native non muslims living in islamic countries are brutalized and non muslim women are raped by muslim men and converted to islam by force. and these non muslims are natives of these islamic lands who have lived in them for centuries.
is this what islam teaches muslims, to brutalize non muslims?
(now dont pretend as if i am wrong ok)
Fourteen answers:
Blair Waldorf
2006-09-26 04:43:38 UTC
I'm not pretending
But you are wrong
2006-09-27 05:06:19 UTC
Which Islamic countries are you talking about? I've never heard such nonsense. You are obviously a racist bigot and have no idea about Islam or its teachings. As with any religion there are extremists who give their religion a bad name, but you shouldn't judge the whole based on these extremists views. Learn what Islam and its teachings are about and then you will see the light. Islam condemns rape thus making those that rape sinners who will be punished by God.
2006-09-26 05:00:29 UTC
With any religion comes Extremists. who will do anything and everything to make sure there beliefs are shared by the entire world, even if they use force and go against there beliefs. they make it alright in their minds that there doing it for their "god". Christians have done it in the past, so have many other religions. the only difference with islam right now is the Extremists are constantly in the media currently.
most religions forbid actually brutalizing any other living person like that, its simply against there beliefs. but that doesnt stop some people.
2016-11-25 00:55:45 UTC
of route, their should be some reality to it or it would not be a chance. is this a sturdy sufficient reason to position self belief in Islam or any faith for that count number? My answer should be no, because the undesirable led to through religion out weighs the sturdy through a great deal. i look at it this kind. If faith isn't had to steer a cheerful existence, and it isn't, why get entangled?
purple diamond
2006-09-26 04:59:15 UTC
islam does not teach this kind of behaviour.
this is unacceptable in islam as with all religions.
This is done by ppl who are ignorant and dont know or care about religion, we certainly do not cll them muslims.
in the so-called western civised world ppl still get raped even by so-called chrictians/jews whatever.
If u were to read the Holy quran and keep an open mind you will discover the punishment for these ppl.
2006-09-26 04:55:57 UTC
That is a very strong generalization; and I'm sorry if you have expeirenced this.
I confess to you that more than any American I know...I believe we should bomb Iran, Palestine, and any other "Muslim" nation that sees fit to force people into conversion.
However, generalizations, and misleading information leads to localized hate without people celebrating 9/11...they have no understanding what they were celebrating...because when it happens to them, they are the first ones lamenting in front of the cameras.
Try to keep your hate in check and remember there are decent muslim peoples out there too.
Knowledge Seeker
2006-09-26 05:01:23 UTC
Islam dosn't teaches its followers to be brutal.
A teacher dosn't teaches a student to cheat. But is it the teacher's fault that the student cheats?
’Let there be no compulsion in religion:
Truth stands out clear from error’
[Al-Qur’an 2:256]
Oh...I know u r thinking of many verses which 'say' are harsh. but they are out of context. if u want explanation, mail me at
2006-09-26 04:49:54 UTC
Which country are you even talking about?
adultery and fornication are forbidden whether the lady is Muslim or non-Muslim - so obviously those men are not following Islam properly,
NoLabel 11
2006-09-26 04:45:44 UTC
Why is it if we refuse to accept Islam as being a tool of peace we are accused of hate.
Nothing could be further from the truth in my case!
2006-09-26 04:46:44 UTC
You are wrong, your allegations are false and lack proof.
In Islam non Muslims have the same Rights as muslims.
you are so full of hatred, you're like a little crusader hiding behind his PC screen.
2006-09-26 04:51:48 UTC
tere is nothin 2 deal with islam here!!....don't tell me tht if ur kid do sumthin ron..thtz coz of ur religion.....religions were brought up..for god..n itz our duty 2 follow it...onez hu go against it..r not considered 2 b a part of tha religion my frind!!...those guyz r called "kafir"...n r not a part of islam no more....coz of wht they did...n tha ppl hu were behind it.....
2006-09-26 04:45:11 UTC
Supply me with the proof and I shall consider your argument to have merit. Until then, it's just libel.
2006-09-26 04:43:40 UTC
Wake up, wake up, your having a bad dream. Wake up, wake up and face reality why don't you
2006-09-26 04:50:30 UTC
well you are not right me this info..i have not been taught anything like this...
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