2017-01-30 22:09:22 UTC
On the other hand you saw the rise of a code of chivalry among the Knights of Europe. Before the Knights were mercenaries hired by local lords to loot and plunder the countryside and peasants. During the Crusading Era you saw the rise of religious orders of Knights that took monastic vows. (i)The Order of St Lazarus centered on protecting lepers and setting up leprasariums for lepers. (ii)The Knights Hospitaller set up hospitals for the poor and sick, including non-Christian patients such as Muslims and Jews in the Holy Land.
The code of chivalry included these lines "To protect the weak and defenceless
To give succour to widows and orphans"
During this time period you also saw the rise of religious orders that rejected violence all together. So the Franciscans under St Francis of Assisi were strict pacifists. The Carmelites were a religious order in the Holy Land who were former Crusaders that rejected violence and Holy War all together for religious reasons.