Your concept of "free will" is only your sick wicked delusion, and you are evil for even considering such a thing!
God made you and everything you use, and, as that is not enough, He supplies the Power called Life into your spirit, every moment of the day, without which you would be a few dollars worth of soggy chemicals.
He demands your absolute allegiance, your absolute gratitude, and your absolute responsibility for how you develop the one resource that He gave you, that is all your own, namely, your mind.
One thing He demands above all else, the which, if you fail, ALL bets are off, and ANYTHING can happen to you, and HE DOES NOT CARE.
You and He must agree on the facts of your memory.
. AMOS 3:3.
That's "it."
That is the ONLY thing God has EVER wanted from us. He has NEVER demanded ANYTHING MORE than that from ANYBODY.
If you can do THIS ONE THING with Him, you can have ANYTHING you WANT, that He's got. You can have HIM. On better than a stick!
. JOHN 14:15-27.
. JOHN 15:1-16.
. JOHN 16:12-15.
When you undergo the Ultimate Proof of Human Stupidity called Death, you will be impersonally scanned by an Agent of God, who is, in effect, God, who is in effect, Ascended Jesus- because you will have implemented AGREEMENT WITH GOD:
. EZEKIEL 18:4.
4. "Behold, all Souls are Mine; as the Soul of the father,
so also the Soul of the son is Mine:
the Soul that sinneth, it shall die."
So then, The Angel/Messenger/Extension/Manifestation of God will SCAN (since we now understand to this level, we can use these terms,) YOU SOUL, to gain an ACCOUNT of HOW WE USED GOD'S LIFE FORCE.
. MATTHEW 18:23-27.
. LUKE 12:35-48.
. LUKE 16:1-2.
At this point, NOBODY CARES whether you ran a Soup Kitchen in Calcutta, or you were a Banana Republic Dictator, that ate Babies for dinner.
What God wants to know is:
At this point, you must project the reeled account of your entire life, to be picked up by the Angel of God, the which if you do. The Angel leaves you to your afterLife Destiny. At this point, your Soul's autonomous Backup default Energy Body has not yet deployed. Only if the Angel is satisfied with your account, will He leave.
Most people cannot render the full account, and that is IT, for them:
The Angel aggressively probes inside the Souls of the bozos who cannot recall their entire life, photographically.
The energies of this probing, rip the Soul apart, completely destroying its AfterLife capability.
Totally destroying that person.
THEN the Angel of God leaves.
The remnants of the destroyed Soul are set upon by scavenger creatures, who feed upon the remnants.
They harvest the memories and transfer them to the newborns, in order to steal their Divine Operating System Imprint, thus crippling them.
. JOB 28:28.
. JOHN 1:1-5,9.
. MATTHEW 13:19.
This is why, anyone who undergoes "Mind Control," "Awareness Training," and such stuff- they pick up crazy things which are accounted for as a "Past Life," because these techniques were developed by fools who never developed the capability to *see* these scavengers, and so presumed that someone could carry over memories from lifetime after lifetime, which would be useless all one's lifetime.
Native Americans knew all about this Spiritual Fact, having access to Drugs which enabled verification of Spiritual Enhancement techniques.
They had the only other full-spectrum ESP on the Planet. Therefore they developed a Spiritual System as good as The Bible, if not better.
When the Roman Catholic Church discovered this, they hunted those who had this knowledge to extermination, before the laymen learned what they knew.
The verifiable proof that Roman Catholics had invariably met a fate that was FAR WORSE THAN HELL would have TOTALLED Christianity around the World.
Anyone who had any doubts, could sit by any dying person, imbibe a Drug Cocktail, and *see* exactly what happens when people die.
The Native American Mystics who re-discovered this fact in modern times, learned that a person could incrementally recover their Life's Memories while they were quite healthy, such that they could run through their entire life history in about 20 minutes.
They were able to observe (their best seers might use their drugs only once in their lifetime, and then recreate the experience by willpower,) that those who could do this were NOT torn in sunder, but Ascended to Higher Realms. The angel did not destroy them, and the scavengers did not devour them.
In extreme cases, such as the person this was learned from, they do not even die, but will their bodies to transform to spirit energy, and proceed to Higher Realms, appropria