The most obvious and simple explanation for reality is, of course, that the theory of everything is the theory of everything! Although we all know what the theory of everything is in theory, we still don't know what it really is, as 'reality' has been extraordinary difficult to observe or duplicate in laboratory conditions. That is the difference between the reality that the theory is trying to explain and the explanation; however, there is no known explanation for the theory itself other than the theory itself. Because of this fact, the theory of everything is also known as the theory on the theory of everything. The theory of everything can be applied to all things, so whatever your thinking right now can be explained by its' theoretical application. The actual theory in scientific terms has never actually been published, except once, shaved on the back of a kitten found in Wyoming in 1939 which was promptly huffed up the nose by Irving Berlin. The Theory's final resting place is theorized to be Berlin's grave in Munich, inside the unfortunate singer/phisiculturist's left nostril.