Jehovah's Witnesses- Why is the NWT not accepted by any other group of Christians?
Lil Miss Sunshine
2011-10-13 19:17:08 UTC
The New World Translation (NWT) is defined by the Jehovah's Witnesses’ parent organization (the Watchtower Society) as "a translation of the Holy Scriptures made directly from Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek into modern-day English by a committee of anointed witnesses of Jehovah." The NWT is the anonymous work of the “New World Bible Translation Committee.” Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that the anonymity is in place so that the credit for the work will go to God. Of course, this has the added benefit of keeping the translators from any accountability for their errors and prevents real scholars from checking their academic credentials.

The New World Translation is unique in one thing – it is the first intentional, systematic effort at producing a complete version of the Bible that is edited and revised for the specific purpose of agreeing with a group's doctrine. The Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Watchtower Society realized that their beliefs contradicted Scripture. So, rather than conforming their beliefs to Scripture, they altered Scripture to agree with their beliefs. The “New World Bible Translation Committee” went through the Bible and changed any Scripture that did not agree with Jehovah’s Witness theology. This is clearly demonstrated by the fact that, as new editions of the New World Translation were published, additional changes were made to the biblical text. As biblical Christians continued to point out Scriptures that clearly argue for the deity of Christ (for example), the Watchtower Society would publish new editions of the New World Translation with those Scriptures changed.
Seventeen answers:
2011-10-16 20:43:59 UTC
It is one thing to publish commentary on the bible, a whole different matter the translation of it.

There were at least 400 english translations of the bible at the time the Watchtower decided they needed one of their own. What could possibly have motivated non-biblical scholars to take on such a task? Self preservation. So much of the doctrines established by Rutherford were hanging by a thread if viewed under the light as revealed by non-witness translations.

The Mormons had the same dilemma, so their founder Joseph Smith provided a holy book 'Book of Mormon" that backed up his teachings. Mormons view this bible as sacred and on the same par as the Hebrew/Greek scriptures. Can any thinking person not understand the motivation?

The only mantra jw can use to defend their OWN VERSION of the bible is the argument Mormon's use for trust in the translation of the Book of Mormon. God directed Joseph Smith's hand, God spirit was behind him. Jw's use the same basic arguments.

Joseph Smith was a charlatan. Franz, Henchel, Knorr, and cronies were pulling straws, looking for every possible nuance of Hebrew/Greek expressions to turn or twist the scriptures their way. Not really a big feat for those men who's entire lifetimes had been involved in the direct interpretation of scripture.

As Question Without so clearly says, 'you can get a scholar to take pro or con' on any subject.

The facts show that the JW bible was produced based upon the need to support doctrine, not the reverse . A work that cannot logically be considered unbiased, but simply another publication by a billion dollar publishing empire, that needed to protect it's assets.
Waiting For Paradise
2011-10-17 02:22:14 UTC
Because, as a very accurate, fairly literal translation from the original Hebrew and Greek into modern English, it shows up very plainly the falsehoods taught by other 'Christian' groups. Bar-Anerges has given some examples of the falsehoods supported by biasedly erroneous translations of some verses. Here's another one: 'translating' (really interpreting) 'Gehenna' (Valley of Hinnom) as 'hellfire'. Theological bias in translation doesn't get much worse than that if you ask me.

The only way these groups know of to counteract the way this translation exposes their falsehoods, is to say it is erroneous and that it has been changed to suit JW beliefs (Actually, the opposite is true -- JWs have been known to change their beliefs to harmonize with the Bible.). The ignorant, who are not familiar with the meanings of Biblical Hebrew and Greek words, only notice the different wording in some places and automatically accept the false charge against the NWT without doing independent investigation into the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew.

But here is something you need to ask yourself: Why are JWs comfortable with using other translations of the Bible? If the NWT has been changed to suit JW beliefs, why would JWs be willing to quote other translations in their publications? Wouldn't that encourage or at least condone the practice of consulting other translations? And If the NWT is such a vastly different and corrupted version, wouldn't the readers see this by going to those other translations quoted in JW publications? So if JWs truly created a corrupted version, they would not be encouraging persons to consult other translations lest their eyes be opened to the deception of the NWT. Thus the fact that JWs are willing to quote other translations shows they have a clean conscience and have nothing to hide, having produced a very accurate translation. So then why are other groups afraid of using the NWT? What do they have to hide?
בַר אֱנָשׁ (bar_enosh)
2011-10-17 01:44:35 UTC
Those who do not accept any Bible translation have to answer this question. But the stuff posted is from a Trinitarian apologetic site, and Trinitarians generally do not accept the New World Translation because the NWT accurately translates the Hebrew and Greek Bible texts, not according to the false dogma of Trinitarianism. Trinitarians who reject the NWT do so out of their own theological bias and prejudice.

The NWT was translated for the benefit of all sincere seekers of truth. Like any other gift, everyone is free to accept it or to reject it.

But we know that millions of people around the world, including many who were not Witnesses at one time, have received great benefit from using the New World Translation.
2011-10-17 00:27:09 UTC
As you already stated, the NWT is a very poor translation. It modifies God's Word! The Watchtower will have to pay the price for doing this on Judgement Day! WHOLE Bible verses have been removed in the "New World Translation"! The following WHOLE verses have been removed in the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"--whether in the text or placed in an appendix...OVER 47 in the New Testament alone! Some of these are:

Matthew 17:21 -- COMPLETELY removed. What are the Jehovah's Witness missing?

"Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting."

Matthew 18:11 -- COMPLETELY removed. What are the Jehovah's Witness missing?

"For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost."

Matthew 23:14 -- COMPLETELY removed. What arethe Jehovah's Witness missing?

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation."

Mark 7:16 -- COMPLETELY removed. What are the Jehovah's Witness missing?

"If any man have ears to hear, let him hear."

Mark 9:44 -- COMPLETELY removed. What are the Jehovah's Witness missing?

"Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."

Mark 9:46 -- COMPLETELY removed. What are the Jehovah's Witness missing?

"Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."

Mark 11:26 -- COMPLETELY removed. What are the Jehovah's Witness missing?

"But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses."

See this site for all of the verses that have been removed -

In addition to removing God's Word in their NWT, they have also changed many words and meanings to support their false teachings.

I'm becoming convinced that the JW's are so blinded and indoctrinated in their beliefs, that they will not ever change even if they knew they were 100% wrong. What I do pray for is that new JW prospects will read Yahoo Answers and be dissuaded from joining this cult!
2011-10-15 21:55:21 UTC

Actually, the NWT is accepted by ALL true Christians as well as many other individuals who claim to be Christian.

As usual, any criticism of the NWT demands an ignorance from hearers of the Greek words, grammar, and semantics according to standard Greek Lexicons and Dictionaries.

People who claim that Jehovah's Witnesses needed to translate "our own bible" in order to support our beliefs are being misled. Most of JW's beliefs had been long established before the NWT ever came into existence and they used the KJV and the ASV.

Witnesses do not force their beliefs into the Bible but rather they accept what the Bible teaches and even change their beliefs if they find they disagree with what the Bible teaches.

On the other hand, other religions continue to believe things that even their own scholars admit are not taught in Scripture.

The fact is that the NWT has not changed the original meaning of the Bible. Witnesses feel that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and are intensely interested in making sure that we understand what the original text really says. They also will use almost any modern translations when they study with others, while at the same time they realize that some translations are better overall than others.

From my personal, in depth examination, I have found over the years is that in every case where the NWT is criticized it has usually proved to be accurate, and at the very least its rendering is solidly based on the laws of translation such as following the original grammar and word definitions. In almost all cases I found that the NWT was more accurate than the vast majority of other translations. *Most* criticisms brought against it are usually themselves *unwarranted and unfairly biased. *

A good example of doctrinal bias influencing translations is found in the translation of the Hebrew and Greek words for "hell" (SHEOL/HADES). In the KJV, SHEOL is translated 31 times as "grave" and 31 times as "hell" and three times as a hole in the ground. Because of the translators' bias, when a good person went to "hell" they translated it as "grave" and when a bad person went there it was translated "hell." This kept people from seeing that it was actually the same place that everyone went to at death and not a burning place of torment. Several modern Bibles have commendably done as the NWT did and instead of translating these words they transliterate them as sheol and hades.

So actually most other Bible translations are the ones that have actually changed the original meaning while the NWT has not changed the Bible, making the original meaning clear: that the definition of death is a return to the "dust" and an unconscious state (Gen.3:19; Eccl.3:20; 9:5,10; Ps.6:5; 115:17; 146:4; Isa.38:18,19; 63:16; Job 14:21; Ezek.18:4; etc.).

Another obvious place where almost all other translations have changed the inspired text is where God's personal name is used. It is irrefutable that the personal Name of God was written almost 7,000 times in the original Hebrew bible and has been replaced with the common, ordinary title "LORD." This is a blatant change to God's inspired word!

Young's Concordance under Jehovah says "This name is incorrectly replaced by LORD in the KJV".

Replacing the Divine name with a common title "LORD" is the most blatant of blasphemies (Rev. 22:18,19). It is imitating Satan, who never used that Name, and it is a refusal to imitate Jesus who "made that name known" to all his followers and placed it first, of primary importance, in his model prayer (Jn.17:6,26; Mt.6:9).

There are many other examples I could give, but the basic fact is that the New World Translation is one of the best translations in existence.

This is something that is being repeatedly proved even in this forum. That is why you mainly hear prejudicial comments, unsupported accusations and just plain slander against Witnesses by regular posters here. They know that when they raise a specific translation difference they will receive a scholarly response proving that the NWT translation is an accurate rendering of the original.


White Clouds
2011-10-14 02:31:41 UTC
I know of many other Christians using the NWT in contrast what you are saying

You can use any Bible to understand basic Bible truths and check up with whatever group you are associating if they are upholding God's Righteous laws.

You should not use any idols in worship :

Ex 20:4, 5

Ex 32:3-10

Isa 42:8.

1Jo 5:21

You must be moraly clean :

Psalm 119:9

1 Thessalonians 4:3.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

You must not hurt or kill your fellowman

Isaiah 2:2-4.

Isaiah 48:17, 18

Exodus 20:13
Actor Man
2011-10-14 13:56:40 UTC
To answer your question alone, and not your incredibly biased diatribe...


Secular and non-Witness sources have stated that the NWT is the most accurate translation of the holy scriptures. They have even done so while disagreeing with the tenets of our faith. That takes humility to admit the the product of a faith you disagree with has produced the most accurate renderings of God's word.

When the statement was made on "Jeopardy" about the NWT being the most accurate (according to the book "Truth in Translation"), I don't recall even ONE "Bible Scholar" stepping up or holding a press conference to denounce that claim. And the people of Jeopardy never made, nor would they have to, a retraction of that statement.

I have access to over 75 different translations in several different languages. The most precious to me are the ones that I can reference original language texts. And to a one, the NWT is ALWAYS in harmony with the original scriptural texts.

When you've done an in-depth analysis, scripture-for-scripture, over at least ten different translations INCLUDING the NWT, you'll see that it is indeed the most accurate translation available today.

What else would I expect from the Power that created the sun?
Question With Boldness, Speak Without Fear
2011-10-17 01:56:31 UTC
You can find scholars and experts for and against anything in the world. The NWT is no exception.
2011-10-15 03:05:35 UTC
You and your friends should Try meditating on these scriptures. They are from the K.J.V. bible. It's also one of my favorites. Take care.

Exodus 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by [the name of] God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.

Psalms 83:18 That [men] may know that thou, whose name alone [is] JEHOVAH, [art] the most high over all the earth.

Isa 12:2 Behold, God [is] my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH [is] my strength and [my] song; he also is become my salvation.

Isa. 26:4 Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH [is] everlasting strength:
Ricola Manayu
2011-10-14 02:23:46 UTC
Because other Christians don't accept certain interpretations like John 1:1 "The word was God" to "The word was a God." Also, the cross interpretation. Since the NWT is not obscure about these points, it sets of controversey. The reason why their names are not included has nothing to do with it, and even if there are errors, Jehovahs WItnesses are willing to use any other copy of the bible. If they can use any bible, but other Christians won't use theirs, then it really doesn't matter. All in all, bibles are bibles.
Moses' s tables
2011-10-14 02:53:34 UTC
there are 7.5 millions JWs in the world...and 90 millions of NWT printed bibles....whom do you think have the rest of the 83 millions of bibles??....non Jehovah's witnesses.

I have see with my own eyes evangelicals with bibles and books of JWs...books that they have in their houses.....books they use and acknoledge that are excellent books....and they don't know that books belongs to JWs.

cause the leaders they have told them that what we believe is based in certain translation that the true is that simple more easy to read cause it is in a modern language.

BUT...when people see a JW shwoing exactly the same he or she believes using any other bible translations....the people say in their inner heart...but....this is logical....and they are using my own bible.
I Try
2011-10-14 04:36:36 UTC
Just like the Book of the Mormon, the NWT is just for the one cult.

Just like the Book of the Mormon, every Christian knows that the NWT is not from God but from man.

Many people have read fiction but only a few have believed it is the truth as is the NWT and the book of the Mormon.

There are many sites on the internet where you can read and download bible verses and even bible, but if you want the NWT you will only find it on a JW site, no site that values it's creditability would ever include a NWT version as a version of God's word.
2011-10-14 03:08:04 UTC
"a translation of the Holy Scriptures made directly from Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek ..."

Because this statement is totally false.

If they have trabscribed the Bible why do they have the same inacurracies the catholic church indoctrinated into the Bible such as satan's name being lucifer or that there are these creatures known as arch-angels.

Actually the JW are denying the truth about Yeshua saying he is only an Angel, very dangerous belief that deny's the Messiah.

The watchtower is where Babylonians went to pray to the "watchers", it's the same angel worship that caused satan's fall.
2011-10-14 13:02:52 UTC
i''m going to dispute the translation of your question. it should read -

"Jehovah's Witnesses- Why is the NWT not accepted by any group of Christians?"

you phrase it "any OTHER group of Christians".

but i say it is not used by ANY group of Christians.

see how the addition of the word "other" changes the meaning of the passage?

see how in colossians jesus creates all things.

but in the nwt he creates all OTHER things, even though there is no greek word there for "other". it is added by the watchtower to change the passage.

if the bible contradicts your theology, you don't just alter the bible until it suits you. then it would be the nwt. that is why no christians groups use the nwt.
2011-10-14 12:24:04 UTC
Why dont you ask a JW instead of getting incorrect answers from yahoo
2011-10-14 02:21:09 UTC
jehovah's witnesses are funny, their name alone describes their ignorance. jehovah is not the name of god, the proper name is yahweh. jehovah is a mistranslation of yahweh. ancient hebrew has no vowels, therefore yahweh was spelled yhwh. however jews feel that the name of god is sacred and should never be spoken aloud, therefore they would substitute the word adonay for the lord's name, adonay means literally "my lord." around 500ce vowels were added to the text by means of a complicated system of dots and dashes that left the sacred consonantal text intact. to alert readers to the pious substitution for the divine name, the the consonants YHWH were pointed with the vowels of adonay. medieval christians, not understanding the practice of writing the vowels of the substituted words with the consonants of the original, mistakenly read the divine name as yehowah, rendered into english as jehovah.
2011-10-14 03:32:44 UTC
What more would you expect from members of false religion?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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