The answer I will give is not to criticzise you but to help you not send your friend another message that your friend does not get.
Often People say they have talked with the dead. The late James A Pike, a prominent Episcoplian bishop, said he talked with his dead son Jim. According to Pike, his son told him: "I have masses of people around me, and hands lifting me up, as it were.....I was so unhappy untill I could make you know."
Since such experiences are so common, it is evident that many people have spoken to someone from the spirit world. But they have not talked with the dead, The Bible is very clear when it says:"As for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all."(Eclesiastes9:5) So if it is not the dead who are speaking from the spirit world, who are speaking? Who are pretending to be dead persons?
Wicked spirits are. These spirits or demons, are angels who joined Satan in rebellion against God. Why do they pretend to be persons who have died? It is to advance the idea that the dead are still living. Wicked spirits have also lead many to believe the lie that death is only a change to another life. To spread this lie, wicked spirits provide spirit mediums, fortune tellers and sorcers with special knowledge that only seems to come from persons who have died. So please keep away from those because they are used by wicked spirits and you will only get more heartache by listening to them, wicked spirits are wicked, and they only want you to miss seeing your brother again where as God promised he would bring back to life dead loved ones!So your better bet would be to turn to God instead and get help from him instead!
But there is a way that you can talk to your friend againemail me I will tell you more!