Atheists- Do you feel like Migratory Birds confused when they fly?
2007-09-26 11:52:08 UTC
You may have noticed a change in the behavior of the wildlife in 2007. Migratory birds arrived and then became confused a few days later. Some were flying south within a week of arrival while others flew farther north.

Even the birds who had inhabited certain areas for years, all disappeared the same week at the end of April 2007. 20 to 30 species, disappeared overnight.

Birds did not start laying eggs until 3 months late and even then, abandoned their eggs.

Wildlife such as coyotes & raccoons became disoriented and strayed away from areas they had inhabited for years.

Snakes & frogs are swarming in masses due to the change in weather as are insects, lizards and other species.

All of these are signs that the wildlife are disturbed by the change of the sun's axis angle.

Wildlife are confused and maybe you are as well because without GOD you don't know what direction you are going in right?
44 answers:
2007-09-26 11:55:27 UTC
whats the global warming and wildlife got to do with atheism .. i think i missed the point ..
Kelly + Eternal Universal Energy
2007-09-26 12:08:01 UTC
Funny as an avid bird watcher I have not noticed any changes in the migration or behaviour of the birds in my area... in fact they are right on schedule for migration and have been flying over for the past few weeks as usual. The Canadian geese are on their way all the ones that stayed here have gone and the ones from farther north are still passing through. The Sandhill cranes are also flocking and migrating, after raising 2 broods this year.. In fact this year I noticed the birds had 2 nestings and the starlings had 3! Snakes usually swarm in masses anyway in preparationfor their hibernation especially Garter snakes which gather in the thousands in a group den for the winter. Frogs counts have been fairly normal, and from what I have seen have not swarmed at all except during the spring mating frenzy as per usual. I still have my local fox who frequents the neighbourhood scavenging for food as well as the raccoons and the occasional bear. I have seen nothing different in the behaviour of the animals in my area at all and I watch them all of the time because I am very interested intheir behaviour and habits. I am not confused at all in fact I am perfectly content to live my life and the wildlife around here seems to be the same... Maybe you should go out and actually look around instead of spewing rumour... when is the last time you kept track of migration?? the Robins have already left here and fall is well on the way the trees are already turned and we have had our first frost... nothing abnormal about it... in fact we should have snow by October/November as usual. All the plants have gone through thier cycles as usual as well. What species have you wtched this summer? I have watched Ring-billed gulls, Crows and Ravens, Canada Geese, American Robins, European Starlings, Sandhill cranes, American Goldfinches, I listened to Spring peepers, Bullfrogs, Gray tree frogs(there was one on my porch the other day actually) I have kept an eye on the Cinquefoil, Bladder Campion, Vipers Bugloss, Fireweed, Dames Rocket, Pincherry, Sumac, Chicory, Spotted joe pyeweed and others all summer long.. Don;t tell me you know more than I do about what's going on in Nature because I can guarantee you don't even know what half those species are or care to keep an eye on their habits..
2007-09-26 11:56:57 UTC
So wait a sec - are you finally admitting that humans are animals?

Id also like to point out a fact for you - the sun's angle NEVER changes. It is the angle of the tilt of the earth's axis that changes, and it changes about four times a year, depending upon what season it is. WHaddya know - you claim it occured on July 21 - isnt that the summer equinox?
2016-12-17 15:56:43 UTC
in accordance with the place they originate...and what's the main efficacious path for a definite breed of chicken to navigate, on account that each and each have their own suggestions and their own flying subjects... specific, some can persist with an East to West trend as they head to warmer climates...and vice versa...what they're searching for is warmer climate...different than close to some ducks who with some breeds fly from south to north after the breeding season. the only ones who've ever waved to me have been mouthy ducks! LOL
Pirate AM™
2007-09-26 11:58:07 UTC
What sources do you have for the sun's axis angle changing? Obviously this wouldn't be due to global warming or electromagnetic interference from our technology. On the other hand, do you have sources for these claims? How about evidence of god?
2007-09-26 11:58:19 UTC
Um... that's a big assumption to make. I'm not confused at all. I know where I'm going, what I believe, and what I want to get out of life. All this and I don't believe in God. I have a problem with this type of thinking. I was raised in the catholic church. The bible tells you to love and accept everyone. Jesus did. Why then do so many 'believers' hold themselves higher than I do. I don't judge you for what you believe so please don't judge me for what I believe.
2007-09-26 11:59:06 UTC
That has nothing to do with the "sun's axis". It's all cause by electromagnetic emissions from a secret fleet of CIA satellites, and you haven't seen anything yet.
Simon T
2007-09-26 12:07:38 UTC
Nice bit of plagiarism from:

A site that claims that the Earth's axial tilt has changed from it's normal 23.5 degrees to 49.5 degrees.

They must have been smoking the same thing that you have.

Strangely enough NASA and everyone else who should know is blissfully unaware of this fact.
Nature Boy
2007-09-26 11:57:21 UTC
Disturbed by the change of the sun's axis angle? The angle of the sun's axis has not changed. Where did you get this information?
Nandina (Bunny Slipper Goddess)
2007-09-26 11:56:04 UTC
Points for "Most bizarre non-sequitur using pseudo-scientific claptrap"...

Edited to add:

The link, such as it is, is here:

Some entertaining information about the site owner (since there is absolutely nothing on the site to back up the claims):

Granted it's but he does make some good points about the whole "conspiracy" thing from the owner of
2007-09-26 11:58:33 UTC
How did you get from 'The birds are confused and the frogs are swarming' to 'Atheists lack direction'?

Or are you using your story about confusion to confuse your readers? How wonderfully metafictitious of you.
2007-09-26 11:56:07 UTC
Is this suppossed to be some sort of evidence of the existence of your god? If I were you I would immediately enroll in a critical thinking course somewhere
2007-09-26 11:57:16 UTC
Birds Migrate to follow their food source....

So when you have unusual weather patterns that cause insects to move to warmer area, the birds will follow.
2007-09-26 11:55:50 UTC
disturbed by the sun's angle?

You christians are genuinely scientifically illiterate. The change of the sun's angle happens every year... it's called seasons, and it doesn't confuse the wild life, it informs the wildlife.

No the reason animals are thrown out of kilter, you Bush loving fact hating DUMMY! is global warming and climate change.

But thanks for bringing the subject up.
2007-09-26 11:55:12 UTC
I know the direction I'm going in. It's on the left-hand path.
Gertrude H
2007-09-26 11:56:22 UTC
I don't need a belief in an imaginary being to tell me where I am going. I know myself and I am always true to myself and my morals. I also don't need an imaginary god to tell me what my morals are. I am strong enough and smart enough to figure it out all by myself.
2007-09-26 11:56:25 UTC
I'm not a god damn idiot, I've spent plenty of time going over far more evidence than just a stupid book, and I find it very ignorant of you to label us as "Confused"
2007-09-26 11:55:39 UTC
I see the theists as the confused ones.
2007-09-26 12:05:32 UTC
You do realize that you just blamed God for all the problems you just listed, right?
ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker
2007-09-26 11:55:43 UTC

I love these assertions without proof.

Why is it that soooo many Christians are sooooo prone to conspiracy claims and pyramid schemes?
2007-09-26 11:57:06 UTC
You confused me...

Do you know the difference between global warming and religion?
2007-09-26 11:57:18 UTC
What an astute observation! Here's mine.

Cars are expensive.

You need a car.

Therefore, you beat your wife.

See, that's what your logic looks like.
2007-09-26 11:57:20 UTC
What is this, Christian propaganda?

You trying to lower the morale of us Atheists?

HaHa, you have to do much better than that!
2007-09-26 11:56:07 UTC
I'm Pagan, and the only thing confusing me is your question.

I think you're a touch confused, too.
2007-09-26 11:54:47 UTC
Maybe it's because the icecaps are melting and throwing off the process of nature.
2007-09-26 11:57:56 UTC
And the Christian messages just keep getting dumber!
2007-09-26 11:55:27 UTC
Hmm, now that you mention it, I do get lost a lot. I always just assumed it's because I'm blond.
2007-09-26 11:58:06 UTC
You are cute. You remind me of my crazy uncle Larry.
Weird Darryl
2007-09-26 11:55:59 UTC
Wow! Such irrefutable logic. (whimper, whimper)

m d
2007-09-26 11:55:29 UTC
Or maybe your reaching to try to push your beliefs?

well that's what this Catholic believes anyways.
Rogue Scrapbooker
2007-09-26 11:56:34 UTC
Oh my... what convoluted logic is that?

We have thoughts and the ability to think. Birds do not.

Please use your ability to think next time before positing such nonsense. Thanks.
serious troll
2007-09-26 11:55:23 UTC
I was more confused as a christian than I am as an atheist.
Heck if I know!
2007-09-26 11:55:51 UTC
Um...I'm thinking it's just global warming.
2007-09-26 12:00:34 UTC
Yeah I noticed that you are lying.
2007-09-26 11:57:09 UTC
OK, this was funny.

I don't feel confused when I "fly". I have Mapquest...
2007-09-26 11:56:04 UTC
but which god?

mine isn't a mass-murderer or a bigot.
Chippy v1.0.0.3b
2007-09-26 11:56:04 UTC
oh my goodness. its the end of the world!
2007-09-26 12:05:24 UTC
not really....perhaps you are flying in the worng direction?? occur to you?? i didn't think so!!
2007-09-26 11:59:18 UTC
No, never felt like that.
2007-09-26 11:56:22 UTC
Ok, no more glue sniffing for you!
2007-09-26 12:01:28 UTC
I don't know who your dealer is, but hook me up.
Jess H
2007-09-26 11:55:29 UTC
Ummm... no.
2007-09-26 11:54:35 UTC
2007-09-26 12:08:34 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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