Evolution: Scientific proof or religious belief?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Evolution: Scientific proof or religious belief?
40 answers:
Deirdre H
2007-03-20 21:21:35 UTC
Well, you may have never said or printed the words "Science is a religion" other than to deny them, but you did say that you believe evolution is a religion. As Evolution is science, you believe that part of science is a religion.

I seriously doubt that you've read "On the Origin of the Species" by Charles Darwin; let alone with an open mind.

Most all of the elements that fundamentalist try to claim as unproved or impossible in Evolution were addressed by this book, yet the same old arguments abound; complex organs and such.

The truth is that Evolution is a science that has been studied for a great deal of time, with evidence abounding. The fact that religous folk wish to dismiss the evidence, coming up with creative yet illogical refutations does not diminisht the science.

Genetics can show progressions of species. I recall when fundamentalists hailed a scientific finding that showed that all humans are related genetically, suggesting a common ancestor, but they never mention that the same science that showed that is used to show how humans are related to other animals. You simply can't have part without the whole. Either you take science or leave it.

If you wish to refute an area of science, do yourself the dignity of discovering the facts of that which you wish to refute.
Take it from Toby
2007-03-21 07:27:16 UTC
Actually your mistaken here. Evolution deal greatly with science and scientific evidence. Therefor it is taught in science classes. Also, evolution is proven. It has been proven that a gene pool can and will change over time. The theory part is if humans came from primitive ape-like creatures. Evolution involves a great deal of science, therefor it is not a religion, but part of science. It is just as much a part of science as gravity.
2007-03-20 21:24:31 UTC
My answer is so far on the bottom here that it may never get read but I'll answer anyway.

Evolution is a theory the same way that the law of gravity is a theory or the germ theory of disease is a "theory". You may consider a theory a "guess" of correctness but to test this "theory/guess" throw a ball in the air and see if it comes down yourself. If I offer to cough in your face while I have strep throat, you would very likely be very angry with me due to the germ "THEORY" of contageous disease. I suppose you believe in that one.

A scientist calls his tests "theorys" to encourage further research because to the best of everyone's knowledge and with the evidence we have in this time and space, the facts indicate that cells change over a period of time (if christians doubt that, they only need to observe their children growing up.)

Evolution can be best proven by watching nature and the metamorphisis of any animal or plant. If DNA is a trusted and workable test enough to demonstrate and prove fatherhood of Anna Nichole's baby and if DNA is trusted by the American court system enough to prove innocence by suspected criminals, it must also be trusted enough to be an indicator of how similar human DNA is to that of a Banana and therefore indicating beyond reasonable doubt that the Banana is a very close relative of every human being.

It is not anymore a theory in the guess sense of the word than gravity is a theory. All cells originated from the same source.

You may say, "Ahh! That source is GOD! How could anything just "happen by accident?"

Then I can easily turn that argument back by saying then, "WHO invented GOD? How could God's existance be an accident?" It is easier to think that a strong wind blew through a junk yard and created a Boeing 747 than it would be to think that out of nothing a "Surpreme Being" jumped into existance out of no where.

Then you say, "GOD is eternal and infinate." To which I reply so is Energy, Space and Time. Those are as infinite as our current numeric system...there is no end to numeric possibilities.

It is easier for me to believe in evolution than in Intellegent Design or Creationism. I don't believe there is a "Master Mind" to the universe. I think...just as I think that if I get a shot of pennicillin it will kill the bacteria causing my infection...that Natural Selection is the reason for human intelligence.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter if I believe it or not, if your children don't die, they will grow up to be adults. I don't have to believe that alcohol will kill an earth worm for it to actually do so. I don't have to believe that I will die and other people will replace me for I will whether I want to believe it or not.

For this reason, evolution is not a belief. Things change whether we believe they will or not....and that's a fact, Jack!
2007-03-20 21:10:25 UTC
Yes it is called the Theory of Evolution but if you know anything about science (and I doubt if you do considering your ramblings) then you'd know that in science a theory is not a guess. Consider the follow:

In science, a theory is a mathematical description, a logical explanation, a verified hypothesis, or a proven model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise falsified through empirical observation. It follows from this that for scientists "theory" and "fact" do not necessarily stand in opposition.

I agree with you that creationism has absolutely no proof, it is based on a myth. Evolution Theory has considerable evidence that supports and proves it's claims.
Weird Darryl
2007-03-20 21:07:51 UTC
"I believe that that the hypothesis of evolution is nothing more than a religious belief." - I could say that a horse is a pig but that doesn't make it so. Your claim is just as ridiculous. The theory of evolution is a scientific explanation of how nature works. You can dismiss it all you want, but that doesn't change the facts. Evolution has happened in the past. Evolution happens today. Evolution will continue to happen in the future.

Have a nice day.

W. Coastal Eddie
2007-03-20 21:05:23 UTC
Evolution is NOT a religious belief. Religious beliefs, like Creationism, require one to rely on blind faith and just believe. Evolution is scientific fact. While we don't have all the answers to explain exactly how (or if) humans evolved from other life forms, we can see examples of evolution occuring in nature all the time. Examples are people getting taller all over the world, bacteria becoming more resistent to antibiotics, and fish adapting to changing water temperature and salinity. You currently do not have to pay for religious beliefs to be included in textbooks- and that's good. Imagine having to include Pagan Mythology, Adam and Eve, Reincarnation and every other kooky theory that folks are just supposed to blindly believe in (depending on which one they were taught) in there with provable science! Nightmare!
2007-03-20 21:01:41 UTC
1) It's not a hypothesis. It's past that.

2) It's a scientific theory.

3) It's a scientific fact (i.e., HAS BEEN PROVEN).

4) It's backed up by literally MOUNTAINS of evidence.

5) It is impossible for it to be a belief as it is based on science.

6) Science does not equal religion.

7) I've been in THREE college classes so far (I'm a Freshman) that TEACHES Evolution as FACT.

8) Get over it.
2007-03-20 21:02:46 UTC
Evolution is NOT a religion. I have never heard of a scientist praying to Darwin for an experiment to work properly, so I don't think this comparison can be made. There is PLENTY of proof for evolution, browse then come back and post saying there is no proof. Molecular evidence is overwhelmingly supportive of evolution, ex: ubiquitous genes and DNA functional redundancy. Please research the subject before you claim something foolish like there is no proof for Evolution or that evolution is a religion. Creationists have what? A 2000 year old book full of violence, bloodshed, contradictions, and pure falsehoods. Open up a book and read before making such foolish statements again. Also, I would like evolution to be taught alongside "creation science" in sunday school
2007-03-20 22:38:07 UTC
According to Charles Darwin his theory of evolution would be proven by the fossil records tracing the evolution of a species step by step, from stage to stage. Today millions of fossils have been uncovered, without proving any line of evolutionary process. In effect the evidence that Darwin said would prove him right, has never been found.

Anyone who believes that this theory has evidence backing it up has believed a lie. You can not rely on the word of men in regards to what they ate last night for dinner, more or less then what happened billions of years ago.

Facts of men are useless. Through history we have seen information manipulated, for the purpose of controlling the masses. This was the case in Nazi germany under Hitler. The regime attacked the Jews, and the Church that stood for the principals of God. The same happened in the time of Napoleon. We saw the same thing happen in the former soviet union, which was very hitler like, they preach the theory of evolution, and attacked man as God' s creation. In communist China the same thing existed.

Before Darwin's time Nero, Caligula, to an evolusionistic view of creation.

The result of this type of philosophy, almost always leads to a viscous dictatorship. This is proven by the records of history, recorded by men that actually lived in those times. Darwin followed Nazi like philosophy, he was a communist, which is similiar to Hitler's philosophy.

On his death bed Darwin made a confession. When he was close to death he sought peace with his creator, and said that the reason that he came up with the theory of evolution,was for the purpose attacking the Church. He confessed that he fabricated it for that purpose. This statement was recorded was recorded from Darwin's own lips.

The truth is right before your eyes all you have to do is to look for it.

Evolution is not true according to it's creator's words. The truth is not in information that has been pedaled by the educational system but in records of history, and is there for any one to find.
2007-03-20 21:05:39 UTC
You've been watching too many Kent Hovind videos.

Science deals only with what can be observed either directly, through mathematical models, through evidence, or any combination of the above. Given these circumstances the word "faith" hardly applies.

The scientific method follows the evidence to it's rational conclusion in order to build theories like evolution. Note that theory here is scientific theory, not just something that was thought up. Creationism starts with their conclusion and tries as hard as possible to support it with evidence, often building cases on false conclusions or ignoring evidence to the contrary.

I'm very sorry, you're dead wrong.
2007-03-20 21:15:54 UTC
You are correct ....evolution has become a religious cult....based on nothing but faith in some imaginay event of the past.

Thanks for being courageous enough to speak the spite of the bashing you inevitably will receive from the evolutionists....which, by the way, only serves to re-enforce the veracity of your comments.
2007-03-22 12:18:32 UTC
if you believe evolution is not science, you should be more than happy to pay for science education of kids. After all you didn't get a good science education, so you should make sure the next generation is getting one. I don't think your parents can claim a refund for the inefficient use of money from your school though, it's just bad luck.
super Bobo
2007-03-21 11:28:22 UTC
I completely agree. For some strange reason, 'faith' has become an unacceptable idea in the world of science. It is required, in varying degrees, for any theory to be formed. Unless you operate in the world of numbers, faith is required.

And its not just evolution in the school system, its secular humanism being applied, which is easier to argue as a religion.
2007-03-20 21:03:16 UTC
The physical evidence supports the theory of evolution in a predictable and measurable way. There is a wealth of evidence from many branches of science to support evolution.

Just because you do not know this does not make knowledge of it a 'religion'.

Science concerns itself with knowledge of the physical world.

Religion is a matter of faith that cannot be proved.

You get into trouble when you try to blur these two things.
stuart p
2007-03-21 06:28:41 UTC
For nicholas-Gravity is a law[of physics] a proven idea-Evolution ? A theory [unproven] a religion unto itself-Darwin took a part of GODS plan ,messed it up and presented it as the whole truth.NOW we have it taught in schools,as fact.While CREATIONALISM is banned -
Pastor Iblis
2007-03-20 21:15:27 UTC
Evolution is not a religion it is based on observable provable scientific facts. I guess you don't believe in the theory of gravity either. That is after all only a theory! Should that be excluded from science books too?
2007-03-20 21:05:55 UTC
Evolution is rock solid science. It starts from observation and relies on critical analysis. The processes are documented. Life has been around 3,500,000,000 years. 150 years is a drop in the bucket.

The argument that evolution is religion means you owe the taxpayers their money back.
neil s
2007-03-20 21:10:59 UTC
Nothing can be "proven" scientifically, as "proof" is a concept of deductive logic, and science works on induction. What is required is a minimum level of certainty about an hypothesis (the minimum is different in the hard sciences as compared to the social sciences.) The requisite level of certainty is far exceeded by the evidence for evolution, thus it is established (scientific) fact.
2007-03-20 21:02:30 UTC
Umm, I think it is a belief within science, because it isn't a religous belief, I can tell you that. It is most likely scienific because a religious belief is that God created all things, including humans, so if you believe the weird thing (no offense to anyone who actually does believe this monkey business) about how humans evlovled from apes or some other kind of primate, it is probably NOT religious, more scientific than anythign else.

Hope this helps!
Saint Lucipher
2007-03-20 21:03:38 UTC
Your conclusions are not based on fact or credible evidence. One form of proof of evolution is your wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth usually grow in crooked and must be removed. Do you think God made you that way? No of course not because through him all things are perfect. Your wisdom teeth grow in crooked because your mouth was once much larger when your great grand father scrapped his knuckles on the ground when he walked. Back then the size of the jaw was larger but through many years man "EVOLVED" to a smaller head and jaw but still the number of teeth remained the same because GOD forgot to backup his files on the creation of man.
2007-03-20 21:01:26 UTC
A theory, from the scientific perspective, is an explanation for another "scientific" fact. It would be like:

Fact: Organisms changing generation to generation

Theory: The explanation of the "fact" of evolution is called the Theory of Evolution.

edit: I don't think I'm that stupid to get two thumbsdowns, am I not?
The Captain
2007-03-20 21:17:23 UTC
I agree with you I asked a question like this and all I got were negative comments from Darwinians that assumed I was a moron for not thinking that I evolved from slime. And I strongly think they should not teach a theory as fact to our kids; they only grow up to defend it. It's called brainwashing. I like the analogy that a circus gets a elephant to stay is that when a elephant is a baby they tie a rope around its ankle and when it is an adult the huge animal still doesn't escape because it doesn't fathom that it can break the rope; just like these kids. I think it is ignorant that we humans think that we came from apes. There are apes today, humans are related to apes and probably many other types of primates that have gone extinct over time probaby by world destruction and war. An exampe of another primate gone extinct is Gigantic pithicus. There is evidence that humans like us walked the same time of the dinosaur with many archaeological finds of fossilized human Footprints around the world. footprint.html,

and bones of humans like us. Now wouldn't it be cool if bigfoot was found and what would they say then. And all I hear from Darwinians is that it is fact and it is proven. Tells us the prove there is none. It is theory. DNA can only be hybrid to a point that is fact. There is science on Cell mutation through mitoncondrea RNA where cells are very complex like little machines; lab results have come from this science. There are no lab results on Darwins theories, it can't be applied to anything but science fiction books. I would also like to add that Charles Darwin beliefed in God early in life and on his deathbed he renounced his theory. I read his books, he did study animals very well but when it came to his theory on evolution thats all it was. He based his theory on a skeleton of a primate that that was a humonoid, but that does not prove that we came from that creature if anything it is just other forms of primates that have gone extinct. Oh and gravity is not a theory it is called the Law of Gravity sir Isaac Newton. Wouldn't you be insulted if 100,000 years from now lets say a natural disaster destroys most of the earth like a comet and civilization in the future assumes that we came from apes because some guy named Darwin digs up an actual apes skeleton.One last thing I have studied 8 years of chemistry, graduated from college in physics, I have done many scientific studies, and my wife does molecular research. I was taught the same beliefs in Darwinism but I used my own head and can say that I don't belief in it and thats not based from any religious side but pure science.
2007-03-20 20:59:50 UTC
thanks, your first sentence, "I believe that that the hypothesis of evolution is nothing more than a religious belief" made me laugh hysterically for five minutes. I really wish that the religious would leave science alone. By challenging evolution to debate from a creationist point of view, you are going to fight a LOSING battle. In case you have not realized it evolution is about as valid a theory as the theory of gravity. But I don't see Christians going nuts over the theory of gravity.

Evolution is real, it occurs, it has been proven to occur...get over it.
Doc Occam
2007-03-20 21:03:37 UTC
I'd like to see an alternate universe where it says something like 'up is down and down is up' in Acts or something and all the Christians complain about the theory of gravity being 'just a theory'.
2007-03-20 21:00:23 UTC
It's a scientific theory accepted by the vast majority of the scientific community. You can believe it's a religion if you'd like, but you are incorrect.
2007-03-20 21:02:08 UTC
Atheism is NOT a relgion.

Science is NOT a religion.

Accepting Evolution as good science involves no leaps of faith.

Take a few science courses and try to pay attention. Try not to cover your ears and scream "I'm not listening to your beliefs" whenever science tells you something that you don't like. (its called maturity)
2007-03-20 20:59:01 UTC
Scientific theory
2007-03-20 21:00:50 UTC
Then why teach anything since really nothing can be proven. Proof can't *Blip*
2007-03-20 21:01:03 UTC
No, we ACCEPT evolution, based on the overwhelming evidence. EVIDENCE. Not faith.

Are you going to complain about gravity being taught next? How about fractions?

There is overwhelming evidence for evolution, no matter how hard you yell it isn't there. Sorry. We have the evidence - you lose.
2007-03-20 21:01:00 UTC
Wow, twisted that one right around to make yer point huh? Irrelevant! evolution is not a religion and will not become one because you say so
Barbara J
2007-03-20 21:06:42 UTC
Since I am a christian & I dont live by the standards of this world & trust the scriptures, why should I care what the secular world regards "evolution as". The main objective for me is to serve God thru His Son until HE returns....<>< <><
2007-03-20 21:00:08 UTC
The difference is, we've taken evidence and come to a conclusion...You've taken a conclusion and searched for the evidence....

Ten minutes with a good science book wouldn't hurt anybody....
2007-03-20 21:05:03 UTC
we must have got here some how mate!

the shapest tool in the box you aint!
2007-03-20 21:00:13 UTC
how about those flu shots

Edit: Is there even one piece of empirical evidence for a creator anywhere on Earth?
2007-03-20 21:00:51 UTC
scientific proof
2007-03-20 20:59:03 UTC
First of all, evolution is a theory, not fact. So even if scientists agree in the theory, its still theory. Also, they are always finding new evidence for and against the theory. One of the most significant finds lately as (attached article) contradicts mans evolution because it indicates that humans and Neanderthals bred with one another. So one species of man did not evolve into another, but both existed at the same time.

Having said this, there are likely elements of both evolution and creation in life.

There is no doubt that there are some elements of natural selection in the process of life. For example, moths in certain environments can assume the same color as their surroundings to evade predators. Its of course the moths that "stick out" from their surroundings that get eaten by their predators and do not survive to reproduce. Thus survivors produce and continue the species. Having said this, I think its naive to think that given that species adapt to their environments, that there is not an overall design element to the moth life form to begin with.

Although there are proven natural selection processes that occur within evolution theory, there are a lot of problems with the overall theory. For example, there are no "in-between" species meaning that species went from one to a completely different one without gradually changing. Darwin even had problems with his own theory. Also, it is more probable that a tornado go through a junk yard and create a 747 than for evolution to have created life. In other words, there is an element of "design" in the existence of life. If there is "design," there must be a creator. But there are definitely natural selection processes that also occur within the overall creation and adapting of life.

I think that there are some natural selection processes in life but that the overall design came from our Creator

Here is also an interesting article on inbreeding that refutes evolution because one species of man did not evolve into another but breed together from separate species:
Prem K
2007-03-20 21:04:45 UTC
Both. There cannot be science without sprirituality
2007-03-20 20:59:58 UTC
I agree Evolution is belived by athiest which means haveing no religion, but no religion IS a religion in its self
.peace and love.
2007-03-20 21:00:38 UTC
actually creation can be proved try opening the bible its the first line
2007-03-20 21:22:13 UTC
The Qur‘an Supports Darwinian Evolution !! >>>

Even though controversies exist among believing scholars, the following observations, though presented in brief, seem to lead us to the conclusion that the Qur’an supports the basic views held by modern science about biological evolution. Let us approach the topic directly and as concisely as possible.

1. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was able to discover the theory of evolution primarily by dint of traveling. His ship, Beagle, set out for a long voyage in 1832 from London. God also instructs man to do the same to earn knowledge.

Have they not SEEN how God begins with creation, then performs it all over again ?… “TRAVEL around the earth and SEE how He began with creation” (29:19-20).

Here God implies that:

* It is possible for man to find clues to the first stages of creation by TRAVELING and OBSERVING nature.

* Unbelievers, not the believers, have done so and SEEN (known) the process of creation.

* What unbelievers have seen is not false, because they have made conclusions on the basis of OBSERVATIONS and EXPERIMENTS [seen].

So it is to be accepted that God’s method of creation is what scientists HAVE FOUND OUT; that is, EVOLUTION. In other words, when God refers to unbelievers in relation to what THEY have SEEN, then it becomes doubtless that what the unbelieving scientists REPORT TO HAVE SEEN is TRUE. Now, because the unbelieving scientists say that what they have found out to be the formula of creation is nothing but EVOLUTION, what else can these verses be said to refer to except EVOLUTION?

In another verse, God refers to, what scientists have observed through research:

… Do they not consider that God, Who has created Heaven and Earth, is able to create the like of them (again) … (17:99)?

How can they consider so? Now we know that we can consider so by knowing about EVOLUTION and GENETIC ENGINEERING. By using the techniques of genetic engineering, even man can create the like of man, let alone God, the Creator of the Science of Genetics.

And CERTAINLY [through empirical research and scientific or inductive and deductive reasoning, which assure the CERTAINTY of hypotheses and thus create knowledge] you KNOW the first growth, why then do you not ponder (56:62)?

Now is it not to be inferred that when God says that “they” KNOW about the first stages of creation, He actually refers to what they themselves think they HAVE KNOWN through scientific investigation?

2. Like science, God also says that He created all creatures, including man, from water, in the process of evolution, in which NATURAL SELECTION determined the SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST:

We created man from an extract of clay (23:13).

We have created every living thing out of water (21:30).

He is the One Who created humanity out of water (25:54).

He is the One Who created Heaven and Earth in six days [Geological ages]. His Throne rises over the water, so that He may test which of you is BEST IN ACTION [survives] (11:7).

[He is] the One Who created death and life, so that he may TEST which of you is BEST [most capable] in action [to survive as the fittest one] (67:2).

Not surprisingly, the idea of Survival of the Fittest is a Qur’anic idea: it applies not only to the evolutionary process of creation on earth but also to the reality of the Hereafter – those who do not act best, or at least in an acceptable way, will not be able to survive there: they will neither die nor live.

... and death will come to him from every quarter, but he shall not die (14:17).

3. The Qur’an, like science, says that the creation of man and his physical development has taken place in DIFFERENT PHASES of evolution:

[God is He] Who has created AND [then] fashioned, Who has proportioned AND [then] guided (through knowledge and divine message) (87:2-3).

[God is] the One Who created you from dust, THEN from a drop of semen; THEN fashioned you into a [complete] man (18:37).

These verses, considered together, tell us that the structure of the human body evolved AFTER the hereditary relationship through semen had been established. This means that man was not human in form at an intermediate stage of his biological development. The following verses support this conclusion:

He [is God Who] started out by creating man from clay; THEN He made his progeny from an extract of discarded liquid; NEXT He completed him and breathed some of His own spirit into him. He has [through His spirit] granted you hearing, eyesight, and vital organs (32:7-10).

The above verses say that procreation through blood relations [i.e., through the liquid or semen] continued for a time even BEFORE the completion of the human stature and the breathing of God’s spirit into [the selected sample of] this stature.

There surely came over man a period of time when he was a thing not worth mentioning. [i.e., there was a time when the possibility of man was in a non-human form which, as science informs us, is a hominid form] (76:1).

The verse next to the above says:

Surely We have created man from a small life-germ uniting (itself), so that We might TEST him [in the huge laboratory of Nature to see whether he survives or not] (76:2).

This verse can be said to refer both to the formation of human embryo in the mother’s womb and to the evolution of complex organisms from a single-cell bacterium or amoeba in the prehistoric waters teeming with life.

He created the heavens and the earth with truth, AND He formed you, THEN made goodly your forms, AND [as the last goal of your development through these stages of evolution] to Him is the ultimate resort (64:3).

That man was created in the process of evolution, of whatever type it is, is alluded to in another verse:

So your Lord [O Muhammad (PBUH)] said to the angels: “I am ABOUT to create a human being from ringing clay, from molded slime. WHEN I have finished with him and breathed some of my spirit into him, THEN drop down on your knees before him (15:28-31).

God HAD UTTERED these declarations BEFORE the biological creation of man was finished. Actually, He made this instruction when the process of creation was still going on – i.e., to use the language that science prefers, the process of evolution was going on. In other words, it was a stand-by order from God. Understandably, any PROCESS taking place in time through some stages of activities and moving toward a cumulative outcome is, by definition, what is referred to by the term EVOLUTION.

That God created and established His creation on earth through the process of NATURAL SELECTION (which is based on the overall merit of the choices made in activities) seems to be the fact. Let us consider the following verse:

We have created man in the BEST of statures [the MOST suitable among the available alternatives] (95:4).

This verse implies that in the beginning there were more than one possibility of statures, among which only the best survived and the others (i.e., hominids, as scientists have called them) that failed to evolve perfectly were doomed to extinction. The following verses corroborate this conclusion:

He increases anything He wishes through creation [i.e. He adds to creation as He pleases] (35:1).

He is the One Who originates [matters], then REPEATS them all over again (85:13).

Through repeated creation and re-creation He makes an opportunity for natural selection.

If He so wished, He could take you away [ = destroy] and bring some fresh creation [through NATURAL SELECTION] (35:16).

We too have created them AND strengthened their sinews. Whenever We wish, We will REPLACE them with others like them in exchange [through “Social Selection” ] (76:28).

Then We raised up other generations after [having destroyed] them [because they could not survive the Selection Game of the reality by behaving in the standard way] (23:42).

… If He so wished, He would remove you [through natural selection] and bring replacements for you in any way [social or political or biological] He wishes, Just as He produced you from the offspring of other people [and helped you survive] (6:133).

It is evident that these verses also answer for genetic changes like MUTATION. That man has biologically evolved from a lower stage is clearly referred to in the following verses:

Among His signs is [the fact] that He has created you from dust. THEN you were scattered as human beings (30:20).

In this verse God alludes to the prehistoric, ancient men who were scattered all over the world thousands or hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Mankind, worship your Lord Who created you AS WELL AS those before you … (2:21).

Heed Him Who created you AND the character of the EARLIEST MEN (26:184).

In these verses the modern man is identified as being different from the ancient man, implying that there is a clear, sharp DIVIDING LINE between them; in other words, they belong to DIFFERENT CATEGORIES. The following verses clarify this truth beyond all doubt:

He [Pharaoh] said, “Who is Lord for both of you, Moses?”

He [Moses] said, “Our Lord is the One Who has given everything its own constitution [and form]; THEN guided it (with knowledge, inspiration, and revelation).

He [Pharaoh] said, “Then what about the FORMER GENERATIONS?”

He [Moses] said, “Knowledge concerning them rests in a Book with my Lord (20:49-52).”

Here Pharaoh’s last question is very instructive: he asks – O Moses, if it is true that your Lord has given everything its due PROPORTION or FORM and GUIDANCE, then what about those who have gone before? They were NOT WELL FORMED as the modern man, nor were they guided [ The Qur’an again says that the primitive people were not guided by messengers]. This definitively establishes the fact that the Qur’an says that man was created through the process of evolution, of whatever nature it is.

There is a verse in the Qur’an that can be interpreted to have said that the creation of man and the creation of the whole universe were inseparably linked to a process extended in time in different stages:

God is the One Who has granted you the earth to settle down on AND the sky built above you, AND has SHAPED you. He has made your shapes handsome AND provided you with wholesome things (4:64).

The juxtaposition of these apparently diverse facts in a single verse with the emphatic use of “AND” cannot but lead one to infer that all these events were different, simultaneous results of the same process adopted as the formula of creation. Incidentally, the theories of Ecology are revealing facts that are compatible with and suggestive of the implications of this verse.

6. Science says that the idea of evolution is inseparably linked to the idea of genetics in its latest development. The Qur’an, much to our surprise, alludes to all important discoveries of genetic science, which we will shortly see.

(a) The Qur’an says that the HEREDITY of man, and of many other species of animals, is maintained through BLOOD-RELATIONSHIPS:

He is the One Who created humanity from water; and He has granted them BLOOD TIES [genetic ties] as well as IN-LAWS [social relationships] (25:54).

He is the One Who has SCATTERED you over the earth [through genetic and geographical mobility] (23:69).

Have you ever considered what [semen] you emit? Did you create it, or are We its creator (56:58-59)?

And We made his [Noah’s] offspring the SURVIVORS [through genetic mechanisms] (37:77).

... There are signs in your own creation as well as how animals SPREAD AROUND [through genetic and geographical mechanisms] (45:4).

(b) Genetic science says that man’s biological, and even physiological, capabilities, which he earns through efforts and inheritance, survive or get expressed in his progeny and get manifested in various biological as well as socio-cultural spheres of life. The Qur’an says so too:

O children of Israel, remember my favor that I have bestowed on you. I have [GENETICALLY] preferred you to [the rest of] the Universe [which you are passing on to the later generations through genetic mechanisms] (2:47).

We already gave the children of Israel the Book, discretion [talent or cognitive ability] and prophethood [spiritual talent], and We provided them with wholesome things and let them [GENETICALLY] excel over [others in] the Universe (45:16).

The above verse testifies to the fact that even God’s messengership is a characteristic which can be genetically passed from one generation to the next.

There is no animal [walking] on earth nor any bird flying on its wings that are not [GENETIC] communities like yourselves (6:38).

Noah said, “My Lord, do not leave any disbelievers with homes upon the earth. If you should leave them any, they will lead your servants astray and WILL ONLY BREED loose living disbelievers (71:26-27).

(c) A decisive proof of the role of genetic mechanisms in evolution is the DIVERSTTY of species on earth and the diversity within a particular species. Such BIODIVERSITY has been alluded to in the Qur’an in the most beautiful language:

O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female, and set you up as NATIONS [political communities] and TRIBES [genetic communities] so you may RECOGNIZE one another (49:13).

We usually hold the view that it is HOMOGENEITY that helps us know or RECOGNIZE one another. But here God says that He has created HETEROGENEITY to help us recognize one another. What does it mean? It means that God urges us to look for the UNITY in all this DIVERSITY. This is the basic principle behind the concept of BIODIVERSITY and SURVIVAL in the theory of evolution.

Among His signs is the creation of Heaven and Earth, as well as the DIVERSTTY in your tongues [languages] and colors. In that are signs FOR THOSE WHO KNOW (30:22).

In this verse the diversity has directly been pointed out as a sign of the truth of the Qur’an for those who have earned much KNOWLEDGE about what unity the diversity implies. Indeed, there can be no diversity without unity. The term “diversity” itself implies a latent unity.

Then We raised up OTHER GENERATIONS [with genetic and social variations] after them (23:41).

Out of Moses’ folk [there grew] a nation who guided by means of the Truth and dealt justly by means of it. We SPLIT THEM UP INTO TWELVE TRIBES ... (7:160).

If God had so wished, He might have made you into ONE COMMUNITY [instead of diversity], but compete rather in doing good deeds so He may test you by means of what He has given you. To God is your return entirely ... (5:48).

Here God says that man should find out the homogeneity behind all the heterogeneity, because he will have to return to the Plane of Unity at last, when those who have not discerned the unity in the diversity will not survive.

The belief in Teleology is considered opposed to the way of believing or accepting the concept of RANDOMNESS, which is central and vital to the theory of natural selection of all kinds. Even genetic science at its molecular level, let alone nuclear physics, is founded on the concept of randomness. But if we carefully observe some verses of the Qur’an, we see that God has used the process of randomness as a way of being unbiased at the primary stage of creation:

He increases anything He WILLS [wishes] through creation [i.e. He adds to creation as He pleases] (35:1).

God does anything He WILLS [wishes] (22:18).

Once He WILLS [wishes] anything, His command only need to tell it: “Be!”: and it is! (36:82)

Our statement for anything We have WILLED [wished], is only for Us to tell it:

“Be!” and it exists! (16:40).

... if He so WILLED [wished], He would remove you and bring replacements for you in any way He WILLS, just as He produced you from the offspring of other people (6:133).

These and other similar verses imply that God’s WILL in such cases is not that of autocracy or caprice or bias. Rather, it is just the personified expression of STATISTICAL RANDOMNESS, which forms the basis of any unbiased method of sampling in scientific research activities. This same principle of reality is observed at the atomic level as UNCERTAINTY. In the political and psychological levels, it is usually called FREEDOM and CREATIVITY. Actually, God creates according to His WILL, because no other WILL can ever predate that of His. So whatever He wills is perfect justice at that level. But once He has created, He chooses the best of them according to how the organisms have used the grace that they have received from Him in choosing among the alternative courses of action. This is the way He adds value to organisms. Again, He never imposes any burden on any organism that it cannot bear:

We only assign a soul something it can cope with (23:61).

So it is clear that the concept of RANDOMNESS is not only acceptable but also the fact according to the Qur’an.

However, now a question may crop up: How do we explain the fact that Adam (Peace be upon him), together with his wife, was ousted from the Paradise and sent to the Earth for Trial? In answer to this question we may argue that this statement of the Qur’an (in verses 7:19-26) is allegorical, since it alludes to a dimension of reality indescribable in worldly language except in terms of metaphors and symbols, the meaning of which is known only to God Himself:

He it is Who has revealed the Book to you; some of its verses are decisive [in reference and meaning], they are the basis of the Book, and others are ALLEGORICAL ... but none knows their interpretation except God, and those who are firmly rooted in KNOWLEDGE [founded on empirical research, valid reasoning, and belief] say: We believe in it, it is all [both types of verses] from our Lord; and none do mind except those having UNDERSTANDING [ of the reality through the process of valid reasoning based on facts] (3:7).

Therefore, as far as science is placed vis-a-vis the factual statements provided in the Qur’an, we need not necessarily go beyond the interpretations that the scientific methods of reasoning and knowledge creation allow us. We had better not discard the decisive knowledge simply because we are not in a position to interpret everything that we are told about but cannot observe or deduce from observable facts in a logical manner. In other words, once we have known something that is valuable, we should not lose the opportunity of valuing it as such.


At this point we can make this comment that a discovery in science may be a serendipity or the result of a long, arduous process of research, but the central point of any discovery is the PRIMARY CLUE to the reality which can teach the mind the TWIST OF THOUGHT that is needed. The Qur’an, so far as we have seen, contains all clues to the discovery of the whole of evolution and genetics.



1. S.M. Zakir Hussain. KORAN EBONG GENETICS(in Bangla). Gyankosh Prokashoni, Dhaka.

2. The Koran translated by M. H. Shakir (Goodword Books, India)

3. The Meanings of the Illustrious Qur’an translated by Abdullah Yousuf Ali(Adam Publishers & Distributors, India).

4. The Qur’an translated by T.B. Irving (Goodword Books, India)

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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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