Steve D
2011-07-01 23:04:45 UTC
This question is for the christians that believe in the Genesis not as a allegory, but as real account. It DOESN'T MATTER what you believe about the AGE of the Earth, I only want to discuss about the Origin of the Mankind, ok?
Let's start then:
You can say that the Theory of Evolution is not perfect and it needs to be completed. (I'm OK with that).
You can say: "Evolution doesn't explain everything, e.g. the love, the sense of justice" (I'm OK with that).
But, seriously do you really believe that it's a better explanation to tell: "Mankind began 6000 years ago in a garden, but because of Adam and Eve ate a forbidden fruit, the world succumbed to chaos".
Let's take out of the picture the doctrine of eternal damnation, for a moment.
Let's forget the treat of "if you don't believe this story, then you will be doomed".
Let's assume that you haven't heard of the Bible, Genesis or Jesus.
Now you began to wonder how the mankind came to be, and someone comes and tell you the story of the Genesis.
QUESTION: Could you really still accept that explanation?
When you're told that story, don't you think in your mind, for minute, just a minute, that all this sounds like a tale?
Atheists: What do you think when you heard that story for the first time?