This is the true concept of God in hinduism?
2010-06-02 04:06:52 UTC
Concept of God in Hinduism

Hinduism is commonly perceived as a polytheistic religion. Indeed, most Hindus would attest to this, by professing belief in multiple Gods. While some Hindus believe in the existence of three gods, some believe in thousands of gods, and some others in thirty three crore i.e. 330 million Gods. However, learned Hindus, who are well versed in their scriptures, insist that a Hindu should believe in and worship only one God.

The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim perception of God is the common Hindus’ belief in the philosophy of Pantheism. Pantheism considers everything, living and non-living, to be Divine and Sacred. The common Hindu, therefore, considers everything as God. He considers the trees as God, the sun as God, the moon as God, the monkey as God, the snake as God and even human beings as manifestations of God!

Islam, on the contrary, exhorts man to consider himself and his surroundings as examples of Divine Creation rather than as divinity itself. Muslims therefore believe that everything is God’s i.e. the word ‘God’ with an apostrophe ‘s’. In other words the Muslims believe that everything belongs to God.

The trees belong to God, the sun belongs to God, the moon belongs to God, the monkey belongs to God, the snake belongs to God, the human beings belong to God and everything in this universe belongs to God.

Thus the major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim beliefs is the difference of the apostrophe ‘s’. The Hindu says everything is God. The Muslim says everything is God’s.
Fourteen answers:
2010-06-02 04:10:55 UTC
I vote for the Hindu idea.

It just make more sense.

If a God exists and it is the source of all that is then nothing exists apart from this God so it would all be sacred.

Love and blessings Don
2010-06-02 04:21:26 UTC
The problem with the Muslims is their short-sightedness.

The Qur'an as sharif tells you that Allah said that you shall not ascribe any Partners to Him and nor shall anyone intercede.

But yet, you say "La'illaha il'illahu, mohammadur rasool'illah." thus ascribing Mohammad His Partner and, you also believe that Mohammad can intercede.

Now, let me answer the real Question - What is the true concept of God in Hinduism?

It's "Deivehah nirguna, nirakara." - God[hood/head] is beyond intellectual and physical perception.

What does this mean?

1] God is not some Sky Daddy living in Heaven. That is but a stage of your evolution and a Phase in your Life.

2] You, as a human are not an exclusive owner of that stage which is common to all things and all creatures of the World.

3] That this the Absolute which cannot be measured in terms of the Temporal and Relative.

Therefore, do not waste your time trying to "see" God, for that is impossible.

Live your Life with rationale and wisdom and respect for all the things around you. Understand the fact that all things around you and you, yourself, are but a part of the Eternal and Universal Consciousness that is called the Parama Atma.

The Sanathana Dharma, which you call Hinduism, doesn't limit anyone, but, gives them all the Liberty to find their own Path to the Truth.

That is why, while the most basic tenets of the Sanathana Dharma are "Deivehah nirguna, nirakara" and "Tat tvam asi" or Thou art that., they permit those cannot understand the complexity of these thoughts to worship [Bhakthi] their own ichcha devas [Gods of Personal Choice] and find their own Path to Salvation.

That is why the one who can perceive God in the form of a man with four arms is as free to do so as you who see a wall towards which you bow and pray.

Whereas you say - "la illaha il'illahu" - there is no God, but God; you "see" a Muslim God, a Christian God, a Hindu God etc; and belie your empty words.

Sanathana Dharma, on the contrary, doesn't speak empty words - it's people live that.

The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim is one actually lives and breathes the Truth while the other merely mouths empty words and fools himself in the Superiority of his "Faith".


2016-06-03 11:16:29 UTC
I'm not Hindu but I have been reading about it and we have a Hindu friend. As I understand the different deities are all seen as different aspects or forms of one being. So strictly speaking this is not polytheistic. There are different sects of Hinduism just as there are different denominations of Christianity. Some may focus more on one or more aspects than others. Some sects like within Buddhism don't require a literal deity belief at all and operate as Buddhism does sometimes more on a philosophical level.
2010-06-02 04:48:12 UTC
You yourselves have analysed God's concept. What is your question?

While talking about God, we should not forget that we are arguing about shape of the Aakash or Avkash. This will lead one to no where except augmentations. This is dangerous as far as spiritual life is concern.

As Hindu what you believe is true and as Muslim, what they believe is true. Why worry? Both are right.

To follow religion is only a true selfish' activity i.e. it is individualistic activity. Mass can never achieve liberation.

So what suits you and your Sanskaras and personality and your education and your state of mind is adoptable by you, that may not suit all others. So religious practice is 'individualistic'.

Brother enjoy the life and seek God from your within because your Atma is a part of Param Atma. So through your Atma try to meet Param Atma and attain spiritual liberation yourselves. here you can not work for any one including your Parents, Family etc.
2010-06-04 23:57:04 UTC
Very good.

YOu are trying to think in a good manner.

Further good observations about religion - basically comparison of 2.

Your Observation is more of logical & reasonable type.

But my dear, the God is beyond all logics & reasoning, that a human or any creature can think or imagine.

So better you first study the whole things in some - 1 religion.

Then only you get the real benefit of the religion.

Any way,

Best of luck.

Aum Namah Shivay
Big Avatar
2010-06-03 01:45:42 UTC
Not only human, but every live - every creature - is the content of all the parts of the universe. , This is the theory. There is part of earth (solid), water liquid), air (gas) and two more - Agni and Aakash - this is an average live - an animal or bird or tree.

Among these, inside of each live, there is a feeling - I or myself - This feeling is not permanent, but only when we are doing things but NOT during our sleep. Nobody understand himself that he is sleeping (during the sleepo) but when awaken, "Oh ! I was sleeping" - comes the idea about "myself".

Then take one by one things of the universe and we can see the molecules / essence of every matter (material parts) of the universe in each of ourselves.

When a person dies, each of his contents returns back to their own houses - Akash to Akash, Agni to Agni, water to water, air to air and the physical body - earth is dissolved in earth.

This concept is Hindu Concept about the creations and thus WHEN GOD WAS CREATING THE LIVES - (HUMAN) HE UTILISED ALL THE CONTENTS OF THE UNIVERSE FOR MAKING HUMAN AND THEN GAVE LIFE TO HIM form God's own part to the body. This is called Soul - who / which is immortal as long as the existence of the Universe and beyond. Gods content makes the live active and lively - and therefore, the first paragraph is true (... .. ... some believe in thousands of gods, and some others in thirty three crore i.e. 330 million Gods .. ... ) But it is the dew-drops that helps us to see the Lord Sun (as all dew drops are not Sun) and thus once the world had a population of 330 million, whom the Hindu worshipped.
Ramakant S
2010-06-02 08:08:44 UTC
Hinduism is actually Sanatan (since ancient time-beginning and in continuous) Dharma ( virtue, merit, attribute, nature, quality, righteousness, duty, law ) and not any ism or (even) religion.

Spirituality is known as adhyatma vidya means the science where study of self is done. As a common person we use word as spirituality but same is not equivalence.

As per sanatan dharma God is infinite, forever, omnipresent, has no end, in continuous, unique, indivisible, can not be destroyed, truth, present everywhere in universe, always a super conscious state, Anand swaroop, Gyan swarup and actually beyond words.

With all above attributes ( only for explanation ), God is only one and single( advayait ) without any duality.

As per present science, the whole matter in universe is destructible and convertible into energy and vice verse. It confirms singularity (advayait). So in the beginning and at the end of universe, all matter is merged into energy. All 120+ elements physically are made with only different combination of electrons/ protons and neutrons which are again a condensed form of energy.

Please note that as per science, at energy form everything is same and single but the same can get transformed into matter having 120+ elements and numerous other combination.

Our sanatan dharma's adhyatma vidya says beyond this. God is beyond energy and matter both because it is creator of both. So it is a super consciousness (maha chaitanya, maha shiva) itself, where transformation of energy and energy to matter takes place during beginning and reverse during end(pralaya).
2010-06-02 04:14:37 UTC
All are make believe. works of fiction

if you wanna talk to god you do it urself

believe only him / science and you will be a satisfied human being

He does have all the answers you expect from a god who likes to keep his presence sparse at best

ask good questions and you'll get good answers. dont let cliches take your thoughts, cause those are bring and lame to him. also, we wont answer about the future, it hasnt happened

he goes thru same time as us, hes just quite a smart one. wise n ****


and figurin out his accent is part of the fun. you can spend jus as much time there than here. figure it out

he wants you to understand

so there. the proof is in the pudding

and i got a stack of em behind the freezer

mmm theyzgoooood

god's masterpiece
2010-06-02 04:17:54 UTC
religion is meant for the well being of it god or god's the aim is that people respect everything in this universe which will lead to mutual respect & peace.

1 should always keep in mind the words of swam vivekananda

"if u believe in 30 million gods &still don't believe in yourself u will have no salvation"
2010-06-02 04:11:10 UTC
I would give you an answer but you only made a bunch of statements. You tried to trick up with that question mark in the title, but wait...just a statement.

Sly fox!
2010-06-02 14:00:21 UTC
The problem with many gods is that they are actually fallen angels which present themselves as gods. That is not the true God, and in fact, the fallen angels will always block / hinder them from finding the true God of love, peace and joy as Christians know him. Everything God created is his and he created it for our pleasure. He created us for his pleasure too so that we could fellowship with him and know him through Jesus Christ.
2010-06-02 12:45:06 UTC
There is NO question.

This is probaganda in the "Guise" of a Hindu name.
2010-06-02 04:09:52 UTC
whatever mentions of a 'God' is retarded.
2010-06-02 04:11:07 UTC

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