Astrology literally means "the Science of the Stars",
Astrology is one of the great adventures of human civilization and has contributed greatly to people's lives and to our culture over time. Astrology's purpose is to use the positions of the planets and stars in the sky to gather information on the individual and on humanity. Astrology is a system that enables us to understand the past, present and the future within a universe full of meaning.
— Joseph Crane
the strength of astrology comes from the accumulated knowledge of centuries of research and observation, developed and scientifically organised within a deeply intuitive, even poetic, understanding of the essential nature of the world, consciousness and the environment. Combined with accurate mathematical and scientific data, today's astrologers can use this established knowledge in the generation of valuable psychological, economic, or predictive profiles.
Is Astrology scientific? The simple answer is yes—and no. Astrology, like medicine, is an art based on a science.
The art of astrology lies at one level in the construction of accurate profiles of personality and relationship, through the skilled interpretation of symbolic patterns, and in mapping the general tendencies that present themselves over the course of our lives. This is a profoundly developed form of personal analysis, which has influenced modern psychology in its theories of personality and temperament (though in a selective and much simplified form). Astrology also brings a unique form of spiritual guidance, at the level required by individual consciousness according to its level of personal (or soul) growth.
There are of course other applications of astrological techniques, including forecasting political, economic and environmental outcomes; selecting appropriate times for marriage, new business ventures etc; relationship analysis; medical astrology; relocational astrology; and horary astrology, providing answers to questions. Astrology is a wholly developed, mature world-view, but one which is still able to evolve as new problems arise and new situations need explanation.
Astrologers use scientific facts and organised sets of information in the mapping of human consciousness and as keys to the understanding of experience.This is an interpretative process, which does not depend on particular theories about how planets can affect us, or on whether they are a sort of synchronous clock ticking along with psychological and social factors on earth, or on some other causal process.
When planets are that close together, tremendous electrical potential, a Tesla field reaches critical proportions. How do the planets actually affect us? Each of them.
For instance, we know that our moon influences tides via it's gravitational pull. The oceans closest to the Moon at any given time are "pulled" toward the Moon so this creates high tide. That pull is real. It's the effect of gravity and obviously it's been proven scientifically. So we are affected by the moon's gravity. But the moon is a moon, it's not a planet. all things astronomical influence us through a vibration that we do not know if it is electromagnetic or some other unseen effect in life.
There has to be some influence to our bodies from the stars/planets. If the moon can influence the tide and a myrad of other things, I just wonder what exactly it is.
Scientists have always dismissed astrology as a load of old bunk. Now, a BRITISH ASTRONOMER has said that there might be something in it after all. Could the planets really control our fates? Ian Sample investigates.
Heavens above, the planets may affect us…