" I'm also afraid to have these doubts because I don't want to hurt my mother by deconverting."
first thing you MUST do is ignore this
yourr mother believes what SHE wants to - that is HER right
YOU believe what YOU want - that is YOUR right
SHE has no right to be upset just cos you dont believe what she does
you will see a lot about- "nothing" can come from "nothing"
and "energy" can only be converted from 1 thing to another (but cant be "created")
Both are not actually 100% correct
cos the 1st depends what you mean by "nothing"
the second- energy can be "borrowed" so long as its "paid back" - have a look at "quantum tunneling"
You will also see
the universe was "created by god" - but then the claim that "god" dont need to be created cos its always existed
But this is a stupid get out - on what basis should creationists claim the universe must be created but god doesnt?
Dont make any logical sense at all except its the only way creationists can get out out the problem of
"If god created the universe and nothing can come from nothing- then who created god?" - and this question goes on ad infinitum
The basic question you have to ask yourself is
which is more sense
1) the universe was created by some entity existing ouside this universe using "magic words"
2) all the planets stars and so on were created by this same entity by using different "magic words"
3) all life on earth (and anywhere else in the universe) was created by this same entity using a 3rd set of "magic words"
and NOBODY has a clue how this entity did any of this
But not only creationists claim "god" doesnt need to be "created" - they also claim it has the power to do whatever it wants to
You can make the same claim for anything you can think of - all you have to do is add anything you need to enable the entity to do things -
such as - it can travel through time
the big bang happened (and there is evidence it did)
the stars planets etc gradually formed according to the laws of physics +chemistry+cosmology (and there is evidence that it did happen and laws that say HOW it happened)
Life evolved on earth (and there is chemistry that shows how it could have, and evidence that it did)
In all of this- you must remember
1) - science does not stand still - No sceintist has a clue what new laws or evidence migth come up tomorrow or in a hundred years from now
2) in 4000 years "creationists" have not attemepted ANY research to prove creation (as in the bible) is correct .
Its been a case of "the bible says so - so it must be correct"
So the only thing you have to ask yourself is
Do you think the story of creation in the bible makes any sense at all?
(to be a christian it is not necessaty for you to "believe" ANY of the old testament
If you actually read it you will see there is a LOT in it that goes completely against the "morality" of the new testament)