I usually pray for one before I drive every day.
My car is a crappy citroen C3..anyone whove seen the thing will know it can turn over in the slightest wrong turn.
anyway...one day I was driving at around 60 mph on the express way and i lost control..
my life flashed infront of my eyes as i tried to maintain control of the car..
first it skid to the right, and i broke the wheel in order not to hit the guy next lane...then it skid to the left, i broke the wheel one more time and the car skid past 3 lanes onto the far right, missing the guy in the middle lane.
I broke the wheel one more time and it made a 360 turn, around a freakin bus that was going in the right lane. and stopped in the middle of the express way...looking at the opposite direction
I was unharmed, unscathed and terrified.
people stopped and tried to see if i was ok...they congratulated me on my effort, but Illl be honest with you..I didnt know what I was doing.
I just remember praying like anything during the split seconds the car was skidding..never prayed like that in my life. ever
2 months later I found out my brothers friend (who has the same car) took a turn too fast, hit a light pole and was in a coma....when he woke up..he couldnt talk, or walk ..
moral of the lesson: dont hesitate to beg for it when you need to. and dont buy small european cars ^^ unless youre a jedi or something