The following reference material (from Google) requires a very intellectual and philosophical mind to digest and understand, but by all means read and ponder.
Google “Brains in a vat” for the latest reference material.
It basically suggests and refutes that we (you or anyone) are just brains in a vat connected to a super-computer because we are able to ask the question “are we just brains in a vat” or “I think, therefore I am”. Unfortunately the theory is flawed because it assumes we are dealing with human terms, human logic and human brains in a vat, but that may not be the case.
It is possible that everything we think, feel, touch, hear, believe, sense, taste, smell, you name it is in fact virtual, and everything science or religion puts forward is virtual. It is possible that all the troubles in the world are virtual. It is possible that the universe is virtual, and therefore the intelligence (you) in a vat will never know the answers to anything in our world or universe.
It’s possible that we (you, me, everyone) are some form of intelligence in a vat, and therefore we are virtual and don't exist in the form or manner that we believe we do. It is possible that we may not even be human. Should this state (brains in a vat) truly exist then you would be unable to prove to anyone through any medium that you exist in the first place, but it does raise the possibility that we requested to be in this state for some unknown reason. Perhaps to learn or experience something.
What I like about the above theory, is that is that it offers a possible way for everyone to be correct. For believers and non-believers to be correct, for science and religion to be correct, for hurt and happiness to make sense. Namely, none of these situations really exist in the first place. Everything is virtual for an unknown reason.
Human intelligence as we understand it, could be intelligence controlled by a higher intelligence in another dimension. and everything we think and believe to be true is virtual. Such a possibility would account for all the madness that seems so prolific in humanity, but leave open an obvious curious question – “Why would we request such a state or be put into such a state”.