How can be more confident in God's existence?
2021-01-16 16:58:11 UTC
For the record, i'm Agnostic, so I'm really unsure if there is a God. I want to believe but as far as I'm aware, there is no scientific proof that God exist. I'm very worried that if there is a heaven or hell, I won't go to heaven because I don't believe in god, but I'm also worried that if there is no afterlife, I'll live in eternal darkness when I die.
65 answers:
2021-01-19 07:07:16 UTC
Read the bible. Discover that it is a book that has many prophesies that have came true to the letter. Except for those that still need to come true. But they will Just as Israel came back to the land and is speaking Hebrew again. If you study the bible you will see that it is one integrated message written by 40 authors in over 2000 years. It has to be written from outside of the timedomain thus proving God.

And it agrees with science. (see video series) 
2021-01-19 00:06:33 UTC
And make sure you believe in the right god, since humans have invented thousands..
2021-01-18 03:41:39 UTC
Perhaps there is no "scientific proof" as you call it.  But science in itself is not exact, people just use it as a political tool.  For example, plenty of left wing people will say things like "I believe in Science" but then they support abortion.  Well, science says the baby is alive.  Or they are willing to accept a 3rd gender or no gender when science clearly states there are two genders.

But there is definitely proof God exists.  Look around you.  Science cannot answer questions about the universe.  For example, the universe is constantly increasing in size but then there must be something outside of the universe that the universe is located inside of.  There is plenty of documentation of after death experiences in people who were eventually revived.

In my case, there have been numerous events which are way beyond coincidence for me to just write off as random occurrences.  I can't believe some of the "close calls" that I have had or some of the things that I asked God for that immediately, inexplicably happened afterwards.  

With regards to your fear, you are not an atheist, you are agnostic and you are making a good faith effort to find out God.  Therefore, you do have a good chance of going to heaven.  You are not actively rejecting God.  Jesus died for all of us and if we believe in him we are guaranteed eternal life, but if we don't believe in him through no fault of our own, then the possibility of eternal life also exists.
2021-01-17 20:05:11 UTC
@ all posters on Y!A,please read the following comment about the poster using ? as a user name.  Don't take my word for this, look back and count the number of answers  by ? on this question and notice for some questions he answers 5, 6 and at least one question he answered it 7 times, using the same user name of ?. No 2 persons can have the same user name, but this guy uses ? level 7, ? Level 5, and ? level 4.  See what I wrote to him below;  Is he a plant by Y!A or what ?

@?, you are really all over the place aren't you!  I have been watching you for a long time, and it is obvious that you are using various user names, and also with the user name ? you  answer each question more than once, sometimes at many times as 7 answers to the same question; your answers are sometime pro-religion/bible belief and at other times your answers are totally anti religion an bible.You have given 4 separate answers to this question, that I noticed, but there might be one or two more of your answers.
Bulldog redux
2021-01-17 03:46:22 UTC
Well, you can be sure that if there is no afterlife, you won't "live in eternal darkness when you die."  If there is no afterlife, you won't live anywhere, not even "in eternal darkness."  You simply will have ceased to exist altogether.
2021-01-17 03:39:32 UTC
Please believe Jesus really existed and he cares about you and the Indians know how important this and show love for the earth and all life on it and a very special blessing awaits you. God will see how you treat the animals and this is important for your future blessings. 
2021-01-16 20:33:57 UTC
By asking Him to reveal Himself to you, as He has done for hundreds of millions of other people.
Saad M
2021-01-16 19:37:49 UTC
You are the proof of your creation by God The All Creator.
Bobby Jim
2021-01-16 19:05:23 UTC
Belief in God is a faith based choice, and faith is a gift from God. While you call yourself an agnostic, and leave room for the possibility of God's existence, you are in effect denying God, and that makes you an atheist. 

You are correct: If you do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, hell will be yours. Read and STUDY the Gospel of John, and see if it does not lead to belief, and to salvation from hell.  
2021-01-16 18:53:23 UTC
Look at some of the evidence of miracles. One major example is the Miracle of the Sun, which happened in Fatima (Portugal) in 1917. Another example would be the various happenings associated with the life of St Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio), an Italian monk who died in the 1960s. I've picked those two examples because they are recent enough that they are well-recorded historical cases and can't be dismissed as just legends, but if you explore a bit more widely you'll find other examples of miracles all throughout Christian history.

Secondly, try praying. By this, I don't just mean talking at God, but taking time to be quiet and pay attention as well. Prayer is like any conversation, it needs both speaking and listening.

Thirdly, find some good books which present a reasoned and intelligent case for Christianity. A good example is "Mere Christianity", by CS Lewis.
2021-01-18 13:57:13 UTC
WHO IS GOD? many people say that they believe in God. But ask who God is, and you will get different answers. To some, God is a harsh judge, bent on punishing people for their misdeeds. To others, he is always loving and forgiving, no matter what they do. still others believe that God is far away and disinterested in us. Given such conflicting views, many may feel that it is simply impossible to know who God is. ..Proofs of the existence of “the living God.” The fact of the existence of God is proved by the order, power, and complexity of creation, macroscopic and microscopic, and through his dealings with his people throughout history. In looking into what might be called the Book of Divine Creation, scientists learn much. One can learn from a book only if intelligent thought and preparation have been put into the book by its author.

In contrast to the lifeless gods of the nations, Jehovah is “the living God.” (Jer 10:10; 2Co 6:16) Everywhere there is testimony to his activity and his greatness. “The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling.” (Ps 19:1) Men have no reason or excuse for denying God, because “what may be known about God is manifest among them, for God made it manifest to them. For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.”—Ro 1:18-20.

Jehovah God is described in the Bible as living from time indefinite to time indefinite, forever (Ps 90:2, 4; Re 10:6), and as being the King of eternity, incorruptible, invisible, the only true God. (1Ti 1:17) There existed no god before him.—Isa 43:10, 11. .For more information JW.ORG
2021-01-18 11:36:09 UTC
Well, we must admit man did not make the universe, or plants, trees, human life, nor does he have the power to do so, and it is illogical to assume that it just came about without intelligent creative force.   So, one way that confirms God’s existence is seeing “His invisible qualities” which “are clearly SEEN from the world’s CREATION...” (Romans 1:20)

It is not possible to be close to God if you don’t know His name. The first thing to get to know someone is by knowing the name of the person. Maybe God is unknown to you because you have never even been taught His name Jehovah. He, himself says at Isaiah 42:8: “I am Jehovah. That is my name;”. 

You can get to know God and get close to Him through prayer—“He is the Hearer of prayer”—, and by reading His Word, the Bible, the foremost source of information about God.
2021-01-18 10:54:04 UTC
God is an ever existing eternal supreme being. All human beings are created beings. (The word 'created' is self-explanatory.) That doesn't comes under natural way of life. Humans are not natural but unnatural beings. I mean humans are just robots made of flesh and bones. There may be several eternal beings which knew neither death nor birth and God must be the chief of these eternal beings. IN FACT THIS IS THE REAL EVER EXISTING PHENOMENON. Human beings can think only like human beings. Their thoughts and intelligence are limited. To know and discover more they must come out of what religions and people have created in their minds and think freely and independently.

God never bothers whether people believe in him or not. God’s intervention in human affairs is very rare. God doesn't watch each and every human being at the same time and cannot live with each and everyone to guide them. These works are done by the spirits. God had created different kinds of spirits for various purposes. He had made the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits, not for human beings. God is a mystery even to the spirits. Spirits are not eternal beings but their lifetime is long. Spirits are separate elements. A human being during his/her lifetime is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Further there will be always some spirits with you on behalf of your parents, friends and relatives. Only these spirits make you remember them in a certain situations. All of these spirits are your consciousnesses and memories. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. Brain is just a media to connect the spirits to your mind. A mind is just a computer's mind. A mind is you. After the destruction of a computer completely you will not get its mind. The same is the case with the human beings.  A human being doesn't have a spiritual body. Soul is nothing but an energy needed for the functionality of a body. It is not a spirit or anything else. A body's functionality is based on the auto mechanism.  After death all spirits which accompanied a person quit and go to different places searching new bodies. No one lives after death in any form. All human beings are just robots made of flesh and bones and toys of the spirits for their games.

There is no hell or heaven for human beings. They are only for spirits. I guess that the heaven is just the sky and hell is the prison for spirits. Good spirits are free to go anywhere in the sky but bad spirits are put in prison for certain years. I guess that certain evil spirits are destroyed completely. Spirits' lifetime is limited. If what they (spirits) have said is true then they live approximately for 400 to 500 years. This is close to the Indian Hindu's belief that a human being has seven births. That means Hindus believe in reincarnation but I don't.


I was believing in reincarnation for many years but after I have started to hear the spirits’ voices inside my head in the year 1983 (age 32) and after observing their conversations for years and after knowing the fundamental things about computers, I have come to a conclusion that all human beings are just robots made of flesh and bones and toys of the spirits for their games and there is no reincarnation.

To form a reincarnation all spirits which lived with a body must possess another person together. Then only he/she can feel the same person who died. But this is not happening because the spirits never stay together to haunt or possess another. They go searching new bodies. Rarely there might have been certain cases but I think they have changed after some time. I mean, they (humans) didn't able to remember anything after certain age. Spirits during their life time live with many bodies (one after another). Their memories sometimes affect the person. This is natural. This is not enough to believe that there is rebirth. No one returns after death. All human beings’ lives end with their own bodies.

There is always a common fate which is always applicable to all creatures including human beings. That is, human beings are like other creatures except that they have an additional sense (sixth sense). This sense had changed only the living conditions of the human beings but not the fate. The fate is almost same to all creatures including human beings.

In the end I like to say one thing. I am a living evidence for the existence of God. If you know me, you will understand.
2021-01-18 04:10:01 UTC
Take comfort in the fact that it does not matter what you believe. It will not change the true nature of reality. 
2021-01-17 22:48:01 UTC
Just read the Bible, your his child, so you may still go to heaven, you not a bad person
2021-01-17 22:38:16 UTC
I love this question. First of all you need to understand the difference between Christianity, and religion. For now, just know they are two different things entirety. Religion is doing something religiously to gain Gods favor.

Christianity is God coming to humanity in the form of a human, who is now in Spirit. The Holy Spirit, who's guidance we are lost without. or as you said, "Worried there is no afterlife", will guide you. By letting the Holy Spirit show you how to be more confidant in prayer you will know. But this is where many fail to understand Gods ways, it requires you to yield. To hear God voice is difficult. Its the sound of rushing water, or a whisper. You must ask as a child with pure intention to know who He is and what He wants. You must have the strength to look beyond your weaknesses and fear. He listens....just ask. He can and dose teach people how to be more confidant. I've seen many transformed and even healed.
2021-01-17 18:13:19 UTC
A Proper Bible study can give you the understanding that Jehovah does exist (2 Timothy 3:16, 17; Hebrews 11:1). When I say "proper", I mean with someone who shows signs of having holy spirit (Matthew 7:16; John 14:26; Galatians 5:22, 23).
2021-01-17 15:43:08 UTC

Gods original purpose for humans is to live on earth forever. 
2021-01-17 14:43:24 UTC
You want proof?

Before the flood everything lived ten times longer, that's why tusks, antlers, fangs, trees, bugs and reptiles grew huge. Reptiles never stop growing as long as they live. Dinosaurs were simply massive lizards that lived to be very old. Fossils were created when minerals entered the tissues of plants and animals, turning them into stone. The mud also solidified as it compressed under the weight of billions of tons of water. Stone cannot be dated: once around the sun is a year; you cannot hold up a rock and decide how many times it has been around the sun.

When a fish dies it rots or gets eaten. It does NOT turn into a fossil. But there are fish fossils everywhere on the planet, even on the tops of mountains. Every fossil is the result of the world wide flood. Period. We did not evolve. 

The Bible says God gave "green things" to the creatures before the flood: they were herbavores; nothing ate meat. You’ll never find the fossilized remains of any land animal with the remnants of another animal in it’s stomach. It was only after the flood that God decreed that meat would be added to the menu (possibly for population control).

Tigers are born without teeth. Sabertoothed tigers were not born that way. We tell how old a tiger is by the length of their fangs. The pre-flood tigers lived for hundreds of years.

Before the flood the world was like a terrarium: air extracted from bubbles trapped in fossilized sap prove the air had 50% more oxygen pre-flood. Everything lived longer because of the air quality and relatively perfect atmosphere. Adam lived until he was 930. Noah was 600 when he built the ark. 

The real ark of Noah has been a tourist attraction in Turkey since the 70's. Look it up. It landed exactly where the Bible says it did, "in the mountains of Ararat", as in "the mountainous region known as Ararat....". Not ON Mount Ararat. It never said that.

You've heard of bacteria 'evolving'? No such thing: simply, the hardier bacteria were never killed off by the antibiotic in the first place. The weaker bacteria were. All that's left is 'resistant' bacteria. They were never subject to antibiotics to begin with. They never 'evolved'.

Trees like this one are found all over the world. They were buried upright during the flood. You don’t think it grew through ‘billions of years of rock’ do you?

Now stop doubting and just believe!
2021-01-17 14:40:30 UTC
You could go about seeking evidence. You could try reading the Bible. 

You might start with understanding some basic cellular biology, and the production of proteins. It is statistically impossible for one to assemble itself, randomly, and even if one did, there are many... something like 22 in a human body, and along with their existence, the process of duplication had to develop at the same time; again, statistically impossible.
2021-01-17 13:18:27 UTC
The only way to find God is to seek Him.  It is the same as Columbus first sailed to the New World and realised that it existed.  By sitting there and do nothing doesn't make any difference.  So, go to church, read the Bible, watch Youtube with Christian message, you may learn something.
2021-01-17 11:34:27 UTC










2021-01-17 05:25:20 UTC
Read The Bible, try to become a better person, sin less more as possible, go for walks sometimes, fasting and wearing white too help, praying, hold celebrations on the correct days or close to them, helps. 
2021-01-17 03:52:37 UTC
Science has it's roll to play but in spiritual matters forget about scientific proof and trust the one who created the world and all things in it. The greatest written proof of God is the Holy Bible. The greatest witness to God's existence is the millions who like me became convicted that we were sinners on  our way to Hell unless we turned from our sinful desires (Repent) and through Faith Trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. You don't know me and you don't have to believe what I say but if you are to avoid eternal Hell you must believe God's word and act on it in Repentance and Faith. God bless.
2021-01-16 19:17:38 UTC
Keep in mind that all evidence is examined through someone's worldview and experiences and beliefs. Everyone is subject to confirmation bias (in one way or another). What someone wants to believe definitely influences their interpretation of the data.

There is something rather than nothing (contingency argument), the universe had a beginning (cosmological argument), design is here (teleological argument), beauty is here (aesthetical argument), morality is here (moral argument), the widespread belief in deity is here (intuitional argument), etc.—what is their adequate preceding cause? Many people believe these point to God.

I would look up those arguments and watch some of the debates with Dr. William Lane Craig, Dr. John Lennox, and Dr. Stephen Meyer.

If you want something quick and easy to get you going, I would watch these short videos:
2021-01-16 18:46:51 UTC
See how religion has poisoned you.  You think if you don't believe like others you will burn forever.  It is obvious because you are worried.

I am not worried, I have no idea what comes after death besides loss of my consciousness and bodily decomposition. 

For all the religious people in the world whose hope is heaven Good luck with that and I hope it works out well for you if that happens. 

I really don't think a "loving God™" would want a HellFire Religion representing them. 

John Prine in his last album said it best.
2021-01-16 18:27:40 UTC
Pray and pray the same pray a few time s until you get an answer meaning our faith has to be more with God then ever beforehand we find our self seeking the lord more more as we pray pray.    
2021-01-16 17:22:31 UTC
IF IF IF  you cannot remember all the Nothing which you DID NOT  experience in the centuries BEFORE your body developed a brain capable of processing input from your senses, there seems to be no point in worrying about all the Nothing which you WILL NOT experience, once you die and the proteins making up your brain come apart, and you are no longer processing input from your nerves.
2021-01-16 17:09:38 UTC
Even if there is a creator God, there is no reason to believe that he would need or want our worship or would even care if we acknowledge his existence.

There is no reason to believe he would judge. Ancient people saw people die from lightning, floods, tornadoes, etc., and assumed this was God judging them, and they then created religions based on that. We now understand the science behind those things.

Meanwhile, there is no empirical evidence for any deities, nor any logical reason to think such exists.

Just stop worrying.  Living in an eternal darkness WOULD be an afterlife -- and there is NO reason to believe in ANY afterlife.
2021-01-16 16:59:00 UTC
ask god to help you with that
2021-01-19 02:45:57 UTC
Some choose to live in the non believers world.  It is full of satisfying things.  Some choose to find God and learn to know Him too.  We are all different.  It is just how do you want to spend your life?  
2021-01-19 00:33:36 UTC
Very honest question.Respect for this.    I remember almost 7 years ago when I also had many doubts I encountered this story of Howard Storm.  Not a single story or personal testimony ever affected me so much. .  

my doubts were just gone.
2021-01-18 16:25:04 UTC
Only you can answer this question for yourself.

Fear of hell is usually the second carrot and stick in a two carrot/two stick system (the first being the 'reward' of 'eternal life in heaven').

As far as what happens if there is no 'afterlife' (which is the most probable), it's not 'living in eternal darkness', you just cease to exist.

Remember what it was like before you were born?  The same thing.
2021-01-18 15:48:19 UTC
That's easy, Taurus. Simply ask God to prove Himself: to test your unbelief
2021-01-18 10:53:02 UTC
Anybody who's waiting on scientific proof for everything in the world is wasting their time because there will never be 100% scientific proof for everything. You need to stretch your imagination beyond scientific proof. It will take thousands of years to provide scientific proof for everything because scientific proof requires years of research and exploration. I'm a Sci-Fi junkie and what if sci-fi movie makers waited for scientific proof in order to make Sci-Fi movies? 

Science fiction movie makers stretch the imagination beyond what the current reality is and that's what you need to do when it comes to believing in a higher power. In the past our ancestors stretched their imaginations in all sorts of ways and dreamed up all sorts of Gods but those stretches of imagination are what spurred on scientific exploration which is part of what got us to where we are now so don't slam dreaming and imagination and stretching the imagination to believe in a higher power because without it we still be cavemen. If our ancestors didn't think the stars were gods then we would never have built machines to gaze at and take us into the Stars.  Trying to reach God is what created scientific exploration, innovations in building techniques and all sorts of indication. You folks are so single-minded and one-dimensional in you're thinking that you can't see that it's all connected. 

The one thing that separates human from animals is our ability to imagine an ability to contemplate a higher power and imagine things that don't yet exist and to reach for the higher power and then create devices that help us reach those goals which we call science and not just high-tech science but also low-tech science, tool making etc. Without the imagination and the belief in a higher power we'd be nothing but animals. 

And what kind of a scientist has no imagination? How can you explore and dream of new things and create new things if you have no imagination or belief in things that you can't see?

Yes I know some religious nuts and scientific psychos take things too far but without the human imagination we're nothing more than animals.

In fact we need science and religion to balance each other out so that neither one gets to out of hand.

Don't take it for granted that we now believe in things we can't see such as atoms radio waves and all social sorts of things. In the past these things will be considered insane to believe in something that you can't see.  And I don't think too many people here has ever seen an atom for themselves. No one here has seen an atom or radio wave with their own eyes.
2021-01-18 09:01:53 UTC
Since you don't know, embrace what you want to embrace. Which belief system makes you feel better, theism or atheism? The way I see it is since no one can know for sure what exists, I'm going to believe in what makes me happy which is Christianity. And in my opinion, what does anyone have to lose by being happy as a Christian? If you're an atheist and if there is a Hell, is that something you want to risk?

There are ample evidence for God. The claim that "there's no scientific evidence for God, so there isn't a God" is fallacious. Plenty of NDE survivors like Pam Reynoldd have stated that they've been to heaven or hell. If NDEs were hallucinations, why aren't there any NDE accounts of seeing fictitious characters like Harry Potter or Homer Simpson? NDEs don't follow the same struck as hallucinations.

Here's a video of a popular atheist blogger who became a Catholic because according to her it made sense logically:

You need to stop falling victim to peer pressure and stop caring what others think of you. A lot of good people choose to reject God because they don't want to be stereotyped as an idiot. 
Alamjit Singh
2021-01-18 04:13:44 UTC
Notice what you eat, & what you do. Notice how the path of lust, aggression, greed, attachment, and ego makes you a worse person, how these paths affect your decisions. 

Start from becoming a human being. Firstly know what is your present condition and work on it. In ego, people do backbiting all the time, crack jokes on others, make others down. Pull the legs of others, how lust poisons your vision? Know why these people hate each other or different cultures. Notice, how due to attachment people do discrimination and even support their evil family members?

Do you know buffalo only eats grass in its whole life, people take everything from it even its life?

Know why many things are near or away from us.

Kerni apo apni, ke nerhe ki door.... 

Kerma is of we individuals, what is near? what is far?. (word to word translation)

There are a plethora of spirits seeking God, why you should be chosen through saints?
mx. know it all
2021-01-17 21:22:08 UTC
Do you see the oxygen you breath?  No one will ever know this ANSWER for 100%, and dead don't come back to tell the truth.  Well some do who have gone and yet been returned from that world.  But how can we believe them right.  I mean they must be lying.  So not matter how many times anyone will give you PROOF, you will never be 100% satisfied.  Its a matter of faith.  You either have it or you don't.
John Daniels
2021-01-17 18:36:48 UTC
Apparently christains want you to fake it.
2021-01-17 15:02:16 UTC
The fact of the matter: Nobody can make you believe only but everything has a creator, It is common sense, you were created by your parents, and God created the heavens and earth and everything that has the breath of life, starting with Adam and Eve who were perfect until they believed a lie from Satan and fell into sin, and became slaves to Satan and sin, that is why the whole world is wicked, and you have a few that are doing the will of God to try to spread God holy word the bible. Why do you think they persecuted Donald Trump, he was a sinner just like all of us, the reason why they persecuted him was that Donald Trump was doing the will of God, now maybe you did not like the way he talked, but his policy was the best thing for our country, Now you have a banana republic and they only get things done when it suits them, like trying to get rid of any opposition, because they hate free speech. The Democrat party hates everything the constitution stands for, life, liberty, and the American dream. Why would you tax the rich so much, because the rich are the ones who are employing all of the middle class and poor, and eventually the rich are going to say, enough is enough, and they will stop hiring people and who does that hurt, it does not hurt the rich, it hurts the middle class and the poor, which the democrat party says they are helping when in fact they are hurting everything they increase the taxes and tax the rich, it is a vicious cycle, and the only way out is to elect a true conservative who will stop this nonsense. God holy word the bible is truth, and mankind is a lair. So trust in God and never in man, because even your eyes can deceive you, if you ever watch a magic show your eyes can deceive you because of the illusion, never trust your eyes, trust in God holy word the bible.
wind rider
2021-01-17 14:02:09 UTC
Ask yourself what makes everything in my life possible  what creates everything I know or understand what is still here after my body is gone." WORD."
2021-01-17 11:31:42 UTC
The people who have the strongest faith, are those who've had no one, but God to rely on.

Find out what your  greatest obstacle is in not accepting there is a Creator

Was it negative programming against God at some point in your life? Or other derogatory influences against religion? etc  

You say you're agnostic, which means you're sitting on the fence. You enjoy lingering  in no man's land, rather than commit and give it your best shot in discovering God.  What or who are you afraid of if you commit to God? 
2021-01-17 02:38:18 UTC
The true meaning of human life is.... Self Realization. Love /hate, Good/evil, happiness/sorrow, positive/ negative, virtue/sin, soul/ body, heaven /hell.. are the creations of, by pure faith in God we can understand our eternal nature which relates to our soul.. as our soul is the Part and Parcel of.. Supreme Soul.. "God". 

Actually, we are spiritual souls but we are in human body. We are from the spiritual world. God has sent us on the earth...only for self realization.. as our souls are not as pure as, they have to be... So, God has given us human life where our body feels happiness as well as suffers pain. Therefore, we souls are here... to achieve... the level of purity and to become pure soul.. we should make an effort to understand the deeper meaning of unconditional love for all living beings.. in every situation..

Moreover, the eternal nature of our soul is to Love God..
2021-01-17 02:09:18 UTC
Well, I suspect that you're looking for scientific proof that God exists. But, if you think that's the way you'll find God, it probably won't happen. Science in only one of the systems of theought in this universe and it leaves a lot of things unexplained, such as why is there something rather than nothing, and many simpler things such as why does the spin of the electron violate the OR function of Boolean algebra. So, you'll probably not recognize it. If you're really willing to do some work, you could go to Youtube and listen to a few lecture by Ian Barbour and maybe John Polkinghorne.

Or you could read some of their books. But I'd suggest you listen to their lectures first.
Special EPhex
2021-01-16 20:47:47 UTC
That is a matter of faith, which can only come from you.  Seeking a god that can be "proven or disproven" will end in disappointment.  If you sincerely want to believe there is a God and afterlife, and be confident about it, you will by keeping you mind open and your observation astute.  The God I believe there is doesn't care if you're uncertain or have difficulty bringing yourself to believe, only about what's in your heart.
Jim V
2021-01-16 19:08:46 UTC
You can begin with reason.

I was an agnostic (a functional atheist) until my 30s.

At that point I began to begin to understand that godlessness destroys all of the underpinnings of existence and humanity.

For some people that is just okay, it is a type of neo-nihilism that can be fashioned to be anything they are comfortable with.  (All too comfortable with.)

My science background is physics and chemistry.

Coming at the question of a Creator from that direction, it became clear to me that God (or something with all of the attributes of God) is a necessity for the existence of the temporal world (our universe).

Is that "scientific proof" - no, it is scientific reasoning.

The problem with asking for "scientific proof" is what one is willing to accept as scientific proof.

Some people want to see God with their own eyes ... very few have had or will have that opportunity on this side of eternity.

I see everything that exists as scientific proof for God, starting with the scientific axiom that 'From nothing, nothing comes'.

God reasonably and coherently explains the existence of everything, from the universe to our person-hood and even ability to reason, contemplate and make decisions.

We are persons, as such we are not simply our bodies.  The person that you are cannot be simply the result of chemical reactions between your ears; you, the essence of you, is something else.  Something that is not physical or the mere result of physics.  On pure physicality there can be no such thing as /you/.

Some people try to do and end-around and find ways to assert that physical existence is not temporal.  None of them are convincing to me as they have no basis in what we do know from physics.  Yes, there are theoreticals and mathematically consistent models (they are only consistent within the limits of the model); but they still fall short as actual explanations.

There are a number of approaches to the question of God; cumulatively they point to the necessity of God.

You can begin with reason and come to the conclusion that God must exist, or just more than likely exists; but real confidence in God comes from communing with God.

God is Spirit and it is on the spiritual level that we commune with God.

You can start by simply praying: "God, I don't know if you exist; but if you do please help me to understand."

Here's the deal, no one is separated from God for not believing in God.

We are separated from God because we carry our sin.

God made a way in Christ that he would carry our sin; if we give it and ourselves to Him.  We don't have to earn our salvation, we just need to become a person who is God's.

May you be blessed in your search.
2021-01-16 18:22:50 UTC
BELIEVE ME THERE ARE BILLIONS OF BORN AGAIN PPL ON EARTH! U HAVE TO PRAY TO FIND HIM DEAR and then repent of all sins and ask Him to save you..
Robert De Angelis-Italy-United States
2021-01-16 17:29:58 UTC
Do you know the saying? Proof is the certainty of everything!

Never mind the supposed human science, for one thing, it is a fact that, most scientists believe there is God, for everything visible on this earth.

This is my 113 answer I give, on this website, of religion, those who wish to have proof that God is there, must pray to Him daily, devoting 20/30/60 minutes a day to God, for a time.

God will reveal Himself, and give the answers that every believer will have made to God!

Here's what God said:

Ecclesiastes 3:11.

God hath made every thing good in his time: he hath even put into their hearts the thought of eternity, though man cannot comprehend from beginning to end the work which God hath done.

So, God speaks to everyone's consciousness, that he is there, but six reject him, the reason is, that they do not wish to meet God.

So, if you convert to God, you will be in His heaven, otherwise, hell is a given!
2021-01-16 17:16:19 UTC
Unsure but content to be unsure --- which is WHY you are
2021-01-16 17:05:58 UTC
Believing there is a god will not get you to heaven.  You have to experience God and become a child of God.  To do that you have turn your self over to God by asking God to change you life.  
2021-01-19 05:52:00 UTC
There is no doubt of an afterlife.

We are spirits incarnated into this physical world for only a short time, to learn one class, - to work out our problems,

 to become more harmonious, more truthful, forgiving, more clean at heart/mind, more generous, etc

  Just Read Christ's Sermon on the Mount ,  and Ten Commandments in the O.T.


 Once you pass the tests put before you by your holy spirit guide from Heaven, assigned at your birth, you can continue on to higher classes of understanding and wisdom in the spirit world, the actual world we all come from.

 Pray and ask, God helps always.
2021-01-18 23:06:05 UTC
Humans are put on this planet to be TESTED.

And FAITH in Jesus is a HUGE part of that testing process.

God will NEVER EVER reveal Himself, or give proof, or evidence of Himself to any person who does not already have FAITH in Him. PERIOD!

If God revealed Himself to a person who did not believe they would INSTANTLY have 100% FAITH in Him. And that means God CHEATS the very TEST He Himself set up.

God will NEVER CHEAT, therefore God will NEVER reveal Himself to an unbeliever. EVER!

Those who seek Proof or Evidence of His Existence, will die still seeking it.

Now God will reveal Himself to those who already have FAITH in Him:

Joh_14:21  He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

Will He ever reveal Himself to those who don't believe in Him? NOT EVER.

Will He ever reveal Himself to those who don't keep His Commandments? NOT EVER.

Will He ever reveal Himself to those who don't Love Him? NOT EVER.

God will NOT, nor EVER will, reveal Himself to an Atheist. PERIOD!

Those who draw close to God are they that God will draw close to.
2021-01-17 19:17:25 UTC
1)There are many EVIDENCES of God's existence. It depends on your desire to find them... Do you want any scientific evidences?

Try to think about these videos:

2)Don't worry, according to the Bible, the hell as a place of torment doesn't exist and there is no afterlife.... When people die they cease to exist.

More information about it you can find in these articles:
2021-01-17 10:27:03 UTC
The first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.
2021-01-17 06:10:20 UTC
As God is a spirit, learn about the nature of this spirit. There is no guarantee you will have confidence in it.
2021-01-16 23:42:14 UTC
In 1923 priests tried to change the calendar; Holy Fire didn't come down; Turkish guards killed these priests; Ruski Orthodox replaced them.

Holy Fire ended with Patriarch Irenaios. Now it's faked by heretics. Irenaios is the last Orthodox Patriarch. Irenaios blessed Catacomb movement.

What you need is antimins (remains of saints sewed into a towel, one cup, one spoon, wax candles, nonkosher non-yeast nonbarcoded nonqrcoded bread/wine, etc.)

Electricity is from Satan; yeast is grown on pig bacteria, etc.

Barcode = Druid black magic curse; QRcode = ancient Mayan curse...

Kosher (K) or Union of Orthodox Synagogues (U) = sprinkled with blood like Mosis did. Underneath the entrance of synagogue lies New Testament...

Orthodoxy = the only true faith; Roman Catholics tried one cup - one spoon ritual and got sick with Bubonic plague; if heresy enters Orthodox monastery then monks/nuns will get sick with flu/tuberculosis (for instance); Orthodox churches who closed for COVID or had disposable cups/spoons or dipped spoon into alcohol are no longer brides of Christ (now they serve Satan and honor Satan's new COVID religion).

Don’t go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons; demons never do good.

SSN is written as a barcode/QRcode; then it's put into a chip; chip is put into vaccine; chipped people are influenced (by super computers) to receive grey plastic card World Passport with no name on it (but when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays). If you reject mark of the beast then your direct ancestors go to heaven (according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov from Ural).

Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level; they will get out through sinkholes and lakes; to kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia. Scientists don't see dinosaurs under our level because of radiation. Sinkholes happen because people dig for resources underground and because earth is heating up.
2021-01-16 19:18:18 UTC
It is "gods" so one would need to be more specific in which your asking about.
2021-01-16 19:12:42 UTC
Science shows that everything is designed by someone, which is why the Bible states that you can tell by creation that Jehovah God exists. (Romans 1:20) Some still like to argue that we just PERCIEVE the world with designs, but once again it's just another excuse to discredit His works. DNA is a good example-It's literally genetic information. Information is compiled by other intelligence, not just spontaneously created by happenstance and or nothingness.

Facts are usually proven to people when one is able to test something out and experience results. To see if the Bible is truly the word of God, you could try living by its principles and see how your life actually improves like the scriptures claim it will become. (Isaiah 48:17 & 18) You can also imagine this scenario-How much better would life be for everyone if they all one day decided to follow the commands within it, such as the 10 Commandments and the Golden Rule? Then consider, if men wrote the Bible, why give credit to some imaginary individual, especially if what they said not only works so well but what they predicted was on point? Both Jesus and Paul described how our modern times would be in regards events and people. (Matthew 24:4-12; 2 Timothy 3:1-5) Only a divine, superior source could be responsible. If not, that would mean a small group of unrelated men over the course of hundreds of years conspired(somehow) to convince worldwide society(which hadn't even come into existence yet but was sure they were going to..) to act in a way that was naturally detrimental to its growth and potential. The odds of that are so slim it's virtually impossible.

As for your concern about Heaven and Hell, here's a brief overview on what the Bible teaches about it. Only a small group of people are going to Heaven, and these are handpicked by Jehovah God and Jesus. (Revelation 14:1-4) The rest of those declared as righteous will live upon the Earth forever(Psalms 37:11 & 29), in a world devoid of evil people(Proverbs 2:22; Psalms 37:10 & 29) as well as devoid of all things that make life miserable now. (Revelation 21:4) As for 'hell', the term comes from the Greek and Hebrew words 'Sheol' and 'Hades', both which refer to the common grave(or pit) of mankind. When people(& animals) go there, they simply return 'to dust', a.k.a. breakdown to the bare elements they were made from and cease to exist. (Ecclesiastes 3:19 & 20) The same thing happened to Adam when he sinned in Eden.(Genesis 3:19) During that breakdown process, the person feels/is aware of nothing, completely unconscious. (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6 & 10)
2021-01-16 18:59:34 UTC
The truth is maybe more exiting than you expect. We came from mother earth - no Christian God involved. Listen to speeches by Harald Kautz Vella about the expulsion from paradise.


There is another existence but to use it properly, you have to prepare your spirit and chakras. 
2021-01-16 18:39:45 UTC
No proof of any god has been provided

No process requires one

No logic supports one

Be confident of those facts
2021-01-16 18:26:59 UTC
Try this website:
2021-01-16 18:19:40 UTC
I know, how about you HELP somebody.

to loose the chains of injustice

    and untie the cords of the yoke,

to set the oppressed free

    and break every yoke?

7 Is it not to share your food with the hungry

    and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—

when you see the naked, to clothe them,

    and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?

8 Then your light will break forth like the dawn,    <==========================

    and your healing will quickly appear;
2021-01-16 17:02:10 UTC
2021-01-16 17:02:06 UTC
There is no way to prove the existence of God or an afterlife.  There is no way to disprove those things either.  This is one of the reasons why Freedom of Religion is so important.  Each person can make up his or her own mind about these things.
2021-01-16 17:02:02 UTC
It's true. The most convincing thing for me was God responded. If you always try to treat God like an object who cannot respond or think himself, you might not find out. Consider God to be capable of responding. Learn about him and his word while you go through that part of your life. Don't make up rules about how he can respond. If God is real, he can prove it. He proved it to me. 

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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