If you believe God is all knowing, question for you....?
2007-07-05 09:34:45 UTC
If God is all knowing and you believe in adam and eve.. then isn't what he did entrapment?
(*spell it out for you people who don't know what entrapment is... God knew adam would take that apple, why tell him not to take the apple?
Religious nuts can apply to answer this question as well :)
I accept all to answer my question. Maybe I'll learn something new. Have not learned anything new or thought of any new concept in a while :(
Thanks for all responses !! Itadakimasu! heh
42 answers:
Richard S
2007-07-05 09:51:21 UTC
It's a known fact that God hated Adam and was "interested" in Eve. What made it more complicated was when God's longtime nemesis, Lucifer tried to get in on the action with Eve as well. The whole situation got ugly, but yes, it was definitely entrapment.
2007-07-05 09:46:18 UTC
There are very different opinions amongst Christians about what you are asking. You're right in a way about entrapment, if God already knows you're going to do everything you're going to do, why let you do it? Doesn't make much sense huh? God can't control free choice, he gave that to us from day one. God knows our hearts pretty well and can probably take a good guess at what we'll do, but I doubt he knows the exact outcome. However, as a whole he knows an awful lot about what's going to happen. He knows when he will end the world, he probably knows a lot about our lives here on earth that we can't even begin to understand. But we always have free choice to screw it all up. That's part of the plan. Some Christians believe we are all pre-destined but that doesn't make much sense to followers of a loving God. Why would God pre-destine some people to be child molesters or serial killers, some to go to heaven, some to go to hell. I seriously doubt he would as a God who talks so much about love. And if we are going to say God controls everything I would say that would be included.

No man can answer for God. When in doubt of what anyone tells you, refer to a Bible. We are all responsible for our own souls. Visit a Church of Christ and ask a lot of questions, someone there will be glad to answer them for you. Spiritual growth is a long journey, one in which we are constantly learning more and asking more questions. Good Luck in yours.
4HIM- Christians love
2007-07-05 09:50:43 UTC
Adam and Eve were not entrapped. God had already made the plan of redemption for them because He knew that they would disobey Him (play with the red firetruck). He planted the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden because He wanted Adam and Eve to have the free will to make their own decision. God didn't want robots, He wanted children to love and to love Him back.

If Adam and Eve had chosen to obey God, there would be no need for Jesus to have come and died for our sin so that we can have them take away.

The tree is not a problem for those who accept Jesus. Jesus' death was in our place for our sin. Not His own sin, because He is sinless.

His death covers those before his birth, those during His life and those after His death and resurrection.

Before Jesus came, people were judged by what they did (religion). After Jesus came, we have God's grace after we believe repent (turn away from sin) and accept His Son.

I am not a religious nut. I am God's child.
Q&A Queen
2007-07-05 09:39:39 UTC
That was not entrapment, sorry. God did not set out to do this to Adam & Eve; did not set out to have them fail. That's pretty heartless don't you think? The fact is that Adam & Eve were given free will and chose to use it to disobey God. It was an act of love that they were created with the ability to make the choice themselves. Did God know they WOULD? No. Did God know they COULD. Yes. The fact that God is all knowing does not mean that God CHOOSES to know all. It's like having a TV set. You have the information on all those channels. Do you choose to watch them all at one time?


To your added point: Yes God is all knowing. There is a difference between having the ability to know all, which God does, and choosing to.
2007-07-05 09:39:29 UTC
Well I'm not going to think about this, but I will solve the problem much like a hacker helps Microsoft create new anti-virus programs.

God gave Adam free will, so that he had the knowledge that the apple was wrong, and did it anyways.

Didn't Satan influence Adam's free will? Yes, so therefore The Devil can tempt man, God can not, and since God is more powerful than Satan, tempting man's free will is less powerful than not tempting man's free will. So, as a believer in God, we should not tempt each other's free will and allow them to have it that way.

That means, that whenever you force someone to do anything (like work) you are infringing upon their free will, acting like Satan, and basically be weak and impotent.
Suzanne L
2007-07-05 09:45:48 UTC
I believe the Bible is a collection of stories to be interpreted by each individual in order to find ones own path to God. The story of Adam and Eve is the age old story of temptation and the consequences of that temptation. We have the ability to decide and choose, in return we must face the consequences of that decision. Either choice can have benefits as hopefully we learn from our mistakes. Rather than looking at the Bible literally try reading into it a bit more and seeing how the lesson or idea being told relates to you personally.
black fox
2007-07-05 14:11:22 UTC
The relation between Adam and God is that of a worshiper to his Creator, and to "worship" someone is to "obey his orders". Since man is given the free will, then there must be a test, in which man is subjected to temptation, and has to choose whether to obey God's orders even though it's hard, or to take the easy way, and follow his own desires.

There had to be a test.

God knew that Adam will eat from the forbidden tree before He created him.

And before God created man, he has decided to make him live on Earth, it wasn't meant for mankind to stay in heaven from the beginning of their creation.
2007-07-05 09:42:32 UTC
God gave Adam and Eve the ability to resist sin, so no--its not entrapment.

Knowing in advance that someone is going to rob the bank doesn't give the law a right to arrest them in advance. You've got to commit a crime to be arrested. And its not entrapment, either. Entrapment is when you put the suggestion into someone's head and entice them.
2007-07-05 09:40:16 UTC
Because God gave us free will. Free will isn't much good without chances to use it. Adam had a choice to either obey God or not. He chose to disobey, like all humans will. Human nature is to take the Forbidden Fruit. God knew this, but if Adam hadn't had a chance to obey God, he would be no better than animals.
Dan in Real Life
2007-07-05 09:44:45 UTC
God allowed Adam to make his own choice. He didn't want to force Adam to do something, that would make Adam (and therefore all humanity) a drooling, mindless, subservient race incapable of love or anything. God probably knew what was coming, but he wanted people to choose to serve him. It's just like any relationship. Say there's this guy named Gary, and he's dating this girl named Haley. He thinks she might be interested in some other guy named Arthur, but does he want to force her to love him? No, Gary wants Haley to WANT to love him, therefore, let her make her own decision and hope that she comes back to him.

Cast of Characters in my little fable:

Gary = God

Haley = Humanity

Arthur = the Apple, symbolic for selfish desires of Haley (Humanity)

...And by the way, if you look at the 10 Commandments, all of them are consistent with this theme, since each one is commanding humans not to act in a certain selfish way (stealing, lying, committing adultery, obsessing over your neighbor's goods (coveting), etc.)
2007-07-05 09:53:40 UTC
For you to say that a sin is entrapment because of God's fore-knowlege is as silly as saying salvation is entrapment by His fore-knowlege. So youre saying you dont believe you are a free agent but every decision you make is entrapment? Wow what a way to justify not taking responsibility for your actions!

God told Adam not to eat to make it wrong act for him to eat it. Adam knowingly ate by his own choice. Adam found out that he is a sinner. Without the law there is no sin. God showed Adam and Eve their sin and let them know there were consequences. He also showed how their sins were forgiven.

God didnt tempt Adam...He was showing Adam that he was a free agent. Entrapment would be for God not to tell Adam it was wrong and for God to hold him accountable anyway.

God is all knowing because He is God. The fact that He is God and all knowing doesnt take our guilt away. Our sin which seperates us from God also with the "law" brings us to God. Because the law is a schoolmaster to teach us of our sinful nature and makes us know we are totally without hope except by His forgiveness. God provided a way for us to be blameless. By the shed blood of Jesus Christ His Son.

God knows where you are going to spend eternity after you die, He knows the choice you will make.
2007-07-05 10:08:41 UTC
A trap? How can it be a trap? Adam and Eve had hundreds of things to eat in the garden. Plenty of great, tasty, healthy food. God said, "Eat whatever you want, but not that one, because it's not healthy."

Supposing you came to stay at my house, and I said, "Eat whatever you want from the pantry and fridge, but stay away from that bright orange box on the floor of the pantry. That's roach bait, and it will kill you."

If you eat the roach bait even after I warned you and provided tons of good, healthy food for you to eat, how am I "trapping" you into poor behavior? It would only be entrapment if I put a label on the roach bait that said "Yummy Candy!!!" and encouraged you to eat it.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions and stop blaming God.
2007-07-05 09:50:11 UTC
Yes, He knew it. The thing is that we are with God since the beginning, due to our desire of enjoy separated from Him, we fell down to this mortal world. He warn us not to do so, but we have free will and even He know and knew He won't interfere.

God says to Arjuna in Bhagavad gita:

"Thus I have explained to you knowledge still more confidential. Deliberate on this fully, and then do what you wish to do."


The Lord has already explained to Arjuna the knowledge of brahma-bhüta [SB 4.30.20]. One who is in the brahma-bhüta condition is joyful; he never laments, nor does he desire anything. That is due to confidential knowledge. Krishna also discloses knowledge of the Supersoul. This is also Brahman knowledge, knowledge of Brahman, but it is superior.

Here the words yathecchasi tathä kuru—"As you like, you may act"—He does not interfere with their independence, but gives all facilities so that they can fulfill their material desires. Some may ask why the all-powerful God gives facilities to the living entities for enjoying this material world and so lets them fall into the trap of the illusory energy. The answer is that if the Supreme Lord as Supersoul does not give such facilities, then there is no meaning to independence. Therefore He gives everyone full independence—whatever one likesi. In Bhagavad-gitä, the Lord has explained in all respects how one can elevate his living condition. The best advice imparted to Arjuna is to surrender unto the Supersoul seated within his heart. By right discrimination, one should agree to act according to the order of the Supersoul. That will help one become situated constantly in Krishna consciousness, the highest perfectional stage of human life. Arjuna is being directly ordered by the Personality of Godhead to fight. Surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is in the best interest of the living entities. It is not for the interest of the Supreme. Before surrendering, one is free to deliberate on this subject as far as the intelligence goes; that is the best way to accept the instruction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such instruction comes also through the spiritual master, the bona fide representative of Krishna.
2007-07-05 09:52:05 UTC
A lot of hardcore Christians will probably hate this but, I don't think God knows everything. Like for example, the future. I don't he knows what wil happen. A lot of people think that God knows exactly what will happen and every single thing that hapens was planned from day one. But, if a certian thing is going to happen and we can't change it, we tell everyone that what they do could get us sent to Hell. We'd be getting punished for something we couldn't do anything about. I hope that answers your question.
2007-07-05 09:46:38 UTC
GOD created man with choice or free will. He knew that Adam and Eve would disobey thus setting into motion God's plan for the redemption of sin through the Blood of the Lamb (JESUS CHRIST)
2007-07-05 09:43:09 UTC
We still have free choice. It is something he did not give the angels. He gave it to us so that we would Choose him. He didn't know Adam would take the apple, i bet he thought there was a really good chance he would, and he loved Adam and all of us and is invested in all of our decisions. He told him not to do it as he tells us not to fornicate or kill, etc. He has angels to do exactly what they are told. He made us in His image not the image of Angels.

BTW , I know all of this and i am an atheist. All of that is in the bible, have you read it cover to cover yet? Really is a good read. Religion is a great thing man. Fascinating when you can apply secular thought to it as well as understand it as truth.
pasquale garonfolo
2007-07-05 11:32:00 UTC
A facetious good old friend of mine has told me that our sweet seducive primeval mother of all mothers, Eve, did not give Adam an apple, but an "orange", that is, a "golden" fruit that they were NOT entitled to eat, also because, contrary to the sweet Chinese orange, that mesopotamian orange - that golden fruit - was very bitter even as ripe. But she "sinned" because she had no previous experience, she was very young then, possibly also under the effect of her burning puberty crisis. Therefore the fatal "entrapment", as you say.

As for the holy Bible, my good old friend asserts that the Bible contains the holy annals and the Law of the Jewish people, those mesopotamian tribes whose astute power-seeking leaders contrived God in their own image and declared that He Almighty Omniscient God had created them in His own image and likeness and made them His favorite elected people granting them the holy right to their Promised Land westwards towards the eastern Mediterranean shores that already was the fruitful homeland of other less favored God's people who also had come to that land but presumably from west from eastern Europe, maybe from Greece or from Anatolia.

Anyway, I now think that I should tell you also this:

That good old friend of mine who definitely has a lot of blasphemous weird ideas, also declares that "God, etymologically is a raging ever mysterious Beast, a raging thunderous Spirit, that we by the Second Commandment are admonished not to name in vain, lest His thundering/lightning rage might strike us prematurely for having been so imprudent/impudent to put into discussion His almighty and His omniscient acts. The definitive consequence for us would then be for our soul to be fetched by the firm helpers of ferocious ever grinning Satan and thus mercilessly hurled down into the ever scorching fire of perennially burning Hell."

Conclusively, this was what I felt like to respond unto your intriguing question. Good luck to you!
2007-07-05 09:48:54 UTC
God gives us the privilege of free will. He knows every decision we're going to make before we make it but he still gives us the opportunity to make it freely. Plus God knew that by Adam making the mistake of eating the apple that gave way for the emergence of Jesus Christ to die for us to wash away the sin that Adam opened upon us all. Thu-sly solidifying the importance of the Lord Jesus Christ to our salvation.
2007-07-05 09:43:16 UTC
Did you see Bambi?

If you have a kid will you let them watch Bambi?

You know Bambi is sad when his Mom is shot by the hunter.

Even though you know you'll let your kid watch it.

Maybe it's like that. Maybe not.

I don't even like creation stories, so I don't play those kind of mind games often.

The only story I like is where only the fittest survive.

Another thought is..

If God knows it's going to happen and it can't happen unless he does something kinda creepy like this then perhaps he has no choice but to do it.

Like what if God DOESNT have free will himself?
2007-07-05 11:00:52 UTC
John 4:23 says: "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him."

God doesn't want robots serving Him. He wants us to love and serve Him, the same way He loves us, that He gave up everything for us. Philippians 2:3-12 says: "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

Again God doesn't want robots, He wants people that serve Him with all their hearts.
Funny Girl
2007-07-05 09:46:48 UTC
God gave us free will to do the "right" or "wrong" thing. Nowhere, did He ever say that there wouldn't be consequences for our actions or decisions. He's not a Gestapo; he wants us to have the goodness inside of us, to make the right decisions.
2007-07-05 09:39:14 UTC
God knowing that Adam would take the apple doesn't mean God made him do it. Adam still had free will.
2007-07-05 09:47:55 UTC
Because God gave us free will. Just because he knows every decision we will ever make does not mean he forces us to make them. Did you ever tell a child "don't touch that" as soon as you say that it is almost inevitable that the child will touch it. But did you make them do it? Of course not.
2007-07-05 09:43:24 UTC
the reason is because God has given us all a free will. we are not robots we have the ability to choose. Him telling them not to take the apple was a test for Adam and eve. a test they failed. Had they not been given the test they would never grow in maturity. or appercite what God blessed them with.we all need test for us to grow/develope. to appercite

what has been to us. we need to value what God has blessed us with.and in return bless others.

for more answers to life,check out my e-group
2007-07-05 09:44:11 UTC
not entrapment, it was free choice and learning that

consequencies will be in effect after the choice is made
I'm just me
2007-07-05 09:40:46 UTC
I'm with dze--I think it's more that he knew they'd eat it, not that he was trying to trap them. God gave us all free will, and while He will try to guide us, he won't force us to do anything. Which also works the opposite way--he can't force us NOT to do something either.
2007-07-05 09:38:40 UTC
God gives man free-will.
I got 2 points for this answer
2007-07-05 09:37:07 UTC
no becuase it was a test. It is similar to a sting operation that cops do, they put the bait out there but he never made them eat the apple.
2007-07-05 09:38:18 UTC
Yes God knew they (and all of us) would sin.

It is written that is why God ordained that Jesus would be the sacrifice for our sins BEFORE He laid the foundation of the world.
2007-07-05 09:46:32 UTC
The question whether G-d is "all knowing" or not "all knowing" is a philosophical question and cannot be connected to biblical stories per se.
2007-07-05 09:39:56 UTC
You are very correct. That one has always bothered me. Same with The Flood, Lot's Wife, and that terrible thing that they did to Jesus. They should have all been known to god long before he even created the universe.
2007-07-05 09:40:35 UTC
Knowing someone will do something is not the same as making them do it.
otis the brave (luke 22:36)
2007-07-05 09:38:11 UTC
he knew what would happen, but he loves us, and wanted to give us a chance to make the right choice.
2007-07-05 09:38:10 UTC
How you want someone who you call "religious nuts" to answer your question?
2007-07-05 09:37:12 UTC
if u know someone will do somthing but dont want to interfere ... its not entrapment no ....
2007-07-05 09:39:14 UTC
its called freewill... if he didnt allow him to take the fruit then humans would no longer have freewill
2007-07-05 09:40:50 UTC
he told him not to eat the "apple". remember............ " shall not eat from it (the tree), nor will you touch it, so that you will not die" genesis 3:3
2007-07-05 09:46:08 UTC
Simple answer - nothing long winded.

It is called "temptation".......
2007-07-05 09:38:50 UTC
Bitter because you can't prove God wrong?
Jameskan Video
2007-07-05 09:40:29 UTC
he created man dumb so he knew he would do dumb stuff
2007-07-05 09:38:49 UTC
read your bible again
2007-07-05 09:38:12 UTC
Ask Him. :)

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