“Jimmie”, here are a few difficult points to consider that nonetheless are correct for Christian believers:
(1.) All men have not faith (2nd Thessalonians 3: 2, KJV). The Gospel is sacred substance that is to be joined with the spirit content of created beings and living creatures. Truth from GOD may only be received by those who have prepared themselves through such features as dutifulness, expectation (we say, hope), obedience, sacrifice, and submission.
(2.) When Pharaoh saw that there was respite, he hardened his heart (Exodus 8: 15, KJV). Hardness of heart is an operation of the Spirit from GOD, however, not by acting on, forcing, or manipulating a person’s feelings and thoughts. Rather, the Holy Spirit acknowledges their enmity against GOD as irreversible without first ending their mortality, or by continued widespread death and destruction. The Spirit may not righteously disregard or ignore persistent defiance of divine law, rejection of divine counsel, or denial of divine love. The Spirit is obligated to abandon and make no further appeals where the minds and hearts of created beings and living creatures only invite being sealed against divinity. Without “pressure” to embrace what are, in fact, the difficult works of confession, repentance and truth, men do not leave their “comfort zone” of sin and separation from GOD.
(3.) But they have not all obeyed the gospel (Romans 10: 16, KJV). To obey is to put aside ones own will to carry out or perform the will of another. Thus, to obey is one of the most powerful ways of demonstrating love, the willingness to add value, and to unselfishly provide benefit to another. Those who lack balance, poise, and stability (we say, maturity), and those who do not have a clear grasp of their own abilities, desires, and place in relationships usually also lack the awareness and strength necessary for love of Christ, and obedience to the Gospel.
There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually understood. (For example, (4.) The carnal mind is not subject to the law of God (Romans 8: 7, KJV). Human makeup (we say, the flesh) is designed to function in accordance with material and physical processes that are mechanical in their nature such as appetite, sensation, and mind. Just like hunger, thirst, and sexual cravings cannot be eliminated by logic, reason and science, sin can not be overcome except through operations of the Spirit from GOD. Sin may dominate awareness and self-will in created beings and living creatures, yet, can not control the will of GOD. The added endowment of Spirit supplied through the Gospel enables believers to correctly resist sin, and to continuously seek the perfection coming forth from GOD.) Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful. Be it unto you according to your faith. Jesus is coming soon. Grow in grace.
Washington, DC