Buddhism - how does karma and rebirth work?
2012-11-20 11:45:09 UTC
I have some basic knowledge of Buddhism as a whole. I'm currently reading about rebirth, but I'm not sure if I've understood it correctly (I do not have a local Buddhist community nearby to consult).

Basically (please correct me if I'm wrong), after we die, we are reborn. If we have attained enlightenment, then you are "out" of the cycle of rebirth and death. So my questions are:

1. What happens if humans do not attain enlightenment at the time of their death - are they reborn into human lives until you are (or is that even a thing?)?

2. How does karma influence rebirth? If you have accumulated negative karma, does this mean you will be reborn into the lower realms? What if you have accumulated positive karma, but are not enlightened?

3. If someone has to deal with difficult circumstances, is that due to bad karma in previous lives?

Thanks, and apologies for the several questions.
Six answers:
2012-11-20 20:02:53 UTC
I can only answer from the tradition of my teacher (a Tibetan and a Buddhist monk, from the Dalai Lama's monastery). Different traditions of Buddhism might answer differently, as we are talking about things that are not terribly central to the practice of Buddhism (they all agree of the base, the central tenets).

Enlightenment is attained in stages. It's not like a light switch, where one moment you are in the dark and the next your are in the light .. it is gradual like the dawn. And you can reach full enlightenment during a human lifetime, or at death.

Full enlightenment, yes, means you do not have to be born again.

But those who practice Mahayana Buddhism (Zen and Tibetan) take the Mahayana Vow .. the vow to keep on coming back even after enlightenment in order to help other sentient beings reach enlightenment, and to keep on coming back until all beings have attained enlightenment.

1. One may be reborn into any of the 6 realms. You are automatically drawn to one realm or another, based on your internal imprints (emotional/mental habits a.k.a. "karma"). These realms are: human, animal, god, demi-god, hell, hungry ghost.

Most sentient beings do not attain enlightenment at the time of their death. It is generally regarded as the sustained effort of lifetimes.

2. Karma means "imprint". Everything you say, think, do and feel will either create a new imprint in you, or will strengthen an already-existing imprints. These imprints ripen and draw you to certain people, circumstances, events ... or draw those to you. It's the principle of "like attracts like", and we make our own karmas.

In Tibetan Buddhism, we are seen as an overlap of 2 qualities: (1) the inner Buddha nature, which is the true nature of all sentient beings and (2) the result of our ignorance ... the overlay of our habits, imprints and karma. We are not really a personality, but a consciousness identified with habits. And at our death (unless we are very skilled at mental focus and meditation), we automatically are drawn to the condition of our next rebirth. It is not a conscious choice, but is based on a combination of our dominant habits and our specific emotional content at the very moment of our death.

Negative karma might draw you to a rebirth into a lower realm. If you live your life automatically, without thinking, you might be drawn to rebirth in the animal realm. If you want/want/want, perhaps a rebirth into the hungry ghost realm. Jealousy draws you to the constant fighting of the demi-god realm. If you live your life burning with anger, you might be drawn to rebirth in one of the hell realms, or born into a war zone, or some other situation that is similar in nature to your own internal imprints. Some teachers teach these realms are literal situations, which others see them as metaphorical (if you are burning with anger, then it is as if you are already in hell).

It is said that those who have much positive karma are born into either the god realm (a temporary heaven), or reborn as a human. The god realm has one drawback .. you use up all your good karma and there is no potential to create more good karma, so supposedly after a life in heaven, you have a life in hell.

If you have strong imprints of practicing dharma, this is said to draw you to a human rebirth so that you can continue the practice.

It is said that human rebirths are very rare. The analogy is of a wooden ring floating on the ocean, and the odds of a sea turtle surfacing for air, and happening to come up within that ring.

3. Most difficult circumstances are supposedly due to imprints from past lives that are now ripening. Supposedly we have been born countless countless times, and have done all manner of good and all manner of bad, during these various lifetimes. Karma does not always ripen "immediately", and some karmas it is said can lay dormant for many many lifetimes before they ripen .. which is why "bad" things happen to good people, and vice versa.

The same can be said for positive things. Just to be born human is positive karma, but also with eyes that work, the wealth to have access to a computer, etc .. these are all very positive and the result of generosity and kindness in past lives.

At any rate, such are the teachings from my teacher. I'm not very attached to "beliefs", so I'm rather comfortable with the concepts. I figure I'll find out one way or another ... unless there is no consciousness after death, in which case I'll never find out. I'm into Buddhism for the practice, not the outcome ... for the process, not the goal. You have to try to live in the moment and this moment is the only reality there is.
2012-11-20 23:04:05 UTC
1. What happens if humans do not attain enlightenment at the time of their death - are they reborn into human lives until you are (or is that even a thing?)?

After death there is no guarantee that you will be reborn human. Buddha Shakyamuni appeared in the world in order to show us how to be free from birth in the lower realms that are marked by suffering and how to attain birth in higher realms that are marked by happiness and joy.

2. How does karma influence rebirth? If you have accumulated negative karma, does this mean you will be reborn into the lower realms? What if you have accumulated positive karma, but are not enlightened?

Ones actions (karma) conditions ones consciousness. When consciousness is dominated by a particular emotion one will be reborn into the corresponding realm as follows;

1. hell beings - anger

2. hungry ghosts, or pretas - greed

3. animals - stupidity

4. human beings - desire

5. demigods, or asuras - jealousy

6. gods - pride

The first three constitute the three lower realms and the latter three, the three higher realms. In order to secure rebirth in the three higher realms Lord Buddha advised us to refrain from ten negative actions; 1. taking life, 2. taking what is not given, 3. sensual misconduct, 4. lying, 5. sowing discord, 6. harsh speech, 7. idle gossip (or worthless chatter), 8. covetousness, 9. ill will (or wishing harm on others), 10. wrong views (e.g. eternalism and nihilism)

3. If someone has to deal with difficult circumstances, is that due to bad karma in previous lives?

Difficult circumstances arise due to causes and conditions. If one does not understand the Buddha's teachings, one would most likely attribute all happiness and suffering to some external cause. One might think that happiness and suffering come from the environment, or from the gods, and that everything that happens originates in some source outside of ones control. If one believes this, then it is extremely hard, if not impossible, to eliminate suffering and its causes.
2012-11-22 15:02:19 UTC
karma means cause and effect.

the chances of being reborn a human being are slim and none. most people might not have another human life for millions of years. it's not a being that takes rebirth but a mind state in universal consciousness that finds a sentient life form to inhabit.

even beings who go to higher realms will eventually burn up their good karma and fall to lower realms.

whatever circumstances a person finds themself in are a result of past causes from previous lives and this life.

a person who has a human life should work with diligence to reach at least the first stage of enlightenment so that they won't go to lower realms. beings can even go to heavenly realms temporarily without reaching the first stage of enlightenment. i don't even consider the possibility of full enlightenment but think the first stage is very reachable in this lifetime.

source:most of this i heard from dhamma talks at meditation retreats plus what i have read.

there is a youtube channel called ask a monk and many videos. so most questions that you still have have probably already been answered by him.
Fake Genius
2012-11-20 23:49:36 UTC
rebirth is caused by attachment. once one is not attaching to life or anything that causes rebirth, one cannot be reborn. That's how one can be free from all attachments: self view (i exist, he/she exists, etc), other general view (this is mine, that is not mine, etc), longing for material and immaterial things, longing for existence, longing for consciousness, etc.

1. they are reborn as whatever they deserve - any life form that exist during rebirth. That's what we call good/bad rebirth. Human and deva (divine) are good rebirth as life of rewards; and animal, peta (all sorts of ghosts etc.), asurakaya and hell are bad rebirth - rebirth as punishment/purifying.

Who/what causes it? We all together - the universe is in my view: the Agreement of Justice (i made up the words as i see the universe).

(search for patisande or Patisande Citta)

2. kamma causes vipaka - kamma is action and vipaka is effect. Kamma that can cause rebirth will cause rebirth, that can cause good or bad rebirth will cause good or bad rebirth, that can cause poverty will cause poverty... that can cause freedom will cause nothing because nibbanna (nirva) is free from kamma.

Positive kamma causes positive/rewarding vipaka. It causes good rebirth. After the good effects are exhausted (just like credit), one starts from square one again. That's why we have to keep doing good kamma all life long, as much as we can. Have good mind, good intention, good actions (thought, speech and physical activity) and attempt for freedom from samsara.

Becoming a baby is not simple - one can do all bad things all over again both by one's own idea and being encouraged by others. A baby can have forgotten everything it learned in previous lives. Rebirth is fearsome if you know how you will be doing bad things all over again as a ignorant baby even though you know you now that you shouldn't have done such bad things when you were a baby.

When one becomes a divine, one will be overwhelmed by pleasures and that condition will make one to have little or no time for doing good. Also not all divines know their previous life and good kamma they did to become divines. They cannot know when they will die. They might not know what good and bad... divinity is not end game but can end in very painful state after the credits are exhausted - i.e. all good credits are to spent and to be left with only bad credits at the end of divine life. Worse is divines have little chance to improve their good credits because there is no needy individuals in divine realms. As having too much pleasure there, they can hardly control their desires and lusts.

read from this one:

When did false faiths spring up?

Free of all moha,

3. Yes, you can say so. However, life itself has start and end. Having life is to deal with losses, to witness others' losses, etc. Life is hardly free from impacts of events either caused by the society, individuals or the nature (weather, nutrition, disease, aging and changing, loss and death).
2012-11-20 20:27:11 UTC
It is much more complex and broader than what you just depicted. But basically:

1. It is not just simply attaining enlightenment that easy like you said. Some people devote their entire life and still so far away. But basically they are reborn into one of the six realms (Hell, Ghosts, Animal, Asua, Human, and God) base on their effort and dedication. The human realm is more ideal to practice the Dharma because the first four are suffering realms and the god realm is enjoyment, thus no one would be free to think about practicing.

2. Karma influences rebirth from the countless aeons of your life journies, not just the immediate life that you know now. Your actions from aeons ago could arise now (the results took that long to manifest) and you see fairness/unfairness when in fact it was planted that long ago. But generally, the most recent and strongest karma will pull their direction first. Positive karma is still karma. Buddhist should extinguish karma, thus there won't be any karma to hold you onto.

3. Yes. Some difficult circumstances can be explained, some are so long ago that you totally forgot about it. Think about billions of lifetimes ago when you were an animal killing another animal just for pure enjoyment. It took countless years for you to be hurt by another one for no reason, when in fact you are repaying your debt that long ago.
2012-11-20 20:23:34 UTC
By saying the rosary carefully every day, a person can know for certain God exists and the Catholic Faith is the True Faith.

The fifteen promises of Mary to Christians who recite the rosary:

1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces.

2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.

3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against Hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.

4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities and will lead them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.

6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries, shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God and become worthy of eternal life.

7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.

8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death, they shall participate in the merits of the saints in Paradise.

9. I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.

10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.

11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.

12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.

13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire Celestial Court during their life and at the hour of death.

14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only Son, Jesus Christ.

15. Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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