Praying does help. I know.
Now, mind you God answers our prayers in His way.
Sometimes we are too impatient and don't like to wait for Him to answer His way.
I have seen people who were very evil suddenly change because there was a group of Christians praying for them to change before they died and there it was. An alcoholic who was lying and stealing from family to get booze money just decided to go to Alcoholics Anonymous. Change their life, asked everyone to forgive and started working two jobs to pay back the money.
It has helped me to understand things better. Sometimes I tell God I am frustrated and don't understand what is going on here and always when I am done I feel a peacefulness settle over me.
I may not get my prayer answered right away but I got some peace of mind because I took the time to pray. By the way, I prayed that God would stop all the shooting and bombing which was a HUGE, MAJOR issue that would take a humongous miracle!!
Your friends like it when you call them up to talk right?
Well God likes to hear from us too!!
AS FOR BOYS, there are going to be some who don't have a father to teach them to respect girls. There will be some who do, but you have to be really careful and make it clear what kind of girl you are. Some boys only want to use you and then they will toss you away like an old dishrag. There are some who truly like you and want to be your friend. Go slow, take time to know a boy before you trust him. Also, trust your parents, they have been around a lot longer than you and no matter how "neat" you think a boy is if your parents don't like him it is because they can see something in him that you are mature enough to detect. Who is smarter, a sixth grader or a tenth grader? Who's smarter, a tenth grader or someone who has been around for thirty or forty years learning about all kinds of people? Think about that if ever your parents tell you a boy or girl is trouble. They know!!!
I'm glad to read that you asked God to help you find a decent boy. That tells me you have good common sense. The boy you thought you liked didn't have his priorities straight. I'm glad you found out about him early on. Before he used you.
And if a boy tries to get rough with you don't be afraid to scratch, bite or kick if necessary, it is your right.