To all Athiests............?
2007-05-23 15:03:56 UTC
why dont you all believe in god?
Im starting to think about faith and what it really means.
23 answers:
Nandina (Bunny Slipper Goddess)
2007-05-23 15:07:33 UTC
Why don't Christians believe in Zeus? Or Ra? Or Odin?

Think about that, and you should have your answer. After all, atheists are a lot like Christians - they just believe in one less God than Christians do.
2007-05-23 15:08:49 UTC
I came into my inability to believe that deities real while studying some descriptions of near-death experiences. It was interesting, that such descriptions from people who were not brought up in Western Culture were completely different than the descriptions from people who were.... on the surface. The project was an exercise in rhetoric and in studying the words people used and finding meaning in their experiences, it seemed that most people experienced very, very similar things, only in the context of their dominant religion or culture.

I came to the conclusion that deities and all the other supernatural entities are not actually real, but are metaphors for something our human minds can't comprehend - an attempt to define the undefinable.

Voila, I became a Taoist.

I still have spiritual beliefs, just not ones that involve real actual deities. I mean, how would you define or describe such a thing? It's important, if you're going to base your life on it.
2007-05-23 15:14:47 UTC
i dont believe in god for many reasons. some of them are rather weak and could be proven poor reasons but a lot of them are good ones. first my faith in the church started to fail then after that, because certain questions couldn't be answered well, my faith in god followed. the answers i kept getting were ones such as "look in the bible" (showing that the person answering doesnt even know what they are talking about) "pray and god will answer" (tried that and nothing happened) and others.
2007-05-23 15:10:17 UTC
There are thousands of gods you don't believe in - the only one you do believe in is the one your parents told you was real. Coincidence?

Nobody can prove any gods, much less a specific god, exist; many people will tell you their god exists but no others, but will never be able to prove it, even if they think so. Some will threaten you with eternal pain or promise eternal joy to get you to believe in their god; these are all stories, created for people who were scared long before we understood the universe. Now we have no more reason for these superstitions.

How terrible the bible in particular is:

What's the origin of the Jesus stories?

How silly and horrible religion in general is:

The alternative:
2007-05-23 15:09:52 UTC
It's not really a matter of people joining some atheist group where they decide to not believe in certain things. It is quite the reverse. Some people just started believing in gods, unicorns, and other mytholigical creatures. Then they asked us to believe in these things also. We ask why. They cannot provide us with one good reason. So we remain lacking a belief in their fairy tales, which makes us atheists by definition.
2007-05-23 15:09:48 UTC
I believe far too much in myself, I have no room to believe in a god that would never give a damn about me. I mean honestly look around... your god is really taking care of the world. Don't take this the wrong way... I'm happy you are thinking about faith that means you are deciding for yourself so mad props for you.
Starvin' Marvin
2007-05-23 15:07:57 UTC
Hinduism was around before Judaism, why do you deny polytheistic deities?

This regardless, we ever have signs of the early evolution of religion. The first religions were almost certainly polytheistic to explain natural weather phenomena. It was helpful then, but now it is just a bit strange to believe in organized religions when every time you turn around there are discoveries contradicting their texts.
2007-05-23 15:16:11 UTC
It's moronic and a primitive way of thinking.

The bible could say anything and people would believe it. Though I'd have a hard time coming up with anything more ludicrous than what is written in it.

- Nuff sed
Sun: supporting gay rights
2007-05-23 15:12:54 UTC
Why don't you believe that my dog has three heads? I can't show them to you or explain how they got there or anything, but I wrote a book that says they are there. Why don't you believe me?

That's kind of the idea.
2007-05-23 15:10:25 UTC

Why don't I believe in God? Becuase there has not been sufficient proof that I have seen with my own two eyes that he exists. I cannot explain how we got here, but then after all, I am not a scientist either.
2007-05-23 15:07:57 UTC
I don't believe in god because I don't see any evidence that such a thing exists and I think that it would require a lot of evidence for me to believe in such a thing because it's such a huge claim to make.
2007-05-23 15:12:47 UTC
Funny thing about proof. For the things that really matter, there really is none.

Prove you love whoever it might me.

You can't. I just have to take your word on faith.

Sorry. Just had to give you something to think about.
2007-05-23 15:09:24 UTC
Do you believe in the God Zeus? Why not? Same thing
2007-05-23 15:36:53 UTC
An omnipotent creator being is illogical. Everything observable, including thoughts and emotions, arise due to causes and conditions, are changing/impermanent.

2007-05-23 15:08:42 UTC
why would I? the same reason I don't be;lieve in fairies, goblins, santa and the easter bunny, these are all just myths.

faith in humanity and love do not require a belief in someone's God or religion
2007-05-23 15:08:30 UTC
No actual facts that a higher power exists.
2007-05-23 15:11:56 UTC
The exact same reason you don't believe in Allah.
2007-05-23 15:07:17 UTC
Lack of proof.
Introverted extrovert
2007-05-23 15:07:19 UTC
I believe in god, i just don't choose to follow him.
2007-05-23 15:15:26 UTC

logical reasoning
2007-05-23 15:07:19 UTC
why would we?

why don't you believe in harry potter? cause it is fiction...
2007-05-23 15:08:19 UTC
Which god?

Achthonian, Acidalia, Adamanthea, Adriambahomanana, Adro, Adroa, Adroanzi, Age, Aha Njoku, Aho Njoku, Aigamuxa, Ajok, Akongo, Ala, Ale, Alla, Alouroua, Amma, Ananse, Anansi, Andriamahilala, Andriambahomanani, Andumbulu, Ane, Anotchi, Asa, Atai, Ataokoloinona, Aunt Nancy, Azra'il, Azrail, Adephagia, Adonis, Adrastea, Adrasteia, Aeacos, Aeacus, Aegaeon, Aegina, Aegle, Aello, Aellopos, Aeolos, Aeolus, Aer, Aesculapius, Aethalides, Aether, Aethon, Aetna, Agave, Agdistes, Agdos, Aglaea, Aglaia, Aglauros, Aglaurus, Agraulos, Agrotara, Agrotora, Aiakos, Aigle, Aiolos, Air, Aither, Alcemana, Alcides, Alcmena, Alcmene, Alcyone, Alecto, Alectrona, Alexandra, Aloadae, Alpheos, Alpheus, Amalthea, Amaltheia, Amarynthia, Ampelius, Amphion, Amphitrite, Amphitryon, Amymone, Ananke, Andromeda, Antaeus, Antaios, Anteros, Anticlea, Antiklia, Antiope, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollo, Apollon, Arachne, Arcas, Ares, Arethusa, Argeos, Argus, Ariadne, Arion, Aristaeus, Aristaios, Aristeas, Arkas, Artemis, Asclepius, Asklepios, Asopus, Asteria, Asterie, Astraea, Astraeus, Atalanta, Ate, Athamas, Athamus, Athena, Athene, Atlantides, Atlas, Atropos, Attis, Attropus, Augean Stables, Augian Stables, Aurai, Autolycus, Autolykos, Auxesia, Bacchae, Bacchantes, Balius, Bellerophon, Bia, Bias, Boreads, Boreas, Briareos, Briareus, Bromios, admus, Caeneus, Caenis, Calais, Calchas, Calliope, Callisto, Calypso, Cassandra, Castor, Cecrops, Celaeno, Celoneo, Ceneus, Cerberus, Cercopes, Cerigo, Cerynean Hind, Ceryneian Hind, Cerynitis, Ceto, Chaos, Charites, Charon, Charybdis, Cheiron, Chelone, Chimaera, Chimera, Chione, Chiron, Chloe, Chloris, Chronos, Chronus, Circe, Clio, Clotho, Clymene, Coeus, Coltus, Comus, Cottus, Cotys, Cotytto, Cretan Bull, Crius, Cronos, Cronus, Cybele, Cyclopes, Cynthia, Cyrene, Cytherea,Danae, Daphnaie, Deimos, Deimus, Deino, Delos, Delphyne, Demeter, Demphredo, Deo, Despoena, Deucalion, Deukalion, Dice, Dike, Dione, Dionysos, Dionysus, Dioscuri, Dithyrambos, Doris, Dryades, Dryads, Echidna, Echo, Eileithyia, Eirene, Ekhidna, Ekho, Electra, Elektra, Eleuthia, Elpis, Empousa, Empousai, Empusa,Enosichthon, Enyalius, Enyo, Eos, Epaphos, Epaphus, Ephialtes, Epimeliades, Epimeliads, Epimelides, Epimetheus, Epiona, Epione, Epiphanes, Erato, Erebos, Erebus, Erichthoneus, Erichthonius, Erinyes, Eris, Eros, Erotes, Erymanthean Boar, Erymanthian Boar, Erytheia, Erytheis, Erythia, Ether, Eumenides, Eunomia, Euphrosyne, Europa, Euros, Eurus, Euryale, Eurybia, Eurydice, Eurynome, Eurystheus, Euterpe, Ga, Gaea, Gaia, Gaiea, Galeotes, Ganymede, Ganymedes, Ge, Geryon, Geryones, Geyron, Glaucus, Gorgons, Graces, Graeae, Graiae, Graii, Gratiae, Gyes, Gyges, Hades, Haides, Halcyone, Hamadryades, Hamadryads, Hapakhered, Harmonia, Harmony, Harpies, Harpocrates, Harpyia, Harpyiai, Hebe, Hecate, Hecatoncheires, Hecatonchires, Hekate, Hekatonkheires, Helen, Helice, Helios, Helius, Hemera, Hemere, Hephaestus, Hephaistos, Hera, Heracles, Herakles, Hermaphroditos, Hermaphroditus, Hermes, Hespera, Hesperethousa, Hesperia, Hesperides, Hesperids, Hesperie, Hesperis, Hesperos, Hesperus, Hestia, Himeros, Hippolyta, Hippolytos, Hippolytta, Hippolytus, Hope, Horae, Horai, Hyacinthus, Hyades, Hydra, Hydriades, Hydriads, Hygeia, Hygieia, Hymen, Hymenaeus, Hymenaios, Hyperion, Hypnos, Hypnus, Hyppolyta, Hyppolyte, Iacchus, Iambe, Iapetos, Iapetus, Ilithyia, Ilythia, Inachus, Ino, Io, Ion, Iphicles, Irene, Iris, Kadmos, Kalais, Kalliope, Kallisto, Kalypso, Kekrops, Kelaino, Kerberos, Keres, Kerkopes, Keto, Khaos, Kharon, Kharybdis, Kheiron, Khelone, Khimaira, Khione, Khloris, Khronos, Kirke, Kleio, Klotho, Klymene, Koios, Komos, Kore, Kottos, Krios, Kronos, Kronus, Kybele, Kyklopes, Kyrene, Lachesis, Laertes, Lakhesis, Lamia, Lampetia, Lampetie, Leda, Leimoniades, Leimoniads, Lethe, Leto, Limoniades, Limoniads, Linus,Maenads, Maia, Maiandros, Maliades, Mares of Diomedes, Meandrus, Medea, Medousa, Medusa, Meliades, Meliads, Meliai, Melidae, Melpomene, Memnon, Menoetius, Menoitos, Merope, Metis, Minos, Minotaur, Mnemosyne, Modesty, Moirae, Moirai, Momos, Momus, Mopsus, Mormo, Mormolykeia, Morpheus, Mousai, Muses, Myiagros, Naiades, Naiads, Naias, Nemean Lion, Nemeian Lion, Nemesis, Nephele, Nereides, Nereids, Nereus, Nike, Nikothoe, Niobe, Nix, Nomios, Nona, Notos, Notus, Nox, Nymphai, Nymphs, Nyx, Oannes, Obriareos, Oceanides, Oceanids, Oceanus, Ocypete, Odysseus, Oeager, Oeagrus, Oenomaus, Oinone, Okeanides, Okypete, Okypode, Okythoe, Omphale, Oreades, Oreads, Oreiades, Oreiads, Oreithuia, Oreithyia, Orion, Orithyea, Orithyia, Orpheus, Orphus, Orth, Orthrus, Ossa, Otus, Ourania, Ouranos,Paeon, Paieon, Paion, Pallas, Pallas Athena, Pan, Panacea, Panakeia, Pandemos, Pandora, Pasiphae, Pasithea, Pegasos, Pegasus, Pelops, Pemphredo, Penia, Penie, Perse, Perseis, Persephone, Perseus, Persis, Perso, Petesuchos, Phaethousa, Phaethusa, Phaeton, Phantasos, Phema, Pheme, Phemes, Philammon, Philomenus, Philyra, Philyre, Phobetor, Phobos, Phobus, Phoebe, Phoibe, Phorcys, Phorkys, Phospheros, Pleiades, Ploutos, Plutus, Podarge, Podarke, Pollux, Polyhymnia, Polymnia, Polyphemos, Polyphemus, Pontos, Pontus, Poros, Porus, Poseidon, Priapos, Priapus, Prometheus, Proteus, Psyche, Pyrrha, Python, Rhadamanthus, Rhadamanthys, Rhamnusia, Rhea, Rheia,

Sabazius, Salmoneus, Sarapis, Sarpedon, Scamander, Scylla, Seilenos, Seirenes, Selene, Semele, Serapis, Sibyl of Cumae, Sibyls, Silenos, Silenus, Sirens, Sisyphus, Sito, Skamandros, Theseus, Thetis, Thetys, Three Fates, Titanes, Titanides, Titans, Tithonus, Triptolemos, Triptolemus, Triton, Tritones, Tyche, Tykhe, Typhoeus, Typhon, Ulysses, Urania, Uranus, Yahweh, Zephyros, Zephyrs, Zephyrus, Zetes, Zethes, Zethus, Zeus, etc, etc, etc ??

I would first need to pick one to try and find one shred of evidence for its existence.
2007-05-23 15:06:59 UTC
Cold hard facts... wait except all those gaps and missing links......

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