What do you think about homosexuality?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What do you think about homosexuality?
35 answers:
2007-06-26 13:40:00 UTC
I think it is a part of life and thus ok. Gays, lesbians, bi's, trannies, etc. were all born this way. It is a part of their basic sexual orientation just like being straight is the basic orientation of about 90% of the population. To discriminate against someone because of their sexuality is not only mean but also counter-productive.

BTW, it is sad that many of the people who give opinions, etc. in here do not accept email. This prevents anyone else from personally commenting on something they've said, either for or against a a specific area of subject matter. If you want to comment on something I've said, I'd be glad to hear from you. And yes, I do accept email.
2007-06-25 17:22:00 UTC
Firstly, judging a person by their sexual preference makes no sense to me. May as well judge them by the sports team they support, what difference does it make ? Having said that I generally find that given the chance, most homosexuals I've met want to point score about how their way of life is way better. Sometimes with almost an evangelical zeal, and smug looks on their faces, like somehow I'm not in on the gag. Could be just my experience. I know little about bisexuals except that my closest gay friend says if they are male, they are really homosexual and just wont admit it (he has slept with women also, but doesn't call himself bi). And I cringe when I see (not drunk) hetro or gay couples making out in public, tongues entangled - get a room !
2007-06-25 17:25:48 UTC
I personally don't really think about it all that much. You are who you are. It isn't like anyone has any real choice in the matter. I mean look at it from this angle, embracing the gay lifestyle means a highly increased chance of getting a deadly disease, being ostracized by your family, friends, acquaintances, etc, being subject to verbal and physical abuse because of who you are. Why on earth would anyone CHOOSE this lifestyle. So to me and many others, there is no way it could be a CHOICE it just is.
Diane (PFLAG)
2007-06-25 17:36:45 UTC
I believe all people regardless of sexuality, race, religion, etc. should have the same rights..

I fully support my nephew James and his boyfriend Paul they are intellegent, charming, sweet, humorous, moral guys and they are great to be around...

There is never a dull moment when they are around, they usually have me in stitches from the moment they walk in the door especially Paul... He came in the other day and made us all dinner (he is a chef) he did the whole thing while talking in a horrible Juliet Childs voice and quoting Martha Stewart "It's a good thing." I will never know how he kept it all together and kept going when he had the rest of us (James, my husband, my 3 kids and I) rolling on the floor.. When we finally sat down to eat he jumps up and says "Now we are all French." And proceeded to speak in a french accent (horribly done) for the entire meal..

I just love them both to peices as do my husband and children..
2007-06-25 17:35:08 UTC
We live in a democracy, which is based on the myth of the social contract, which means that we give up some of our personal freedoms in exchange for protection of our rights. 1 Timothy 1:9-11 says: "We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me." Although the law may allow homosexuality, as it allows lying in everyday life outside the law courts or police station too, in general these lifestyles lead to trouble with the law. Romans 1 offers an explanation. Verses 23 and 25 say: "and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles" and "exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised." Truth and glory are here compared with lies, images and reverent worship and service. In practice, from my reading, the evolutionary philosophy, war, and rape of women so as to "disprove" homosexuality all go together.

What are rights? What is the cross-over between personal freedoms and rights? I have come across the idea somewhere that rights have to do with right arm catalepsy. If you are hypnotised, catalepsy can begin in your right arm. This would affect your ability to write or to fight, especially if you're right-handed. The Christian way of maintaining a non-hypnotised state, but not so as to fight physically, is to pray and evangelise. 2 Timothy 4:5; 1 Peter 4:7; 5:8, 9.

The Bible has routinely characterised societies run by cults as the enemy - Egypt, with its magic-practising priests, the Canaanites where Shechem was honourable in his city but still violated Dinah, the Philistines, who raided Israel during Samson's time, the Assyrians, who taunted God and his King in Israel.

The Bible's advice is to mind your own business (1 Thessalonians 4:11) and show love to all. (Matthew 5:43-48)
2007-06-26 10:51:32 UTC
I say, do what you want. I also think that it's none of the governments business who's straight, bi, ect and if they can/can't merry. People should be able to choose for themselves. Even though the thought of homosexuality scares me a little, i believe in choice. It's about love, not gender.
Big Daddy
2007-06-25 17:44:35 UTC
The majority of the answers so far reveal the problem with the modern day human thinking ( ie. " I'm ok, your ok " ;" live and let live" ) Well I believe that you have to stand for something or you will fall for anything. And homosexuality is wrong! The Bible has many Scriptures condemning this abomination.

Genesis 1:27 ; Leviticus 18:22 ; 20:13 ; Deuteronomy 22:5

Yes, the Lord will forgive sin, but only after you admit it, and repent from it. repeated, willful and known sin will not be tolerated
2007-06-25 17:38:01 UTC
I don't care what consenting adults choose to do sexually amongst themselves. It's none of my business.

But I will say that they do society a great service by not breeding. So not only am I in favor of equal rights for gays, but I think they (as well as straight couples) ought to get special tax incentives for being married and not manufacturing a bunch of children they can't afford to feed, clothe and house.
2007-06-25 17:22:02 UTC
The issue doesn't really affect me so I am mostly neutral on the topic. However, I don't think that gays should be discriminated against for something they cant help. And if anybody says they can help it, how do they know? I think it's kind of gross, but it's none of my or the government's business what two guys do in their spare time.
2007-06-25 17:15:15 UTC
Eh, they're like any other groups of people: some individuals I like, some individuals I can't stand. Their karaoke bars are invariably better though, for some reason.

I've got a number of close friends in all three of those groups, and I have yet to hear a valid secular argument as to why their actions are "wrong".
2007-06-25 17:11:58 UTC
I am straight and I think there's nothing wrong with being gay. Homophobia is my number 1 pet peeve
2007-06-25 17:13:43 UTC
I don't think about other people's genitals or sex lives, regardless of their sexual orientation.
Kiss My Shaz
2007-06-25 17:13:41 UTC
I think to each his on. To judge others puts you on the same level as God....a much bigger sin.
ANyone but you
2007-06-25 17:13:22 UTC
I believe that since we dont create people then we shouldnt judge them. I think we must respect the gay community and understand what they go through in this homophobic society.
2007-06-25 17:12:20 UTC
It doesn't make sense, to me, to say that gays, lesbians, etc. will go to hell. God forgives and he does not discriminate.
2007-06-25 17:12:16 UTC
I'm gay. So thanks! It's always cool when people who don't have a vested interest in supporting something, and could actually catch some hell for supporting it, support it anyway just because they feel that it's the right thing to do.
2007-06-25 17:14:47 UTC
I will not read your answers because I am in a good mood, sort of, and they will piss me off.

We are born with our sexuality and whatever we are is normal, natural, and healthy to us.

The bible is crap!
2007-06-26 00:12:34 UTC
I'm gay so the answer is obvious. I do think it's stupid and hypocritical that some people talk about hating sin when bieng gay isn't a sin. Plus all the people who are homophobic are judgemental bigots. Looking at the answers annoyed me as people are talking nonsense about bieng gay just so that they can feel ok opposing it
2007-06-27 07:43:00 UTC
What ever floats the boat. You know what I mean? God did not put me here to judge anyone, and this is a free country (for the most part) last time I checked.

2007-06-25 17:34:16 UTC
I'm straight as a ruler but I've watched many documentaries on "other" sexualities and my heart particularly aches for trans-genders. They were unquestionably BORN with either both, or the opposite, sex organs. Giving them a hard time would be like giving Helen Keller grief for not using her eyes and ears.

On the subject of gays, I just wish gay men were more flabby and unattractive. Why do they have to buff up and dress to the nines and be so doggone Delicious to hetero women? I think they are torturing us and enjoying it.


I wish gays were more subtle about their sexuality. I don't go around announcing to the world that I love men, and I don't want to know anybody else's sexual preferences, unless I'm hitting on him. THEN, it's better to know sooner rather than later.

I also wish some gay men would stop talking like "Valley Girls," because I don't like over-dramatic, shallow, bitchy valley girls and that carries over to gay men who act way over the top bitchy and girly. I don't like to dislike anyone ... but I'm not crazy about them.

Other than that ... to each his (or her) own.

2007-06-25 17:21:56 UTC
The answer is in here->
2007-06-25 18:00:13 UTC
The Bible and homosexuality is a contentious subject which has a significant impact on how homosexuality and homosexual sex is regarded by Christians. The Bible is generally considered by believers to be inspired by God or to record God's relationship with humanity or a particular nation. Included within the Bible are ethical teachings which demonstrate which actions God considers to be good and which it considers to be sinful. The Christian Left sees the Bible as fallible, perhaps being in part divinely inspired, but suffering from the shortcomings resulting from being written, censored, translated, and revised by men other than Jesus. Conservative Christianity sees the Bible as infallible, or at least inerrant, not as existing in many versions due to differing translations, interpretations, and included texts, but as the literal word of God. Some non-Christians see the Bible as didactic folklore, which contains relevant and obsolete morality. The Eastern Orthodox regard the Bible as the deposit of the Apostolic Tradition, handed down from the Apostles who had personally known Jesus Christ.

The understanding of many Biblical interpreters is summarised by David Hilborn (2002, p.1) who argues: "It must be granted that direct references to homosexual activity in the Bible are relatively few. However, these more explicit texts belong to a much broader Biblical discourse on creation, love, holiness and human relationships - a discourse which goes to the heart of God’s purpose for humankind". Additionally, within Christian groups such as Catholicism these passages have traditionally been interpreted in light of other accepted revealed sources, such as the revelations to the mystic-saints, which often do contain more explicit and detailed descriptions clarifying the matter (e.g., St. Hildegard von Bingen's visions in Scivias). Protestant denominations generally do not make use of such sources.

The interpretation of these passages and their place within the religion's wider understanding of God's purpose for humankind therefore has important implications for homosexuality and Judaism, homosexuality and Christianity, and homosexuality and Islam. However, there are those who argue that reason, tradition and experience are also important elements in the interpretation of the biblical texts (see, for example, Richard Hooker). Some also dispute whether or not these passages refer to other forms of sexual behavior between members of the same sex (pagan rites, casual sex, pederasty, and same-sex rape, for example), or to all types of homosexuality as a general category like heterosexuality.

The American Psychological Association's removal of homosexuality from its list of mental disorders was based upon the work of Dr. Evelyn Hooker whose research, primarily done in the 1950s, was the first that was conducted on homosexual men with no history of treatment for mental illness in order to determine whether or not homosexuality is a disorder. Prior to her research, the work of Alfred Kinsey and others (see Kinsey Reports), suggested that homosexual sex acts were fairly common among American men. His continuum model of sexual orientation, the Kinsey Scale, is used by the APA today.

Lack of research showing that homosexuality is a disorder, and the support of the American Society of Pediatrics and American Medical Association for the adoption of children by homosexuals, has made it very difficult to condemn homosexuality from a purely scientific basis, leaving religious argument as the primary vehicle for its condemnation in Christian societies. Some of those opposed to the normalization of homosexuality continue, however, to try to join their religious objections with scientific fact. Some of those who are not opposed use either a purely religious perspective or a similar combination as well. For instance, Bruce J. Simpson, an archbishop of the Benedictine Order of St. John The Beloved (an old Catholic order that has been in schism with Rome for centuries, primarily due to their refusal to support papal infallibility) is openly gay and represents a sect that holds homosexuals as equal to heterosexuals in all respects from a religious standpoint.
2007-06-25 17:53:31 UTC
The modern arguments in favor of homosexuality have been insufficient to overcome the evidence that HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR is against divine and natural law, as the Bible and the Church, as well as the wider circle of Jewish and Christian (not to mention Muslim) writers, have always held.

The Catholic Church thus teaches: "Basing itself on sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved" (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2357).

However, the Church also acknowledges that "[homosexuality’s] psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. . . . The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s cross the difficulties that they may encounter from their condition.

"Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection" (CCC 2357– 2359).

Paul comfortingly reminds us, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it" (1 Cor. 10:13).

Homosexuals who want to live chastely can contact Courage, a national, Church-approved support group for help in deliverance from the homosexual lifestyle.


Church of St. John the Baptist

210 W. 31st St., New York, NY 10001

(212) 268–1010


Peace and blessings!
2007-06-25 17:11:16 UTC
It's a very old religion.
2007-06-25 22:18:47 UTC
I think its F-U-N with capital letters!
Hey, Ray
2007-06-25 17:16:29 UTC
I know I'm gunna get thumbs down for this.

I do not like or tolerate homosexuality. gay people, as in nature, not lifestyle (homophiles) I'll accept as human though. I'll respect anyone, not everyone's beliefs. I don't really care what people say. a lifestyle is a choice. they can get saved if they want. they just can't keep that lifestyle and be saved.

bisexuality is just as perverted as the homosexual lifestyle. I think too many straight people get drawn into it because they don't realize that getting touched by anyone will arouse you. your body's just geared that way. again, people whom i can respect and who should get saved

transgendered. they're people, but they're its. they can get saved, i wish they'd turn back, but they're still sick minded and have no respect for the boundaries of gender. they don't know what they are, and I am not going to condone it.

I'm straight. I'm not a sinner. don't like it, tough.
2007-06-25 17:18:24 UTC
Live & let live, I say.

I know what God says about it but there are tons of other sins

out there too!
2007-06-25 17:17:05 UTC
Not much--it's just not on my radar screen.
2007-06-25 17:32:51 UTC
They are deep in the woods. i think about other things.
2007-06-25 17:19:13 UTC
Muslims believe homosexuality is wrong.
2007-06-25 17:15:17 UTC
I think it's wrong and that those people are just sincerely confused, but I don't judge them. One of my best friends is gay.
2007-06-25 17:17:27 UTC
I think its a mental illness and if the whole genetic engineering thing pans out, God willing, we can eradicate it.
2007-06-25 18:34:07 UTC
Where do you think the word "sodomy" came from, Idiot?
2007-06-25 17:13:59 UTC
hetero-phobia is my #1 pet peeve also *rolls eyes*...i don't care what people do in their spare time or personal life. i just think it's unnatural.
2007-06-25 17:15:04 UTC
Isn't it more Important what God thinks?

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