Athiests.....Isn't death more attractive than life??
2007-08-05 16:14:39 UTC
This is not intended to be malicious or provocative so please forgive me if it is recieved in this way.
If there is no purpose in life, if there is no God who gave us life and if there is no afterlife then why go through with one more day of waking up early or working at a job you hate? It is true that you wont be able to experience the joys of life but you will still have to put up with the severe challenges of life, and much of life is challenging and painfull. When you are dead, you feel and experience nothing. Isn't death more attractive than life and isn't suicide an honorable and logical action??
61 answers:
2007-08-05 16:22:22 UTC
I don't think so.

Because, the fact that, being an atheist myself, I know that there is nothing for me when I die. That's it once I'm dead. I s'pose, no, there isn't really a meaning of life, but my meaning is that my brain tells me that I'm alive and I have life and people I care about, so I owe it to myself to fulfill and act upon that. And I only get one shot to be alive. So, I intend to live it.

Suicide doesn't sound inviting to me. I'd rather be here.
2007-08-05 20:11:20 UTC
Honestly, I don't understand your reasoning. Atheists have no reason to believe in deities, but that does not mean that they do not enjoy life. To the contrary, from the perspective of most atheists this life is the only existence one has, so they are not prone to give it away lightly. Death is the most unattractive part of life that we know is coming, why would anyone look forward to it?

If you truly think about it for a moment, a person that believes in an afterlife in which they will be with their favorite deity should find death much more attractive than life, because they are promised a better existence. Existence doesn't end for them upon death. Those that don't believe in an afterlife are much less likely to find death attractive, as it means the end of their existence, period.

I know most theists have a hard time understanding this, but if you can find beauty in the world as it is, and can enjoy being good and living well and honorably WITHOUT a reward or punishment for doing so, then life is well worth living. Even if things are going horribly wrong in your life, you realize that it's the only life you have, so you might as well enjoy it and bring some joy to others. There is no time of reckoning, reconcilliation, atonement, judgement and forgiveness after death for those that don't believe in an afterlife, so they are much more likely to take care of all of those things while they are living, so that they can enjoy the time that they do have in this life. Life is worth living, and that is not dependent on the existence of deities.

Basically, it boils down to a difference in perspective: theists may claim that life is not worth living without their favorite deities, while atheist don't have a reason to believe in deities, and therefore no reason to be upset that they don't believe in them. In all honesty, thinking that going through life isn't worth it, or that life has no purpose without an afterlife, is a little troubling. If the only reason to live is to ensure a good place when you die, if the only purpose to life is to serve something that can't be seen until you die, if life just isn't worth living, then perhaps you should seek professional mental therapy. The promise of an afterlife does NOT give you reason to cling to this life, it gives you reason to forsake it. Atheists have very little reason to forsake this life, and every reason in the world to cling to it.

p.s. as for suicide being honorable, only in certain cultures under certain circumstances. Again, an atheists feels no need and definitely no rush to end this life, as for most it is all they have.

Here's a link that may help you to better understand. Have a great day!
2007-08-05 16:26:50 UTC
If an atheist is enjoying life whether or not there is a purpose to it, then suicide would not be a logical step for them. But, if they are not enjoying life for the most part, then I guess suicide is an option to consider. Is there really such a thing as a true atheist? People call themselves atheists, but I bet there is that reluctance about what really happens after death. One nightmare for an atheist who also hates life would be to commit suicide and then find out that there is reincarnation or purgatory. Lets remember that to be an atheist is not similar to having a belief in suicide.

On a side note, an atheist could still have a belief in themselves and be a humanitarian. An anarchist on the other hand would less likely be a humanitarian.

In reading some of the answers you got to your question, it's obvious that too many people on yahoo answers are idiots. Some take your question personally and attack you verbally. Those are the true idiots. Others totally missed the point. I only hope that yahoo answers is not a reflection of the human race.
2007-08-05 16:20:54 UTC
I think this is an interesting question. It starts with a seemingly genuine disclaimer of no malice or provocation, and then he flat out suggest to 'athiests':

" Isn't death more attractive than life and isn't suicide an honorable and logical action??"

Real nice, huh?

Here's my answer:

I don't know what will happen when I die. Hence....I'm enjoying my life and making everyone else I know as happy as I can. I am not the one pushing my cult onto them, I am not the one suggesting ever-so politely that they would be 'more 'honorable' and 'logical' if they comitted suicide'!!!

You say I have less honor for not killing myself. You actually. Said. That.

What a **** you are. You deserve names for that, so drop the faux shock/horror/condescension it doesn't fly an inch.

I have read some insulting and in-human BS on here - but suggesting politely that I have less honor for not killing myself...? The shame you have just visited upon humanity in one sly statement.

Keep your death culture, and your insults. And grow up.
2007-08-05 17:31:47 UTC
What makes you think there is no purpose in an atheist's life?

Believers-- who only recieve their promised reward in the afterlife and who spend their entire lives on this planet trying to appease their God and hoping that it will be worth it after they die--more closely match your description, but I would dream of insulting them by saying that their lives have no purpose and that they should consider suicide as a logical option.
Tom L
2007-08-05 16:23:36 UTC
There is no honor is suicide. Life has whatever purpose you put to it. Just because that purpose isn't sitting around worshiping a higher power all day doesn't make it any less of a purpose. Do something you enjoy, and live life to the fullest because you only have one shot at this.

And yes, I did receive this as fairly malicious and provocative.
2007-08-05 16:20:51 UTC
Jonny, with remarks like the ones you just delivered how can you expect them to be perceived any other way than malicious? You are ignorant, and the remarks you delivered are equally so. My life is as full of purpose and joy as yours is, more so in fact. I know I have one chance to make everyday count. If I were to take the suicide option, who would be father to my little girl? You are a sad and pathetic excuse of a man, but typical of a "Christian". If you are the measure of men in heaven, you can keep it, I want no part of it.
2007-08-05 16:23:32 UTC
Just because we don't believe in God it doesn't mean we don't believe our life has a meaning.

In my opinion, each person chooses his or her own meaning in life. Some choose God, some choose doing good to others and helping other people, and some choose to just have a good time. These are just a few examples.

Personally, I think the meaning of life is summed up in a lyric from the song Nature Boy by Eden Ahbez:

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return"
2007-08-05 16:19:53 UTC
Well I don't need a carrot dangled in front of me to get up and enjoy my life with the people I love. I will live my life to the best of my ability, make myself and those around me happy and when I die I will be content because I lived a good life. I feel sorry that some need to have the carrot to make the mule pull the cart.
2007-08-05 16:19:28 UTC
Why would any sane person want to commit suicide? Sure, there are many challenges in life, but there are more beautiful aspects of life that everyone can experience this side of death.
2007-08-05 16:19:37 UTC
So, go out and find a job you love and sleep in more often. Why do you think there is only ever two choices. IOs that part of your religious training.

You might think that the only option is to praise god constantly or find life meaningless but I certainly do not think that way at all
2007-08-05 16:21:58 UTC
Who says there is no purpose except theists who have decided that if they can't have their way and have a fantasy god there is no purpose for them?

With paradise awaiting you if you had the kind of faith the terrorist nutters have death should be more attractive to you surely!

I know my purpose is to make my life have purpose and do what I can, how does sending mail to Santa help anyone?
daisy mcpoo
2007-08-05 16:20:19 UTC
I like life. Sometimes sh-t happens. Atheists are probably less suicidal than religious people, because we do value this life - it's the only thing we have. We aren't hoping for some silly reward afterwards. I would rather live through some sh-t than die and not experience anything.
2007-08-05 16:19:17 UTC
Most Christians don't understand what being an atheist is like. Many think that we're all depressed that life doesn't have meaning and we're constantly being gloomy Eeyores. The atheists that you're describing aren't real, they're just stereotypes. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just saying that we don't really think like that.
JoAnne :)
2007-08-05 16:24:20 UTC
well like i have said before,

i do not need god in my life to have a good life.

i am no slave.

i am just as happy without him. i am happiER.

and yes i believe so. i think death is very intruiging.

when my death occurs, i get to find out the truth about heaven and hell and god and so on. but this doesnt mean i do not enjoy living. i do very much.

its just when my death comes, i wont be sad to go..
2007-08-05 16:17:49 UTC
Nope. And this life is much better than death. Death is nothing. Life has its ups and its downs. If we work at jobs we hate, we endure until we can change the job. the challenges of life are what makes it so interesting.
2007-08-05 16:19:14 UTC
With no afterlife, that means this is all we have. So, it seems clear that we should make the most of what we have. These days are special.

What do I mean by "make the most?" I think it's different for everyone, that we all search for our own meaning of life. To be honest, the search seems to be half the fun of life.
2007-08-05 16:21:53 UTC
In some cases, yes, but human nature being what it is, we tend to cling to life despite all its trials and suffering. If we weren't that way, we'd have gone extinct long ago. So, the answer to your question is at the very heart of evolution.
2007-08-05 16:18:47 UTC
I see what you're saying, but there is a goal to strive towards...

Humanly created immortality.

It will eventually happen, either through the merging of human intelligence with artificial technology, or through genetics.

Really, that is the goal of all sentient life... to maintain its sentience. All the billions of humans who have lived and died over thousands of years did not die in vain. Eventually we will devise a way to live beyond the biological limitations of our bodies, and THAT is what we are living for. All of us are contributing towards that goal.
2007-08-05 16:23:11 UTC
This coming from someone whose so unsatisfied with life that they feel the need to believe in a heaven after death. HA!!
Grendel's Father
2007-08-05 16:21:24 UTC
I HAVE a purpose in my life and it is not a non existent god. You are the one who needs a life. Grow up. Time for fairy tales is over. Do you have any idea how silly that sort of drivel sounds?

2007-08-05 16:19:00 UTC
Are you stupid? How is reasoning that death is a better option logical, you're an idiot. Life sucks to some extent but it is still better to enjoy the pleasures of it and deal with the problems than to not exist.
2007-08-05 16:19:21 UTC
No. I don't live to serve a god. That does not mean my life has no meaning or purpose. If the only reason you live is to serve your god, you must lead a very very unhappy life.
2007-08-05 16:18:13 UTC
I make my life count. I wouldn't waste one day at a job I hate. I would love to have an afterlife, but it doesn't exist. I'm not going to lie to myself to make you or anyone else happy. If I thought it was true, I would believe it.

ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT••
2007-08-05 16:16:39 UTC
No..... but here's a quote you may find interesting:

We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Sahara. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here.

-Richard Dawkins, "Unweaving the Rainbow"
Mystine G
2007-08-05 16:22:58 UTC
I would say no, because I don't know what happens after I die. At least I have some sense of what this life is like.

I also notice that many atheists quote their religious leader, Richard Dawkins, just like any other religion. Can't you people think for yourselves?
2007-08-05 16:19:47 UTC
If your purpose in life is to worship an invisible daddy figure in the sky, that in itself is pretty sad. I dont need one of those, life is great...
2007-08-05 16:18:46 UTC
lets say for the sake of argument that there i no afterlife, then this on earth would be heaven, a place where one can experience all that they wish to experience, for other this place is also hell, we create our reality everyday with the choices we make.
2007-08-05 16:17:37 UTC
No, that's what makes life more attractive, 'cause you know this is it, so you might as well make the most of it. Don't waste your time preparing for something that isn't.

I'm an agnostic, by the way.
2007-08-06 09:40:28 UTC
no,no and no

i only have one life so i will live for today and not worry about death or tomorrow

i am more apt to live my life to the fullest

without worrying about what i am promised in death

there are no promises...................that are real
2007-08-05 16:29:08 UTC
i just want to say that tonight when i get ready to lay down and i kneel beside my bed to pray i will pray for each of you to realize the face of God and he speaks to you and makes you restless and unable toclose your eyes and sleep till you have ask for his forgiveness. I feel sad for each of you that claim to be against God. you are either for him or against there is no middle ground. I wish there was a way to reach you to show you the over abundance of joy their is in a christian life. i wish each of you a relationship with the one true living God. i also would love to see each of you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.

May God look after you and guide you to him.
2007-08-05 16:23:38 UTC
No, but it seems to me that christians are the ones that feel that way because they always claim that they can't wait to go to heaven and meet their savior (like that's going to happen).
2007-08-05 16:19:35 UTC
ok i dont no what your retarted advicer told you, but if you ask me, life really doesn't have a meaning. but, if your wrong and kill yourself you will never be able to live life, and if there is heaven, god probably wont let crackheads that commit suicide into heaven. :p
Nature at Its Finest
2007-08-05 16:19:27 UTC
certainly not

life's point isnt that mysterious:

its just desire to see what will happen next

and i have a question for you,

if heaven is so great, why isnt death logical for you?

(i think there both stupid questions, so dont answer)

no matter what you believe, i still think death is scary because of the unknown that is associated with it, plus, you can do stuff when your alive... duh
2007-08-05 16:21:17 UTC
"Isn't death more attractive than life and isn't suicide an honorable and logical action??"

You apparently thing so, although why is beyond me.
hog b
2007-08-05 16:18:21 UTC
Spirituality unites, religion divides.
2007-08-05 16:19:14 UTC
No. I'm sorry that your life is so miserable that you would think that oblivion is superior, and that the only reason you are living is fear of something worse than oblivion.
St. Toad
2007-08-05 16:17:37 UTC
Would it be better to pray to a hanged god to end the world sooner?
2007-08-05 16:29:16 UTC
I smell a cult leader!
2007-08-05 16:18:08 UTC
this is assuming that everyone in the world is miserable. most atheists i find to be happy, however, with life. so therefore, they wouldn't want to end it.
2007-08-05 16:19:23 UTC
No, it's amazing to be alive.

Christians are more apt to commit suicide, not us.
2007-08-05 16:17:09 UTC
I'm sorry that your imaginary friend is the only thing that gives meaning to your life. The rest of us have friends, family, jobs we like, ambitions, and things like that to give our lives meaning. Maybe you should try that some day - it might take your mind off those ideas of suicide.
Bouken SocratiCat
2007-08-05 16:22:10 UTC
it's usually a natural instinct to want to continue living
2007-08-05 16:19:26 UTC
No. Why don't you try martyrdom, in order to guarantee yourself a place in heaven?
2007-08-05 16:18:06 UTC
The person who is asking this question needs serious help.
2007-08-05 16:16:31 UTC
Are you kidding? This life is great! But... if I were terminally ill, I would not hesitate to choose the hour of my death....
2007-08-05 16:21:13 UTC
Because there's no real atheist. They all know and feel that there's a creator and they are afraid. They all make up lies and try to strengthen their theory.

In a Holy book the Creator asks Jews of a sepcific time "If you think you deserve heaven why don't you ask for death?"

They can't because they don't really believe it.

Atheism is a mask to feel relaxed and they don't want to erase the chance of maybe believing one day.
Zezo Zeze Zadfrack
2007-08-05 16:18:12 UTC
I am not an athiest, but when I put myself in the position of an athiest, one who does not bellieve in God at all, then I think I wouuld feel that there is absolutely no point to life.

However, its important to separate true athiests, who actually hold as their belief that there is no God of any kind, from the average non-believer who is just not sure or never explored faith.

I think there are very few true athiests.
2007-08-05 16:19:45 UTC
2007-08-05 16:19:27 UTC
Why listen to a song when you know it's going to end?
2007-08-05 16:17:52 UTC
No, that would be true only for religious people.
Nehme Boutros Nehme
2007-08-05 16:16:30 UTC
r u trying to mock atheists, you fanatic.

Dear Jonny you try to be very eloquent in your speech and then you are passing some statements in between the lines and then say please forgive me if it is received maliciously or provocatively. We are not children, and you are just making judgments. Atheists enjoy their current life, if you want to join us ure welcome, if not you're free, heaven is all yours. comprendo.
darwinsfriend AM
2007-08-05 16:17:20 UTC
No it isn't.We only get one chance at life we should use it well
5 cents, please
2007-08-05 16:20:36 UTC
You need to create your own sense of purpose in life.

5 cents, please!
2007-08-05 16:17:22 UTC
...are you saying Atheists should commit suicide?
zee zee
2007-08-05 16:18:50 UTC
well .....if your christian .........death is more attractive than life
2007-08-05 16:18:11 UTC
people are born and reborn they dont stay dead
2007-08-05 16:19:51 UTC
yeah so there b*tches!

lol, buddy, go out and have a drink. :o)
2007-08-05 16:18:28 UTC
life is great....why would you want to die?
David G
2007-08-05 16:27:21 UTC
you need help pal !!! you are deranged
2007-08-05 16:16:51 UTC
it was all science, baby

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