I don't think it refers to education knowledge at all. Not knowledge as in science knowledge, or reading, writing, etc- which is seeing the universe and figuring it all out, how everything works. Then we "reverse engineer" from what we learned. (sonar, antibiotics, etc- god made it first, we observe, and make it mechanically)
That is not the knowledge of good and evil.
From my understanding- that means exactly what it says- the knowledge of the difference between good and evil.
When someone's dog isn't totally domesticated for whatever reasons- and it reverts to it's instincts, and kills someone's brand new baby or a dog pack attacks people... are they evil?? NO. They are just animals, doing what they do because of what they ARE. We put them to death- we sure don't want to keep such "domestic" animals around, but they are NOT evil.
But us humans KNOW BETTER. Humans know exactly when they are being cruel and mean. And they don't CARE... they go right ahead and do what we do to each other. We will rationalize it all away.. "Oh the guys a moron anyway- oh they deserved it... oh I was abused, too- oh no one gave ME a break... and on and on"
But we KNOW. Therefore God holds human accountable, and not the animals. Animals are totally innocent.