Can the tree of knowledge of good and evil be compared to education?
2008-07-11 08:51:28 UTC
God didnt want Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
I mean heaven forbid they learn something new.

It seems like education represents the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil for many Christians.
They are unwilling to take advantage of the fruit, they fear education might deceive them.

Do atheists and others who are in favor of real education, not pseudo science mythology, do we represent the serpent?

Is this a fair comparison?
36 answers:
ethereal spirit
2008-07-11 23:18:57 UTC
The way you described it makes sense, but I don't think atheists are "the serpent." I think all the indoctrination and fear that is preached in churches is a shame. If a Christian really wants to know if their faith can not be shaken, they need to read, research, explore and learn everything they can about other religions/faiths and non-faith/non-belief.
2008-07-11 11:13:35 UTC
The DNA was always likened to a tree with 22 branches, or later, in esoteric lore, pathways. The knowledge of genetic science was symbolized by possession of a straight staff with a serpent motif. This is the reason why even today, the medical profession uses the Hermetic Caduceus.

There isn't anything esoteric about the term "Tree of Good and Evil". When it is realized that the reference is to DNA - all becomes clear. Both sides - literally the good and the evil had knowledge of the "Tree". Therefore, is should be read as the "Tree of the Good and/or the Evil".

Yahweh was the master serpent and scientist he is also a immortal human. The serpent in the garden of eden was nothing more than one of the elohim not a snake at the zoo.
Hannibal: Done w/ College Apps!
2008-07-11 09:11:41 UTC
Well this makes me think of the idea that all men want to do what they're told not. For example, when you get something to eat and the waiter or waitress says the plate is hot, and you touch it anyway. I think education / knowledge is the same.

As for the metaphor I agree for the most part. But I think the fear isn't a fear of knowledge, but a fear of 'satanic' ideas of knowledge and the world that pulls them away from the peace of mind and spirit of God. Cliche alert (Ignorance is Bliss), like God will be found to be a scam if people found knowledge.

Now for the others, yes can we're the serpent trying to convince others that the tree does no harm. But rarely does a man win an argument against strong blind intelligence lacking faith.

P.S. I'm not saying you can't be a smart believer. This is only my personal opinion of scripture.
neil s
2008-07-11 09:00:35 UTC
No, it is a metaphor for falling out of integrated awareness and into duality (thus "good and evil"). The entire story is an allegory for falling into ignorance and having to get back to unity (eden). The guardian at the gate holds a double edged sword, symbolic of the ego, which touches the world of consciousness and the world of things. This is why God says in Genesis that they must not also eat of the tree of life (pure consciousness), or they will "become like us". This entire message is repeated in the sermon on the Mount, but the metaphors are not understood there either.

But then, I'm not a theist, and I don't see why a God concept is thought necessary for such a message.
2008-07-11 09:06:16 UTC
I don't think it refers to education knowledge at all. Not knowledge as in science knowledge, or reading, writing, etc- which is seeing the universe and figuring it all out, how everything works. Then we "reverse engineer" from what we learned. (sonar, antibiotics, etc- god made it first, we observe, and make it mechanically)

That is not the knowledge of good and evil.

From my understanding- that means exactly what it says- the knowledge of the difference between good and evil.

When someone's dog isn't totally domesticated for whatever reasons- and it reverts to it's instincts, and kills someone's brand new baby or a dog pack attacks people... are they evil?? NO. They are just animals, doing what they do because of what they ARE. We put them to death- we sure don't want to keep such "domestic" animals around, but they are NOT evil.

But us humans KNOW BETTER. Humans know exactly when they are being cruel and mean. And they don't CARE... they go right ahead and do what we do to each other. We will rationalize it all away.. "Oh the guys a moron anyway- oh they deserved it... oh I was abused, too- oh no one gave ME a break... and on and on"

But we KNOW. Therefore God holds human accountable, and not the animals. Animals are totally innocent.
2008-07-11 09:06:53 UTC
I'd say that's a fair comparison. I mean, when you argue with creationists about evolution and the fact that dinosaur fossils are carbon dated far before human beings, their argument is usually that the scientists are evil, the science is evil, and that what people really need is faith in the "pseudo science mythology" that dinosaurs and humans did in fact live at the same time except that the dinosaurs didn't quite fit on Noah's Arc.
Old Timer Too
2008-07-11 09:00:36 UTC
Consider the story of Pandora's Box. The Garden of Eden story is very similar.

Adam and Eve were given free run of the Garden, so they certainly had opportunity to learn (educate themselves). The tree represented the world and the corruption of the world.

Education, learning, reading, does not introduce corruption (evils, degradation) to those who study and gain knowledge. If anything knowledge if freedom, so that one may properly and perfectly exercise their "free will."

For instance, if one smokes and refuses to learn of the dangers of tobacco smoke, isn't that an evil in the manner that you are asking? If one learns of the dangers of tobacco use and smoke, then one not only gains an understanding so they can better exercise their free will, but they just might prevent a cancer in a person who has to live with their second-hand smoke.

Most people of religion (and I don't care which one), make choices about what they want to expose themselves to and what they don't. It is no different for the atheist who refuses to consider the possibility of deity. A choice has been made and a path followed, no matter how weird or stupid or insane that path may look to the rest of us.

What is one man's cult is another man's religion.
Don P
2008-07-11 09:49:08 UTC
As a lover on knowledge, I've sometimes wondered why God would want us to remain ignorant.

As humanity gains more and more knowledge and understanding, the less and less need there is for a god to explain things that we can't understand.(fossils, and plagues being "God's judgement," for example).

Maybe that's why the early writers of the Bible and many modern day theists find too much knowledge to be a dangerous thing. Not for those who learn, but for their own careers.
2008-07-11 09:05:15 UTC
Even those who believe in God and follow HIS commands, experience the knowledge of good and evil. If that were not the case, there would be little need for God to have sent his son to bare his life on a cross for our sins (the evil in us.)

You will probably notice that much of education, although many would not want to admit it, mirrors the education of good and evil as well. For instance, let's take the Scientific knowledge of stem cell research. I don't doubt that there are some cases where we will be able to utilize stem cells for the life extention of man, but to destroy the probability of birth merely because one person does not want the child, or wants the money involved with selling the cells would be wrong even in the eyes of the secular community as well as with God.
2008-07-11 08:56:50 UTC
You must be reading the wrong books. I highly value an education, in all areas. There is no such thing as knowing too much, or knowing everything. I also value my faith as well, and see no conflict except those who tend to see only the extremes of each, not the middle. As for the tree of life's fruit, how can you judge sweet apples without the sour ones to also sample? Broaden your horizons and open your mind. It's surprising what you may learn. Your taste will guide you to select more sweet ones than sour.
2008-07-11 08:59:08 UTC
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil would allow them to judge for themselves what was right and wrong. God warned them that taking from this tree would

lead to death. It meant they rejected God. This has nothing to do with education. What do you mean that Christians don't want a real education? What is a real education and what is a fake education?
Tari D
2008-07-11 08:56:07 UTC
It is not really that...few (traditional for lack of a better word...maybe those back in the day....yeah that!) Christians fear that because young minds are impressionable that the young will gravitate to every whim and direction new information can take them.

As a Christian myself, I believe that we SHOULD be educated about what IS out there so that we can have a more solid understanding on why we believe in certain things. We should be able to justily our beliefs through intelligent analysis and debate on all topics. that's what I think!!! And i think most modern Christians think so too!!!!
Laptop Jesus 3.9
2008-07-11 09:00:53 UTC
Yes, it's quite fair.

The thing that bothered me, when I was a Christian, was that whole concept of right and wrong thing. If Adam and Eve hadn't eaten the fruit yet, how would they know that it is "wrong" to disobey God? I kept asking my parents and pastor about that one and it really irritated them. I've never really gotten a satisfactory answer from a Christian either.

It seemed like telling a child "what to do" in a language they don't speak and then punishing them for not understanding you.
2008-07-11 09:06:09 UTC
The serpent represents many things. One the spiral of the double DNA helix. Yes, they became enlightened. Only slaves were uneducated back then. Sumer writings. And, the slaves were naked. It denoted their station in life. When they said they were naked, it showed god he could no longer keep them as slaves to work the garden. God was very human after all. I am proud to represent the serpent of knowledge. The medical association uses the double serpent in their symbol. Much intelligence in the medical profession.
2008-07-11 09:03:43 UTC
You're giving yourself too much importance. We don't care of your heresy. You can kill our flesh, but you can't destroy our spirit.

God would have eventually thought Adam and Eve good and evil, but the evil wouldn't have taken possession over their flesh.They weren't capable of evil before they had eaten the fruit. For example they weren't ashamed of their nakedness, because they hadn't had abnormal sexual desires. Sex for them was sacred.

It 's like God told them not to take drugs because it's bad for them, but they weren't convinced. They tried the drugs because they didn't trust God. Then the drugs took over.

If you call stealing, raping, killing to be knowledge, then you are wrong.
2008-07-11 09:02:28 UTC
You are very arrogant.

Since when are Christians uneducated? That is a false statement.

Atheists are enemies of God and His people.

You place yourself on the same level as satan educated fool?
2008-07-11 08:59:38 UTC
The knowledge of good was already in Adam. It was the evil that God cautioned him about.
2008-07-12 10:07:24 UTC
I like how you put it. I agree. Why would God not want knowledge. Didn't he create it? Also wouldn't that defeat the purpose of religious schools.
2008-07-11 09:00:54 UTC
no christians don't fear education.

just a question, why do you feel the need to put down on christians?

and God didn't want them to eat the fruit because then they woiuld sin.
2008-07-11 09:01:58 UTC
in the real world there is no good and evil just natural order when we are gone the whole concept of religion and good and evil will be gone and the world will be a better place
2008-07-11 08:55:31 UTC
So long as scientific researchers remain humble and seek to serve mankind, and not gain vast wealth, we have nothing to fear by any new technologies, drugs and discreet experiments.
2008-07-11 08:56:02 UTC
no. lol. no where near close. you see there use to be something called inocence. We were created to have a relationship with God. When we sinned and turned our backs on God we turned our backs on true knowledge. But Praise be to him he loves us and Sent his Son Jesus to take away our sin.
2008-07-12 01:44:38 UTC
sure. anything that stands for independent self-realization is a threat to The Fist.
2008-07-11 08:58:32 UTC
No , I believe the internet would be a better comparison.

No one will give up their computer though .
2008-07-11 09:00:10 UTC
no I dont think so...the knowledge that was given by that particular tree was the ability to know sin.
2008-07-11 09:01:37 UTC
I also agree with space captain
2008-07-11 08:55:25 UTC

the tree of knowledge of good and evil was of God.

education as you put it is of man.

no comparison
2008-07-11 08:59:07 UTC
Christians can be so Sophophobic sometimes...
2008-07-11 08:58:08 UTC
i vote for the snake
2008-07-11 08:54:41 UTC
By no means.
2008-07-11 08:55:11 UTC
yeah if you mean alot of it is worthless....knowing how to sin HAS NEVER HELPED ANYONE.....SATAN IS AN IDIOT....

dont jump for him....

learning good things is what we want....HAVE YOU ASKED GOD FOR HIS WISDOM??
2008-07-11 08:54:47 UTC

christans do not fear education.
2008-07-11 08:55:08 UTC
I agree with space captain...!!
space captain
2008-07-11 08:53:58 UTC
no. this world EDUCATES people in evil.
2008-07-11 16:11:40 UTC
2008-07-11 08:53:56 UTC

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