If a Girl Believes in God But doesnt go to church does she still count as a Christian?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
If a Girl Believes in God But doesnt go to church does she still count as a Christian?
40 answers:
Nicole L
2006-12-13 06:44:02 UTC
I think so. Why wouldn't it? Does that mean if I go to a christian church, I am automatically christian? I think not.
Mav here!
2006-12-13 06:44:41 UTC
Ok - your Minister's reasoning is seriously flawed. The divorce rate among practicing Christians is very close to the divorce rate among the rest of the country.
2006-12-13 06:51:41 UTC
You don't have to go to churh to believe and worship God. You can worship Him anywhere. All the church provides you with is a church family. As long as you believe in Him then you can worship in Him in your house, backyard, corn field, nieghbor's yard, or in the middle of nowhere. Sing to Him in your car on the way to work or on the way home. Read His word when time permits. Talk to Him as if talking to your best friends.

So no she doesn't have to go to church to believe or be a christian.
2006-12-13 06:46:31 UTC
I think your minister is FULL OF IT. How elitist and obnoxious. More examples of the american version of the Taliban. I bet your "

all knowing" minister tells your congregation(read SHEEP) how to vote too. You have a brain USE IT.
2006-12-13 06:44:24 UTC
Try thinking for yourself. Don't let your preacher or anyone else tell you how you should live your life. If your girlfriend worships Jesus, she is still a Christian even if she doesn't go to church. Also, there have been instances in which Christians have had successful marriages with non-Christians, so what your minister says isn't true.
2006-12-13 06:43:35 UTC
I don't think you need to go to church to be a Christian. It is more important how you act and conduct yourself on a daily basis.
2006-12-13 07:09:43 UTC
1. The name God, is not exclusively Christian. Other religions may use a different name, but the three main religions which believe in one God are Judaism, Christianity and Islam so obviously you can believe in God without being a Christian.

2. Your Minister sounds very un-Christian. Jesus taught us to love everyone.

3. He hasn't been paying too much attention to statistics recently if he says that 2 Christians will always be together.

4. I stopped going to Church because I found remarks such as those above did not reflect the true meaning of Christianity.

5. Whether I go to Hell or Heaven is not important. I try to live my life in a morally, ethically and non-discriminatory manner. Let God be my judge and not the Church.
2006-12-13 06:50:21 UTC
Well right now I am out of church because of me my flesh. It does not change me being saved. Maybe she is just having a hard time like I am. Paul had a hard time as well. Read Romans 7:15-24. Not sure if this will cause problems, but stay in church and maybe she will go back with you one day soon. Stand in the gap for her cause right now she is weak in the flesh.
2006-12-13 06:49:29 UTC
It is better because then you are on the same level regarding spiritual things and prayer and why fasting and bible reading is important.

She may still be a christian but the main question is whether her belief and faith in God has changed in any way. If you want to settle down with her then you have to think of whether you would like your kids to go to church with you every sunday and grow up learning about God, or stay at home and do what they want to do with mum.

I think its time both of you sat down and really discussed where you are in life and where you are both headed and most of all apart from love and feelings what you want and expect from your relationship.

God bless.
2006-12-13 06:54:47 UTC
This idea assumes that going to church somehow makes one a christian.

It does not. Some very hateful people go to church a lot.

Some very Christ like people would not ever set foot in a church because they are uncomfortable around these hateful people.

You know a christian by their actions, not by how often they attend church.

I don't think you should pay much attention to your ministers ideas about dating.

40 years ago next week I met a girl who for all intents and purposes could best be described as an agnostic.

We are spending the day today taking turns babysitting for one of our grandchildren.

Love and blessings Don
2006-12-13 06:56:06 UTC
If you read the New Testament, you will clearly see that Paul says over and over again that it is of vital importance to go to church. Not going to church doesn't make you a "non-believer", but it seriously damages your ability to discern, you have no "prayer covering" from a church etc. Think of a pile of burning coals. Together they can keep each other burning for a long long time. But just take one of them away and put it on its own - it will quickly lose its heat. That's exactly the way we are. We need each other to keep on believing.

You know, the Bible never says you are "once saved, always saved" - if you read the Bible in the original text you will see that it is written in a continuous tense - "...whoever goes on believing shall go on having eternal life..." (Jhn 3:16) and so forth.

There are lots of other reasons why believers should not marry a non-believer. Not necessarily because they won't split up. I'm sorry but you have the quote wrong from the Bible. Ministers usually say at a wedding "What God brings together let no man seperate".

Thing is, if God is first in your life, then your husband/wife is safe because you won't divorce him/her because it is against God's will, and no one can replace God. If your husband/wife however, is first in your life, then any other person can replace him/her.

I really hope this helps you, please feel free to e-mail me if you have further questions. A great minister in the UK is David Pawson - try to get hold of some of his teachings, it will clear up a lot of things for you.

Good luck and keep the faith!!
2006-12-13 07:10:25 UTC
she will still go to heaven, and not going to church will make no difference, the rules, or the threats about not going are man made, because they want to control people so what better way than this rubbish, If you want to believe everything you read in the bible, then you have to do a couple of things first,. First read a copy of the bible in the original text, because that way you can read in a way that has not had man translating it, For example the Hebrew text has no mention of a Virgin Mary, it was written as Young woman, and only became Virgin Mary because they could not translate the words at the time, that should give you an idea of what I'm talking about, the truth is in the bible, but you really have to look for it.

So for get about going to church, just keep your faith in God, and not man, but keep your faith in each other and you will get on, make up your own minds, and don't listen to other people.
Charles-CeeJay_UK_ USA/CheekyLad
2006-12-13 07:06:38 UTC
Others have mentioned some very good things. This is how I organized things before reading their answers. I hope it helps solidify your ideas:

First things first: If your girlfriend has at any time trusted Chrsit for her salvation, she is a Christian, PERIOD over and out.

Secondly, your pastor is quoting the Word when he says that Christians are not to marry non Christians--the principle of the unevenly yoked oxen.

Thirdly: If you and your girfriend practice first Jonh 1.9, confessing your sins directly to God every time you know you have sinned, you are both doing it the right way.

Fourthly: Yes, a fourth: If your Girlfriend is open to hearing new things from the bible, she is still humble before God and wanting to learn His word. If you stay together, you may become her teacher, both by example and in word.

So, my conclusion: I would stay with her, and one day if both of you come the the realization that God has put the both of you together, then you can look at marriage. What God joins together no person can put asunder. Of course the two of you can foul it up, but no one else can.

If you will love her as Christ loves the Church, and will die for her, then she may be your right woman. It again matters not if she attends church regularly or not at this point.

In case it matters I am Anglican (Church of England).

Charles "That Cheeky Lad"

P.S. All the best to both of you and...

A Wicked Happy Christmas to your and your girl, and everyone else who celebrates!

Peace and prosperity to all!
2006-12-13 07:17:41 UTC
Hello Motor Mouth,

A christian is always a christian where ever they end up. Marriage between Christians can divide. Your minister may mean that their marriage is once and for all and divorce is not allowed (unless one partner commits adultery) Your girlfriend may be unhappy at that church. Why not just go along to another Church and see if she feels that she fits in better in another congregation. Once saved always saved. God doesn't go back and change his mind about salvation. You can't change your mind or kill an enlivened human spirit because it's eternal.
2006-12-13 07:24:36 UTC
To be a Christian is to believe in Jesus Christ, the resurrection, and the word of the Lord, now isn't it? So therefore, if your girlfriend still holds these things in her heart and beleives, then she is a Christian. One cannot say that because she does not attend a church, then she cannot be a Christian. We cannot possibly know what her relationship with God is like when she is in her private time. She may be closer to God than many "So called Christians", who attend church every week, but then never pray or communicate with God outside the church walls!

I pray (as a Christian myself) that you will continue to see your girlfriend. Keep her in-touch with what is going on at your church. Gently encourage her. But mostly, and importantly, pray for her daily. You don't need me to tell you, you cannot underestimate the power of prayer.

As for going to hell if we do not attend church. In the bible at John chapter 3. verses 15-16 it states "Everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life". I recomend also that you continue reading until verse 21. here , God makes it plain that he wants us to understand this, and what it implys for us. He loves us, and wants us to be saved. Note though. Nowhere does it say "You will be saved not by your faith, but by attending church every week come hell or high water"

Hope this answer helps you!
2006-12-13 06:52:20 UTC
i believe in God and consider myself a christian,and have not gone to church for many years, if you believe in your heart that you have a personal relationship with Jesus and live your day to day life accordingly...then church attendancr matters little...I stopped going when churches turned to be more like corporations than churches....3/4/ of the sermon was about how much money they need ,and only 10 minutes were spent on actual got really trned off by the church...but still consider myself a christian.
2006-12-13 06:48:31 UTC
the definition of Christian is simple any one who believes that Christ had died on the cross and ross again. you don't have to go to any church to be a Christian. Jesus tells us in the bible when ever two or more are gathered and topic re voles around him, he is present. and there by you are holding church. a church and church is religion not Christian you can find a biblical fault in any church releigion. so dont force your girl freind to go to church but do study the bible together and learn and grow with each other. try to find a good bible study to go to together compaired to a church. I hope that helps Good Luck
2006-12-13 07:01:40 UTC
I believe that as long as you have taken GOD into your heart and asked for his forgiveness for your sins and for HIM to be with you in your day to day life you are a Christian. What of those people that cannot go to Church?? Would they be considered to be non Christians? Maybe she just hasn't found her place yet. Everyone has to be comfortable in the Church that they attend. Try to get her to attend somewhere else. Suggest going somewhere with a friend. It's the Christmas season, maybe attend some services somewhere else. Good Luck & GOD BLESS!!
2006-12-13 11:04:23 UTC
sorry yo girlfriend left church but i think if u truly love each other the relationship should go on.if u have a bible please read the book of 1 corinthians.its now yo duty to share the word of God with her by Gods grace she will come back to church,remember the devil tempts us in different ways,pray for as well.God is more powerful than whatever made her leave the church,we are leaving in difficult times as well.Remember how Job trusted in God when he was tempted.Read the book of JOB for strength
Rev Kev
2006-12-13 06:44:01 UTC
Churches are not necessarily the best place to learn about God.

Look at how many churches have been rocked by scandal. Churches are a man-made institute which claim to have the divinity of Jesus Christ. But when you enter those doors, you see many things not Christ-like.

My grandmother-in-law said it best: "If God can't hear you while you're on the toilet, he can't hear you in church either."

Your girlfriend is pursuing a relationship with God in her own way, and it is not corrupted by the men of the church. If she believes in Jesus Christ, then that makes her a Christian.

Some ministers may claim that you *must* attend a church. Usually, there is a collection plate involved, so you know that the church has a reason to encourage attendance.
2006-12-13 06:52:34 UTC
Believe in God doesn't automatically make you a Christian. You are to be baptized, believe that Jesus is our Redeemer and Saviour, not sin, and honor Him by participating in church services.

If the two of you end up married, how will you raise your children? You need to agree on one thing and live by it. God does warn us about 2 faiths joining together, that they will not endure. True, some make it work but those couples respect each other and understand we other and compromise. But in reality, God isn't a compromise. God just is. And if you remain with her or end up with another that doesn't fully participate in God's word, she will be tempting you to stop attending church and lead you to sin along with her. I know these are harsh words to hear but they are true. It's in the Bible and the Church's doctrines. God wants His believers to unite and form bonds. But a Christian that does nothing about her faith isn't a true Christian. She is more like an agnostic.

It's not true that only Christians will go to Heaven. Only God can decide our ultimate fate. And not all Christians are will end up in Heaven because they are hypocrits. Only perfection can enter the gates of Heaven. God knows what's in our souls and heart. Not another person, sometimes not even ourselves. People tend to lie to themselves as well. Attending church just doesn't mean walking in and sitting down. You are to listen with all your heart, soul and mind. You are to talk to God, ask for forgiveness, pray for His mercy and blessings. Think about it and keep talking with her about this. Maybe see if she will talk with your priest or minister about this. Good luck and God bless!
2006-12-13 06:52:03 UTC
ok...i am not trying to change your mind..but i just want you to know my opinion about have to know that it doesnt matter your religion in a relationship..if you love the other person religion is not that a serious problem....but if you want to get married it has to be with a christian...then either you or your girlfriend change religion so you have the same one...But..i tottaly diaagree with the fact that someone who doesnt go to church, doesnt believe that much in God...In our religion it doesnt matter how much you believe and whether you do all the things that you should if you want to ''be considered'' as a right christian...The secret is that God wants us to believe in him in our own way...If you wanna pray you dont have to go to his can do it wherever you want...but of course the temple helps you to concentrate...Just think the tiny lil details that seperate orthodox from katholic...There are some simple things like easter and stuff like that which make you think ''whats the right one??''....Just relax and ask many ppl about it...I understand that your minister has some different opinions but thats why he is a minister..He is autocratic....thats why he is a minister!!!(again)...If you were autocratic you would ask here and you would be a minister as well...just reconsider everything...
2006-12-13 06:50:15 UTC
Christian- Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.

That's my computer's definition of Christian. It doesn't say one who goes to church religiously, and if u think about it, u can follow Jesus by researching the bible yourself, making your own conclusions about what Jesus taught. Preachers tend to conjure up the words in the bible for their own objectives and conclusions. Which is fine what ever, ask her if she believes in Christ still, when she says yes, you can smile and know you are on the SAME path, just not at the place on it. It is a glorious road to discover Christ and the love and sacrifice he commited to for us. So yes my brother, you can totally believe in Christ & not go to a building every week. I believe with my whole soul, but have yet to find the perfect open minded church for my own interpretations. With God all things are possible. Merry Christ-mass. And Happy Holy- Days.:o]
2006-12-14 07:52:26 UTC
It does not matter if she does not go to church. Being a good person with a good heart should be enough. Don't listen to your minister he only wants you to do what he wants not what god wants.
2006-12-13 06:50:54 UTC
James 2 says that faith without works is dead. I'm not saying your gf doesn't have works, but you need to look and see. I do think that the most important thing for two people to have in common is their faith, but going to church never saved anyone. The Pharisees ran the temple, and they are the ones who crucified Jesus.

More important than the fact your gf does not go to church is WHY she doesn't go to church. Maybe she just doesn't like the church you go to, and you two could go somewhere else together?
2006-12-13 06:45:11 UTC
Hey! I have asked this question time and time again to my mother in law who is very christian. And the answer is, she doesnt HAVE to go to church to go to "heaven" so to speak and it shouldnt change your relationship with one another.....ask long as she believe in her heart that jesus christ is her lord and savior she will be fine, and you will too. :) It would however be good for her to go once in a while to show her respect for you. Hope this helps!
2006-12-13 06:48:17 UTC
I don't think that your girlfriend needs to go to church to have a relationship with God. You can have a relationship with god anywhere, you do not have to go to a particular building or participate in a particular ritual to love God and have God love you.

God brought you and your girlfriend together for a reason, maybe so you will learn to understand that God loves you (and your girlfriend) no matter what and will forgive you of your mistakes and misuderstandings even if you don't go to church.
2006-12-13 06:46:42 UTC
yes god is every where not just in these big incorporate Churches we have now that claim to preach only the word of god . it's a lie most churches preaches capitalism or how to collect money
2006-12-13 06:48:04 UTC
well if she's not having church period then you have something to worry about. But if she has church at home then she's fine, because personally sometimes i prefer to have church at home because it certain topics that need to be studied first hand instead of listening to some one talking about it.
2006-12-13 06:57:51 UTC
Your girlfriend is more spiritual than religious.God looks at your heart not whether you go to church or not.
larry o
2006-12-13 06:46:08 UTC
yes, she is, the making of a christian is a matter of faith, not a matter of church. millions of Christians choose not to join a church.
2006-12-13 06:44:32 UTC
you dont have to go to a church to be a christian you can worship from your own home if you want read your bible more dude i cant remember where but it has info in it about what you are asking
2006-12-13 06:46:31 UTC
I am so sorry, I don't mean to be rude but, I have never heard (or seen) such a load of old drivel in my life. Are you telling me that you really govern your life by what your Minister says? Just use your common sense, if you love someone enough you'll stay together regardless of whether they attend Church, whatever religion are you?
2006-12-13 06:49:25 UTC
there's only one thing for sure about that question man! if a person truly believes in god she will definitely go to church because she knows that god is our creator and our savior..
Rev. Two Bears
2006-12-13 06:45:54 UTC
I think if she does her best to live by the two commandments of Jesus; she is a Christian.

Being saved is how one lives their life; not which church they go to.
2006-12-13 06:43:40 UTC
Your minister is spreading intolerance-where did Jesus teach that? It's the fiery furnace for your minister I'm afraid.
2006-12-13 06:45:18 UTC
I think that she should get back in church or there will be problems in the future.
2006-12-13 06:44:23 UTC
If you believe in God then it doesnt matter where you are
Craig C
2006-12-13 06:43:41 UTC
2006-12-13 06:43:27 UTC
Thats sick

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