What are some laughable evolution concept Atheists believe in?? Can atheists answer me this?
White Shooting Star of HK
2010-12-17 11:55:15 UTC
One example evolution nonsense is the thought that a wingless bird began to evolve a wing.

The first wing stubs would be much too small for the bird to fly. Why would a bird evolve wing stubs that are useless? This is backwards from the evolutionary theory of natural selection, which states that birds adapt and change in order to survive better in their environment

The bird with a half-size wing is placed at a disadvantage in its environment. Why would the bird continue for millions of generations to improve a wing stub that is useless?

The existence of birds literally destroys the theory of natural selection, sending the Theory of Evolution crashing down.

Question: Can you answer me the above???
24 answers:
2010-12-17 11:59:18 UTC
They "believe" in the LIE of DNA

We all know that ATHEISTS insist on using complex terminology such as deoxyribonucleic acid to argue that our bodies are full of it and it changes with evolutionism. But really, what does that mean?

Its an acid. Have you ever seen what happens when we put something in acid? It melts.

If our bodies was full of this acid that directs evolution, we'd all melt. and since we aren't melting, I thus conclude that our body doesn't have this acid. Honestly, you atheists make me laugh sometimes with your ridiculous suggestions. Why do you LIE to support SATAN'S work to make everyone worship evolution?


According to *"Creation Science"* Genetics is a field of "scLIEnce" that has no real merits.

It was only a stepping stone for Satan to create the lie that would turn the most amount of people away from God, the THEORY of EVILUTION.

Genetics was an idea created by the Catholic monk, Gregor Mendel. CATHOLICS are not really Christians and are just SATANISTS pretending to be followers of Christ so they can Hallucinate us True Christians™ into believing the LIES of SATAN.

Well Mr.Atheist, There is no such thing as Genetics.

The fact that the off-springs have traits of parents can be explained by the fact that it was GOD's WILL to do so, Not some LIE called GENETICS
2010-12-17 12:02:15 UTC
You have gotten this all wrong. Evolution is about natural selection and about how the one with the biggest advantage survives. The bird with the wing stub perhaps could jump higher and reach more food then the other birds, which lead to him having a greater chance of survival. Which also led to his offspring having the same mutation. After thousands of years the birds would naturally jump higher and higher and would eventually begin to fly. That is the short answer. You can write essays on this question.



According to *"Creation Science"* Genetics is a field of "scLIEnce" that has no real merits.

It was only a stepping stone for Satan to create the lie that would turn the most amount of people away from God, the THEORY of EVILUTION."

Wow, you have to be the dumbest person I have seen on this forum in a while. The thing is that you say that genetics is a lie, but have you actually studied the field? Do you even know what it is about? Do you know how many diseases, viruses and other infections have been cured because of genetics? Modern science and medicine is a product of genetics. It is really insulting when you sit there and say that it is a lie, but when you need it or take advantage of it, you do it with a smile on your face. If people like you would be in power and made the decisions, we would still be stuck in the dark ages and I would have a priest breathing down my neck threatening to torture me to death if I don't tell on my neighbour. Yes that was the reality of Christianity's golden days. Read about the Inquisition and see how much fun that was.
2010-12-17 12:18:18 UTC
Ok, I am calculating a 65% chance of a Poe.

Just in case, have you considered that the flightless bird descended from a bird that could fly? At some point back in time the species line had the birds start to evolve to take advantage in an environment where is was better if they did not fly. They became better swimmers or depended on being larger animals that stayed on the ground. They kept the wings and in pretty much all cases developed different uses for them.
2010-12-17 12:04:37 UTC
I don't "believe" anything. Belief is worthless, nothing but imagination without evidence.

Wings evolved from arms, there were never any "wing stubs." You'll notice that there are no living creatures, or ever have been, that had wings sprouting from their backs like the angles believers imagine...

A bit of webbing between fingers might provide just enough "lift" to be able to jump to the ground from a certain distance and survive, and that distance would be higher than the same creature without such webbing could jump from and survive. That's an advantage. If the webbing developed further, the distance they could jump from or glide to would be bigger, a little bit at a time, each time providing a bit more survival advantage. A little bit of "wing" is better than no wing at all, a bit more "wing" is better than a little bit of wing, and right up to full wings.

Your ignorance is astounding.

Vincent G
2010-12-17 12:04:37 UTC
- gliding. Even stubby wings can help maintain balance. Have you even seen a chicken use its wing? But it cannot fly, can it?

Wings will degenerate in a bird species if they are not needed for flight, because they put a lot of strain on the body by requiring needlessly large flight muscles that would no longer be used; in such case (an environment that does not require flight to escape predator of to look for food) natural selection will favor individuals with progressively smaller wings. That is what happened to the dodo, a relative/descendant from pigeons, on an island that was free from any predators until man brought them in.

Your insistence at bringing mediocre arguments against evolution is only showing that you lack the basic knowledge to mount a valid discussion. Go back to school.
2010-12-20 10:40:00 UTC
Why do you refer to atheists as if they're a unified group? The only thing atheists have in common, is a LACK of belief in a god. That doesn't mean that ALL atheists believe in evolution. Everyone's different, people don't believe in god for many reasons, doesn't mean that they automatically accept evolution because they think it's in opposition to [enter your religion of choice here].

Anyway, you're obviously thinking about this in the wrong way if you think that animals evolve fully functioning adaptions straight away. "adapt and change in order to survive better in their environment" well no, actually, your view on evolution is incorrect. Evolution doesn't happen so that animals can "survive better". Evolution happens because animals live long enough to reproduce successfully, and are able to propagate and so spread their genes, even if they serve no apparent purpose or advantage. Do you really think whales still have leg bones growing within their bodies because it helps them to "better survive"? Evolution has no "plan", or any idea of what will help an animal survive better. It's just the progression of mutations throughout generations of animals that live just long enough to be able to breed. Also, how do you know the wings would be little stumps? They were originally other limbs like arms that transferred into wings. From looking at your question, it seems like you think that somehow NEW limbs (wings) from nothing. No, you're wrong again. So actually there wouldn't be stumps progressing to "half-size wings", you'd have already useful arms slowly turning into wings. You know of gliding squirrels? Well early birds may have glided between trees with feather laden arms to escape predators. The early birds that managed to successfully glide may have passed on their advantageous genes to future generations because it allowed them not to be eaten or not to fall to their death. Early birds that didn't have good gliding arms wouldn't obviously pass on their inferior gliding genes, which would only help them to evolve to be able to fly. It's not so outrageous to imagine happening, is it?

Your argument isn't well thought out, is borne out of ignorance, you're a troll, but even so I think ignorant and misguided people deserve to be able to have access to knowledge to make up their own minds. You've probably been brought up to think like that, which is a shame. Even if you weren't, it's a shame that you think this in any case. The EVIDENCE for evolution overwhelms the attempts by fundies or ignorami to say that evolution doesn't make sense. If people were better educated and thought critically, it would be obvious evolution is fact.
Lighting the Way to Reality
2010-12-17 17:50:22 UTC
The only thing laughable here are your stupid, ignorance-based questions.

Once again you have shown that you have an abysmal understanding of how evolution works and that you have an absolutely no knowledge of the evidence for evolution.

Either that, or you are a troll trying to make creationists look stupid.

Evolution does not have an aim toward a future configuration. Each stage in the process of evolution is useful. There was never any such thing as wing stubs.

Birds evolved from small, feathered dinosaurs, many fossils of which have been found. There is evidence that many species of dinosaurs, particularly the small ones, were warm-blooded, or at least had a higher metabolism than cold-blooded animals. Feathers were likely originally used for insulation.

From that initial use other uses could develop. Elongated feathers on the arms could be used in running to help change direction or to help slow the fall when jumping from a tree branch. Eventually the feathers would become more wing like.

There are a great many fossils of small dinosaurs with feather impressions showing a wide variety of forms.

Here is one of the many fossils of archaeopteryx. There are distinct impressions of flight feathers.

This is a reconstruction of the archaeopteryx skeleton. Does it look like a bird's skeleton in the next link?

And this.

The fossil record demonstrates quite well the evolution of birds.

When are you going to learn that you don't know diddly squat?

Or, in the other possibility, when are you going to stop taking up people's time here on Y!A in your trolling attempts to make creationists look stupid?


>>"Question: Can you answer me the above???"

I have, but you will just ignore it and keep on being your own ignorant self, just as you have always done with every other stupid, ignorant question you have asked.

You have always shown that you have no intention of examining the evidence, so what is your point in asking stupid questions?

The only reason I and others answer them is for the benefit of those other Y!A users who click on your questions expecting real answers. One would think that you would eventually wise up to being shown to be an ignorant fool all the time.

On the other hand, if you are actually a troll trying to make creationists look stupid, you can stop. Creationists are quite capable of looking stupid all by themselves without your help, thank you.
2010-12-17 14:01:11 UTC
Some one obviously failed 8th grade biology. Birds did not develop a wing stub. The wing is nothing more than a reshaped arm and hand.

The most laughable evolution concept I have encountered is a fundie developing the ability to actually think.
2010-12-17 20:38:55 UTC
You don't know the skeletal structure of a wing do you? Wings have the same skeletal structure as all tetrapod limbs. This means that in general the bone pattern of a bird's wing is the same as the bone pattern of our arms. It's sort of ignorant, then, to refer to "wing stubs". The first animals to start to evolve wings didn't have "wings stubs that were useless", they had functional arms. Archeopteryx even still had its fingers to go along with fully functional wings complete with flight feathers. Later on birds evolved to use their fingers less and their wings more which meant that mutations which resulted in the loss of their externally functional fingers didn't harm fitness and persisted until they became the norm.
2010-12-17 12:24:41 UTC
Ever heard of flying fish? The first 'wings' were likely flippers. As life emerged from the ocean onto land, some developed into 4-legged creatures. Others with 2 legs and 2 flipperlike extremities that they would flap to help them remain upright and increase speed when running. Eventually, some of these became specialized enough to actually take fight.

I know this is very simplified, but I have to take account of who I'm responding to...
2010-12-17 12:00:37 UTC
Actually, the legs that changed into wings over time always were functional. It's just the function and the shape that has changed, not the amount of limbs.

I'm surprised you didn't use the good old eye argument. Which is a fail for the same reason.
Freethinking Liberal
2010-12-17 17:37:08 UTC
From the fact that you have put this question in R&S and not biology indicates that you are not interested in a real answer, this is just a rant.

It is also a rant based on false premises.

1/ that only atheists accept the (vast) evidence that supports evolution.

2/ that the process of evolution of birds has not been explained.

try this:

it may stop you marking an idiot of yourself in future.
Trivia Jockey
2010-12-17 11:59:33 UTC
There may have been other advantages to having the stubs, unrelated to flight. Remember, the changes we see in species over time don't "think", they don't have a sentient "purpose". You're trying to ascribe a specific purpose to changes in species caused by natural selection, but that's not how it works.
2010-12-17 12:04:13 UTC
You do realize that not all wings came out of nothing. A lot of the "arms" of certain dinosaurs changed into wings over a long period of time. Pleas shut up and stop embarrassing yourself.
Donut Tim
2010-12-17 12:00:29 UTC
An atheist is a person that believes there is no God. The definition goes no farther.

Like anyone else, an atheist may believe or disbelieve many other things. Atheism is not related evolution.

2010-12-17 18:42:24 UTC
There are no laughable evolutionary concepts.The scientific theory of evolution is backed by massive amounts of factual data.

What's laughable is your ignorance of basic science.Get an education before you embarrass yourself further.

The two reasons for not believing the truth of evolution:willful ignorance and woeful ignorance
2010-12-17 11:58:56 UTC
You're not thinking this through very carefully, because you have a less logical mind than you believe.

I might also point out that, obviously, if an atheist believes in something, he or she doesn't consider it to be "laughable." That's yet another example of your logic deficiency.
2010-12-17 11:59:06 UTC
One single gene grew wings in bats.
free spirit
2010-12-17 11:58:22 UTC
In Genesis chapter 2 the order of creation seems to be different to that in chapter 1 with the animals being created (2:19) after Adam (2:7).

explain that...
2010-12-17 11:56:50 UTC
Sooooo.....your argument is that flightless birds don't exist?

Evolution and the developement of things like feathers and wings do not follow a prescribed plan. They are mutations that organisms capitalize on.

Epic Fail!
2010-12-17 11:58:25 UTC
I don't know about crashing down dude. You're trying too hard and overdoing it. It wreaks of desperation.
2010-12-17 11:57:49 UTC
Well those little dodo birds never flew and Ostrichess can not fly yet they have long wings.
2010-12-17 12:00:40 UTC
2010-12-17 11:59:38 UTC
well atheists evolved from retarded theists, so put that in your pipe and smoke it

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.