10 man! I am not against a god if he exists!
the trouble is he doesn't!
Ontological argument for god....fails
Philosophical argument for god ...fails
Cosmological argument....fails
empirical argument...fails
logical argument ...fails
by definition the concept of a perfect god ultimately fails as asserted by people like Kant, Hume, Russell
no matter how you slice it - higher disciplines of reason and logic make god a virtual impossibility
but don't take my word for it - go do the research yourself....
study evolution deeply (like spend a year studying it obsessively )
and then come back here and act like you know something ...
Everything else is an emotional response.
my presuppositional base is that I tried to believe in god for many years
and after all those years something was wrong....
everything in life does not point to a creator god unless you presuppose it.
you can either go with your emotional faith based paradigm or you can look for truth
in an objective way....
I looked for the truth....and studied data well outside of my religious paradigm
compared what I learned with what I had been taught from religion ....
and as depressing as it might sound the truth is : there is no hard evidence for god
you are forced to accept it on faith and that is where my intellect takes over and I say NO!
if a thing is real it makes itself obviously known as real by our observation...or can be deduced by the action or effect this "thing" has on surrounding elements that can be observed.
god fails this test miserably and we're giving him all the benefit of the doubt!
However, if the moment came about where god revealed himself or some new knowledge
about our universe or biology completely turns the scientific world upside down....
well lets just say...I am not holding my breath...
now go and study hard my friend - the truth will set you free.
break out of the paradigm - I did and it was wonderful in ways I cannot even explain....
Life is more real, the depth of my being far surpasses what I was before
I love more, I care more, I feel more....
I was awakened to the bright sunlight of truth and reality and it IS beautiful.
freed from the insanity of baseless claims and the psychological burden
of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole...
forget about proof, you'll never find it
but there is a ton of knowledge out there that could change your life
if you dare shift your paradigm