2011-07-19 09:22:43 UTC
This is the only verse that stand between my faith vs mormons. No matter how unholy the verse sounds to their teaching of marriage in heaven, as you can bind whatever and as many as you want for heaven, and you can divorce and bind another and divorce and bind another....like a filthy teaching. BUT it is a strong verse to their teaching. I have sought long and hard for wisdom on this unto the heavenly father, but to no availability(yet), other then he shows me they just go their own way in marriage and only his ways live forever...it still is a strong verse. But maybe the spirit of God will show me wisdom with whatever you find, or understand it to be. Please do your best to not use other scriptures and hid this under the carpet kind of thing unless those scriptures can be used in Reference of this one. May the Lord show me wisdom.
thanks in Advance.