You will notice as you read teem’s ‘best answer’ (Awarded of course by another JW).
That the scriptures which he uses all refer to God as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. These are exactly the same scriptures used by the Heretical sect the ‘Arians’ in the 3rd century.
They are an attempt to show that somehow the son had a beginning and therefore cannot be God. The JWs like the ‘Arians’ totally ignore the fact that like begets like. Fish beget fish, monkeys beget monkeys and God begets Gods. They can show nowhere in the Bible that states that Jesus was created, but rather begotten which is something entirely different.
However, we can look at that some other time, what I want to address here is the fact that rather than God being the ‘Father’ of the son somehow disproving the deity & Eternal existence of the son, the term is actually one of its strongest proofs.
A definition of ‘Immutability’ reads “Unchanging over time or unable to be changed”. The Bible clearly states many times that God is Immutable, cf (Psalm 102:25-27) (Malachi 3:6) (James 1:17) (Hebrews 6:17) (Romans 11:29).
These scriptures show that God is unchanging over time and unable to be changed. He is the same as He always has been and will remain the same.
His immutability shows that, not only does He never change, but He never has changed.
In the verses teem uses, (Taken out of context with the rest of the Bible as is the usual JW ploy) God is referred to as ‘the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ the son of God.’ If God is unchanging and has never changed, then He has always been the Father of the ‘son of God’ otherwise he would have changed, which, the Bible says is impossible.
Once more so the JWs understand.
God is clearly shown to be unchanging.
God is referred to as the Father of the son of God.
Therefore, God has always been the Father of the son of God, or there would have been a time when he wasn’t the father of the son of God, which would mean that He changed.
This clearly proves the eternal generation of the son of God, which is what the Apostles, and therefore the true church of Jesus Christ has always taught for over 2000 years, and not some false doctrine re-packaged by the devil and promoted through the occultist (Russell) in the 1870s.
Also consider: (Hebrews 13:8) “Jesus Christ, THE SAME yesterday, today and FOREVER”.