Should i be happy that i finally found my truth(plz read on, especially you atheists)??????
ILoveGreen ZipZapZop
2007-07-21 12:35:24 UTC
you see, i have been in faith struggles all these 17 years of my life. i have struggled all my life so much with believing in Christianity. i always questioned it. i got baptized when i was little but i dont think that meant anything. i wanted to believe in Christianity and wanted to have some faith like i would see that many people had. but i have a feeling i felt that way because of pressure from my family and from society, not because i really wanted to. deep down i knew i couldnt be a true believer. after thinking it through so much and after going through many things recently, i think i have found my truth. i will never believe in Christianity again!!!!! i am officially an atheist!!! i feel kind of sad that i have lost all my faith, i feel a bit of emptiness but deep down i feel freed!! i feel free!! but i still have mixed feelings. i feel like i lost something in yet i feel like i gained a lot. what do you think???????
72 answers:
2007-07-21 12:38:17 UTC
Well congrats, But just make sure you keep learning, read some books, Continue to search and educate yourself. Never just settle for answers.
Ms Blue
2007-07-28 21:42:57 UTC
Your only Seventeen? You sound confused unsure if your right or not. You have a whole life time a head of you.

Your family, friends or society can not be the reason you choose anything. Now that you have decided to be on your own you should be open minded and read the Bible with an open mind as an atheist.

You will learn a lot in college about other faiths too.

Just remember it takes a lot more energy for someone to be an unbeliever than a believer. Because the unbeliever is wrong.

May you feel loved and know God cares for you and knows your mind.
2007-07-28 15:09:22 UTC
I have very strong Christian beliefs, and they are no burden to me.

No-one in my family agrees or even believes the things I do, so I Have had to struggle with just holding on fast to them.

I don't know what was the Religion that you followed, but I can tell you that since finding my peace with God, my life has improved so very much, even I have improved,

Yes I do have the same drawbacks that we all have in life, but I feel somebody there alongside me holding my hand all the way through it.

In no way have found my faith burdensome in anyway.

All of mankind no matter their background no matter their creed will always have a spiritual longing, at some point in their life, perhaps the faith of your family was not true to you!

My advice is this, True faith comes from only reading the BIBLE, which was inspired from God, and following those who follow the BIBLE.

Someone asked Jesus "how will we know who your people are" and Jesus replied " when you see those who have love among them"

Pray to God and ask to be found.
David G
2007-07-29 05:29:12 UTC
There is a theory in physics that the universe is composed of a single particle moving in time. Because it can move instantaneously from one point to another, no time is required for it to construct the whole universe.

We are not only "stardust" (composed of elements forged in stars that are thrown out into space to eventually find themselves in a being that looks back at where it was made and wonders...), but actually are the whole universe and carry within us all of the information describing it (this is a central tenet of the Hindu philosophy).

Spirituality to me is how we connect with this, feeling our way to understanding the universe in contrast to the (equally valid) scientific method of intellectualising our way to understanding.

You, like many people, feel a sense of loss at your new found atheism because part of you suspects, still, that there is an innate "spirituality" connected with our existence, but you (like Dawkins) have only the distorted and crude lens of the Judeo-Christian tradition to describe it.

To explore this sense of loss, I would suggest you read up on some of the eastern philosophies. The Tao Te Ching, the Baghavad Gita, are less religious books than works of philosophy that concern themselves chiefly with the nature of consciousness and how, manifested in us, it relates to the universe as a whole.

For a start, I'd recommend "The essential teachings of Hinduism" (I'm not a Hindu incidentally), edited by Kerry Brown. A sublime and sensible "spiritual" treatise.
2007-07-26 17:27:01 UTC
You said you will never believe in Christianity again. Christians do not believe in Christianity, they believe in the one, true God.

Pressure from society to be a Christian? Never heard of that before, lol, more like pressure from society not to become a Christian. I know too many people who used to be Christians and aren't anymore, it makes me really sad. I'm a pastor's kid and since I was really young I have been a Christian. Without God I would be nothing and I am a very happy person and have no regrets in being a Christian at all.

God IS crying over you, he loves you so much.
2007-07-27 03:08:50 UTC
when you say free do you mean doing certain things and not feeling guilty bout it? you probably feel empty cause it is God that feels the void that we have. im sorry you had a struggle all these yrs, but it didnt have to be that way. how do you know what you went through wasnt to test your faith? i have gone through many things through the yrs but i had always kept my faith through it all. my faith was the only thing that kept me alive. the reason i say this is cause i went through a very bad depression and became self injurious and it was at that moment i gave my life to God. you say you found your truth and so i cant change your mind nor will i try. me being a christian im not gonna say what i think, you wouldnt want to hear it anyway. i will say this though, ive always been told when your having a hard time you must be doing something right cuz satan cant stand to know we chose to follow Christ.
2007-07-23 21:30:57 UTC
Well, I'm a bit on your side, however, I do believe that there is some higher power...some kind of God.

If you feel a little empty, now that you've lost faith, try to believe in the simple, easy, idea of a higher power...doesn't have to be a God, just...higher power. Something un-human, or divine.

If you truly, honestly believe that the Earth, and life, and every miracle that has ever happened happened by coincidence, then atheism is your path I guess.
2016-05-19 09:31:09 UTC
I'm neither, but I'll answer anyway, if thats permissible? As an Agnostic, I think thats funny as (the possibly existent) hell! Lmfao! Religious people see signs everywhere. Especially on toasted goods, but I mean, a fire is close, right? Thats pretty nifty, but I mean, unless its like "ahh i'm burning in hell because I was a Catholic, turn back nowwww!", they won't look into it. But that did give me a little giggle, I'll have to show my Catholic friends. X-D PS: I like the fridge comment, thats cool. But if that were me, I'd be a little freaked out, to be honest. I actually do think everything happens for a reason, but for what reason, I'm still looking for that one. PS(again!): I just had this thought, but... this isn't really that significant, in hindsight. Its kind of like how George W. Bush looks like a monkey, and has all of those photos that look just like him, but it doesn't mean that he's a monkey.. right? (ramble over, tehe)
2007-07-21 12:47:46 UTC
Congratulations! That is a really great decision to have made.

It is not always the easiest path but now you are free to look around you & take responsibility for your life, to live as you choose, to set your own values to live your life fully.

The world is an incredjble place to be. If you are worried about feeling empty then make sure you do some reading on how amazing this world and life is - most of the books by people like Carl Sagan etc have elements of this in them. People think that life as an atheist is joyless. It is not. Atheists have written many books expounding on the wonders of humanity, science & nature......very inspiring.

Interestingly I was recently needing a 'spirirtual element' (for want of a better phrase...) to my life & my atheist friend suggested I look into Buddhism - it is the one 'religion' that does not reqiure faith in anything (assuming you take the core of reliong ) - No need for a god or belief in reincarnation or any ot that stuff (though there are people who practice buddhism that do believe this stuff).

For me this has been a great new way to explore myself & my thought processes without any supernatural stuff (you sometime have to filter through some of that ....) Not saying you should try this in any way it was just an interesting & surprising option for me and has added some new ways of looking at things to my life that fit in with my focus on rationality, learning, understanding, & atheism,

Good luck & I am glad for your decision!
2007-07-29 11:18:30 UTC
I feel sad for you. I don't think you ever truly knew what Christianity is really about. It's not about a religion. It's about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ--the one true God. You said you have wanted to believe in Christianity. You should be believing in Jesus Christ Himself, not a religion.

If you think you are sad now, wait till judgment day, when you realize how wrong you are. There will be no turning back then. Turn back to Jesus now, and live!
Kristoffer A
2007-07-29 12:18:40 UTC
Jesus Christ did show some light against hypocrisy and religious babbles. He calls for reason, truth, justice, and most of all sincere thought and consideration to our fellow men.

I think Protestantism, Catholisism, were first rooted upon Christ and the disciples' teachings. As Jesus told the disciples, "those who are not against you are for you.."

This means, no need to fear condemnation.

Speaking from the standpoint of being a Reverend's Son, some of these religions are really condeming, just like any other modern religion -- which we call Pop-culture.

What I think will be an encourgment to you is what we hear from Jesus himself, "those who believe in me, have life in them, and I will raise them up at the last day." He didn't say, "those who believe in my religion." -- no sir. Instead he states, "watch out for the yiest of the pharisee which is hypocrisy..." I think you get the point -- I mean, come-on, wake up.

Everyone is precious. You are precious as much us our religious friends who needs to latch on to something for direction. All in all, the brothers in Christianity don't seek harm, rather, just like each one of us, we are still in our infancy.

But, don't worry, someday we'll get better, and when the time comes "we will see him as he is, and we will be like him." since at this moment we really still don't have an idea who we are as a race and what we will be as a race, but when ressurection comes, we'll meet face to face.

Anyway, love life, enjoy, cry when you fail, comfort someone if you want, give if you like, be a doctor, singer, build a do-it-yourself house...

And lastly, I think moving from Christianity to an Athiest does the same thing. It's really like you want to escape from a set of principles to another set of principles. I really think being sincere is the key to truth and to just hear the words of Jesus Christ when he talked about how to live.
Human Being Human
2007-07-28 14:26:59 UTC
Young Lady you are looking in the wrong place

others can only tell you how it worked for them and as we are all different that doesn't necessarily mean it will work for You

use your own mind as it was intended freely read be with your own thoughts teach yourself to meditate it would surprise you what you can learn about yourself but be careful you may have escaped one long frock brigade but others are lurking gandalf up there is a good example only you can decide for you

Good Luck
2007-07-26 15:21:59 UTC
If you were really "free" then you would not even think about it. Something still bugs you. I heard of someone who was really into Christianity and was agry with God. He went away and did a trek in the jungle. He felt free and really content and happy, sort of being in touch with nature itself. Then he came across a colony of people, and amongst them there was a person teaching the gospel of Christ. You can run as far as you want to, but God can have you on a very long piece of spiritual elastic! Don't give up on yourself or God. Bless you. Keep seeking.
2007-07-29 12:11:14 UTC
You're 17. You haven't found the truth. Your life will be a quest for the truth. I give you five years or so to come back. Since you made me read your rambles, I thought I deserved the two points.
2007-07-26 07:25:49 UTC
if you've lost your believe you've lost every thing brother.

but you still alive means you have a chance to fix that

you have to search for the real religion

if you want to follow the right way if you want the truth brother i advice you the Islam brother i advice you to read the coran

been Muslim is been free for all the lies brother the Islam was never bad or hard it was always easy and pure I'm muslima and i know what does the real religion means it means you are right and safe and you have nothing to be afraid of just your god .

brother ,to be believer never means you are in prison

it means you are free.
holly B
2007-07-28 10:08:37 UTC
if you lost your faith of course you are going to feel sadness and emptiness! i know you feel freed from the pressure you been feeling from people but nothing else

im glad you have mixed know something isnt right, you can feel it! you know you shouldnt be no atheist...thats why you have these mixed feelings. i will be praying for you :)
Scott M
2007-07-21 13:31:55 UTC
As you can see, you've got a lot of Christians alternatively pitying you and threatening you with their own superstitious fears. Ignore them. Real education is just beginning. I encourage you to crack open a lot of books and learn about the world...more than any Christians would ever let you. Science, other cultures, mythology, philosiphy, and other stuff hated and feared by the evangelicals determined to keep you in their little box of xenophobia and ignorance.
2007-07-29 12:18:58 UTC
Let your feelings sink in. If you feel the same then you must truly embrace it. Unless you are sure of yourself the struggles you will face as an atheist will be more than you can bare.
2007-07-29 09:23:40 UTC
Good, that you feel relaxed!

Christianity is a doddle, you don,t have to be good at it! Just be good! It,s easy to be good. It,s just a shame it,s easier to be bad.

Christianity was made for me. A great big, old bearded man, who looks out for me, takes good care of me, gives me little challenges to jog through life with. Lets me Cus him when it was my own fault. Gives me all that I love, to enjoy everyday of my life. This may be in life, or of those who are no longer with me. Or safe in the knowledge, that those still to come, will see life and love, even if their challenges are immense. This is Christianity.

Unquestioning,unjudging and most forgiving. Me I love it!
2007-07-21 12:47:58 UTC
I am an atheist myself, through and through, but I believe that everyone should find their own truth as long as they do no harm to others.

While not believing in any god myself, or any afterlife, I do believe that many need this because they cannot face their own mortality, they cannot encompass the idea of the universe existing without them in it, that when they die they totally and truly die, no soul, no afterlife, just a collection of chemical reactions that stop working, a biological machine that runs down and stops.

If you can live with this, the knowledge that one day you as an individual will be gone for all eternity, as I do, then live with it and good luck my friend.
2007-07-21 12:44:06 UTC
You're only just beginning to realize what you've gained. Congratulations!

Deconversion is often a somewhat sad process, because it means detaching yourself from family and community, as well as a great many comforting assumptions. There's a lot to think about. You should be prepared for some confusion, occasional loneliness and frustration. Then again, that's the nature of the maturation process, nobody can escape it.

Relax and don't worry about getting all the answers at once. But whatever you do, don't stop learning.
2007-07-29 12:05:10 UTC
You don't have to believe in any one god or goddess to have a spirituality. The emptiness will lessen as you explore your own ethos and spirituality. Don't feel like you have to fit into a niche somewhere. It is what we do in the world that shapes us.
2007-07-27 08:02:59 UTC
I wonder who you are trying to convince.

Just try this and if it doesn't work there is nothing to lose.

Jesus I believe help me in my unbelief. If you love me Lord and want me to be yours let the Holy Spirit be my friend and show me the truth once and for all. In Jesus name Amen!

Now go to and start learning instead of guessing.

God Bless!
2007-07-26 14:28:13 UTC
i studied the bible in depth with other Christians for about 5 - 6 years- i new it pretty well - the more i new the less i believed - now I'm an atheist and I've never felt better - they were right about one thing though - the truth really does set you free

welcome to the fold and reality matey
2007-07-28 11:05:08 UTC
you said you felt like you'd "lost something yet that you had gained a lot "...........what does one profit, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?...the emptiness you feel is that hole that only our creator can fill... you never really found Him...good and evil are still fighting for your soul...which is a good're not yet completely's not over
2007-07-21 12:52:20 UTC
U don't need a book or some telling u what u should believe in...its whats in ur heart and ur head that counts..

i was christen in the church of England,grew up being taken to a evangelical church by my mum,went to girls brigade which is Methodist and i went to a roman catholic school...

and none of it ever made much sense..1ce i was old enough to b aloud not to go, I stop...

to me as long as u live a good life and u don't go around hurting people then that's good enough for me....

it is whats in ur heart and ur head that matters...x
Sarah J
2007-07-21 13:09:59 UTC
i went from being an atheist to being a christian and i never felt any emptiness, i felt wonderful and life has been getting better and better ever since. even though i have opposition from my family i know god is there and interestingly, i feel free for the first time ever, through my relationship with god.

your feeling of freedom is probably more to do with escaping your familys expectations of you.
~*tigger*~ **
2007-07-26 09:30:48 UTC
i think you have to find your own way

spirtuality has very little to do with a religion and budddism is a philosophy you could look into which concntrtaes on meditation and how to cause no harm to your self and other living beings
2007-07-21 12:47:25 UTC
Ok, you say you were believing in Christianity? That is the main problem right there, you should have been placing your faith, love, hope, trust in the only thing to get you into a eternity of peace and love! Your faith, belief, etc...should have been in the Lord and Savior of all which is JESUS CHRIST!!!

I hope that you will consider putting your faith, in Him as He is the only TRUE HOPE, for us human's! Please talk to someone you say you feel empty, free, sad, mixed feelings, lost, you really need to talk to someone to help you. A youth leader maybe in a totally different church would work. Just PLEASE make sure they are bible believing and teaching before you go speak to anyone. You are so young and this is such a sad situation, I have a 17 year old myself and I would encourage him to do the same thing I am telling you.

You just need to talk to someone and if you don't know who, then let me know and I will put you in touch with an awesome person who can help you! God Bless, I'll be praying for you!
2007-07-21 12:45:55 UTC
You are so correct about feeling that you've gained something. You are responsible for yourself. You can open your mind to the wonderful world around you and know that it is all very real. Certainly life is hard, but now you have tools to begin dealing with it, your own interpretation of life.

Best of luck to you.
2007-07-21 12:44:55 UTC
I think that your ability to think for yourself will lead you to your personal truth. If atheism works for you then that is awesome for you. However, personal truths change as we grow and mature so don't shut yourself down form feeling anything spiritual unless you just find that it seems to go that way naturally. Being an atheist doesn't mean that you can't feel that "warm fuzzy" that others find in their spirituality. Maybe the fact that you are alive is enough for you to experience the "warm fuzzy", and that is truly admirable. Bright Blessing to you and yours!
Angela D
2007-07-29 12:40:06 UTC
God believes in you. Look around you and inside yourself God is so much more than just a religion.
2007-07-21 12:49:53 UTC

I have raised 3 daughters. the youngest is 28. My dear child you have no idea what traps Satan is setting for you right now as we communicate. Even if you have some problems with comprehending God, the GUIDANCE itself is worth more than silver, gold or precious stones. The world is a very hostile place and it will have you for dinner and then throw whats left of you in the garbage. It sounds like you were never able to come to know Jesus PERSONALLY. There is a big difference between following someone Else's lead and knowing this awesome and loving Jesus for yourself. I'm sure you will get some good Christian guidance from your post.

God Bless
2007-07-27 12:35:54 UTC
Great news. It seems more and more people today are coming to understand just what a big con religion is.
2007-07-23 19:22:29 UTC
Congratulations. As the saying goes, atheists have more fun - ;)
2007-07-22 10:48:12 UTC
we all have the right to chose you made your choice, it is only you that has to live with it, i for one have no problem with that but i can see that some of the religious nutters have..... good luck to you for the future
2007-07-21 13:33:20 UTC
I do not know what you fell you have gained I am sure you have lost salvation. but it is up to you if you want to let Jesus into your life or not.
terry o
2007-07-21 12:51:25 UTC
As long as you are happy that is all that matters, what you believe is entirely up to you . i too had struggled and left the catholic church. i did not give up god just the crap that i was force fed. your truth belongs to you and nobody else.
2007-07-21 12:49:53 UTC
Good on you. Now that you are free run along and play. It is a big beautiful world.

Atheism is not a religion and nothing is required from you. enjoy.
2007-07-28 07:43:30 UTC
Jesus said, "I know my sheep and they know me" John 10 v 14.

So you have decided that you are not a sheep, well it is your God given choice.
2007-07-21 12:48:58 UTC
hi..i know i got no rights to tell you anything specially been a muslim! but just a thought the deep feeling of lost is the awakness from God that what you did is wrong! Everyone has upside down in life thats because God is testing us! He wants to see how much trust you have on him...No one is prefect believer and so aint i!..Just a thought nothing to harm you or anyone...Goodluck in your life:)
2007-07-21 12:46:09 UTC
Do whatever you feel is right for you. Don't let anyone, especially Christian people, make you feel guilty about your decision. That emptiness feeling will soon go away.
Spider Pig aka Tyrone Biggums
2007-07-24 01:35:53 UTC
Congrats ! U should be Scientologist like me .
minnetta c
2007-07-21 13:01:38 UTC
You Don't Need to Believe in "Christianity"............You Must Believe In JESUS and "accept Him into your Heart as Your Personal Savior." Then You are Free!! Jesus Loves you, and wants to be your Friend and also, when you Die, he wants to take you to Heaven to Be With Him for Always. >> " FAITH " COMES BY HEARING THE WORD OF GOD! JESUS Knows your Heart, and is Waiting for you To LET HIM IN..... YOU WILL NEVER BE SAD AGAIN>>>Trust me! (smile) + + + READ YOUR BIBLE<> AND TALK TO JESUS!
2007-07-26 10:56:55 UTC
I'm really sorry to hear about that. Jesus will welcome you back with open and loving arms whenever you come back around again- prayerfully sooner than later.
2007-07-22 06:10:15 UTC
I'm not atheist!what i just think is you just confused also lazy.coz you don't want to find the truth.

my Friend is answer:sister it's seem your are only just confusing yourself,read this below:

Deep Thinking

Those who remember Allah, standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: "O Lord, You have not created this for nothing. Glory be to You! So safeguard us from the punishment of the Fire."

(Surat Al 'Imran: 191)

Have you ever thought about the fact that you did not exist before you were conceived and then born into the world and that you have come into existence from mere nothingness?

Have you ever thought about how the flowers you see in your living room everyday come out of pitch black, muddy soil with fragrant smells and are as colourful as they are?

Have you ever thought about how mosquitoes, which irritatingly fly around you, move their wings so fast that we are unable to see them?

Have you ever thought about how the peels of fruits such as bananas, watermelons, melons and oranges serve as wrappings of high quality, and how the fruits are packed in these wrappings so that they maintain their taste and fragrance?

Have you ever thought about the possibility that while you are asleep a sudden earthquake could raze your home, your office, and your city to the ground and that in a few seconds you could lose everything of the world you possess?

Have you ever thought of how your life passes away very quickly, and that you will grow old and become weak, and slowly lose your beauty, health and strength?

Have you ever thought about how one day you will find the angels of death appointed by Allah before you and that you will then leave this world?

Well, have you ever thought about why people are so attached to a world from which they will soon depart when what they basically need is to strive for the hereafter?

Man is a being whom Allah furnishes with the faculty of thought. Yet, most people do not use this very important faculty as they should. In fact, some people almost never think.

In truth, each person possesses a capacity for thought of which even he himself is unaware. Once man begins to use this capacity, facts he has not been able to realise until that very moment begin to be uncovered for him. The deeper he goes in reflection, the more his capacity to think improves, and this is possible for everyone. One just has to realise that one needs to reflect and then to strive hard.

The purpose of this book is to invite people to "think as they should" and show ways of "thinking as they should". Someone who does not think will remain totally distant from truths and lead his life in self-deception and error. As a result, he will not grasp the purpose of the creation of the world, and the reason for his existence on the earth. Yet, Allah has created everything with a purpose. This fact is stated in the Qur'an as follows:

We did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between them as a game. We did not create them except with truth but most of them do not know it. (Surat ad-Dukhan: 38-39)

Did you suppose that We created you for amusement and that you would not return to Us? (Surat al-Muminun: 115)

Therefore, each person needs to ponder the purpose of creation, first as it concerns him himself, and then as it pertains to everything he sees in the universe and every event he experiences throughout his life. Someone who does not think, will understand the facts only after he dies, when he gives account before Allah, but then it will be too late. Allah says in the Qur'an that on the day of account, everybody will think and see the truth:

That day Hell is produced, that day man will remember; but how will the remembrance help him?

He will say, "Oh! If only I had prepared in advance for this life of mine!" (Surat al-Fajr: 23-24)

While Allah has given us a chance in the life of this world to reflect and derive conclusions from our reflections, to see the truth will bring us great gain in our life in the hereafter. For this reason, Allah has summoned all people, through His prophets and books, to reflect on their creation and on the creation of the universe:

Have they not reflected within themselves? Allah did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between them except with truth and for a fixed term. Yet many people reject the meeting with their Lord. (Surat ar-Rum: 8)
Demon slayer
2007-07-21 13:06:22 UTC
you were never a Christian to begin with.The road you have chosen is the same road you were on and it leads to destruction.You are not free,you are a slave to sin.You still have hope though.Before the end you can still choose Christ.I will pray for you.
2007-07-21 12:42:23 UTC
I feel like grabbing your cheeks like Robert DeNiro does to Ray Liotta when he first comes out of court in Goodfellas......
2007-07-27 23:18:15 UTC
I don't think you will survive the next flood.
2007-07-21 12:45:51 UTC
I am a Christian. Sometimes when your are completely immerged in something from birth, that you do not even understand, later on you seek freedom from it. I know many people who have had bad religious experience from going to perhaps "bad" churches when they were young, and rejected it when they became adults. I guess that is natural.

However, that small emptiness that you feel, could be the truth. The truth that you never personally knew God, knew Jesus as Lord, Savior, person, nor friend. It is in the heart of some to really know the truth, and to really know God.

Be patient and listen to that still small voice calling you to God, we all have it. Just live your life and learn and be true to yourself, and I think you might one day find yourself at the door of another church, listening to someone preaching the Love of God, and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Peace and Joy be unto you. Amen.
Darth Cheney
2007-07-21 12:43:54 UTC
You're a little bit like me when I was 16 years old, except that you are handling it much much better than I did. You should congratulate yourself on that. You really should.
2007-07-21 12:42:14 UTC
Losing a god is hard. I went through a couple of years where I tried to change my mind. It's hard to get past all that indoctrination. But it does get a lot easier. Congratulations. Welcome to reason.

P.S. Read the Old Testament again. That feeling of losing something will go away after that horrible faerie tale.
2007-07-21 12:44:40 UTC
Go sister! >;p

You will learn so much more from now on.

Everyday you will wake up and see things clearer, and you will see how religious ppl are such dumbasses.
2007-07-21 12:47:16 UTC
Congratulation on your liberation and welcome to the world of people who can think for themselves!! You haven't lost anything except mythology and you have gained intellectual freedom.
January Love
2007-07-21 12:43:41 UTC
You may not believe in your creator, but He believes in you and is waiting for you to come back to Him. Continue to learn and read. Don't limit yourself to atheistic publications. The more well-rounded you become, the more you will realize this is simply not possible without God the Creator.
2007-07-21 12:44:54 UTC
With a little nod to any supreme being, he created you to think and to use that facility to its fullest is what you were intended to do. You are thinking now, rather than just believing with no thought processes. Keep up the good work.
Sara Jordan
2007-07-21 12:43:26 UTC
I think that we as Christians failed to have the power of God that could be revealed to you to prove his existence. Just because your local church or the people you know didn't have the "right form of Christianity" doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. If you would seek God with all of your heart, fast and pray, God will reveal himself to you and there will be no way that you can turn away from him.
2007-07-21 12:41:51 UTC
Whatever feels right to you sweetie is what you should do.

I want to add one thought. You can believe in a God and know that Christianity is b.s.
2007-07-21 12:38:59 UTC
Congratulations. I was in 7th grade when I "found my truth" as you put it. It was kind of scary at first, but now I can't even believe that I used to believe.
2007-07-21 12:38:36 UTC
I don't think I had the struggles that you described but, yes, when I freed myself of religion I felt incredibly better.

Congrats !!!
2007-07-21 12:40:13 UTC happy.
2007-07-21 12:37:48 UTC
You've lost nothing. Congratulations on leaving myth and folklore behind you at such an early age. Atheists will welcome you. They are great people. And remember...the religious zealots will not want to release you without a fight. Stay strong. The first thing to do is read Dawkins if you haven't already. It clarifies everything.
2007-07-21 12:45:20 UTC
cristianity suck like my bom bom.
2007-07-21 12:40:56 UTC
Well, im not trying to Judge you or anything, but right now is NOT the time to change from a Christian to an atheist. God is on his way back to earth any day now, and any nonbelievers WILL be left behind. They will stay on this earth for seven miserable years. Dont change, its too late.
2007-07-21 12:38:53 UTC
The fact of the matter is, Christianity or not, no one truly knows the truth about spirituality. If you fail to pursue such matters and close your mind off to its possibilities, that makes you ignorant and bigoted. Just like refusing to learn physics or biology because -those- subjects are "disagreeable".

If youre sad about it then you arent a true atheist... you have doubts. If you were a true "anti-theist" then you would rationalize it all and wouldnt feel guilt, shame or fear of any sort.
2007-07-23 14:29:21 UTC
Welcome to the rational world.
2007-07-21 12:48:15 UTC
you feel the need to announce this because........?
2007-07-21 12:40:15 UTC
I'm sure Jesus is sad and his angels are weeping over you...

I will be praying for you..

Jesus will forgive every sinner that repents and comes back...
2007-07-21 12:39:30 UTC
you felt disconected because you probably never read your Bible. you need to read your bible often. that is how God talks to you. how are you going to have a relationship with someone if you never talk to them?!?! you know God is real. youve been in church. youve heard all the evidence. You dont HONESTLY think that all the things you can do happened by accident... somebody created you.
2007-07-21 12:38:37 UTC
i think u found emptiness and a future without hope ...
2007-07-21 12:40:04 UTC
Excellent, welcome to the land of the living.
2007-07-21 12:38:59 UTC
i'm truly sorry for you.

i can't imagine your loss.

i am not happy for your truth.

because it is false.

He will keep pursuing you.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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