Youre correct! It goes on to show the low IQ level required to be a Christian!
A scientist looks at the evidence and draws conclusions… So far the observable conclusion is that the universe is billions of years old and many events must have taken place during all that time including, but not limited to a big bang theory! The effect of this theory couldn’t possibly have taken place 6,000 years ago. The Bible God is proven not to have the IQ required to have anything to do with this universe. Low IQ Christians read some of the Bible and look around for supporting evidence that the universe is only 6,000 years old no matter what. At the same time, they are forcing their primitive dogmas on the rest of society regardless of any evidence to the contrary because when they die they want to go a Heaven that doesn’t exist outside of the Bible. We are still evolving from a primitive religious society...
According to the Priestly Bible writers (Gen 1:2) the Earth was already created in a previous attempt, but it was VOID* (*by a higher power? WHY VOID? Did some other God screw it?). 6,000 years ago the Earth was in pitch darkness and covered with water, so God* (*BTW, the Hebrew word for God is “Elohim” and it stands for a plurality of GODS like the Greeks and Babylonians had! 1 Cor 8:5 – Most Christians are totally ignorant of it!). So God (Elohim speaking in plural) grabs the Earth and re-creates it, but this time with all the trimmings like “SEPARATING” the waters from the land, which in itself is quite a miracle considering gravitational levels, capacity, let alone the thought that the Earth was flat to them, and so on! If the Earth was covered by water, then the water level was above Mount Everett! God goes on creating the Sun so the Earth can orbit around the Sun, the Moon to orbit the Earth, and the stars as lights in the sky. No mention is made of any planet. In reality the universe extends billions of light years away from the Earth. To the Bible writers’ credit, the light of the most distant observable star or galaxy reached the Earth during the “Creation Week,” but in Bible times nobody had any idea about astronomical distances. In fact, The Trinity God team became paranoiac when they heard rumors that men in the city of Babel were building a tower of clay and tar to reach HEAVEN!
The Priestly Bible writers claim that everything that God was creating "was good, very good!” But soon enough God had to deal with all kinds of glitches. If all these glitches are multiplied by the number of worlds that we can observe in this universe, God better go looking for a new job! God created man to till a small garden that he planted in the region of Babylon-today's Iraq. Apparently it was there that some clever Jews started to do the script on the Bible, while they were held in captivity. Even the Ark of Noah landed not far from Iraq or rather Babylon. The Bible writers thought that this Earth was the biggest object in the whole universe. In today’s perspective, the Bible writers introduced to their fellow Jews a humble God wanting to own a garden on this microscopic speck of dust that we call Earth at the edge of the Milky Way in this humongous universe! It seems like the Christians had to give up their sense of proportion in astronomy to embrace Christianity! Adam was created in God's image... MALE! It was in that image that Adam was very much focused in finding a help mate for himself among ALL THE ANIMALS that this Bible God created, while Adam was busy name tagging the animals one by one, under God’s help and supervision. At God’s suggestion Adam tried to enjoy sexually practically all the animals, until God realized that for Adam “NO HELP MATE WAS FOUND”. God admits another glitch in his “very good” creation that creating man alone is unjustifiably "no good" (Gen 2:18-20)! Even the Judaic Talmud Yebamoth 63a, plainly states that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden until he FINALLY had sex with Eve…
Genesis 2:23 (KJV) And Adam said, This is NOW* (*This is the turning point for Adam because BEFORE it used to be only animals!) bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman* (*not “Lamb,” or “Goat,” or “Chick,” or what have you! Adam gave her a name because he was NAME TAGGING ANIMALS in his last job!)
God put together Eve as an afterthought! After her fall, God GREATLY INCREASED Eve’s birthing pains that she NEVER experienced before ALSO AS AN AFTERTHOUGHT! Only a Priestly Bible writer deeply involved in BDSM fetishes would come up with a “God is Love” idea like this one!
The doctrine in the Bible that humans pay for their sins after they die was added later on, also as an AFTERTHOUGHT! What happened is that God said to Adam that IN THE DAY that he eats of the verboten fruit he shall “SURELY DIE” (Gen 2:17), but he didn’t! On this one, Christians came up with the “spiritually speaking” bit used to this day to explain away any absurdity in the Bible. Christians are very selective on what they wish to believe and force others to believe from the Bible.
The Priestly Bible writers claim that in the Creation week of 7days of 24hours as soon as God created the Heaven and all the angels, 1/3 of them were not one bit impressed of God’s “beauty and holiness” and they rebelled against him on the spot! God did not destroy them or provided them with a savior, but he created Hell as an AFTERTHOUGHT to burn them for ever and ever NOT NOW, but later on at the end of the world! (Rev 12:4,9) In the meantime God is in desperate need of all the “demonic” powers he can get to hurt the people that he LOVES SO MUCH so he can send them to HELL, as an AFTHERTHOUGHT because Jesus said that God created Hell for Satan and his angels (Mat 25:41)! If all of God’s AFTERTHOUGHTS on this microscopic speck of dust that we call Earth are multiplied trillions of times for each object in this humongous universe, God better start looking for a new job!
The Preachers are saying that the atheists are twisting the “Word of God” showing only what is bad in it, but not the “GOOD NEWS” that God had planned to send God the Son Jesus Christ down to Earth to fix everything, NO, WAIT! God sent him to be beaten up to a pulp so he can be thoroughly tenderized and heavily marinated in Roman soldiers’ spit to be presented “as a spotless Lamb of God” ready to be grotesquely nailed totally naked to a Holy Cross TO FIX EVERYTHING WITH GOD THE FATHER, AND THE “SIN” ISSUE!
There is no historical record that the Roman soldiers ever dressed their victim’s genital area in a white diaper before hanging them on any cross! Now, Christians MUST regularly eat Jesus’ spit flavored Meat and drink his sweaty blood in the Sacrament of the Holy Communion to go to Heaven when they die. The Bible writers claim that God planned all this BEFORE the foundation of the world (1 Pet 1:20) and after God had so many afterthoughts. This time GOD HAD NO AFTERTHOUGHTS WHATSOEVER ABOUT NAILING JESUS TO THE HOLY CROSS, in spite that Jesus cried tears of blood begging his Daddy up in the sky “to pass the cup” spiritually speaking, of course!
When Christians get to Heaven they expect that God will tell them all about dinosaurs, unicorns, dragons, the bees and the flowers, and so on! It takes very few arguments to please a gullible or rather faithful Christian! I am amazed at the scientific community’s ignorance of Bible gross “creationist” dogmas to even honor engaging in any argument with Christianity! Christians don’t want “the Devil” to confuse them with any scientific fact! They prefer to stick to the “faith” that was “delivered once for all!” In fact, Christians still call it “intelligent design” spiritually speaking, of course!
1 Timothy 6:20 (Infallible King James Version) O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, AVOIDING PROFANE AND VAIN BABBLINGS, AND OPPOSITIONS OF SCIENCE FALSELY SO CALLED.
1 Corinthians 3:19-20 (KJV) For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.
Revelation 7:1 (KJV) And after these things I saw four angels standing on the FOUR CORNERS of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
The Bible writers didn’t have the foggiest idea on how we get any wind to blow on this Earth… They knew that 4 angels of God can stop any wind from blowing simply by standing on the 4 corners of their ideal flat Earth! Christians are still determined to force this kind of science in our classrooms. Will they ever borrow facts from science? The evolutionists still don’t have all the answers yet. It may take for ever to find out in every detail how we came about, but the Bible God is sheer primitive religious crap!