2006-08-05 12:53:55 UTC
Do you believe that people who do believe in evolution of man from another species in the past are not saved by Jesus and can not be saved by Jesus? If so, do you have a scriptural basis for this?
How do you feel about people who do believe in evolution and believe they are saved because they believe in Jesus's death and resurrection?
Also, please explain 1 Kings 7:23; upon plain reading I read that a building is to be built that has a radius of 10 cubics and a circumference of 30 cubics. This seems to be word for word instructions from God. Is this an error somewhere because pi which is the ratio of circumference to radius is approxametely 3.14 in all other circles; was the author of 1 Kings 7:23 a bad math student and disregarded God or is the translation in English wrong? Please explain I'm trying to understand this.