2012-03-12 05:58:26 UTC
eternal has no beginning nor end, no beginning of days nor end of life?
2. Eternal Life: is it a "high" calling, or perhaps a "higher" calling; if
Bible says lay hold on eternal life whereunto thou art ALSO called,
and spiritual wickedness occurs on both sides of the "high places"?
3. Eternal Life: if "immortality", which one of athanasia or aphtharsia,
if Bible mentions 2 kinds of immortality, but only 1 kind of "immortal"?
So how does EL differ from two resurrections, are both from graves?
4. Eternal Life: does it differ from the "life eternal" Jesus has for his sheep
of goats/sheep? Is EL right of left/right, or perhaps above of under/above?
5. Eternal Life: is it for an individual, or perhaps for all or none at all,
if Bible says there is no respect of persons (no partiality) with God?
6. Eternal Life: is it by grace of law vs grace, or grace void of law, if
the grace of law vs grace is still division, and not yet peace;
if grace of law vs grace is still partiality, not yet perfection?
Can division, partiality, and corruption inherit incorruption?
7. Eternal Life: is it available from the plural God of the dead,
or perhaps only available from God is one: God of the living?