does praying really work? PLEASE READ THE WHOLE QUES.?
2006-08-10 21:43:04 UTC
i'm wondering if praying really works...yesterday i went to church for the first time in a while, and we were talking about things not being fair, but you pray for it anyways. does praying really work...honestly? i started last night having some problems with the guy i like...he went to camp and had sex, and that really hurt me because he was a virgin, and i really didn't think he was "like that" but i guess boys are boys. anyways, i was thanking god that i wasn't the girl he did it with because i'm sure she's not feeling to good right now, and i also prayed that god would help me find someone caring, nice...and just right for me.

so my question is, if u pray enough does it happen? i'm so confused......[i'm 15, and please don't say "you shouldn't worry about boys at ur age....]
38 answers:
2006-08-10 21:56:04 UTC
Praying works, yes, but it doesn't always happen when you want it to. The school year starts soon and you may meet the right guy the first semester. There may be other guys you will date but think of them more as friends and know they're not the right one. It may not be until college or even later.

I don't want to say I know how you feel, because it's been a long time since I've been in that situation. I do remember, however, that feeling at 15 of desperation because you think you're the only girl without a boyfriend. It's hard to see everyone else pairing off, but if you look hard enough, there are groups of kids who are all just friends and some kids who are alone because no one has had the time to get to know them.

You sound like a very wise, mature young woman. You're compassionate--witness you praying for the other girl. Think how she must feel now that camp is over and she's history as far as he's concerned. You were smart to see him for what he is.

You're not too young at 15 to want a boyfriend. You just need to be careful it doesn't get too serious too fast and out of control. Somehow I don't think you're that kind of girl.

Be patient, probably two of the hardest words to hear in the English language. Immerse yourself in school activities--inside and outside the classroom (theatre, sports, yearbook, whatever) and you may be surprised. Don't forget groups outside your school--you have another life besides that! Church groups, volunteer groups, sports, are all good avenues to meet people.

Good luck to you.
2006-08-10 21:54:58 UTC
You don't pray to "make" God do anything. Don't think of God like some kind of wishing well. You need to pray for strength and that God fills you with the proper desires and convictions. Pray that God will help you stay chaste until you are married. Pray for your future husband. Pray that God keeps him safe and helps him stay a virgin. Pray that God will bring you the man he wants you to marry when the time is right. Now it is your turn to have faith, trust and obey. God has his own timing.

I think you are awesome that you are concerned about staying a virgin and that your boyfriend is also. I also think it is wonderful that you are keeping God in the picture. Sometimes it is hard when God says "no". Sometimes we feel ignored by God only because we are impatient or we want our own will and not His will. Focus your mind on His will in your life---not what you think is best.

Oh and yes praying really does work. I have seen many prayers answered. It is easy to see prayers answered when they are answsered how "we" want them answered. However, I have seen prayers answered when the outcome was not what was wanted. Ya know what though, it all turned out for the best. Why? Because as the Bible says, all things come together for good for those that love the Lord.

Be patient and God bless you.
2006-08-10 22:00:06 UTC
Well first of all praying is very powerful and when you pray your actually communicating with god.And that is a personal relation between you two.Yes praying works if you have faith,hope ,and believe.God is very powerful and be careful what you pray for.If you pray for something and you don't give it time for god to do his work then people start to lose faith and that's why people stop believing because there prayers not answered at that time.We have to let time take it place.I pray all the time and my prayers may not be answered that day or that week but it does get answered.give it time your still young maybe that was one of gods message to you by letting you know how that boy really is.did you think of that.God is with you and your prayers will be answered . you have a lot to learn about boys and alot of life to live enjoy life while you can .I hope that I was some type of help to you. Good luck
The Answer Man
2006-08-10 21:54:38 UTC
The Bible says, "Pray without ceasing". That means to talk to God about everything... all the time. I wake up in the morning and before I get out of bed I thank God that I am alive one more day. I talk to him through getting ready, eating breakfast, driving to work, while on hold on the phone, during lunch. I pray all the time, about all kinds of things.

Now listen... prayer is NOT about putting God into a position to have to do something for you. Its not about the words you say, or the thoughts behind the words, or your motives. Its not that at all. Prayer is about spending time talking directly to God the CREATOR! Its about changing YOUR heart. It is how God changes you into the person He would like you to be.

So if you are saying, "Will God do what I ask Him to do?", then my answer would be that perhaps He will. But if your question is, "Will I be fulfilled and given peace about this issue and shown that I am not alone and develop a closer walk with God?", then my answer is YES! He wants you to pray so He can change you.

I am so proud of you for your thoughts and the kind of person you seem to be. Find an adult mentor in your Church that will sit and listen to you and hear your heart. Keep up the good work.
mindbender - seeker of truth
2006-08-10 22:08:18 UTC
Praying does help. I know.

Now, mind you God answers our prayers in His way.

Sometimes we are too impatient and don't like to wait for Him to answer His way.

I have seen people who were very evil suddenly change because there was a group of Christians praying for them to change before they died and there it was. An alcoholic who was lying and stealing from family to get booze money just decided to go to Alcoholics Anonymous. Change their life, asked everyone to forgive and started working two jobs to pay back the money.

It has helped me to understand things better. Sometimes I tell God I am frustrated and don't understand what is going on here and always when I am done I feel a peacefulness settle over me.

I may not get my prayer answered right away but I got some peace of mind because I took the time to pray. By the way, I prayed that God would stop all the shooting and bombing which was a HUGE, MAJOR issue that would take a humongous miracle!!

Your friends like it when you call them up to talk right?

Well God likes to hear from us too!!

AS FOR BOYS, there are going to be some who don't have a father to teach them to respect girls. There will be some who do, but you have to be really careful and make it clear what kind of girl you are. Some boys only want to use you and then they will toss you away like an old dishrag. There are some who truly like you and want to be your friend. Go slow, take time to know a boy before you trust him. Also, trust your parents, they have been around a lot longer than you and no matter how "neat" you think a boy is if your parents don't like him it is because they can see something in him that you are mature enough to detect. Who is smarter, a sixth grader or a tenth grader? Who's smarter, a tenth grader or someone who has been around for thirty or forty years learning about all kinds of people? Think about that if ever your parents tell you a boy or girl is trouble. They know!!!

I'm glad to read that you asked God to help you find a decent boy. That tells me you have good common sense. The boy you thought you liked didn't have his priorities straight. I'm glad you found out about him early on. Before he used you.

And if a boy tries to get rough with you don't be afraid to scratch, bite or kick if necessary, it is your right.
2006-08-10 22:08:26 UTC
"does praying really work?" -- YES, prayer works. At the time that GOD decides, not mans.

"if u pray enough does it happen?" -- After reading your whole question, the answer is yes.

But this comment about being confused - makes me ask you to talk to your Mom, or group of women family (grandma, Aunts,etc.) They were young, and have knowledge - they learned things. Don't distrust this source of knowledge, but if you do, ask someone YOU trust, to help clear up your confusion.

Thinking of boys is perfectly natural. Taking care of yourself, and learning is more important; and seriously being 15 - you have time on your side. Ask away!

Have a wonderful adventure! (but always look before you leap! There really is no such thing as a silly question.
2006-08-10 22:04:56 UTC
Yes, praying really does work. But God only provides for our needs, not our wants. Your desire to remain morally clean is commendable and for that you will be blessed. However, part of the purpose for our being here on earth is to learn how to deal with adversity. Even the most obedient people will still be expected to face trials in their lives. It is how we grow, by overcoming opposition. Each of us has the opportunity to make our own choices in this life, your boyfriend included. There is a lot of pressure on teenagers today to conform with the ways of the world. For him it may have been just one mistake, or it may reflect deeper character traits. Ask him why he did it, and tell him how it made you feel that he had betrayed your turst. His responses will tell you a lot about his character.

You can definitely receive answers to prayer, but you must be sincere in your prayers. Also, don't expect God to bless you unless you are keeping his commandments. Going back to church is a good start. You are also more likely to meet boys there with similar standards to your own. Don't forget that prayer is not just asking God for stuff, remember to thank him for all that he has given you too. He will answer you in his own time and in his own way. It may not necessarilly be the answer you expect either, but it will be the right answer.
2006-08-10 21:57:17 UTC
When we pray, we have to keep the faith. Without faith it will be useless. When you have faith miracle takes place and prayers are answered. Prayers don't get answered overnight, some don't get answered at all. God knows what is good and right for us. He will give it to us when the time is right. So, just keep praying and keep the faith. Lastly, age does not define the maturity of a person. We have to be a responsible person no matter how old we are.
2006-08-10 21:49:51 UTC
yes, prayer works! It has worked for me my whole life....Now let me add that we do not always get everything we pray for. Sometimes it is not meant. Sometimes we must be very patient for the answered prayers. I have had more answered prayers in the past 3 years or so than I ever had at once, but some of them took years to happen. (like reuniting with some family members and stuff.) God works, but in His perfect time. KEEP THE FAITH!!
2006-08-10 21:50:21 UTC
I think you will find, as you grow in spritual maturity, that your style of praying will change. I would have to sgree with what you have prayed for and can tell you for a fact that praying works. I would have to say confusion can be the best place sometimes because you are open to any answer to your prayer. Just keep it up.
2006-08-10 22:04:25 UTC
I'm sorry that you have been hurt. I know what it's like to be young and care for someone and have something they do hurt you.

Prayer isn't so much about "getting what we want" as it is about aligning ourselves with God's will for our lives, and seeking His will through prayer. I can tell you one way to always, always get your prayers answered: and that is, to tell God what is on your heart, and then say, like Jesus did as our example "nevertheless, Father, not my will but yours".

God has a plan for you more perfect and wonderful than you can imagine. He knows your desires, He knows what you think you want. But sometimes what we go "after" may not be the best for us. We cannot see the future; God can. Please keep going to church and read the bible..find out about Jesus, how God wants you to live. Keep praying, ask for His guidance and the patience to wait on Him, in all your decisions.

God bless and keep you safe in all you do, in Jesus' name.
2006-08-10 22:05:28 UTC
yes praying works but its like asking your parents for something sometimes they say no. Its the same thing with God. Sometimes he will say yes to what you want and sometimes he will say no and sometimes he will say not right now you have to wait. Its hard to know sometimes when the answer is no especially if you want something really really bad. When i was your age i would pray about every boy i ever liked or went with or anything like that. I would ask for a sign if he was the one for me and usually the next day the boy would break up with me then i wouldn't accept that it was the sign i had asked for i would start praying that we would get back together. This actually went on for about two years with one boy. Well then i prayed about one and the next day he asked me to marry him. I'd like to tell you we lived happily ever after. However we got divorced after thirteen years and three kids. I prayed so hard for my marriage to work out but things had gotten so bad between us and my husband wasn't the man i had married anymore he had changed so I feel that God didn't want me to live in the situation i was in anymore. Even though it hurt me so badly to go through the divorce. I had a very rough year that year. I had a car accident. I fell through my attic floor. i had to have surgery. I had two people close to me die, one being my grandpa, who i had always leaned on for spiritual support. Anyway through all of it i learned to trust more and more in God and that He will work things out for the best even though sometimes at the time it seems so messed up. But now three years later, well four since the seperation. I am engaged to a wonderful man. I wish i'd met him years ago but if i had we would not be the same people we are now. I have a better paying job albeit a boring one than i ever had before. And my fiance is well on his way to graduating from college after going back to school in his thirties. So even though things are not perfect and not what i expected them to be now i have to say that prayer works.

Also my grandpa was healed of tonsillitas as a child by prayer. wonderful story in that one.

Also a friend of mine was struck by lightning a few years back before i met him actually and people prayed for him for years for healing. The drs didn't know what to do for him cause he seemed healed physically but he was suffering with depression and anger issues and things and finally within the last year they have finally gotten his medicine straightened out and he got a good dr that helped him so much. sometimes God works through drs or other people and i think it is an answer to the many many prayers that have been sent up for him over the years.

so I must say no matter what yes that prayer works.
2006-08-10 21:52:36 UTC
Yes, prayer works. I just learned this from someone... God answers our prayers in three ways. First He says yes. He's giving you what your heart wants. Second He says yes but not right now. Sometimes you just have to wait for it. His response doens't always just appear in a jiff, right. And lastly, He says no. No in a way that He'll give you something better. Well that's what my friends told me and I do believe it. Besides the most important thing is believe and have faith in God.
Debra M. Wishing Peace To All
2006-08-10 21:49:18 UTC
I believe that prayers do count and are answered. You have every right to feel confused, hurt, and betrayed. Give it to God. Pray and forgive. In time when you are ready God will send a good Christian young man for you to marry. He will respect and love you for you. You must first love and respect yourself and not cheapen yourself by settling.There are many good Christian young men around look in your Church youth group. Sometimes the shy ones blossom later and that counts even for boys. I am praying for you.

2006-08-10 21:53:46 UTC
It is up to God if he answers it the way you want Him to. I believe He will answer this one because it is for a good reason. But you still have to be care full because Satan will throw other boys in your path to see if you will take the bait. But if you keep seeking God first and keep praying, He will be just in answering you. Remember God First.
2006-08-10 21:49:18 UTC
Yes prayer works. But you only need to ask God once for something and He will answer in His time not ours. Just continue on your relationship with God and be thankful for everything good or bad that may come your way.
2006-08-10 21:53:13 UTC
Hey im around your age but I know alot of things about praying, The one main thing people always forget is faith. If you have faith in what you pray this yes it will happen when the timing is right.
Lake Man
2006-08-10 21:51:46 UTC
you know you need to understand that a prayer is just you asking for a favor from a superior being. Im not a religous fanatic, im a non- practicing Roman catholic. your question shows doubt. you either believe or you don't. no one should have a answer for this one. its up to you to find that answer. And if your going to pray. Pray for others not your selfish romantic hangups.
2006-08-10 22:59:27 UTC
Praying really works!! You must be patient, tho. God's time is different than our time and it may seem that he has forgotten you at times. He never forgets us or turns his back on us. It is only us who sometimes turn our back on him. Don't do that. You have a good head on your shoulders and it sounds like a good heart also. Don't compromise your morals for anyone. God is watching and listening.
2006-08-10 21:57:26 UTC
You shouldn't worry about boys at your age! he he he can't resist that! No, prayers aren't answered. Cause if they do, I'm a Billionaire by now. I prayed and prayed to win the lottery jackpot for many years now. sad to say, my prayers weren't answered. SIGH! What a waste of time!
2006-08-10 21:46:35 UTC
it works. praying calms you down and lets you think clearly and find a solution, or at least peace of mind.

In your situation, what you are fealing is jealousy.

It is normal, but do not let it transform into hate of the boy or the girl.

Pray for them and move on with your life, someday God will send you a better boy.
2006-08-10 22:01:37 UTC
No, prayer is just a superstition. There is no such thing as an answered prayer. When people say they have had a prayer answered, it is nothing more than coincidence.

I did read your whole question. Relationships are hard for everyone, especially finding that "perfect person". Anyways, good luck, I wish you the best!
2006-08-10 21:52:36 UTC
There was actually a recent pretty definitive, unbiased, controlled, double-blind clinical trial to test whether prayer can heal.

The results showed that prayer didn't work. The prayed-for group actually did worse (nonsignificantly) than the non-prayed-for group.
Eric P
2006-08-10 21:57:09 UTC
Yes, prayer does work. God answers all prayer, although he may not answer the way we would like. Sometimes He says "no" or "wait." However God answers, He knows best.
2006-08-10 21:54:41 UTC
The bible teaches us that God is our teacher. As such, without him we can understand nothing. I say this before I say that I can answer your question because I dont wish to brag on my own understanding.... Rather, He has given me this gift, and I will pass it on to you. I do ask for time though to pray about you and your situation so that I know my answer comes from his inspiration, and not just me. I will attempt to email you tomorrow.

Email me anytime u need to talk, and I will help as best I can.
2006-08-10 21:49:04 UTC
You know, god listens to each and every one of ur prayers, But when u pray apologize for things u do and thank him then ask He will hear you! Ask him to help u out, ALWAYS say "in the name of JESUS CHRIST" at the end of your prayer because you are praying to HIM!
2006-08-10 21:48:07 UTC
Every single scientific research study done on the power of prayer that was free of confounding variables turned up absolutely no effect.

In short, no, praying doesn't really work, in and of itself.

HOWEVER, prayer CAN be a focusing aspect in your life -- if you pray hard enough that you'll get that job, for example, you are more likely to go do the things that will get you a job, so it will be as good as if a god or higher power helped you -- only it will have been you helping yourself.
2016-11-25 00:37:06 UTC
they believe this pretend coaching because it truly is known and a lot less confusing to settle for than the self-denying faith of the bypass. it truly is a lot more effective pleasant to human nature to receive something for no longer something or for extremely little attempt than to ought to do conflict with oneself ordinary. The Bible does no longer tutor in straightforward words believe and also you're kept. It delivers to those who believe they are going to be kept. that is contained in the destiny contingent upon man or woman's compliance with the circumstances. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest nicely: the devils even believe, and tremble. yet wilt thou recognize, O ineffective guy, that faith without works is lifeless ? (James 2:19,20) And being made suited, he grew to change into the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; (Hebrews 5:9) A Christian is someone who's Christlike. no longer suited yet like Jesus in personality and striving to be further and extra like Christ and positively aiming for perfection of personality.
2006-08-10 21:51:03 UTC
just because you pray doesn't mean it will happen. everything happens according to God's plan and His will. but just because you don't get what you want doesn't mean He doesn't love you; He knows what is best for you. this is what i have been taught.
2006-08-10 21:52:52 UTC
nope it much do u think all those jews during the holocaust pray...or little kids that get raped then dont think they were praying.....why would it work of there is no one to answer them...if you are christian then it seems now that jesus is a liar b/c didnt he say that praying is a way to talk to god and that your prayers will be answered...well not true....they never are
2006-08-10 21:53:10 UTC
prayers are always answered by yes, no, and wait. Yes when God knows its good for you, No when God knows something is better for you, and wait when God knows it will strenghten your faith.
2006-08-10 21:48:18 UTC
hon, yes prayers are answered might not be the answer youre looking for it may not be answered right away but your prayer will be answered. take care
2006-08-10 21:53:59 UTC
It works if you trust and truly believe!
2006-08-10 21:49:27 UTC
yes it works
melonie j
2006-08-10 22:01:10 UTC
yea it works, christ is always there for you, even if it doesnt show it when you want it to.
2006-08-10 21:49:13 UTC
You shouldn't worry about religions at ANY age.
2006-08-10 21:49:01 UTC
I'm a strong believer...
2006-08-10 21:47:33 UTC
no it doesnt do a bit of good, sorry

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