then answer this question, without invoking divine intervention.

Koalla bears are only found in Austrailia. There is no land bridge between Austrailia and the Asian continent and if there was one, plate tectonics take millions of year to move these land masses. So when the ark lands at Ararat, how do the koala bears get to Austrailia, and why are they found only there?
2011-06-08 06:08:43 UTC
First, if you want to see evolution in real time, do some research on the E Coli outbreak happening in Germany right now. Scientists are tracking and recording, literally on a day-to-day basis, how new strains of the bacteria are arising to become more resistant to more of the chemicals and medicines that we are using to try to eradicate them. Or go back to England in the industrial revolution and see the empirical data of how the gypsy moth, once a white/light gray color, rapidly evolved into a much darker, soot-gray color in response to how the smoke from the factories was darkening all of the trees (and everything else) in the region with soot. Light colored moths became easy prey as their old natural camouflage failed to function well in a changed environement; moths with darker colors thrived, reproduced and created generations of darker colored months in a matter of years.

Next, the bible says the earth is 6,000 years old. The fossil record proves that we have animal remains dating back over 250 million years and plant remains dating a hundred million years earlier than that.

Oh, and fossils take millions of years to form, lest we forget that minor point.
Anne Arkey
2011-06-08 06:04:20 UTC
First, Evolution IS observable. Second, you need to study more science and understand how fossils come about.

Here is a simple example of observable evolution -- the house cat. The house cat evolved from large desert cats. There is no indication that God created small cats, nor that they were on the ark. But, here is the observable part. Cats, being obligate carnivores, have the shortest digestive tract of any mammal in order to digest a diet primarily of meat. Over the past fifty years, veterinarians have noticed a lengthening of the digestive tract. Why? The conclusion is the prevalence of dry, often grain-based kibble as being part of the cat's diet. The cats who adapt better to kibble and can digest grains better are spreading their genetics. This is evolution.
2011-06-08 06:05:06 UTC
Evolution predicted genetics, molecular/cell theory, and DNA decades-centuries before they were discovered. Evolution has predicted the existence of every fossil type - before it was found.

<< Looking at the fossils from a flood geology perspective, the rocks and fossils are the results of the flood of Noah's day.<<

You've never heard of taphonomy, huh? That's because you are scientifically illiterate and poorly educated.
2011-06-08 06:12:50 UTC
Wrong, wrong, wrong.

The fossil record overwhelmingly supports evolution. There is no debate among real scientists about this, just among people with a religious agenda.

Evolution has been documented, both in the lab and in the wild.

True, no scientists were present throughout most of the history of life on earth to document evolution as it happened. But if this invalidates evolution, it also invalidates your "theory".

Furthermore, we didn't have to be present to draw conclusion from the piles of fossil evidence we have studied.

Flood geolgy is a bad joke. The position of fossils in the strata clearly demonstates the development of evolutionary lineages over millions of years. Radioactive dating of the strata confirms the chronology with remarkable accuracy. The idea that this vast history of geological formation and biological evolution was laid down in one cataclysmic event is laughable. You are aware, of course, that there are no "fossil rabbits in the precambrian"?

And please, don't quote the inane scribblings of semi-literate bronze age tribesmen as if they should carry any weight. It is truly insulting.
2016-10-06 06:34:46 UTC
Your first factor is moot through fact Evolution has been documented in right this moment's international. Your 2nd factor, isn't Christianity additionally based in "faith" and interpretations of scientific findings? Glacial stream would additionally account for sediment deposits. since fossils have been discovered at quite a few stages in this layer i assume you will have us anticipate that there grow to be extra advantageous than one flood. the great flood "tale" is guy's interpretation of a particular journey, whilst the land bridge between the Mediterranean and the Black sea grow to be breached and all their "regular" lands flooded. Like maximum fables it is been embellished via the story tellers over the years. With each and all of the species modern-day right this moment, discounting people who've long gone extinct through fact the so referred to as great flood. Do you incredibly think of all ought to be dropped at one area, saved in a boat, saved for "one hundred fifty days" then redistributed with the aid of out the international locations via one guy and his relatives. think of roughly it!
2011-06-08 06:04:50 UTC
I am a Bible believing Christ-follower and I know better.

Also, as a scientist, I can assure you that evolution is both testable AND observable. (That is why scientists believe the theory.)

"Scientists cannot go back in time and observe past processes."

Time travel is unnecessary. They can observe PRESENT processes AND PAST processes. (Astronomers observe past processes in the present in even more exciting ways, in my experience.)

"Their conclusions are not based on evidence but on their faith."

No, you have confused their position and yours.

Challenge: Where is the proof of a global flood that is "testable and observable" in the geologic record? [Silence.] I didn't think so.

I especially enjoyed your self-contradictions:

"Scientists cannot go back in time and observe past processes. Their conclusions are not based on evidence but on their faith." and "The key to the fossil record is in the biblical flood as the Bible clearly states." So you put down scientists for basing their ideas on unobservable "faith" and then claim your view is superior because it is unobservable and based on faith! But you imply that the Biblical Flood can be proven from the geologic record! So which is it????!!!! Can we see the past through the geologic record or not?

PLEASE STOP EMBARRASSING THOSE OF US WHO CONSIDER THE BIBLE THE WORD OF GOD! Foolishness is NOT a fruit of the spirit. Your ideas and conduct are NOT coming from God nor the Bible. Ignorance is not of God.
Mahayana Wish
2011-06-08 06:02:51 UTC
Even the Hopi Indians (Book of the Hopi, Frank Waters) speaks of a great flood. There are other cultures that have stories of a great flood. There was probably a great flood. Ok. No argument. That obviously was part of the earth's evolution. Perspective. There is more than one way to tell the same story.
2011-06-08 06:01:11 UTC
Another Liar for Jesus heard from. How very Christian of you.

"The Biblical flood caused the erosion of materials and deposited from one location to another. All those muddy sediments would be animals and plants which had died in that flood."

Show me the empirical scientifically verified and peer-reviewed evidence or MOTHER OF ALL FAILS.
2011-06-08 06:03:25 UTC
The biblical flood was a flood covering much of the euphrates basian approx 4,500 yrs ago, covering around 40,000 sq miles of land, which anyone seeing ot would rightly say, "all the land was under water" just as is written in scripture.

There was no global flood.

but please, feel free to argue against the entire field of geology as well, since you have no problem doing it to biology.
2011-06-08 06:00:13 UTC
"Scientists cannot go back in time and observe past processes. Their conclusions are not based on evidence but on their faith.

The key to the fossil record is in the biblical flood as the Bible clearly states."

So you say there is no evidence, and then you cite the evidence. Well done.
2011-06-08 06:05:20 UTC
Evolution is not against G-d. Evolution is adaptation for creatures to stay alive in changing environments.Evolution has been proven to be true.The world is much older than the time line given in Genesis.Yes, the flood was over the whole world which proved this happened.This flood. had nothing to do with evolution. Pray for people to know Jesus not argue with them. I heard there are not unbelievers on their death beds.
2011-06-08 06:02:46 UTC
When Darwin published his theory in the 1850's it made certain predictions about how DNA would behave across species boundaries.

This was pretty good. DNA would not be discovered for almost another century, and Darwin's predictions turned out to be all true.

The Bible says that the sky has a lid (Genesis 1:6).

Faith is for retards.
Lighting the Way to Reality
2011-06-08 07:19:48 UTC
You have been visiting too many lying creationist web sites.

Evolution has been tested by various means ever since Darwin proposed his theory, and it has always come through with flying colors. Here are some examples in which the theory of evolution has been tested.

As to your arguments about the flood, they are nothing but creationist nonsensical BS.

According to the creationist argument, all species (or basic kinds--whatever), living and extinct, were created at the same time and the fossil record was laid down by the biblical flood.

In the first place, if it had occurred, the biblical flood would not have left all of the different kinds of layered strata that exist, many of which are interwoven with entirely different methods of deposition, not all of them water related. All of those different kinds of layers could have been laid down only by widely different conditions over a great length of time.

Furthermore, if the biblical flood had occurred, you would find fossils of the approximately 5,000 present-day species of mammals, including humans, and of the approximately 10,000 present-day species of birds, mixed in with the fossils of, for example, dinosaurs. You do not and will never find such a mixture. That is because they are separated in time by more than 60 million years and the fossil record reflects that fact. The only fossils of mammals and birds that are found in the same strata as dinosaurs are early types quite unlike anything that exists today (even if you consider the "kinds" that creationists refer to as the source of present-day mammals and birds). And you will also not find those fossils of present-day mammals and birds in the same strata with trilobites, or of numerous other early types of animals.

In the Cambrian strata, which was laid down long before the time of the dinosaurs, you will find the initial appearance of most of the phyla, but they will be only very primitive species--none of which exist today--belonging to those phyla. You will not find one single amphibian, reptile, dinosaur, bird, mammal, or teleost fish.

And that scenario even continues after the demise of the dinosaurs. As you progress through the strata you will find new forms, but still nothing like what you would find today until you get to relatively young strata. There are numerous strata which show that mammals became predominate for several tens of millions of years on up to today. But the strata that was laid down during the first half of that time contains a large number of fossils of mammals quite unlike anything that exists today, and again, none of the fossils are of present-day mammals, including humans, and present-day birds. As those strata get progressively younger, you begin to see more and more fossils of mammals and birds that are similar to the present-day species. That includes hominid fossils, which are present only in the strata laid down in the past few million years. Hominid fossils are totally absent in the vast number of earlier fossil-containing strata.

Note the appearance of types of organisms over time in these tables:

Thus, if you look at the geological strata, you will find a changing representation of species through the oldest to the youngest strata, and those changes reflect an evolutionary process. That is not what you would find if the fossil record had been laid down by a flood such as that described in the Bible. But it is what would be expected in an evolutionary scenario.

And the fossil therefore is another verifiable test of evolutionary theory.
2011-06-08 06:03:02 UTC
Drugs are bad....MMMMMKAAAAYYYYY

The fossils are sorted in a very complex and self consistent way. There is a reason you won't find a single flower in a Pennsylvania layer or a pine or a fern in the Cambrian.

Lying for Jesus = Still lying
Wicked ɥɔʇıʍ of the West
2011-06-08 06:06:37 UTC
Oh, I can not wait to read your peer reviewed write up in the scientific journals about your amazing new discovery! When do you suppose the Nobel nomination will come in the mail?
Robert Abuse
2011-06-08 06:50:13 UTC
Well done, yet another person that sees the word `church` thinks it means `school` and then considers himself to be educated after a brief visit.
2011-06-08 06:07:29 UTC
Evolution is based on 3 conjectures and the 3rd is life does not happen spontaneously. It takes time.Billions of years in fact.
2011-06-08 06:09:44 UTC
The fossil record is evidence of the global Flood.
2011-06-08 06:00:21 UTC
Your wrong, there are vast amounts of proof that the theory of evolution is correct. The information is out there, whether you choose to believe it is up to you.
2011-06-08 06:01:53 UTC
Really? Well gee, strange internet guy, you really seem to know what your talking about. You must have an advanced degree in biology. I'm converted!
2011-06-08 06:02:37 UTC
So.. why didn't Noah take dinosaurs on the ark again?

You fail.
Squeaky Red Bottom
2011-06-08 06:01:19 UTC
Did you know that comments like these are collected (for amusement) by actual geologists and other scientists?

It's not that you don't understand, it's that you don't even understand that you don't understand.
2011-06-08 06:00:40 UTC
Why would you come here to expose your profound ignorance of evolution to the world?
2011-06-08 05:59:51 UTC
Did you know that nearly every society has a flood myth; they often differ greatly in detail; and even if there was a flood it wouldn't provide evidence for any god, much less your particular one?
2011-06-08 05:59:03 UTC
You're a deluded fool.

I'm not wasting my time berating you.

State you so called sources and I might at least give you a second glance.
2011-06-08 10:52:37 UTC
Wrong on all counts.
2011-06-08 06:00:54 UTC
What do atheists have to do with biology?
2011-06-08 05:59:38 UTC
2011-06-08 05:59:23 UTC
You should really get that dog bite checked.
2011-06-08 06:00:57 UTC
2011-06-08 05:58:24 UTC
You just failed grade 6 Geology.
2011-06-08 05:58:42 UTC
...and how were birds and sea life effected by this?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.