I give up... What religion is the truth?
2012-02-22 08:16:18 UTC
I don't understand why religion has eluded me. I seek God, but haven't found Him/Her/It YET!!! As far as the Bible, Quran, Gita, or any other Holy Book, for me that is not a good enough argument, because it really comes down to THEY ARE ALL HOLY BOOKS!!! How do I know if one is right, one is wrong... they are books! Can anyone give me truth WITHOUT going to the Books as the only source? Or is religion just a wild goose chase??? Also, I feel extremely awkward with calling Jesus God... like, I am going against the 1st Commandment.. why???

I just want peace... and a relationship with God...
27 answers:
Raging Woody
2012-02-22 08:31:34 UTC
2012-02-22 08:48:38 UTC
I know exactly what you mean and I feel I can help since I've been there. I know Him now but I didn't find Him through religion. I found Him by seeking Him and the truth that is Him and in the process what I did find was that there is no truth in religions. They were all created by men and that's not all. But its too much info to explain it all here in YA.

The key is going back to orig scriptures if you seek truth because all the bibles people go by today, no matter what their religion, are what the father warned us not to follow. They are the future false doctrines He spoke of. Just the fact that you want a relationship with Him is most important, but alone isn't enough. Oh & just so you know, there's a reason why those names don't seem right to you. You must be a little psychic also lol.
Jawaid G
2012-02-22 12:25:37 UTC
First, you need to read all the Holy Books, they are all holy for the people that follow the religion. But you should try and compare all the religions. Or you can also use common sense, and see which religion makes the most sense. Jesus never claimed to be God, so don't call him that. :)

Basically, you should compare all the religions and see their beliefs. See which one makes the most sense. I personally always believed in 1 God only. So Islam, Judaism and Sikhism stood out. But I compared & compared, researched & researched.

Then I found Islam. The gift from God :)
2012-02-22 08:22:45 UTC
It's all ridiculous though. It's not that being a Muslim isn't ridiculous but being a Jew is, everything is ridiculous. Being a Buddhist is ridiculous, being a Christian is ridiculous, being a Hindu is ridiculous, being in anything is ridiculous, you're a human being. And if you attach yourself and your mind to any ideology, you're gonna be on a road. And that road may or may not lead you in a good direction. But you're gonna stay on that road if you're attached to an ideology and, it can be a terrible road; it can be a road of circumcising your daughter's clitorus because that's a tradition. You know, these crazy nuts in Africa that cut holes on their lip and stretch them out to put plates on them, why is that? Because they got on a road, and they stuck with that road regardless of rational thinking, they didn't use rational thinking at all. They're just adapted to a predetermined pattern of behavior that makes life so much more simple.

And that's what every single religion is, the problem is: no one knows. You cannot know. You can have your own beautiful, personal experiences, you can actually be the person that was touched by god. But when you start yelling and ranting that other people have to follow your lead, the world is gonna end, Christians are gonna be taken away, I know you're full of bullshit and you know you're full of bullshit. And the real problem is: we can't say it. Because everyone has this religious freedom, the freedom to express yourself. Even if you're expressing yourself with nonsense; nonsense that helps scare lonely, sad people lock onto that nonsense so they feel like they're apart of something. I mean that's what religion is; it preys on people whose lives are boring. So, it's all nuts.

And it's not like my stuff's cool and your stuff's not, and it's not that yoga is the answer, or drugs are the answer - there's just questions. For a lot of people religion can give you some inspiration. But there comes a certain point and time where you need to pop the training wheels off and recognize that all of this morality you've developed is good because it's good to treat other people good. It's good to treat other people the way you want yourself to be treated. It's like the golden rule and there's a reason for it, and that reason is: we're all connected in some strange way that we don't totally understand.

And unless you are good to people around you; unless you are kind, friendly, warm and loving, you are not gonna enjoy this life, you're just not. You're gonna have problems everywhere you go and you're gonna be problems everywhere you go. You gotta find a way to enjoy this life. And it's not because of Allah, it's not because of Jesus, it's not because of anybody that may or may not have ever existed, it's because that's how you fit better in the world, that's how you stay positive. And it doesn't have to be some bullshit written five thousand years ago on animal skins. That doesn't have to be the golden rule because it's old, you know that's dumb.
Ian N
2012-02-22 08:21:54 UTC
The truth can't come in a convenient and easy-to-read form like a book. The truth comes from science. It is the only truth that is backed by evidence. Science will correct itself openly, and would actually LOVE for you to disprove it, so it can find out what really happened. Why are all religions so defensive? Because they can be disproved, because they were written thousands of years ago by false prophets, because they are lies from a time where we knew very little about the world.

I'm not telling you to worship science. I'm telling you to have an open mind and to use it.

This may be helpful. It describes the reasons why people believe in things, and which methods are good and bad, and why.
2012-02-22 08:30:23 UTC
True religion is that religion and practice you have. True religion is sincere and internal. True religion issues from the heart before a Holy God. This is the man God reserves for His salvation . It doesn't matter in general but does matter in specific which characterization humankind gives it -Catholic, Pentecostal, Eskimo, American Indian,Hindu ,Buddhist, God respects the issues of the heart -not the head in terms of Your authentic and internal true religion . The Bible is very clear on it .Exactly who are ones fellow servants are in terms of true religion ? What do Catholics owe Eskimos ?The Bible explains who that is if someone simply reads Mr. Reg's references, . These are those in the practice of true religion. The reason it matters in specific is an Eskimo may not be able to buy it God wants him to become Catholic , hence going ahead and having true religion as not a Catholic is acceptable before a Holy God . Unfortunately wanting peace goes against the good fight of Faith . We don't get Shalom immediately just because we want it . Don't listen to atheists make sure you call somebody God sincerely and /or treat somebody as God . God can figure out who He is in the end ,and honor those who avoid the endless squabble and gnashing of teeth on whether or not Buddha or Jesus or Krishna, or Jonah attained to that name above all names .
2012-02-22 08:23:37 UTC
There is 30,000 different denominations all saying they are right. Religions are man made. I found peace of mind when I gave up religion

All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.

-- Thomas Paine, (1737-1809), The Age of Reason,

The churches have no confidence in each other. Why? Because they are acquainted with each other.

-- Robert Green Ingersoll,
2012-02-22 08:28:35 UTC
Hi and I can answer your question but I do need to use my bible. The teachings of the Bible claim special authority and God spoke many specific prophecy that were to come to pass as a built in proof text that this is originating from outside of time. This is not the time to go into a detailed list but I have studied and found that what god says will happen does. I also see the bible as a book of history overlaid with revelation and promises from God. The built in moral compass we all have is part of our being created in Gods image. Atheist do not like to be lied to, stolen from or cheated on... these things are sinful and they hurt. The problem is we have all committed sin in one form or another and are thus guilty. Religion is in large a way of being justified before God. Most religions have you working your way up a ladder by your own efforts to attain some level of spirituality. God made all men immortal spiritual beings. The gospel is be saved by the works of Jesus and receive the gift of eternal life through the forgiveness of sins. You see Jesus has the power and authority to elevate anyone who belongs to Him. We have no power to elevate ourselves. We are slaves to the natural laws around us; none of us can defy gravity or stop form aging. We all die and the bible links sin and death with appearing before God. John in his gospel included a thesis statement. And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. If you really are seeking the Holy Spirit will speak to you as you go through Johns gospel. The claims of Christ are exclusive and are either true or BS. I testify that Jesus has brought joy and life into me and transformed me into a much better person. I study hard and find that we are seeing so much prophecy being fulfilled right now that the claims of this book do not fail.
2012-02-22 09:38:59 UTC
Out Of many one religion is the truth.Use Your god given intelligence to find out one.Be sincere in your research without prejudices and with a neutral open mind.Just like fake currency note looks similar to original we use our knoledge to separate the two.

Acquire the knowledge to separate man made religion and God given religion.

Islam asks skeptics in Quran to produce a chapter like it if you think Quran is man made.Till now since 1433 years and counting noone is able to write even three lines similar to it,Which it claims is enough to guide towards a divine source.

Also you check its message and teachings and personality of great Prophet Muhammad sallahualihiwsallam from authentic islamic sources despite the propaganda of antiislam forces against him.
2012-02-22 18:56:26 UTC
Ask yourself this: what would you believe if there was nobody trying to influence your opinion? In other words, if nobody was there to tell you that there is or is not a God, or that you have to follow this or that religion... what would you believe? What conclusion would you reach on your own?
Wonder Wowzie
2012-02-22 08:18:44 UTC
Just be a good person to yourself first and foremost and then to everyone. Even Buda said all answers are within the human heart. I don't know if there is a god as we know him, but if there is , he's bound to come in touch with you through your own heart and NOT throgh the words and books of others.

How so you know right from wrong? Your own mind and conscience should tell you that.

Best of luck!! =)
2012-02-22 08:20:50 UTC
tell you what,

why don't you look at the scientific evidence in support of each religion and see if any of them passes muster to be able to claim god(s) as a scientific theory.

if you don't find any religion that meets those criteria, then its fairly obvious that the only logical position to take is the skeptics position and that bieng atheism that all these religions are full of hot air.
2012-02-22 08:21:32 UTC
You only have 2 choices really.

1. Choose mormon, JW, Catholicism, Islam, take your pick...they all require the you do good deeds in hopes that your works will maintain or keep your salvation. WORK and DO!!!

2. Chose the receive what Christ did for YOU on the Cross. He paid the penalty for your sin, so that you would not have to pay it. God did it...the work is done...He gets all the glory, no pride for you.
2012-02-22 08:20:35 UTC
"I just want peace... and a relationship with God..."

That's funny you should say that.....because there's quite a few people here who will claim that to 'find' god, one has to WANT him to be real first.

Yet you are publically announcing you a relationship with him - but still he hasn't revealed himself to you.
2012-02-22 08:18:20 UTC
No religion is true. You're right, they're just books, nothing more. Simple fantasies written by humans. No religion is anything more than a fantasy.
2012-02-22 09:27:18 UTC
Religion is not truth, only christ is,trust him as your saviour.
2012-02-22 08:18:15 UTC
There is no correct religion because none of them can provide factual data to make us believe without a doubt.
2012-02-22 21:03:17 UTC
It certainly isn't islam.
2012-02-22 08:18:43 UTC
Why do you assume that any of these religion have it correct?

Now think about this: Why do you believe in god?
2012-02-22 08:18:17 UTC
It's not that easy they call it faith for a reason.

People don't know which one is true, but they all think they do.

Maybe none is exactly right, but there is one.

Maybe none is true and the atheists are right and one doesn't exist.
2012-02-22 08:17:52 UTC
Honestly pray about it. God will give you an answer, just make sure you keep on the look out for the answer he gives you.
2012-02-22 08:20:21 UTC
The FSM. Every night is a feast of pasta.
2012-02-22 08:17:42 UTC
Only the Bible. Read it
2012-02-22 08:19:16 UTC
stop looking , just live your life be kind and happy
blasphemous Bible
2012-02-22 08:19:28 UTC
no religion is correct
2012-02-22 08:23:29 UTC
2012-02-22 08:18:24 UTC
There is no "God", don't bother.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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