Quran states that it is a duty upon a muslim to follow those in authority in their country.
Quote from the Prophet of Islam "Love for one's country is part of faith."
So also in the Hadith, the Holy Prophet (on whom be peace and the blessings of God) says:
"He who obeys me, obeys God; he who disobeys me disobeys God. He who obeys his authority obeys me; he who disobeys his authority disobeys me" (Muslim, Kitab al Imarah).
The founder of the Ahmadiyya muslim community, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India said.
"The Holy Qur'an commands, 'Obey Allah and obey His Prophet and obey those in authority among you.' Believers are to obey those in authority, besides God and His Prophet. To say that 'those in authority' does not include a non-Muslin-Government would be a manifest error. For, a government-or authority-whose ordinances are in accordance with the Shariah (that is, they are not in conflict with it) is 'authority from among you.' Those who are not against us are among us. The Qur'an, therefore, is unequivocal on the point. Obedience to governmental authority is one of its imperatives." (Works and Speeches, Vol. (i), p. 261)
As for parts 1-5 of your question, I think these are unfair questions.