What is your opinion on Creationism?
2014-12-31 23:14:13 UTC
I'm struggling whether or not to believe in Science, or my own Faith. I don'tt know which is right anymore. Because I find it difficult to grasp the fact that I have been believing in a religion (Christianity) when I have never read the Bible myself. I have been living by my mother's teachings and rules regarding God, while I'm still unsure of my own beliefs. I'm also afraid to have these doubts because I don't want to hurt my mother by deconverting.

What do I do? What are your views regarding the Bible and God in general?
79 answers:
2015-01-01 08:48:42 UTC
How can the universe create itself out of nothingness? Doesn't it make sense to assume the existence of a Creation. This statement is tricky because it sneaks in the false assumption that GOD came from somewhere and then asks where that might be. The answer is that the question does not even make sense. It is like asking, “What does blue smell like?” Blue is not in the category of things that have a smell, so the question itself is flawed. In the same way, GOD is not in the category of things that are created or caused. GOD is uncaused and uncreated—He simply exists.

We know that from nothing, nothing comes. So, if there were ever a time when there was absolutely nothing in existence, then nothing would have ever come into existence. But things do exist. Therefore, since there could never have been absolutely nothing, something had to have always been in existence. That ever-existing being is what we call GOD ,GOD is the un-caused Being that caused everything else to come into existence. God is the uncreated Creator who created the universe and everything in it.

The universe requires a cause because it had a beginning, GOD unlike the universe, had no beginning, so he doesn’t need a cause. Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which has much experimental support, shows that time is linked to matter and space. So time itself would have begun along with matter and space. Since GOD is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the Reality, Time dimension He created..

You can't see the wind, but you know it is there because you can see what the wind is doing. You can know that the wind is there because you can feel it.GOD is like the wind, you can't see him.

The mystery's of faith an GOD are beyond our ability to understand.
2015-01-01 01:43:38 UTC
The order of life and how it began is in the bible, it is accurate and true.

However there a number of Creationist that do not teach the truth about the bible, they try and have you believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old and was made in 6 literal days which is not correct.

The bible does not say that the earth is only 6,000 years old, it says that God created the heavens and the earth, full stop. Then the 6 creative days (not literal days) began!


Day No. Creative Works Texts

1 Light; division between day and night Ge 1:3-5

2 Expanse, a division between waters

beneath the expanse and waters above it Ge 1:6-8

3 Dry land; vegetation Ge 1:9-13

4 Heavenly luminaries become discernible

from earth Ge 1:14-19

5 Aquatic souls and flying creatures Ge 1:20-23

6 Land animals; man Ge 1:24-31

Here is a EXCELLENT article about how life began and how eve some top scientists admith that there as to be a designer:

This should be enlightening to you !

2014-12-31 23:30:13 UTC
Believing in God is one thing. While there isn't any evidence that there *is* a God, the supposition that there isn't one isn't a demonstrable truth.

Now, Creationism, on the other hand, isn't merely something that can't be corroborated by the evidence; it's something we know for a certainty is categorically wrong in every respect.

This is one of the main reasons that, worldwide, the majority of Christians accept the actual age of the Earth and the universe (4.5682 billion and 13.73 billion years, respectively), as well as accept the fact that evolution is the process by which life on Earth diversified from a common ancestor. While there are atleast *some* Creationists in any country you care to name, Creationism is, by and large, an American phenomenon. In fact, the religious fundamentalism so rampant in this country has turned America into a sort of sick joke to the Christians of other nations around the world.

Now, Christians are of course almost invariably going to be operating under the assumption that God is the ultimate source of life, the universe, and everything, and that the Big Bang, abiogenesis, and evolution are simply the methods God used to fashion the universe as it exists today.

But only the truly ignorant and deluded can ignore the monumental amounts of evidence for evolution, and instead believe that the Earth is 6000 years old.
2015-01-01 20:25:40 UTC
I went through this phase recently questioning my religion. I started reading the New Testament which I had never read in my 40 years and was astonished by the depiction of Jesus that was given to me. I did research and found the New Testament was manufactured by the Roman Church (Council of Nicea) 400 years after Jesus died by unknown authors which is why it says the Gospel According the beginning of each book. Then I read about the Lost Gospels and really understood where the New Testament (Christianity) came from and that it was a political concept not a true religious one. Very disappointed to discover this. I also read on evolutionalry genetics and read about Brana 1 caveman and how much of history and religion has been manufactured by mankind to promote a certain group of people. Read and find things out on your own but be prepared that when you announce to your family that you're no longer a Christian that you may be ostracized and treated like a mental case. People will believe a safe lie than a dangerous truth. I still believe in God but I'm now nondenominational. Religions were created by men to control people and nations through guilt and fear but I do believe there is a God that created our bodies and the world we live in. Hope you find the answers you're looking for.
2015-01-01 03:25:58 UTC
That you call Christianity a religion says much. Jesus didn't come to establish another religion. The Jews already had one of the most expansive and repressive religions of the time. And that wasn't God's intent either. All religions are man-made attempts to please God or perceived gods. But as sinners there's nothing we can do on our own to please God. Jesus came to reconcile man to God and re-establish the relationship that existed before sin entered the world.

Christianity is not a set of rules to live by or rituals to perform or holidays to observe. It's a love story written in blood on a cross of wood. All you have to do to please God is believe it. Being a Christian means completely identifying yourself with the person of Jesus Christ. It means that Jesus means more to your heart than any person or institution on earth.

Listen to this and you'll have a much better understanding:

Perhaps if you studied the Bible you wouldn't have the doubts and misunderstandings that currently plague you. You'd also see that Christianity and science are not opposed to another. After all, it is God who created science in the first place. The problem really becomes apparent when you understand how man twists science to fit his preconceived and biased opinions, ones which reject the notion of a Creator.

The videos by a professor of mathemaics: and zoology: should go a long way toward setting the record straight.
2014-12-31 23:23:48 UTC
I hope you are not averse to reading books and just want to let others do your thinking for you, spoon-feeding you their ideas. You simply cannot be a Christian who follows Jesus if you choose to avoid reading the Bible. It's time you took responsibility for your beliefs. Hoping you are sincere and want to do that, I recommend you get the book below and read it.

It is written by a scientist, a professor in large molecules, who has a string of qualifications in science. He is also a Christian. This book explains the issues you are presently struggling with. If you are serious in your desire to get sorted out regarding science, read it, because you do NOT have to choose between science or Christianity! Whoever put that ridiculous idea into your head? And get a Bible and start reading the gospel accounts about Jesus. How can you follow Him if you don't know what He said about the cost of following Him?
2015-01-01 07:02:03 UTC
So you haven't read the Bible or searched within your own soul to discover God and all you've ever done is listen to your mother's teachings and "RULES REGARDING GOD" but you want to know what our views are. What you have done is the equivalent of watching a video of a jet pilot taking off in a fighter aircraft and then jumping in the cockpit of one and thinking you can fly it. AND you're "unsure of your own beliefs"? Seriously? You have no concrete beliefs in anything? I SERIOUSLY doubt that. Belief in something and questioning it is how you gain knowledge. God provided the information to settle your questions within the operators manual called the Bible. Without its knowledge and understanding of what it says, then you are no different than the stray cat roaming the streets of your neighborhood looking for someplace he remembers as home where God is concerned.
2015-01-01 20:49:53 UTC
What most people fail to understand is that there is a close connection between imaginary figures such as Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy and a god or creator. 

Parents tell their children that such beings actually exist. In the cases of Santa and the Tooth Fairy, at some point they let little boys and girls know that they are make-believe, and that it is time to stop depending upon them. 

In the case of a heavenly creator they sadly allow children to continue on into adolescence and then into adulthood, without telling them there is no more evidence for a god and his angels than there is for a Santa and his elves. 

This is certainly a form of child abuse, but it is so widely practiced that few of us are critical of it. 

Gods are totally imaginary beings. Of that there is not the slightest doubt; however, science has no more interest in disproving them than it has in demonstrating that Bigfoot is a myth too. 

All of us get older as time passes, Only atheists also really grow up. 

No, it is not nice for theists to hear this stated. It is however absolutely true. They must learn to live with it.
2015-01-01 10:33:04 UTC
Fundamentalist of Christendom (those are not true Christians because of their conduct and belief) teach that the universe, including our earth and all life on it, is only a few thousand years old. Those who teach this doctrine—known as creationism—may have high regard for the Bible, but they contend that God created all things in six 24-hour days just a few thousand years ago.


Jehovah’s Witnesses believe the creation account as recorded in the Bible book of Genesis. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses are not what you might think of as creationists. Why not? First, many creationists believe that the universe and the earth and all life on it were created in six 24-hour days some 10,000 years ago. This, however, is not what the Bible teaches.* Also, creationists have embraced many doctrines that lack support in the Bible. Jehovah’s Witnesses base their religious teachings solely on God’s Word.

Furthermore, in some lands the term “creationist” is synonymous with Fundamentalist groups that actively engage in politics. These groups attempt to pressure politicians, judges, and educators into adopting laws and teachings that conform to the creationists’ religious code.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are politically neutral. They respect the right of governments to make and enforce laws. (Romans 13:1-7) However, they take seriously Jesus’ statement that they are “no part of the world.” (John 17:14-16) In their public ministry, they offer people the chance to learn the benefits of living by God’s standards. But they do not violate their Christian neutrality by supporting the efforts of Fundamentalist groups that try to establish civil laws that would force others to adopt Bible standards.—John 18:36.
2015-01-01 11:09:25 UTC
Foret about everything. Become a blank canvas and don't listen to what other people tell you you should think until you know the facts. Read up on science, and christianity. It may also help to read up about other religions - not only will it help you come to your own conclusion, it is interesting, and will develop you as a person! I am an atheist, as are my parents but they have always encouraged me to find things out for myself. Don't worry too much about your mum - don't be rude about it but it is your life and you need to find thigns out for yourself - she should be proud of that!
2015-01-01 02:16:22 UTC
So do you think God was not clever enough to use the big bang, evolution and science as his tools!

The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!

Nice that Christians and atheists can agree and laugh together even if it is at fundie expense!

But behind the laughter is the despair at the fundamentalists striving so hard to destroy Christianity by turning it from a religion to an ideology!
2015-01-01 13:52:00 UTC
You don't have to be a creationist to be a Christian. In fact, most Churches(Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Mainline Protestant) accept evolution. The young earth creationist movement is something that was brought about by biblical fundamentalism that is less that 150 yrs old.

The Bible is not meant to be a science manual. St Augustine describes this perfectly where he distinguishes between the Book of God's revelation(Scripture) and the Book of nature(sciences, philosophy, etc). I will give you a couple of videos to watch. They should help you out.

2015-01-01 01:14:17 UTC

A belief infection manifesting.




Do not 'believe' in anything!

Think for yourself, but don't even 'believe' what you think!
2015-01-03 07:00:40 UTC
There are 2 great science books which do not use creationism that destroys science arguments against creationism. . 1. "The Bone Peddlers:Selling Evolution" by Wm R. Fix 2. Forbidden Archaeology by Richard Thompson and Michael Cremo. Using the facts that science uses they also uncover the facts about the facts and show other contradicting SCIENCE FACTS which were rejected because they did not support the modern ideas of science, yet contradicted them with fact instead, like the Von Reck skeleton, a modern style human skeleton dating 2.8 million years old! Also read the book by ex atheist Lee Strobel "A case for a creator"
2015-01-01 03:52:14 UTC
I am a devout Christian, and I even have a degree in Theology. But, I'm not a fool! Creationism simply can't be how things happened. Period. Genesis is an important book, with much to offer, but, things obviously did not happen that way. Which is fine by me.
2015-01-01 14:55:01 UTC

I guess that all depends on exactly what you mean when you say "Creationism".

< my own Faith.>>

See? That's what I'm talking about. All "creationism" is, is a belief in a Higher Power. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less.

< the Bible myself.>>

Do you attend religious services with your mother? They read the Bible at these religious services all the time. Therefore, if you've paid attention, at the very least, you've been listening to the Bible being read to you.

Most people aren't as Bible-illiterate as they think they are.

< rules regarding God,>>

That's fine. That's where everyone gets their start in catechesis; their parents.

< What do I do?>>

You've got to figure that out on your own. Thing is, it's not a snap-decision. It's something that takes time. So don't feel like you "have to" be in some sort of hurry for no reason.

< God in general?>>

I'm a believer.
2015-01-01 05:19:45 UTC
well if your mother is a young earth creationist then yea science really does kick ***, for other religions reason and logic does, but you need to have a logical un-bias mind set to understand. I really really recommend watching Richard Dawkins on youtube. And if your like 16 or 17 or older than you are obviously old enough to make your own decisions your mum should not care if you think not the same or the same as her. If your younger than converting to something else might make her go all stupid (if you live in a conservative bible belt american area) and kick you out so do what makes sense and she can find out when she finds out
2015-01-01 02:51:15 UTC
Then it's time to start studying the Bible yourself, preferably with a reliable guide or as part of a study group. I have found "Making Sense of the Bible" by David Winter helpful.

Other resources are ‘How did we get our Bible?’ and "The Creation Answers Book" available online at

I have found that Creation theory holds up much better than Evolution to critical examination.
2015-01-01 16:22:45 UTC
If you go to the doctors when you are ill, if you take pharmaceuticals to make you feel believe in science and that belief is irrefutable. The same applies to pretty much everything you do, including typing this question of yours into that device you used to do it.

If one chooses to believe in creationism, one also needs to be able to prove that Adam and Eve made technological advances, one needs to be able to prove that mankind has remained unchanged since Adam and Eve. Science has already won the "argument"......Humanity, like every other living thing, has verifiably changed throughout its history. That is not something open to question. It simply is. Science, its not just an idea, its life as we know it.
2014-12-31 23:32:41 UTC
No evidence supports any form of creationism being accurate, and a great deal of evidence directly refutes it.

Creationism is a religious view, not a scientific one.

"Many believers admit that nothing could change their mind about their religious beliefs, which means they are no longer seekers of truth and have become, in essence, mindless religious robots. Religion consistently and effectively discourages introspection and inquiry. That isn't by accident."-- Bob Peters
2015-01-01 09:25:54 UTC
There is a possibility that the universe was created. Lots of great people believed this to be the case.

Theistic evolution makes more sense than young earth creationism. The vast majority of christians know this. To lose your faith so easily is a shame, considering you seem so young.
2015-01-02 20:28:39 UTC
Where do people get such ideas ? YOU are a CREATED are here by an act of Pro CREATION....thus Creation is real on that concept alone..BUT look around at CREATION itself, it testifies of Itself.....

How can anyone look around or in a mirror and deny the Creation they see...what Two parents can look at their new born baby and say it is not a creation miracle ?

Anyone see animals being born? islands being created? a tree Growing, grass growing...Life is all around us all daily.....Creation the Voice constantly speaking CREATION.....It has never stopped occurring.......

Real Science even verifies that is ignorance and man made pseudo science that denies Creation.....

How can you look in a mirror and deny the creation you are....Your Parents witness that deny creation, one has to deny themselves and every living creature.....and that unless your a moron is impossible to do !!!
By Grace Through Faith
2015-01-02 08:35:25 UTC
It's not a matter of either-or. Science DOES support creationism: it just isn't reported so in the typical science book. I don't mean to sound like a conspiracy theorist, so I'll just encourage you to take a little time to research the matter. Don't make decisions about what you believe without researching the matter; for to do so is to make those decisions based on naivety and ignorance. You've taken a step in the right direction by asking for the thoughts of others.
Jimmy C
2014-12-31 23:17:17 UTC
Read the book before you decide. You can be a Christian and still understand science. Most educated Christians know that even though they believe in God, creationism is a myth. Evolution is true.
2015-01-03 02:45:50 UTC
As I said in a comment on SBR32277's answer, the idea that everything in the Universe and all life came into being by accident is so ridiculous that it is amazing to me that so many people believe that. Also, I have had a genuine interpersonal relationship with God for 60 years, (I am 71 y/o) and that is not my imagination as I spent the last 20 years of my work life as a Registered Nurse working in psychiatric units in hospitals.
2015-01-01 12:50:30 UTC
Any second-hand belief (Faith or science based) is certain to be unfulfilling.

You do not have to choose between one and the other: Newton, Kepler, Boyle, Darwin all managed both perfectly well.

Look deeper into Christianity and you will find it is gloriously fulfilling. Try or Christian Enquiry Agency.

Feel free to contact here.

You are in my prayers
2014-12-31 23:34:33 UTC
You can be religious and still believe in science (including evolution). Pretty much the whole community I grew up in was like that, including the pastors, priests and my family and all our friends. I had no idea that creationism survived long past the Scopes trial until I was a senior in high school.
2015-01-02 00:11:44 UTC
The concept of creationism was imposed by western science, basically over the whole world, as western influence sets trends on the world scale. It is a law that says it is not legal to teach about the human soul or claim that the creator is known personally, in any schools or churches and publishing companies will not publish anything that claims that because of the law. It is because the human soul does exist that the creationism law is an obstruction to the vitality one might achieve if in communion with their own soul. It would require a document termed for medical science, to abrogate the creationism law. It just so happens that a very special set of tablets were left in the library at Alexandria and Said to have extremely powerfully influence over people. If concentrating on a certain shape and another could produc a function then it would be fair to say that we are all biological robots with sub atomic parts.
2015-01-03 03:52:25 UTC
There is really no choice! Creationism is the only viable option though many choose to misunderstand - for various reasons - important things about creationism of the Bible that turn many away from it.

One such thing is that the age of the earth is not given and is not 6000 years or thereabout.
Special EPhex
2015-01-02 02:35:44 UTC
There is no conflict between the God and science. God is omnipresent, both seen and unseen, form and formless, immanent and transcendent. God is all there is. God is the Laws of Science, expressed as material form. Since energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, only made to change form, and God is all things, existence is eternal.

Science is the domain of linear form and content of the universe, which defines difference, variety and appearances. Religion pertains to the nonlinear realm of formless context, which is significance, meaning, and essence. Each have their respective parameters in which they operate. Life on land is not the same as life at sea. Imposing the laws of one onto the other is a natural violation.

Although the two categories are different they are not separate and entirely exclusive of each other because all things are connected by God. What we call creation and evolution are one in the same, and are what the minds sees a sequential change in observation. Creation without evolution would mean everything would remain as it was the moment it was created. Evolution without creation means there would be nothing to evolve from.

Each increment of evolutionary progress is the creation of a new form, and the creation of a new form is an increment of evolutionary progress. Creation and evolution are ongoing and continuous and a physical expression of formless, unmanifested potentiality fulfilling itself and emerging as the manifested actual, when intentions and conditions are optimal and permit.
2015-01-03 07:46:08 UTC
If you start breathing in an out.

It is okay.

Your love for God is evident. Good step.

All of us have to go through questions about our faith--that is Good.

Since as adults we have to make decisions on faith--for our own selves.

The problem I see you have--is this>



Science has its place.

God has His place too.

It is your mission to identify the two--and I would start by reading the Bible and getting to know what God says--and stop worrying about what your mom--since you seem to be at a Cross Roads and Turning point.

Be true and honest in your faith--since science did not come before God--who came first in everything.

Start by Reading the Book of John in the Gospels.

Let us know!
2015-01-02 05:29:56 UTC
The Bible is the perfect and inerrant Word of God; however, young earth creationism is false. The Bible does not teach young earth creationism.

Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." THERE IS A TIME LAPSE, A GAP, between the events in Gen. 1:1 and Gen. 1:2. There could be millions of years between the two verses. No one knows for how many years the earth was laid waste.

Genesis 1:2, in the King James, reads, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep...."

The word "was" should properly be translated "became," as we see from the oldest manuscripts below:

(1) Chaldee - became desert and empty.

(2) Septuagint - became unfurnished and empty.

(3) Aramaic - became ruined and uninhabited.

(4) Vulgate - became dreary and empty.

We do know from Isaiah 45:18 that God did not create the earth in a state of waste to begin with. "For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it, he hath established it, he created it NOT IN VAIN, he formed it to be inhabited...."

We know that after the fall of Satan God judged the earth, and at that time the earth became ruined. God made it desolate after previous life.

In the time of Genesis 1:1, and before the time of Genesis 1:2, any of the true historical ages and the true ancient fossils would fit. The Bible does NOT say that the earth is only 6,000 years old. The Bible does not date the original creation spoken of in Genesis 1:1.

See this site for more:

This link explains the gospel clearly:
2015-01-01 08:51:16 UTC
i hear that the creationists are going to build a spaceship based on creation-science and fly back to heaven.

I believe that everything from the smallest cell, to the largest universe goes through a cycle of birth, old age (aging), sickness, and death. then, are reborn.

for instance:

well, there is an analogy between the god-creation theory and the universal great attractor big-bang theory:

in our current universe is a source known as the "-great attractor--". this phenomena is slowly pulling every object in the universe into itself. in the laws of thermodynamics there is no "time-frame" of reference, so it will happen, eventually, in time without beginning or end. so, when this particular black hole has lived its life completely and dies, then all matter and existence, will come-out the other end and be manifest as a universe. in the equivalence of quantum-geometry, it is different when it exits as from when it enters the great attractor.

see the analogy?

2015-01-01 08:31:11 UTC

Though different people, on account of their shortsightedness or lack of courage, appoint various types of objectives for their lives and stop short at worldly purposes and desires, yet the purpose that God Almighty has specified in His Holy Word is: I have created jinn and men so that they should worship me (51: 57) . According to this verse the true purpose of human life is the worship and understanding of God Almighty and devotion to Him. It is obvious that it is not open to man that he should himself appoint the purpose of his life by his own authority inasmuch as man does not arrive in the world of his own will, nor will he depart from this world of his own will. He is a created being and He Who created him and bestowed upon him better and higher faculties than those bestowed upon other animates, has appointed a purpose for his life. Whether anyone comprehends that purpose or not, without doubt the purpose of man's creation is the worship and understanding of God Almighty and to lose himself in Him (Islami Usul ki Philosophy; Now printed in Ruhani Khazain (London, 1984), Vol. 10, p. 100).

We offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to undertake it and were afraid of it. But man undertook it. Indeed he is capable of forcing himself to obey, disregardful of consequences (33: 73). This means that the Divine Trust, by which are meant the love of God and complete obedience to Him, was offered to the angels and the whole of creation and the mountains, all apparently full of strength, but they all refused to undertake it, being afraid of its grandeur. But man undertook it for he possessed two qualities, that he could force himself in the cause of God Almighty and could advance so far in love of Him as to forget altogether everything else (Tauzeeh Maram, pp. 27-28).

The real purpose of all the external and internal limbs and faculties that have been bestowed on man is understanding and worship and love of God. That is why, de
2014-12-31 23:17:08 UTC
The proponents expect you to believe the most ridiculous, incredulous stories...

That's why Harry Potter is better - JKR KNOWS it's fiction.

2015-01-01 00:14:41 UTC
For a moment imagine that you are the center of Everything. Apart of your Ego, there are such centers around you as well, with each life form, from the simplest to the most complex. Some live in lower, some in higher dimensions. All of you are connected to Superconsciousness, just like living parts of your body are connected to you...

Christianity is the record of one such experience. The level of perception of reality Jesus had is rare... You can use it as guidance for your own life journey since it comes from a life form like you, but you can't live it, because Jesus and you are two different centers. Some rules which apply to him may not apply to you. For example, you most probably won't find it necessary to be a vegan, to fast annually on water or to sungaze and reap what comes from that..., but such potentially reachable knowledge might aid you... That is what culture and civilization are about. We can learn from our ancestors. We are given the capability of that and we are predestined to use it. You create your own experience, and if it as "clean" as the one Jesus had, you might see the same "intensity of light"...

Religion is said to be from the Devil. That is true... but following that logic so is everything material around us. You have to be capable of separating Good from Evil yourself and create your own cosmology as you go.

Science is a tool of knowledge, not knowledge itself. Science without man is null. Man without spirit is null...
2015-01-02 23:03:20 UTC
I must say I am amazed at the sheer brainwashing of the people around me...

People relying on a figment of their own imagination throughout their life is astounding to me.

Must you need someone you know is "Better than you" to live an "Independent" life?

The pinnacle of the rising argument against the theory of god is proof.

If god is so real as you claim him to be, why not make a grand reveal? To test your faith? Ha. If you are so connected to god, why not have your memory wiped and be asked about him? Not so real now, is he hmm?

The illusion of god is a tradition of generation through generation storytelling. And in the end, you all know he is fake. You just preach you supposed love of him in order to stray from a "Possible" hell. Its like those repost **** on instagram about a killer being in your room at night. Also, the idea of hell is so stupid too. If some grand satan or god wanted to test a mans character, why warn him about what will happen if he acts badly?

Anyways, my point isnt to piss off 16 year old brainwashed hillbillys, Its to let you know that you should read the fact of both sides and make your decision on your own, dont have someone else make it for you.
2014-12-31 23:16:43 UTC
So you don't know what you believe as far as God goes, so, naturally you want our opinions on Creationism. Brilliant.
Holly R
2015-01-03 09:56:08 UTC
Science and faith are not diametrically opposed. Science has tested the theory of evolution so thoroughly that one can safely accept it as fact, while faith is merely what you personally believe. Use your good mind to discover what you think about God. As for my views, I am very interested in science, especially anthropology but I believe that there is a Higher Power greater than myself on which I can rely for strength and peace.
2015-01-01 13:52:40 UTC
Well, this is easy since science is not a matter of belief. It has to prove what it states. Evolution is just a fact at this point, and not in any way controversial.
2015-01-02 08:38:16 UTC
" I'm also afraid to have these doubts because I don't want to hurt my mother by deconverting."

first thing you MUST do is ignore this

yourr mother believes what SHE wants to - that is HER right

YOU believe what YOU want - that is YOUR right

SHE has no right to be upset just cos you dont believe what she does

you will see a lot about- "nothing" can come from "nothing"

and "energy" can only be converted from 1 thing to another (but cant be "created")

Both are not actually 100% correct

cos the 1st depends what you mean by "nothing"

the second- energy can be "borrowed" so long as its "paid back" - have a look at "quantum tunneling"

You will also see

the universe was "created by god" - but then the claim that "god" dont need to be created cos its always existed

But this is a stupid get out - on what basis should creationists claim the universe must be created but god doesnt?

Dont make any logical sense at all except its the only way creationists can get out out the problem of

"If god created the universe and nothing can come from nothing- then who created god?" - and this question goes on ad infinitum

The basic question you have to ask yourself is

which is more sense

1) the universe was created by some entity existing ouside this universe using "magic words"

2) all the planets stars and so on were created by this same entity by using different "magic words"

3) all life on earth (and anywhere else in the universe) was created by this same entity using a 3rd set of "magic words"

and NOBODY has a clue how this entity did any of this

But not only creationists claim "god" doesnt need to be "created" - they also claim it has the power to do whatever it wants to

You can make the same claim for anything you can think of - all you have to do is add anything you need to enable the entity to do things -

such as - it can travel through time


the big bang happened (and there is evidence it did)

the stars planets etc gradually formed according to the laws of physics +chemistry+cosmology (and there is evidence that it did happen and laws that say HOW it happened)

Life evolved on earth (and there is chemistry that shows how it could have, and evidence that it did)

In all of this- you must remember

1) - science does not stand still - No sceintist has a clue what new laws or evidence migth come up tomorrow or in a hundred years from now

2) in 4000 years "creationists" have not attemepted ANY research to prove creation (as in the bible) is correct .

Its been a case of "the bible says so - so it must be correct"

So the only thing you have to ask yourself is

Do you think the story of creation in the bible makes any sense at all?

(to be a christian it is not necessaty for you to "believe" ANY of the old testament

If you actually read it you will see there is a LOT in it that goes completely against the "morality" of the new testament)

Steve B
2015-01-02 10:43:43 UTC
Let's teach the The Norse Creation Myth

Or, the Star Trek version.

Heck, let's teach them all:

Or, were you thinking the Christian version?

In regards to Christianity;

1. They attack evolution. Therefore, God did it.

Option 1. God did it.

2. Somehow God becomes a Christian God.

3. Then, Jesus sneaks into the discussion.

4. It becomes a sermon.

When was the last time you saw a woman created from a man's rib?
2015-01-02 12:19:50 UTC
Knowledge is the key...If you need reasons for your beliefs ...Read as much as you can about everything you can,,,,,Somethings that you read would stick a chord ... that's how you find your answers.

I relate to God as some form of power that keeps all things in balance. Without that balance there is nothing... I believe that part of that power in present in some form or the other all around us and within us, in nature, in all living & non living things. This idea of God also reminds me of how small & insignificant I am and at the same time how strong I am coz I also have the same power within me.
2014-12-31 23:41:40 UTC
Do you believe in your computer, phone, TV, car, etc? They exist, right? They didn't grow n the yard, they were developed by scientists, so how can you not "believe" in science?
2015-01-01 14:10:22 UTC
Well you should use science where it is appropriate. That would be where experiments and objective evidence shows something to be true. In areas where there is not objective evidence nor experiments, especially religion, belief is the thing to rely upon.
2015-01-01 01:06:08 UTC

Creation believing Christians (us fundies, if you like) are the ONLY True Christians, as we believe the Bible only (Sols Scriptura).

Nearly ALL of the original scientific discoveries were made by Creation believing Christians.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Disciple of Truth
2015-01-01 02:36:06 UTC
Truth is spiritual. If you want the truth you won't find it in facts alone.
2015-01-01 11:36:25 UTC
a book with stories about a group of people who wrote what they perceived and their interpretation of events some characters my have existed or may be fictional ....................... some towns named exist today I look at things i read and look at the writers and especially if someone tells me its true .................... i look at intent agenda and motive ...and if the events are difficult to believe and sound outlandish i ask myself can those events be repeated in present day and be demonstrate in the present or if it is said to be true can I test it by the same standard i test every thing in my every day life its a VERY LOW standard called SHOW ME ............................. now so if your talking about the bible god and say but he is Invisible i say well so is the gas Oxygen but that can be measured and demonstrated so lets see your measurement for god and then you must have him demonstrate the powers you claim he possesses a very low standard that i request in everyday life ............................ i do not ask a higher standard of god than i do anything else its simple and humans meet that standard everyday
2015-01-01 09:23:46 UTC
How can you call yourself a Christian in that case?

If you attended church, you would hear the Bible read.

Evolution is not incompatible with Creation.
2015-01-02 09:08:33 UTC
Creationism is bullshit.

20God also said: Let the waters bring forth the creeping creature having life, and the fowl that may fly over the earth under the firmament of heaven. 21And God created the great whales, and every living and moving creature, which the waters brought forth, according to their kinds, and every winged fowl according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22And he blessed them, saying: Increase and multiply, and fill the waters of the sea: and let the birds be multiplied upon the earth. 23And the evening and morning were the fifth day.

-- Genesis 1:20-23

For a thousand years in thy sight are as yesterday, which is past. And as a watch in the night,

--Psalm 90:4

8But of this one thing be not ignorant, my beloved, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9The Lord delayeth not his promise, as some imagine, but dealeth patiently for your sake, not willing that any should perish, but that all should return to penance.

-- 2 Peter 3:8-9

" on guard against giving interpretations of Scripture that are far fetched or opposed to science, and so exposing the Word of God to the ridicule of unbelievers."

--Saint Augustine
2015-01-01 17:13:33 UTC
God does not lie Jesus Christ taught about Adam and Eve Noah and Abel God is all powerful
2015-01-02 06:22:39 UTC
It is an hypothesis. It is not a fact. Read Richard Dawkins, The Greatest Show On Earth. An afternoon in your local library will get you more information.
2015-01-01 19:06:22 UTC
Just look around yourself. Could YOU design a blueprint based off of nothing, like the one that was created for this world?
Voice in the Wilderness
2014-12-31 23:16:37 UTC
Look. Acknowledge. Think. Believe.
Dennis Sagt
2015-01-01 06:58:25 UTC
How about believing that God is the author of evolution?
2015-01-02 11:02:27 UTC
So sad that these Christians don't believe ALL that the prophets and the apostles of the TRUE HEBREW MESSIAH spoke.

First the God of this world has blinded the minds of all those who do not believe ALL that the prophets spoke as 2 Cor.4:4 4 1 For the d gods (elohim) of this world (led by Satan) have blinded the minds of those who do not believe, so that the light of the e message of the glory of the Messiah, Who is the image of Yahweh, should not shine unto them.
2015-01-01 21:53:35 UTC
The beauty of science is that you don't have to have faith to support its laws. there is overwhelming evidence to in favour of the big bang.
2015-01-01 21:24:00 UTC
Creationists have the bible in which we believe in God

Evolutionists have scientific theories, which they typically believe in the Big Bang Theory. And when I say, theories, I mean exactly that. I'm still waiting for the monkeys at the zoo to evolve into a human form, heck I'm waiting for any animal to evolve into a talking species. You don't see it but yet they claim as evolution as fact when it comes to humans. Sounds crazy to me.

The way that I see it is, science is proving that Aliens and life on other planets is possible. So why is the belief in God somewhere in the Universe so unbelievable? How can scientists believe in ghosts and souls that haunt places but the idea of a Supernatural God so unbelievable?
Alpha Beta
2015-01-01 21:23:48 UTC
It's a not a matter of believing in science. It's a matter of accepting that science is the method that is best suited to interrogate the universe and produce knowledge. Faith is believe without any evidence. That's not very reassuring if you ask me. I'll take science as my guide to explain the universe.
Jim V
2015-01-01 20:59:17 UTC
Well, IMO, a good understanding of science and theology work well together. And if both nature and revealed theology have the same author then a correct understanding of both will show concordance. You do not have to be either scientifically ignorant or without faith in God.

I'd like to suggest two resources for you:

- The science-faith ministry of Reasons To Believe founded by astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross.

- The work of Oxford professor John Lennox.

Both have a number of talks on YouTube that you can access.

I would suggest starting with "Is God Irrelevant? Discuss" by John Lennox.
great knight
2015-01-01 20:54:39 UTC
God answers all your questions! Get a kjversion Bible and believe. If you are on yahoo then you can lookup the kjversion Bible on internet too. You are starving for God's Word is all. As for "creationism", there are people who use science to show things such as, "" and "" and "" and so on. It's not logical to think something created itself and science already has laws against that, to say that natural laws made it while all laws say it is impossible is not science. But you don't really need to know that. Jesus Christ is the truth. Here is wisdom:"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."- The Word of God. I think you know the Lord would not lie to you. Your mother is doing good to tell you of God but you have his Word to study and the truth therin! It is your Heavenly Father's love letter to you. You must get a kjversion Bible. Beware of other versions that try and twist the truth, "" Jesus loves you. There is no need to be deceived. They have to enact laws in europe to protect evolution, and then they say it is as real as gravity, gravity doesn't need laws to shield it. The lies are everywhere. Jesus Christ is the truth!
James O
2015-01-01 20:50:40 UTC
I am convinced about evolution

and I am convinced that there is an infinite eternal Creator
2015-01-01 20:26:38 UTC
I believe that God created the universe and he used evolution to do so. I can understand your confusion and I went through a time like that too.. I recommend you check out and it might answer some of your questions.
2015-01-01 14:19:42 UTC
"How can the universe create itself out of nothingness?" It's called 'quantum mechanics' and it's very exciting. But most people don't understand it, so they deny it's true.
2015-01-01 11:59:58 UTC
It's bs.
2015-01-03 01:05:06 UTC
There are hundreds of things answering to your question. Just Read,Observe , strive and think. Follow the path which gives you all the answer of your question. And i am sure Islam holds all the answer of your questions.
2015-01-02 11:25:14 UTC
Since you used science to ask that question I would stick with science, it's more dependable.
2015-01-02 02:14:02 UTC
It is a sign of America's poor education system...
Muthu S
2015-01-01 23:22:26 UTC
Creationism has no beginning and has no end.

Jesus is an living example for ever.

it is a good thing to keep away from scriptures.
2015-01-02 13:56:47 UTC
I believe God's word is true and that evolution is one of the biggest lies ever to try to destroy faith in God. The Evolutionists said man came from a monkey and the monkey to man chart was around for many stupid years. The scientists lied and told of Lucy, Piltdown Man, etc. These changing species were concocted and none have ever been found. We all believe in adaptation to the environment and this is not evolution. Kind produces kind and a monkey does not change into a man. The same Creator created it all so if man has two eyes like a donkey one should understand why. The same Creator created both donkey and man. We did not come from fish; we did not come from monkeys - Evolutionists keep assuming and assuming and they make donkeys out of themselves. Apostle Paul made a very profound statement when he said, "Let God be true and every man a liar." The Word of God, the Holy Bible, is the most contested book every written and it has stood the test of time. Over 2000 years ago it was written that God would scatter and regather the Jewish people and when He regathered them they'd become a nation in one day. Well, on May 14, 1948 the UN declared Israel a nation once again. There are many other prophesies in the Holy

Bible that are coming true as we speak. Jesus Himself fulfilled more prophesies because from Genesis to Revelation the whole Bible is about Jesus the Christ, The Savior of the World. The Bible proves God knows the beginning and the ending. Not like Nostrodamus, the Bible is clear and easily understood by those who study it constantly.
2014-12-31 23:28:52 UTC
I believe in God. I believe He created everything.

To me, it doesn't matter about the specifics of how it all started. The only thing that matters is that God started it.

I believe in science, also.
2015-01-01 23:54:46 UTC
you don't "believe" science, you accept it as fact according to evidence. Belief is for faith unsupported by reality.
2015-01-02 01:15:37 UTC
my view is from seen truth as created surely says see re ated till man evolved as see are eated
2015-01-03 11:43:01 UTC
2015-01-01 13:12:25 UTC
It is as flawed as evolution.
2015-01-01 09:45:28 UTC
2015-01-02 02:32:38 UTC
Evolutionist's won't debate them because they always lose.
2015-01-01 22:31:31 UTC
Have good values.
2015-01-02 05:33:46 UTC
it's nonsense....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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